11 research outputs found

    Analysis of Sumatran Earthquake Coulomb Stress Changes in Geothermal Potential in Rianite, Samosir Regency

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    Increasing energy demand and high world oil prices are making countries turn to geothermal energy use. Indonesia is a country that has geothermal energy due to Indonesia's geographical location and geological conditions, which is located between three active earth plates so that Indonesia has 240 volcanoes and often experiences earthquakes. The 2003-2013 earthquake data obtained are coordinates, magnitude, depth, focal mechanism and all these data are analyzed in the coulomb stress method. Rianiate geothermal measurement data in March 2013 included geothermal location, hotspring and air temperature, pH, and geochemical measurements. The analysis results showed that the highest coulomb stress value was at a depth of 90 km of 0.56 bar while the shear and normal values were 0.452 bar and 0.251 bar. The result of the spread of coulomb stress is to the northeast, east and southeast. Then the results of the analysis of the direction of distribution of coulomb stress are compared to the location of the hotspring based on a decrease in temperature, the change in the potential of hotspring 1 leads to hotspring 2, 3, and 4 in the opposite direction, namely northwest or leads to the largest source of colulomb stress, so that Coulomb Stress Changes affect indirectly changes in the geothermal potential of Rianiat


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    Pendidikan merupakan salah satu aspek penting untuk mewujudkan dan mengarahkan manusia untuk berfikir kritis dan idealis. Tuntutan global menuntut dunia pendidikan untuk senantiasa menyesuaikan perkembangan teknologi dengan upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Secara khusus perlu adanya penyesuaian dunia pendidikan, Dalam kegiatan pengabdian Masyarakat ditemukan bahwa guru masih belum mengoptimalkan penggunaan komputasi dalam pengajaran mata pelajaran Fisika dan Matematka sehingga perlu diadakan sosialisasi dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan praktik atau simulasi dan pelatihan secara langsung dengan menggunakan microsoft excel dan buku ajar yang akan dihibahkan ke sekolah. Pendekatan praktik/simulasi dan pelatihan yang dilakukan kepada guru selama 2 hari dengan menggunakan buku ajar karangan tim pengabdian kepada masyatakat. Metode yang dilakukan di PkM ini menghasilkan peningkatan pemahaman dari sebelumnya akan pentingnya pembelajaran mata pelajaran Fisika dan Matematika dengan menggunakan komputasi sehingga guru tertarik dan meminta kepada tim untuk ke depannya memberikan lagi porsi lebih di pelatihan selanjutnya sehingga pembendaharaan guru bertambah dan dapat diaplikasi langsung ke peserta didik

    Analysis of Sumatran Earthquake Coulomb Stress Changes in Geothermal Potential in Rianite, Samosir Regency

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    Increasing energy demand and high world oil prices are making countries turn to geothermal energy use. Indonesia is a country that has geothermal energy due to Indonesia's geographical location and geological conditions, which is located between three active earth plates so that Indonesia has 240 volcanoes and often experiences earthquakes. The 2003-2013 earthquake data obtained are coordinates, magnitude, depth, focal mechanism and all these data are analyzed in the coulomb stress method. Rianiate geothermal measurement data in March 2013 included geothermal location, hotspring and air temperature, pH, and geochemical measurements. The analysis results showed that the highest coulomb stress value was at a depth of 90 km of 0.56 bar while the shear and normal values were 0.452 bar and 0.251 bar. The result of the spread of coulomb stress is to the northeast, east and southeast. Then the results of the analysis of the direction of distribution of coulomb stress are compared to the location of the hotspring based on a decrease in temperature, the change in the potential of hotspring 1 leads to hotspring 2, 3, and 4 in the opposite direction, namely northwest or leads to the largest source of colulomb stress, so that Coulomb Stress Changes affect indirectly changes in the geothermal potential of Rianiat

