162 research outputs found


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    Fertility Rates in Albania have suffered a great change over the past 20 years. Starting from this fact the main objective of this study is to investigate the relation between fertility rate and its determinant factors. In this study as a determinant factor are obtained: lifespan of women, their location and their involvement in work force. The study aims to determine empirically which of these factors is more significant in the impact of fertility rate. Interpretation of data and performance over the years of this indicator are explained based on the theory of demographic transition. The data are in time for the period from 1990 to 2008. Results of model show that a strong negative correlation exists between fertility rate and lifespan of women.fertility rate, status of women, level of development, demographic transition.


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    Adhesive capsulitis is a common painful condition characterized by severe loss of mobility and shoulder pain. Patients with this disease have a painful restriction of both active and passive mobility and an overall loss of shoulder movement in all planes. This experimental design study investigated the effect of combination of taping neuromuscular and stretching exercises program compared to ultrasounds and stretching exercises program. A total of 40 patients aged between 40 and 60 years were involved in the study. Patients were divided in two groups: first group subjected of neuromuscular taping +stretching exercises program for 4 weeks (experimental group 20 patients) and a second group subjected of a daily program of physical therapy + stretching exercises (control group 20 patients). They were evaluated using visual analogue scales for pain, goniometric measure for passive and active range of motion, SPADI index for shoulder function and patient satisfaction. Analysis showed statistically significant improvement in both the experimental and control groups. In addition, the mean improvement in VAS was significantly greater after first week in the experimental group than in the control group. The study showed that the combination of taping with stretching exercises program leads to better outcomes in rehabilitation of patients with frozen shoulder especially when an immediate effect is needed

    Impact of concentration on banking stability in Albania

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    The article examines the empirical nature of relationship between bank concentration and banking stability using unique datasets of Albanian banking sector. Test of banking stability is attaining through linear and probit models to reflect the effect of banking concentration. Empirical results prove the trade – off between concentration and non – performing loans and the probability of bank crisis. These results support the concentration – banking stability view and the significance of structural features of banking sector to determine its stability. Albanian empirical results rely on several theoretical and empirical results which they showed that the banking crises would occur probably in a weak macroeconomic environment characterized by slow GDP growth


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    Adhesive capsulitis is a common painful condition characterized by severe loss of mobility and shoulder pain. Patients with this disease have a painful restriction of both active and passive mobility and an overall loss of shoulder movement in all planes. This experimental design study investigated the effect of combination of taping neuromuscular and stretching exercises program compared to ultrasounds and stretching exercises program. A total of 40 patients aged between 40 and 60 years were involved in the study. Patients were divided in two groups: first group subjected of neuromuscular taping +stretching exercises program for 4 weeks (experimental group 20 patients) and a second group subjected of a daily program of physical therapy + stretching exercises (control group 20 patients). They were evaluated using visual analogue scales for pain, goniometric measure for passive and active range of motion, SPADI index for shoulder function and patient satisfaction. Analysis showed statistically significant improvement in both the experimental and control groups. In addition, the mean improvement in VAS was significantly greater after first week in the experimental group than in the control group. The study showed that the combination of taping with stretching exercises program leads to better outcomes in rehabilitation of patients with frozen shoulder especially when an immediate effect is needed

    Price Forecasting using Artificial Neural Network

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    Artificial Intelligence, the oldest and best known research area which has the goal of creating intelligent systems, is revolutionizing every field. It is the key technology in many of today's applications. There are a lot of intelligent techniques which have different functions in real life. One of the main functions of these techniques is prediction. In this paper we see some of the artificial intelligence based methods which are adequate for prediction. One of them is neural network. It can be used for prediction with various levels of success. It is able to predict various types of data based on automatic learning of dependencies only from measured data without any further information. It is important to know how and when they are well suited for the problem. So we will take a look to this concept and we will concretize it with a real-life application. This application consists in a neural network used to predict prices of a market in our city. It shows one possible approach how one of the intelligent technique can be used for this kind of prediction

