840 research outputs found


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    European Integration remains, still, the most important objective of the Balkan countries. The reason is simple: To join a family in which the rule of law and democracy are the main principles of every-day life of an integrated community. Referring to the title of this paper “Projects for the Europe,” the main question raised in this paper is: When did these “Projects for the Europe” firstly started? In this paper I will attempt to present that the “Projects for the Europe” have started since the XVII and XVIII century, and the philosopher’s ideas of that time, especially those of French cosmopolitan philosophers, are of great importance and have played a crucial role in that process. Furthermore, I will try to explain, how those ideas, with regard to the “Projects for the Europe,” were implemented in the post WW II Europe? Even though, the general idea is the European Integration; we have to take into consideration that Europe is not just a result of modern economic and political cooperation, but, first of all, it is an ideal elaborated by the great European philosophers. Rethinking the idea of Europe, even though utopia at its beginning, will help us understand the institutions of today’s Europe. Finally, in this paper I conclude that today’s Europe is the result of continuous process of political thought, concrete and practical action. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid misunderstandings or perceptions about Europe. On the one hand, Europe, it is not a cash drawer, or even just an area of free movement of goods and people. Europe, in the first place is a space of civil liberty, solidarity and responsibility. The core principal of political thought and practical action for Europe is the idea of peace and security. As a consequence, the source for achieving freedom, democracy and the rule of law, the idea that constitutes the pride of Europe


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    The delivery capability of construction firms is determined to a large extent by the quality of their subcontractors. A survey was therefore undertaken among main contractors to identify and prioritize their needs in the selection of construction subcontractors in Nigeria. Findings were presented from 78 main contractor organizations out of 120 construction firms surveyed in the six geo-political regions of the country. Utilizing the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) approach, pair-wise comparison matrix and other descriptive statistical techniques, the results indicated that the three most important needs are: subcontractors’ past experience in terms of type and size of projects completed; nature of contract to be executed; and prior relationships with the contractor organizations. The study concluded that for an enhanced performance of construction subcontractors on sites, priority attention should be accorded to some of the identified influencing needs by main contractors in this perspective

    The role of neuroscience in the learning of a foreign language

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    In the literature of recent years much has been written about a deeper knowledgeof the brain and its functioning with regard to the processes of learning a foreignlanguage. Glottodidactics, as a science of language education, attentively follows theprogress of neuroscience, pointing out the importance this progress has in the process oflearning foreign languages. The advancement of progress in neuroscience encourages thedrafting of efficient theories and models of language education. The today results in theneurolinguistics field inform on the existence of a network of four main neurofunctionalschemes. These neurofunctional schemes during the learning of the mother tongue arespecialized in realizing certain language processes. Whereas, the learning of a foreignlanguage causes the creation of neural sub-systems, within each of these neurofunctionalschemes. Another second hypothesis is that on the functioning of bi-lingual schemes,that is the interaction of language sub-systems which operate in the bilingual brain. (ormultilingual).Both the existence of neuro-functional special schemes, but with a constantinteraction, and the neurolinguistics hypothesis about their functioning lead to theformulation of some main glottodidactics theories. As a conclusion we can say that thedevelopment of language competence comes through the real use of the language. Themetalinguistic and pragmatic competences are strategically activated and the affective andemotional dimension of the language learning is of primary importance

    Influence of Mixed Rice Bran in the Rheological Characteristics of Dough and Quality of Bread

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    During the last decade the production of white bread was trend in our place but actually recently the consumers show more interest on the quality respectively for nutritive value of food products. Dietary fibers usage is positive since they are reducers of calories, cholesterol in blood, cardiovascular disease and cancer in colon; therefore they are ranking on the top ten functional foods. Because of the fact that bread is widely consumed in our place the bread is a good dietary fiber supporter, therefore in this study we include the mixture of rice bran in the bread production. Rice bran beside dietary fibers also is rich with essential amino acids especially with lysine, high content of antioxidants, vitamins from B group and minerals. This study provides a mixture of three fractions of the whitening of the rice bran in different proportion, by adding 10% and 15% of these mixtures in wheat flour type 500 in order to produce bread with good technological and health quality. The results have proven that all mixtures have same rheological characteristic, although mixtures with 15% rice bran have proven poor quality. All the mixtures have optimal maximal viscosity for the actual bread production. Breads from mixtures tagged as 2 1 M and 3 2 M, have very good specific volume and good appearance which is acceptable for the consumers while as all the special (mixed) breads have lower digestibility than the bread produced using wheat flour only


