184 research outputs found

    İktisadi büyüme ve yolsuzluk ilişkisi: Türkiye için ampirik bir inceleme

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    Bu çalışmanın temel amacı iktisadi büyüme-yolsuzluk ilişkisini Türkiye’de 1995-2018 dönemi için sınır testi yaklaşımıyla araştırmaktır. Çalışmadan elde edilen bulgular şöyle sıralanabilir; (a) açıklayıcı değişkenlerin durağanlık özellikleri I(1) ve I(0) olmak üzere karışıktır, (b) sınır testi sonuçlarına göre kişi başı yatırımlar, kişi başı hane halkı tüketim harcamaları ve ticari açıklık iktisadi büyümeyi pozitif etkilemektedir, (c) diğer taraftan yolsuzluk, enflasyon ve iktisadi büyüme arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki yoktur. Bu bağlamda Türkiye ekonomisinde yolsuzluk iktisadi büyüme sürecini etkilememekle beraber ne “tekerdeki kum” nede “tekerdeki yağ”’dır

    Chemical and Thermal Activation of Perlite-Containing Cementitious Mixtures

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    ABSTRACT Perlite is a volcanic mineral abundant in Turkey, China, Japan, the US and several EU countries. Expanded perlite has been widely used in producing lightweight concrete. Recent research suggests the use of ground perlite as a pozzolan to partially replace cement. This study investigates strength properties of high-volume perlite mixtures and the influence of chemical and thermal activation on their strengths at early and later ages. Both activation types can increase early-strength gain rates and strength values achieved by pure portland cement mixtures can be exceeded in as early as 28 days with some activators and be maintained. Findings indicate that ground perlite is a successful natural pozzolan. Results also suggest that perlite-only mixtures can be activated to produce geopolymers. The consistency of its chemical composition compared to those of artificial pozzolans and its abundance in several developing countries makes perlite attractive for producing sustainable concretes with reduced carbon footprints

    The temporal analysis of light pollution in Turkey using VIIRS data

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    © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V.Artificial Light pollution (AL) in Turkey and in Turkish observatories between 2012–2020 have been studied using the archival data of Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument. The astroGIS database has been used in processing the data (astrogis.org) Aksaker et al. (2020a). The total energy released to space from Turkey increased by 80% in 2019 with respect to 2012. In the span of the dataset, a steady and continuous increase has been observed throughout all cities of the country. On the other hand, Dark Sky Park locations, East and Southeast Anatolian regions and mostly rural areas around the cities kept their AL level constant. Four demographic parameters have been studied and they were found to be correlated very well with AL: Population (R≃ 0.90); GDP (R≃ 0.87); Total Power Consumption (R≃ 0.66) and Outdoor Lightening (R≃ 0.67). Contrary to countries acting to prevent AL increases, Turkey seems to be at the beginning of an era where AL will arithmetically increase throughout the country and enormous amount of energy will continuously escape to space and therefore will be wasted. Therefore, a preventive legislation, especially for invaluable astronomical site locations such as TURAG, TUG, DAG and ÇAAM where each is counted as a truly dark site due to their SQM values, has to be enacted in Turkey, in very near future

    Neurološki simptomi koji su česti u pacijenata s COVID-19: retrospektivna opservacijska studija

