785 research outputs found
Kurum Bakımında Yetişmiş Kişilerde Damgalanma
Çalışmanın amacı, çocukluk yaşamlarının büyük bir kısmını kurum
bakımında geçiren kişilerin bakım süreci ve sonrası dönemde
damgalanma deneyimlerini, damganın kendilerini konumlama
biçimlerine etkisini ve damganın yarattığı sorunlarla başa çıkma
stratejilerini incelemektir. Nitel yöntem ile tasarlanan çalışmada
rastlantısal kartopu örnekleme tekniği kullanılmıştır. Uzun süreli
kurum bakımında kalan 12 kişi ile yapılan görüşmeler sonucunda elde
edilen verilerin analizinde içerik analizi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada öne
çıkan sonuçlardan biri; boşanma, ebeveyn yokluğu ve yoksulluğu gibi
nedenlerle kurum bakımına yerleştirilen çocuk/gençlere yönelik ön
yargı, damgalayıcı ve dışlayıcı tutumların varlığıdır. Kurum bakımına
yerleştirilen çocukların bu bakım türüne ilişkin hayatlarında yaşadıkları
ilk dışlanmışlık deneyimleri, kendilerini biyolojik ailelerinden
uzaklaştıran terk edilmişlik duygusudur. Ön yargılı ve damgalayıcı
tutumlar, kurum bakım öyküsüne sahip katılımcıların bakım sürecinde
ve sonrasında karşı karşıya kaldıkları önemli bir sosyal problemi
oluşturmaktadır. Kurumdan ayrıldıktan sonra damgalanıp
dışlanmanın en yoğun yaşandığı alan, iş piyasası olmuştur. Katılımcılar
kurum dışı hayatlarında dışlanmaktan kaçınmak için kurumda yetişmiş
olduklarını gizlemişler ve sosyal iletişimlerini sınırlandırmışlardır.
Katılımcılar açısından damgalanıp dışlanma, kurum bakımında yetişen
çocuk/gençlerin hatalarının değil toplumun ayırıcı bakış açısının bir
yansımasıdır. Kurum bakımına yerleştirilen çocukların kendilik
algısının kurum bakım sürecinden nasıl etkilendiğini anlayabilmek
açısından boylamsal çalışmaların yapılması önerilmektedir
The role of associative learning in healthy and sustainable food evaluations : An event-related potential study
Individuals in industrialized societies frequently include processed foods in their diet. However, overconsumption of heavily processed foods leads to imbalanced calorie intakes as well as negative health consequences and environmental impacts. In the present study, normal-weight healthy individuals were recruited in order to test whether associative learning (Evaluative Conditioning, EC) could strengthen the association between food-types (minimally processed and heavily processed foods) and concepts (e.g., healthiness), and whether these changes would be reflected at the implicit associations, at the explicit ratings and in behavioral choices. A Semantic Congruency task (SC) during electroencephalography recordings was used to examine the neural signature of newly acquired associations between foods and concepts. The accuracy after EC towards minimally processed food (MP-food) in the SC task significantly increased, indicating strengthened associations between MP-food and the concept of healthiness through EC. At the neural level, a more negative amplitude of the N400 waveform, which reflects semantic incongruency, was shown in response to MP-foods paired with the concept of unhealthiness in proximity of the dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). This implied the possible role of the left DLPFC in changing food representations by integrating stimuli’s features with existing food-relevant information. Finally, the N400 effect was modulated by individuals’ attentional impulsivity as well as restrained eating behavior
Examining the Psychometric Properties of Acceptance Scale for Kindergarten-Revised (ASK-R) in Turkish
The aim of this study is to investigate the applicability of ASK-R among Turkish pre-school children and determine the psychometric properties (validity and reliability) of this scale. This study was conducted with 167 students from different pre-schools in Muğla. Within the aim of the study, three different methods were set down in order to investigate the validity of the scale. First of all, in order to get evidences about the construct validity of the scale, item analysis was conducted. In order to examine construct validity, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted. The fit statistics obtained from factor analysis showed that original form’s factor structure had been confirmed. Internal consistency was calculated and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the total scale was high. The test-retest correlation coefficient for the total score were significant (r= .78, p<0.01). As a result of the study, the Turkish version of ASK-R has good validity and reliability for Turkish pre-school children
Integrating cognitive presence strategies: A professional development training for K-12 teachers