    Nurses Role in the Covid-19 Pandemic, Knowledge and Attitudes of Nursing Staff – Implications for the Future

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    Covid-19 created the biggest worldwide public health emergency. Nurses as the largest component of the health care workforce, play an important role both locally and globally in managing. The web-based survey lasted about two weeks between April-May 2020 assessed the nurses\u27 knowledge of and attitude towards Covid-19. Eighty-one nurses from Vlore, Albania, were study participants. Most were female and belonged to the age group 20-29 years, with less than 5 years of work experience. The majority of nurses reported having sufficient knowledge about Covid-19. The sources of information included television, social media, work institution, and the Ministry of Health. All nurses refer that Covid-19 is a viral infection, while 14% of them refer that there is a vaccine available. About 39% state that antibiotics are the first-line treatment. The results suggest appropriate information sources, participation in programs for the prevention and control of infections, and mental health support for nurses

    Effect of compost and soil properties on the availability of compost phosphate for white clover ( Trifolium repens L.)

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    Wide variation in results exists in the literature on the effectiveness of composts to sustain the phosphorus (P) nutrition of crops. The aim of this work was to assess the importance of some soil and composts properties on the utilization of compost-P by white clover (Trifolium repens L.). This study was carried out with samples collected from four composts made from solid kitchen and garden wastes, and with two soil samples taken from the A horizon of a P-rich sandy acidic Dystrochrept and of a P-limited clayey calcareous Eutrochrept. Changes in the amount of inorganic P (Pi) isotopically exchangeable within 1 min (E1min) were measured during 32 weeks in incubated soil-composts or soil-KH2PO4mixtures where P sources had been added at the rate of 50 mg P kg−1 soil. Uptake of compost-P or KH2PO4-P by white clover was measured on the same amended soils during 16 weeks. In both soils, the application of composts resulted after 32 weeks of incubation in E1min values ranging between those observed in the control without P and those observed in the KH2PO4treatment, i.e., in values ranging between 4.2 and 5.9 mg P kg−1 in the sandy acidic soil and between from 1.6 to 4.3 mg P kg−1 in the clayey calcareous soil. The total coefficient of utilization of compost-P (CU-P) by white clover reached values in both soils for the four composts ranging between 6.5% and 11.6% of the added P while in the presence of KH2PO4 the CU-P reached values ranging between 14.5% in the clayey calcareous soil and 18.5% in the sandy acidic soil. Results obtained in the sandy acidic soil suggest, that white clover initially used a fraction of the rapidly exchangeable compost P, while at a latter stage plant roots enhanced the mineralisation of compost organic P and took up a fraction of the mineralized P. These relations were not observed in the clayey calcareous soil probably because of its high sorbing capacity for P. In the sandy acidic soil, composts application increased the uptake of soil P by the plant from 31.4 mg P kg−1 soil in the control without P to values ranging between 37.9 to 42.7 mg P kg−1 soil in the presence of composts. This indirect effect was related to a general improvement of plant growth conditions in this soil induced by compost addition (from 9.9 g DM kg−1 soil in the control without P to values ranging between 14.0 to 16.1 g DM kg−1 soil in the presence of composts) and/or to the release of Al- or Fe bound soil P to the solution due to soil pH increase following compost application. Finally the total coefficient of utilization of P (CU-P) derived from KH2PO4 and composts was related to the total amount of N exported by white clover in the P-limited clayey calcareous soil but not in the P-rich sandy acidic soil. This suggests that in a soil where N2 biological fixation is limited by low P availability, the CU-P of a compost by white clover is not only related to the forms of P present in the compost but also to its effect on N nutrition. However, it is not clear whether this improved N nutrition was due to compost mineralisation, or to an indirect compost effect on the N2 biological fixatio

    Lo spazio greco-turco e il fattore occidentale.Dalla guerra fredda ad oggi.

