58 research outputs found

    Improved dredge material management for the Great Barrier Reef Region: Synthesis report

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    The Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority commissioned Sinclair Knight Merz Pty Ltd and Asia-Pacific Applied Science Associates to undertake a study on Improved Dredge Material Management for the Great Barrier Reef Region. The study provides analysis and information to inform future dredge material management for the five major ports (Ports of Cairns, Townsville, Gladstone, Abbot Point, Hay Point) and one marina (Rosslyn Bay) in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. The study examines differences in sediment migration patterns from placing dredge material at hypothetical alternative and currently used placement sites. It is the first study to both incorporate the effects of regional oceanic currents in modelling dredge material migration and model dredge material migration over a period of 12 months, providing insight into the behaviour and potential risks of dredge material over time. The information generated by this study is high level and is not intended to replace the detail required as part of an environmental impact assessment process for any future dredge material placement operations

    A Holistic SCADA Security Standard for the Australian Context

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    Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems which control Australia’s critical infrastructure are currently demonstrating signs of vulnerabilities as they are being interconnected to corporate networks, essentially exposing them to malicious threats. This paper discusses the vulnerabilities associated with SCADA systems, as well as discussing various SCADA standards and initiatives that have been developed in recent years to mitigate such threats. The paper presents the requirement for a holistic SCADA security standard that is practical and feasible for each SCADA industry sector

    Characteristic analysis of a flash flood-affected creek catchment using LiDAR-derived DEM

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    Flooding occurred across a large area of southern and central Queensland in December 2010 and January 2011. Intense rainfall over the Gowrie Creek catchment caused severe flash flooding through the Toowoomba CBD (Central Business District) on the afternoon of Monday, 10 January 2011, taking lives and damaging the community. Flash floods are sudden and unexpected floods that arise from intense rainfall, generally over a small, steep catchment area. Smaller and steeper catchments have shorter critical storm duration, and they respond more quickly to rainfall events. The resulting flood wave is characterized by very high water flows and velocities and abrupt water level rises, leading to extremely hazardous conditions. Effective flash flood forecasting for specific locations is a big challenge because of the behaviour of intense thunderstorms. A flash flood forecasting and warning system calls for accurate spatial information on catchment characteristics. A high-resolution DEM is a key spatial dataset for the characterization of a catchment to design possible flood mitigation measures. The characteristics of a catchment have a strong influence on its hydrological response. The nature of floods is dependent on both the intensity and duration of the rainfall and the catchment characteristics such as catchment area, drainage patterns and waterway steepness. Therefore, analysis of catchment characteristics is critical for hydrologic modelling and planning for flood risk mitigation. The analysis of catchment characteristics can support hydrological modelling and planning for flood risk mitigation. For example, the shape indices of sub-catchments can be used to compare the hydrological behaviour of different subcatchments. The longitudinal profiles of the creeks illustrate the slope gradients of the waterways. A hypsometric curve for each sub-catchment provides an overall view of the slope of a catchment and is closely related to ground slope characteristics of a catchment. Airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR), also referred to as airborne laser scanning (ALS), is one of the most effective means of terrain data collection. Using LiDAR data for generation of DEMs is becoming a standard practice in the spatial science community. This study used airborne LiDAR data to generate a high-resolution DEM for characteristic analysis of Gowrie Creek catchment in Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia, which was affected by a flash flood in January 2011. Drainage networks and sub-catchment boundaries were extracted from LiDAR-derived DEM. Catchment characteristics including sub-catchment areas and shape indices, longitudinal profiles of creeks and hypsometric curves of sub-catchments were calculated and analysed

    Synthesis of current knowledge of the biophysical impacts of dredging and disposal on the Great Barrier Reef: report of an Independent Panel of Experts

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    [Extract] This report provides an independent synthesis of the current knowledge of the effects of dredging and sediment disposal on the physico-chemical environment and the biological values of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (World Heritage Area), as assessed by an Expert Panel. Dredging and sediment disposal can change the physical and chemical environment and affect the biological values of the World Heritage Area. Many of these effects will be context dependent and will differ between locations, types and extent of dredging and sediment disposal activities. The Expert Panel's evaluation identified the following key direct and indirect effects