For K-12 teachers to improve effective teaching skills, cognitive presence (CP) integration into teaching and learning process is of utmost value. CP strategy training can serve as a facilitating component in supporting K-12 teachers’ instructional capacity. This study presents findings of a teacher professional development training aiming CP strategy implementation at K-12 level. Following a mixed-method methodology, the present research was carried out with 53 teachers from four different campuses and grade levels, who were guided to implement CP strategies in their teaching context. The data sources were CP-integrated lesson plans, trainers’ feedback on these lesson plans, teacher responses on a questionnaire. The data collection methods were utilizing an end-of-the-training questionnaire directed to teachers, lesson plan evaluation through a CP rubric, content analysis of trainer feedback on lesson plans and revised lesson plans. Results unveiled that this professional development training designed and implemented for K-12 teachers led to significantly positive changes in teachers’ CP strategy integration into lesson plans regardless of levels, subjects or topics. This study could also provide important contributions to designing teacher professional development training for researchers, practitioners and teacher trainers, particularly in CP dimension. © 2023 by authors; licensee CEDTECH by Bastas, CY
Implementation Of Of Non-Pharmacological Birth Facilitator Methods on a Nulliparous Pregnance Case
Doğum, bilinen en şiddetli ağrı kaynaklarından biri olarak tanımlanmakta ve bu süreçte yararlanılan farmakolojik (FAKY) ve non-farmakolojik (NFAKY) ağrı kontrol yöntemlerinden söz edilmektedir. FAKY'in, hissedilen fiziksel doğum ağrısını ortadan kaldırdığı, NFAKY ise ağrı yaşamayı önlediği vurgulanmaktadır. Bu vaka raporunda, habitual abortus hikayesi olan gebeye prenatal doğuma hazırlık eğitimi verildikten sonra doğum destekçisi tarafından NFAKY uygulanması bildirilmiştir.Vaka Raporu: Yirmi sekiz yaşındaki nullipar gebe doğuma hazırlık eğitimi ve doğum desteği için birinci yazara yönlendirilmiştir. 23 Nisan 2015 saat 00:45'te 38,2 gebelik haftasında doğum eylemi başlayan AE'nin travay ve doğum sürecine doğum destekçisi ve eşi dahil olmuştur. Doğum sürecinde bazı NFAKY (loş ortam, müzik, tamamlayıcı sıvı ve gıdalar, aktif doğum pozisyonları, aromaterapi, akubası, buz kesesi, masaj, duş, ıslak sıcak uygulama, solunum egzersizleri) kullanılmıştır.Sonuç ve Öneriler: Doğumda yapılan uygulamaların; gebenin anksiyetesinin giderilmesi, hissedilen ağrı düzeyinin hafifletilmesi, perinede hissettiği baskının azaltılması ve kontraksiyonların indüklenmesinde dikkate değer etkisi görülmüştür. Gebenin doğumdan memnuniyeti yüksek olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu vaka sonuçları ışığında benzer özellikleri taşıyan gebelerde mümkün olduğunca doğuma hazırlık eğitimlerinin ve doğum destekçisi eşliğinde NFAKY kullanımının yaygınlaştırılması önerilmektedir.Giving birth is one of the most severe pain inducing experiences with both pharmacological (PPCT) and nonpharmacological pain control methods (NPPCT) used during the process of delivery. In this case report, NPPCT's implementation was reported by the birth supporter after prenatal preparation and training for birth was given to a pregnant woman who wanted a normal delivery and had a history of premature spontaneous abortions.Case Report: The 28-year-old nullipar was directed to the first author of this article for prenatal training and birth support. On April 23, 2015 at 00:45, week 38.2 of gestation the birth began, and AE's labor and birth process is attended by a birth attendant and her husband. NPPCT (dim light, music, complementary liquids and foods, active birth positions, aromatherapy, acupressure, ice bags, massage, shower, wet hot applications, and breathing exercises) were used during labor and birth process .Conclusions and Recommendations: Applications at birth had considerable effects on reducing the anxiety of the pregnant woman, relieving the level of pain felt, reducing perineal pressure, and inducing contractions. Intrapartum birth satisfaction of pregnant woman was found to be high. In the light of these results, it is recommended that the use of NPPCT assisted by birth supporters should be promoted as much as possible in the case of pregnancies with similar characteristics in preparations for birth
Anatomical Investigation of the Flexor Retinaculum Covering the Tarsal Tunnel in Formaldehyde-Fixed Cadavers
Aim: The flexor retinaculum lies between the medial malleolus of the tibia and the medial process of the calcaneus. It converts grooves on the tibia and calcaneus into the tarsal tunnel. The aim of this study was to analyze the morphometry, the course, and the shape of the flexor retinaculum covering the tarsal tunnel in formaldehyde-fixed cadavers.