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    In December 2019, a novel coronavirus outbreak spread rapidly all over the world. The virus is known to be neuroinvasive, but much is still unknown. In this study, we aimed to present the main neurologic symptoms in patients who were diagnosed with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The study was conducted retrospectively by phoning 156 patients in Turkey diagnosed with COVID-19 through real-time polymerase chain reaction; only 100 patients could be reached. Data about their demographics, initial symptoms, neurological symptoms, and sleeping habits were collected. During the disease process, 66% had at least one neurological symptom, 55% had central nervous system symptoms, 42% had peripheral nervous system symptoms, and 64% had sleep disturbances and myalgia. Impaired consciousness, smell and taste impairments, and sleep disturbances were significantly higher in patients with positive chest computed tomography imaging (p < 0.05). Neurological symptoms were observed in COVID-19, as in other coronaviruses. Headache in particular was the most common symptom in our population. In patients with respiratory system findings, the detection of certain neurological symptoms such as smell-taste impairments, impaired consciousness, and sleep disorders were more common. We concluded that COVID-19 patients should be approached in a more holistic way, taking the nervous system into account.U prosincu 2019. nova epidemija koronavirusa brzo se proširila cijelim svijetom. Poznato je da je virus neuroinvazivan, ali je pun nepoznanica. U ovoj studiji imali smo za cilj predstaviti glavne neurološke simptome kod pacijenata kojima je dijagnosticirana koronavirusna bolest 2019. (COVID-19). Studija je provedena retrospektivno telefoniranjem 156 pacijenata u Turskoj kojima je dijagnosticiran COVID-19 putem lančane reakcije polimeraze u stvarnom vremenu; moglo se doći do samo 100 bolesnika. Prikupljeni su podaci o njihovim demografskim podacima, početnim simptomima, neurološkim simptomima i navikama spavanja. U procesu bolesti, 66% je imalo barem jedan neurološki simptom, 55% je imalo simptome središnjeg živčanog sustava, 42% imalo je simptome perifernog živčanog sustava, a 64% imalo je poremećaje spavanja i mijalgiju. Poremećaji svijesti, mirisa i okusa te poremećaji spavanja bili su značajno veći u bolesnika s pozitivnim slikanjem računalne tomografije u prsima (p <0,05). Neurološki simptomi primijećeni su u COVID-19, kao što su ostali koronavirusi. Posebno je glavobolja najčešći simptom u našoj populaciji. U bolesnika s nalazima dišnog sustava češće je otkrivanje određenih neuroloških simptoma kao što su smetnje okusa mirisa, oslabljena svijest i spavanje. Zaključili smo da s pacijentima s COVID-19 treba postupati na cjelovitiji način, uzimajući u obzir živčani sustav

    Hair whitening and obesity are independently related to ascending aorta dilatation in young-middle aged men

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    OBJECTIVE: Hair whitening (HW) is strongly linked with aging. Ascending aortic dilation (AAD) and HW share common etiologic factors. We investigated the association of HW with ascending aortic diameters. METHODS: Our study included 93 male subjects aged below 50 years. All patients underwent echocardiography to measure ascending aortic diameter, in addition to routine biochemistry tests, physical examination, and thorough medical history. HW score (HWS) was defined according to the percentage of white hair (HWS 1: <25%; HWS 2: 25–50%; HWS 3: 50–75%; and HWS 4: 75–100). RESULTS: Patients with highest HWS were older and had a higher percentage of hypertension (HT) and family history of HW. Moreover, this subgroup had increased ascending aortic diameter, higher serum uric acid, and lower total bilirubin concentrations. Multivariate analyses including age, HT, height, waist circumference, c-reactive protein, and family history of HW identified body weight and HWS as the independent predictors of ascending aortic diameter. CONCLUSION: An independent association between the degree of HW and AAD exists in middle-aged men, which may depend on coexisting factors that enhance both pathologies rather than causality. We think that oxidative stress may be one of these stressors

    Decreased ocular pulse amplitude and retinal nerve fibre layer in multiple sclerosis

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    This study was conducted to assess ocular pulse amplitude and retinal nerve fibre layer in patients with multiple sclerosis and their correlation with disease duration and with severity. Retinal nerve fibre layer thickness was measured by Heidelberg Retinal Tomography II (HRT-II; Heidelberg Engineering, Dossenheim, Germany) and ocular pulse amplitude was measured by dynamic contour tonometry (Ziemer Ophthalmic Systems, Port, Switzerland) in 37 multiple sclerosis patients and 72 age- and gender-matched controls. Ocular pulse amplitude was significantly reduced and retinal nerve fibre layer was significantly thinner in temporal, superotemporal, and nasal sectors in patients with multiple sclerosis regardless of having an optic neuritis attack. The retinal nerve fibre layer was thinner in eyes with a previous optic neuritis attack compared with the eyes without an attack, but the difference was not significant. Ocular pulse amplitude showed a positive correlation with visual evoked potential amplitude and a negative correlation with visual evoked potential latency. Retinal nerve fibre layer thickness showed a significant negative correlation with the disease duration but not with visually evoked potential, disease severity, nor previous optic neuritis. These findings indicate that the process of degeneration starts in the early period of the disease, as our study group is composed of early-middle-stage multiple sclerosis patients, and is independent of relapses. © Informa Healthcare USA, Inc