    Evaluating Environmental Risks in Mining: a Perceptual Study

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    Gold mining is often associated with positive economic benefits; however, it may also have negative impacts on the environment and human health. It is essential that communities understand the risks and benefits associated with mining, particularly in developing countries where there is often a lack of legislation governing the environmental performance of mining corporations. The perceptions of local people regarding the risks and benefits of mining may differ significantly from those of company representatives, policy makers, and the scientific community. Indeed, public concerns have sometimes been ignored or downplayed by those responsible for the implementation of environmental policies and practices. Examination of the complex social, economic, psychological, political, and cultural factors influencing risk perception in mining communities is thus important for successful risk communication and management. Issues arising from the interplay between socio-economic benefits and risks are particularly acute in small island states which have isola ted and highly limited economic development trajectories. The lessons learned in such cases are therefore instructive for crisis planning across the developing world. This study conducted firsthand empirical research into the perception of environmental and health risks in the communities surrounding the Vatukoula gold mine in Fiji. Primary data was obtained through a survey questionnaire designed to quantify and evaluate perceived risks (n= 340, representing approximately 24% of the target population). Concurrently, environmental samples were collected to assess the extent of environmental impacts at the study site. Study results revealed that gender is an important variable in risk perception at Vatukoula. Major findings include: (1) women feel they have less knowledge about the risks of mining compared to men; (2) women feel they have less control to avoid the risks of mining compared to men; and (3) women and men tend to receive risk messages from different sources. The information obtained during this study was made directly available to local stakeholders, to aid in risk management and decision-making

    A record of Spencer's Skink Pseudemoia spenceri from the Victorian Volcanic Plain

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    During a survey of vertebrate fauna at a site in Yan Yean, north of Melbourne on the Victorian Volcanic Plain, a small population of Spencer's Skink 'Pseudemoia spenceri' was found inhabiting a heritage dry stone fence. Spencer's Skink is normally found in wet schlerophyll forest and cool temperate environments, and the species is not considered a grassland inhabitant. There are no other records of Spencer's Skink occurring in any part of the Victorian Volcanic Plain

    Integrated approach of sustainability and climate change adaptation in a metro project

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    The new Melbourne Metro underground rail project will leave a legacy long into the future, with an estimated design life which will extend beyond 100 years. As such it is extremely important to consider the mitigation of any environmental impacts, providing a sustainable outcome. It is also essential to pre-empt required adaptation of buildings and infrastructure in the future against the impact of changes in the local climate. Designing a metro system in the age of climate change provides the opportunity to go beyond standard specifications and compliance requirements, creating innovative sustainable and climate resilient design outcomes. On the contrary, constructing an underground metro project presents various design challenges fuelled by complex constraints, many uncertainties and risks. This paper will review the methodology used to integrate environmentally sustainable principles and resilient design for climate change adaptation, within the concept development phase of the Melbourne Metro Underground Rail Project

    Railway stations : public realm gateways to sustainable futures of our cities

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    Train stations are places of connection in our cities and are the gateways of urban space. They represent one of the most exciting places to experience. Some stations make great destinations offering shops, restaurants, museums and exhibition spaces to commuters. While new architecture at railway stations acknowledges heritage, the urban spaces around them provide excellent public areas and rationalise functional needs. Grand spaces with monumental structures, including constant movement of people and trains makes for an exhilarating experience. Modern or historic, great train stations add another level of excitement in the regeneration of our cities. Adding into the mix of the sustainability paradigm, place making of railway stations transforms into sustainable urban centres and signature architecture, but how does it support an environmentally sustainable future? This paper reflects the journey of exploring the challenging situations of balancing the requirements between historic, operational, functional, economic and innovative sustainable design solutions during the Flinders Street Station Design Competition in Melbourne. The author highlights how the unique spatial, social and cultural circumstance of this world-renowned city railway station possesses specific resilient and sustainable design answers to a public realm and city space that challenges established thinking

    Urban land use spectral using high resolution imagery and GIS approach in sustaining urban planning spatial databases

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    Remote sensing technology is useful for urban planning due to its capability in examining detailed spectral characteristic of urban land uses. This study attempts to review a relevant studied have been done in identified an appropriate spectral for urban land use using high resolution remote sensing images and GIS approach. The detailed spectral for urban land uses consist of residential, industrial and commercial in metropolitan and city center urban hierarchy will be discussed. The segmentation techniques through object oriented and the use of field measurement was highlighted, at once demonstrates the usability of such infrastructure to facilitate further progress of remote sensing and GIS application in urban planning in Malaysia. Finally, a discussion of the needs for further research is presented