Material and Methods: Six lower extremities of four formaldehyde-fixed cadavers (four right sides, and 2 left sides) were examined to evaluate the morphometry of the flexor retinaculum. The cadavers were two females and two males with an age range of 60-89 years. A digital caliper (150 mm) and a light microscope were used for measuring parameters. The central length, proximal, midpoint, and distal width, thickness, course, and shape of the flexor retinaculum were examined in this study.
Results: The mean central length of the flexor retinaculum was found 42.26±5.18 mm. The mean proximal, midpoint, and distal width of the flexor retinaculum were 29.29±7.29 mm, 29.92±3.66 mm, and 29.76±8.13 mm, respectively. The mean of the thickness was measured at 234.94 µm. The flexor retinaculum coursed vertically in four extremities and coursed obliquely in two extremities. The shape of the retinaculum was triangular in five extremities and quadrangular in only one extremity.
Conclusion: The morphometric data obtained from this study can help surgeons during the operations of the tarsal tunnel syndrome. To our knowledge, the width and course of the flexor retinaculum were examined for the first time in this study
ABSTRACT:COVID-19 has altered many aspects of daily life, notably impacting shopping methods. This study examines how these changes affect consumer behavior, focusing on norm sensitivity, risk perception, and digital advertising. The purpose of this research is to understand the role of norm sensitivity, risk perception, and digital advertising as mediators in the relationship between COVID-19 and changes in consumer behavior. Qualitative data is collected from online meetings with 41 participants aged between 19 and 52 and it is analyzed by using MAXQDA. The unique aspect of this study is its qualitative approach and having a relatively large sample size compared to typical qualitative studies. The findings indicate higher sensitivity towards online shopping during COVID-19, perceiving traditional face-to-face shopping as risky mostly due to virus transmission, increased trust in digital channels, the undeniable effects of digital advertisements on purchasing, and the importance of making research before shopping. Furthermore, the findings revealed that shopping methods shifted from traditional face-to-face to online shopping during COVID-19 even in the early times of the pandemic. Based on these findings, businesses should prioritize enhancing their online shopping experiences by improving website usability and security measures. They may also implement safety protocols in physical stores to alleviate consumer concerns. Leveraging targeted digital advertising strategies and investing in consumer research can help businesses adapt to evolving consumer preferences and behaviors.