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    “Turchia e Grecia: due paesi e due popoli con storie intramontabili e futuri incerti”. Con questa ricerca scientifica ho voluto approfondire le mie conoscenze riguardo agli interessi reali che uniscono e dividono i due Stati-nazione sulle sponde dell'Egeo. L’analisi è focalizzata sui rapporti intercorsi fra Atene e Ankara dalla Guerra Fredda ai giorni nostri, con particolare riguardo alla complessa questione cipriota. L'isola del Mediterraneo orientale, infatti, ha svolto un ruolo fondamentale per la convivenza tra i due paesi che hanno avuto ricorrenti momenti di forte incomprensione negli ultimi decenni. Attualmente Nicosia è all’origine del congelamento dell’ingresso della Turchia nell’Unione Europea. Se per la Grecia, la questione cipriota ha costituito la base del veto all’adesione turca, generando ulteriori polemiche, per Ankara Cipro ha creato problemi sia in politica estera che interna. Fino a quando la Turchia perseguirà l’entrata nell’UE, non potrà non riconoscere ufficialmente uno dei paesi, la Repubblica di Cipro, membri dell'Unione. Negli oltre quarant’anni di divisione, le due parti dell’isola hanno intrapreso percorsi nettamente distinti. Mentre l’autoproclamata Repubblica di Cipro Nord è diventata di fatto una provincia turca arretrata dal punto di vista dello sviluppo economico, la Repubblica di Cipro (quella greca) si è trasformata in una destinazione turistica Mediterranea molto ambita e in un’area di attrazione di investimenti stranieri. Dopo il fallimento del Piano Annan nel 2004, a seguito dell'esito negativo del referendum sulla riunificazione fra la popolazione greco-cipriota, le speranze di una soluzione definitiva del problema sono state deluse. Tuttavia la necessità di risolvere la faccenda è diventata impellente specie per la Turchia e le sue ambizioni in materia di politica estera. Se le Nazioni Unite sono da quasi mezzo secolo impegnate sul territorio alla ricerca di tentativi per giungere ad un accordo, l’UE ha sempre mantenuto un atteggiamento distaccato, nonostante la controversia abbia coinvolto due stati membri dell’Unione e uno che ambisce ad entrarvi. Il ruolo di Bruxelles si è, però, recentemente trasformato e oggi l’isola sembra aver riavviato i negoziati che dovrebbero portare ad una storica decisione entro quest’anno. Questo processo influisce in maniera notevole nella scacchiera regionale a seguito della crisi dei migranti e del declino del sogno europeo. I dialoghi tra i due fronti per tentare di riunificare una volta per tutte l’isola sono ripresi e ad aprire uno spiraglio nella questione è stato il problema dei migranti. Infatti in cambio di negoziati più incisivi per una soluzione della disputa cipriota, Bruxelles a marzo 2016 ha siglato con Ankara un accordo relativo all’intrattenimento sul suolo turco dei migranti, a fronte di alcune concessioni quali sei miliardi di euro, l’abolizione del visto per i cittadini turchi e l’accelerazione del processo di adesione all’UE. Questa mossa non ha fatto altro che confermare la debolezza dell’Unione Europea e rafforzare il ruolo di Ankara non sono nella regione mediorientale ma anche in quello europeo e internazionale

    Cointegration of Interest Rate- The Case of Albania

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    In economic theories, the study of non-stationary time series, takes a special place. These series may have causal links between them in the short and medium term. In this paper, attention focuses on discovering links in the long term. If there are long-term bonds between the series then the series are said that cointegrate. Various tests, such as Engel-Granger's two-steps procedure, three steps Engle-Yoo method, Saikkonen method and Johansen method, will be analyzed. For each of these methods, advantages and disadvantages are given. In the last part of the paper, these methods are applied for real series such as the interest rate on credit and deposit interest ratesfor Albania
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