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    In all states governed by the rule of law the administration is subject to the law and supervision by the courts on the same basis as any individual/citizen, in accordance with the principle of the supremacy of the law. The author only represents the most important instruments in the field of international law concerning control over administration, which supervise the implementation of human rights in the country that has ratified the respective instruments. Therefore, the ratification and incorporation of international normative legal instruments in the form of conventions, such as the European Convention on Human Rights within the national legal order, impose the obligation for a certain state to respect or protect the rights guaranteed by the respective Convention, as well as the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights that governs the interpretation and proper application of the Convention, the relevant European Court of Human Rights case-law setting standards for assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of public administration. Hence, this case law should act as a guideline for improving legal regulations and, under certain circumstances, avoiding the initiation of an administrative dispute before competent national courts, if objectively possible. However, due to certain reasons which will be elaborated upon in this paper, some deviations can occur and, for that matter, judicial review means review by courts of administrative action with a view to ensuring their legality as well as providing the protection and realization of the rights and legal interests of citizens in the sphere of administrative law.U svim zemljama u kojima je prihvaćena vladavina prava uprava je podvrgnuta pravu i nadzoru od strane sudova na istim temeljima kao i pojedinac/građanin, u skladu s principom supremacije prava. Autor prikazuje samo najvažnije instrumente u području međunarodnog prava koji se tiču kontrole nad upravom, koji osiguravaju nadzor nad ostvarenjem zaštite ljudskih prava u zemlji koja je ramificirala dotične instrumente. Stoga ratifikacija i inkorporacija međunarodnih normativnih pravnih instrumenata u obliku konvencija u nacionalni pravni poredak, poput Europske konvencije o ljudskim pravima, postavlja obvezu državi za poštivanjem ili zaštitom prava garantiranih Konvencijom, kao i presuda Europskog suda za ljudska prava koji se brine o interpretaciji i pravilnoj primjeni Konvencije, relevantnih standarda za procjenu učinkovitosti i uspješnosti javne uprave postavljenih u presudama Europskog suda za ljudska prava. Ove bi presude trebale služiti kao smjernice za poboljšanje pravne regulacije i, pod određenim okolnostima, omogućiti izbjegavanje upravnih sporova pred nadležnim domaćim sudovima, ako je to objektivno moguće. Međutim, zbog određenih razloga, koji će biti elaborirani u ovome članku, može doći do devijacija i zbog toga, sudski nadzor znači nadzor od strane upravnih sudova s ciljem osiguranja zakonitosti kao i osiguranja zaštite i ostvarenja prava i pravnih interesa građana u sferi upravnog prava.In Einklang mit dem Grundsatz des Vorrangs des Rechts, ist die Verwaltung in allen rechtsstaatlichen Ländern auf gleicher Grundlage wie Einzelpersonen und Bürger dem Recht und Ge richten unterworfen. Der Autor stellt auschlaggebende Instrumente im Bereich des Völkerrechts in Bezug auf Überprüfung der Verwaltung, welche die Umsetzung der Menschenrechte im Land, das die genannten Instrumente ratifiziert hat, übersieht, dar. Die Ratifizierung und Einführung internationaler Rechtsinstrumente in Form von Konventionen, wie die EMRK, in nationale Rechtssysteme verpflichten den Staat die unter der Konvention gewährleisteten Rechte, sowie die Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte, insbesondere hinsichtlich der Standards für Überprüfung von Effizienz und Wirksamkeit der öffentlichen Verwaltung, zu schützen. Deswegen sollte die Rechtsprechung dazu dienen, die Rechtsvorschriften zu verbessern, sowie, unter bestimmten Umständen, Einleitung Verwaltungsstreitigkeiten vor nationalen Gerichten, falls möglich, zu verhindern. Trotzdem kommt es zu Abweichungen, und gerichtliche Überprüfung bedeute Überprüfung der Verwaltungsakten um ihre Legalität zu gewährleisten und Schutz sowie Verwirklichung von Rechten und Rechtsinteressen der Bürger im Bereich des Verwaltungsrechts zu bieten.In tutti gli stati governati dal principio di legalità l’amministrazione è soggetta al diritto e alla supervisione dalle corti sulle stesse basi come qualunque individuo/cittadino, in conformità con il principio della supremazia del diritto. Autore presenta soltanto gli strumenti più importanti nel campo del diritto internazionale relativi al controllo sull’amministrazione, i quali supervisionano l’implementazione dei diritti dell’uomo nel paese che ha ratificato i rispettivi strumenti. Pertanto, la ratificazione e l’incorporazione degli strumenti legali normativi internazionali nella forma di convenzioni, come la Convenzione europea dei diritti dell\u27uomo all’interno del ordinamento legale nazionale, impone l’obbligo per un certo stato di rispettare o proteggere i diritti garantiti dalla rispettiva Convenzione, proprio come la giurisprudenza della Corte europea dei diritti dell\u27uomo determina l’interpretazione e l’appropriata applicazione della Convenzione, la giurisprudenza della rilevante Corte europea dei diritti dell\u27uomo stabilisce gli standard per valutare l’efficienza e l’effettività della pubblica amministrazione. Quindi, questa giurisprudenza potrebbe fungere da linea guida per il miglioramento delle regolazioni legali e in certe circostanze per evitare l’avvio di un contenzioso amministrativo difronte alle corti nazionali competenti qualora questo sarebbe oggettivamente possibile. Comunque, a causa di certe ragioni che saranno elaborate in questo lavoro, alcune deviazioni possono avvenire, come pure delle revisioni giudiziarie, il che significa una revisione dalle corti delle azioni amministrative con una prospettiva sulla garanzia della legalità proprio come fornire la protezione e la realizzazione dei diritti e degli interessi legali dei cittadini nella sfera del diritto amministrativo