    The effects of afforestation for erosion control on some soil properties in Seyitler Village ,Artvin

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    Bu çalışmada; Artvin Merkez Seyitler Köyünde fıstıkçamı (Pinus pinea L.) ile yapılan ağaçlandırma çalışmasının toprakların bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal özelliklerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla birbirine komşu olan Fıstık çamı ağaçlandırma sahası ve Meşe baltalığı sahasının her birinde üç tekrarlı olmak üzere toplam 6 deneme alanı alınmıştır. Her bir deneme alanında bulunan üç örnekleme noktasından ve iki derinlik kademesinden (0-10 ve 10-30 cm) bozulmuş ve bozulmamış toprak örnekleri alınmıştır. Alınan toprak örnekleri üzerinde tekstür, pH, organik madde, hacim ağırlığı, tane yoğunluğu, gözeneklilik, kök miktarı, ince kısım, iskelet kısmı ve geçirgenlik belirlenmiştir. Ağaçlandırma çalışmalarının toprak özelliklerine etkisi varyans analizi ile test edilmiştir. Yapılan analizler sonucunda yapılan ağaçlandırma çalışmasının 0-10 cm derinlik kademesinde toprağın tekstür, hacim ağırlığı, tane yoğunluğu, ince kısım ve iskelet miktarını; 10-30 cm derinlik kademesinde ise tekstür, tane yoğunluğu, iskelet miktarı, ince kısım ve organik madde miktarlarını değiştirdiği görülmüştür.In this study; the effects of Pinus pinea afforestation on some soil properties were investigated in Seyitler Village, Artvin. For this purpose, Total six plots were arranged with three replications in each afforestrated land and its adjacent quercus coppice. Disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were taken at two depth ( 0–10 cm and 10-30 cm) in three sample points in each plot. Soil texture, pH, organic matter, bulk density, particle density, total porosity, saturated hydraulic conductivity, root ratio, percentage of soil particle >2 mm and percentage of soil particle <2 mm have been analyzed on soil samples.The effects of afforestraton on soil properties were tested using analysis of variance. As a result afforestation studies were influenced soil texture, bulk density, skeleton contents, fine fragment contents, particle density in 0-10 cm soil depth and texture, particle density, skeleton contents, fine fragment contents, soil organic matter in 10-30 cm soil depth

    İzole baş ağrısı bulgusu veren serebral ven trombozları

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to demonstrate the demogrophical specialities and clinical features among patients with cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT), who had admitted to our department between 2006 and 2012 and who had headache as the only presenting symptom. MATERIAL and METHODS: Thirty-two patients who had diagnosed as CVT between 2006-2012 were evaluated and 12 of them who had headache as the only presenting symptom were included to the study. RESULTS: Headache was only symptom of CVT in 12 patients (10 Female, 2 Male). 8 of these 12 patients had papilledema. 4 patients had only headache without additional sign. The lateral sinus was the most frequently involved sinus. CONCLUSION: The headache is usually progressive over a few days, but a few patients have sudden onset or even a thunderclap headache. The outcome of CVT patients with isolated headache diagnosed was favourable

    Plasma catestatin concentration is independently correlated with high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in untreated hypertensive patients

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    29th Turkish Cardiology Congress of the Turkish-Society-of-Cardiology (TSC) with International Participation -- OCT 26-29, 2013 -- Antalya, TURKEYCetin, Mustafa/0000-0001-6342-436X; Durakoglugil, Emre/0000-0001-5268-4262WOS: 000329858400426Purpose Catestatin (CST), a novel peptide derived from Chromogranin A, has diverse cardiovascular actions in addition to diminished sympathoadrenal flow. We intended to investigate metabolic and vascular associations of CST.Turkish Soc Cardio