ÖZ:COVİD-19, günlük yaşamın birçok yönünü etkilemiş özellikle de alışveriş yöntemlerini değiştirmiştir. Bu çalışma, tüketici davranışı eğilimlerinin nasıl etkilediğini norm duyarlılığı, risk algısı ve dijital reklamları odağına alarak incelemektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, COVİD-19 ile tüketici davranışı eğilimlerindeki değişiklikler arasındaki ilişkide norm duyarlılığı, risk algısı ve dijital reklamların aracı rolünü anlamaktır. Bu bağlamda nitel veriler, 19 ile 52 yaş arasındaki 41 katılımcıdan çevrimiçi olarak toplanmış ve MAXQDA programı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın özgün yanı konuyu nitel olarak ele alması ve nitel bir çalışmaya göre yüksek bir örneklem büyüklüğüne sahip olmasıdır. Bulgular, COVİD-19 döneminde çevrimiçi alışverişe karşı artan duyarlılık olduğunu, geleneksel yüz yüze alışverişi virüs bulaşma riski nedeniyle genellikle riskli olarak algılandığını, dijital kanallara artan güveni, dijital reklamların satın almaya olan tartışmasız etkilerini ve alışveriş öncesi araştırma yapmanın önemini göstermektedir. Ayrıca, bulgular, alışveriş yöntemlerinin COVİD-19’un erken dönemlerinde bile geleneksel yüz yüze alışverişten çevrimiçi alışverişe kaydığını ortaya koymuştur. Bu bulgulara dayanarak, işletmelerin çevrimiçi alışveriş deneyimlerini iyileştirerek web sitesi kullanılabilirliğini ve güvenlik önlemlerini artırmasının faydalı olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Ayrıca, tüketicilerin endişelerini hafifletmek için fiziksel mağazalarda güvenlik protokolleri uygulayabilir ve sürdürebilirler. Dijital reklam stratejilerini kullanmak ve tüketici araştırmasına yatırım yapmak, işletmelerin değişen tüketici tercihlerine ve davranışlarına uyum sağlamasına yardımcı olabilir
“The Lolelaplap (Marshall Islands) in Us: Sailing West to East (Ralik→Ratak) to These Our Atolls (Aelon Kein Ad) Ad Jolet Jen Anij (Our Blessed Inheritance from God)”
This paper discusses the expansion of Oceania through a Marshallese indigenous lens as a focal point. It explains that decolonizing methodologies allows reclaiming of space for mental liberation and reassurement of constitutional rights. It highlights similar occurrences of decolonization practices meeting resistance in the 21st century all while strengthening the human right argument that no human deserves any less than their fellow human brothers and sisters. It argues that an indigenous imagery can only be viewed through an indigenous lens where the researches’ level of purity is retained and unfiltered. It nevertheless argues that Marshallese ethnolinguistics reveal the same cultural practices in America, Judeo-Christianity, and Oceania thus dictating the reality that “we are the same not withstanding one stays here and one there (Bedbedjin Bedbedjen, Bedbedjinma wot Kwe)”. It further explains the importance in these similarities and how Marshallese spirituality predates introduced American Judeo-Christianity despite the latter attempting to marginalize the former. It concludes by stating that Marshallese contributions on the global stage are rooted in that culture of love (IaKwe) which is echoed by the custom(s) revealing the significance of Marshallese validation academically, spiritually, economically, & socially to prevent institutionalized discrimination. This paper ends stating that the agency to know one’s self and how one should fit in the world, is a human right in itself and Marshallese are entitled to this sense of self worth through knowing thy self by thy self where real thinking takes place in one’s own mind as we all live our own lives
Recent Advances in Health Biotechnology During Pandemic
The outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which
emerged in 2019, cut the epoch that will make profound fluctuates in the history of the world
in social, economic, and scientific fields. Urgent needs in public health have brought with
them innovative approaches, including diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. To exceed the
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, various scientific authorities in the world
have procreated advances in real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) based diagnostic
tests, rapid diagnostic kits, the development of vaccines for immunization, and the purposing
pharmaceuticals for treatment. Diagnosis, treatment, and immunization approaches put for-
ward by scientific communities are cross-fed from the accrued knowledge of multidisciplinary
sciences in health biotechnology. So much so that the pandemic, urgently prioritized in the
world, is not only viral infections but also has been the pulsion in the development of novel
approaches in many fields such as diagnosis, treatment, translational medicine, virology, mi-
crobiology, immunology, functional nano- and bio-materials, bioinformatics, molecular biol-
ogy, genetics, tissue engineering, biomedical devices, and artificial intelligence technologies.
In this review, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of various scientific
areas of health biotechnology are discussed
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