    The impact of the content of the television programming upon the politicization of the Kosovo society

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    The effect of the media over the society is the object of the studies of the social science of communication since its founding up to today. A lot of scientific theories explore, argues and explain the connections and the effect of the media over the public. The purpose of this paper is to evident and argument the effect that the media, especially the TV programming has on the politicization of the Kosovar society, which is manifested in a large number of conversations that have to do with politics. In order to argument the direct link between the content of the TV programming (as a media) and political conversations among citizens, this writing will present the results of measuring the contents of the four biggest TV stations in Kosovo: RTK, KTV, RTV 21 and Klan Kosova. What was measured is the amount of programs that have political content within a week at the time when the viewing is at its peak, or in what is known as prime time, from 17 00 to 24 00 h. It also involves an opinion poll of the public which was asked about the influence of the content of TV programs on their daily conversations. The results of programming contents prove a very high percentage of political programs on these four TV stations (RTK 1, KTV, RTV 21 and Klan Kosova), whereas the results of the public polling prove the direct influence of the contents of this programs on the daily conversations

    A critical-legal overview of the concept of constitution as the highest legal- political act of the state in the light of constitutional-juridical doctrine

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    Constitution is a set of rules which governs a nation state. It is considered a government’s antecedent because it gives legitimacy to the government and defines the powers under which a government may act. As such, the constitution sets constraints both to the powers which can be exercise and to manner in which they may be exercise. Hence, the constitution defines the legality of power and that is the reason why it can be defined as a legal and political act. Two fundamental concepts (meanings) of the constitution represented in the constitutional legal theory are formal and material notion of the constitution. Author have focused on elaborating and explaining the constitution as a fundamental and a supreme legal-political act in general and on the comparison of the formal and material concept of the constitution in particular. The extent of the correspondence between this two concepts and their relation with the notions of written/unwritten and rigid/flexible constitution is also analyzed

    The implementation of the civil service law and a future merit system : [presentation given February 29, 2012]

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    This capstone_masters_project addresses the significant challenge of improving the Law on Civil Service (LCS) in Kosovo. It provides an analysis of the current state of the civil service and level of implementation of the LCS. The project analysis was based on surveys, published reports, and professional assessments. Job descriptions, classification of job positions, and performance evaluation, as important components of merit system are elaborated and highlighted. The LCS sets the rules for overall management, organization, rights, obligations, career progression and professional development of civil servants. With the 2010 enactment of the LCS there was a dramatic reduction of over 60 % of the total number of civil servants from the Government payroll list. This reduction was a direct result of the recategorization of civil service which excludes education, medical and uniformed personnel. Even though the number of civil servants has reduced, there remains roughly the same number of job titles on the payroll list ... This is one of a number of irregularities not appearing to comply with the LCS. This capstone_masters_project has five major recommendations: 1. There should be wide spread political support and courage for implementation of meritocracy in civil service. 2. There must be an accurate classification of job positions and therefore ensure a proper and accurate allocated budget. 3. It is essential to have a comprehensive review in job descriptions and reduction of job position titles. 4. Civil service career promotion and motivation should be based on revised evaluations and a clear merit based system. 5. Promoting through merit system

    The impact of the content of the television programming upon the politicization of the Kosovo society

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    The effect of the media over the society is the object of the studies of the social science of communication since its founding up to today. A lot of scientific theories explore, argues and explain the connections and the effect of the media over the public. The purpose of this paper is to evident and argument the effect that the media, especially the TV programming has on the politicization of the Kosovar society, which is manifested in a large number of conversations that have to do with politics. In order to argument the direct link between the content of the TV programming (as a media) and political conversations among citizens, this writing will present the results of measuring the contents of the four biggest TV stations in Kosovo: RTK, KTV, RTV 21 and Klan Kosova. What was measured is the amount of programs that have political content within a week at the time when the viewing is at its peak, or in what is known as prime time, from 17 00 to 24 00 h. It also involves an opinion poll of the public which was asked about the influence of the content of TV programs on their daily conversations. The results of programming contents prove a very high percentage of political programs on these four TV stations (RTK 1, KTV, RTV 21 and Klan Kosova), whereas the results of the public polling prove the direct influence of the contents of this programs on the daily conversations
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