    Analysis of Coulomb Stress Changes in Aceh Earthquake on Sibayak Volcano

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    Based on geological conditions, Indonesia is located between the Indo-Australian plate, the Eurasian plate, and the Pacific plate, making Indonesia prone to tectonic earthquakes. However, since the big earthquake that occurred in Aceh on December 26, 2004, the geological conditions in Sumatra have undergone significant changes marked by stressful situations in the western to southern regions of Sumatra, especially on Sibayak Volcano. This study used data from BMKG and Global CMT, which included magnitude (Mw), depth, earthquake coordinates (longitude and latitude), type of earthquake, strike, dip, and rake. From the analysis using Coulomb 3.3, the highest coulomb stress value of Sibayak Volcano was obtained in 2015 with an average change in coulomb stress of 0.235 bar, shear 0.1909 bar, normal 0.1106 bar. However, the lowest coulomb stress value occurs in 2021 with a moderate shift in coulomb stress of 0.0593 bar, shear 0.0251, normal 0.0849 bar

    Investigating the Relationship between Climate Variables and Solar Activity: A Regression Analysis Approach

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    This study employs regression analysis to investigate the relationships between carbon dioxide levels, sunspot occurrences, and global temperatures, encompassing both land and sea. By uncovering these connections, the study contributes to our understanding of climate change and solar phenomena interactions. The primary objective is to reveal the intricate associations between these elements, potentially influencing climate change and solar activity. The study's outcomes have significant implications for climate change research and solar activity monitoring. The positive correlation between carbon dioxide concentration and ocean temperatures emphasizes the impact of atmospheric carbon dioxide on sea temperature fluctuations. Conversely, the inverse correlation between sunspot numbers and land/global temperatures suggests solar activity's potential role in shaping Earth's temperature oscillations. This research introduces novelty by concurrently investigating the interconnectedness of these factors. The study establishes substantial connections between carbon dioxide concentration, sunspot numbers, and global temperatures. While the models shed light on some variability, the complexity of climate change and solar activity calls for further exploration of additional factors. This underscores the need to consider multiple variables for a comprehensive understanding. Further research is recommended to enhance the precision of these models

    Non-Linear Regresion And Bisection Method Numerical Analysis of Humidity And Temperature Relationships

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    This study aims to analyze the correlation of temperature and humidity based on climatological data from Kuningan, West Java province, Indonesia, using non-linear regression and numerical analysis using the bisection method. In studying the education curriculum in Indonesia, most of them have studied linear regression, but only within certain limits, namely linear and multiple. It is still rare for students to use non-linear regression in their analysis. This paper will explain the analysis using non-linear regression as a source of data and equations in numerical analysis so that it can be applied in the context of the numerical bisection method. As for data processing and numerical analysis, Microsoft Excel is used. The authors combined the two variables in the non-linear analysis and used geometric equations for the numerical quotient analysis. The author displays the results of numerical graphs and real-time data obtained from the source "Data access viewer NASA.

    Non-Linear Regresion And Bisection Method Numerical Analysis of Humidity And Temperature Relationships

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    This study aims to analyze the correlation of temperature and humidity based on climatological data from Kuningan, West Java province, Indonesia, using non-linear regression and numerical analysis using the bisection method. In studying the education curriculum in Indonesia, most of them have studied linear regression, but only within certain limits, namely linear and multiple. It is still rare for students to use non-linear regression in their analysis. This paper will explain the analysis using non-linear regression as a source of data and equations in numerical analysis so that it can be applied in the context of the numerical bisection method. As for data processing and numerical analysis, Microsoft Excel is used. The authors combined the two variables in the non-linear analysis and used geometric equations for the numerical quotient analysis. The author displays the results of numerical graphs and real-time data obtained from the source "Data access viewer NASA.

    TSS (Total Suspended Soil) Analysis Using GEE (Google Earth Engine) Cloud Technology In Sibolga Waters

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    The TSS research using GEE Cloud Technology in Sibolga Waters was carried out from February to April 2021, Mey to July 2021, August to October 2021, and October to December 2021. The analysis was carried out using the Sentinel-2 Satellite. TSS results showed that the highest amount was 60-120 mg/liter and the lowest was 0-60 mg/l. The content of TSS is spread evenly around the edge of the Sibolga coast to the Middle of Sibolga Waters and has passed the quality standard limit according to the Minister of Environment of the Republic of Indonesia which means the Sibolga Water area is polluted and improper for drinking water as well as for fish cultivation. The result has been seasonal influence can determine the direction of the TSS distribution pattern, both tidal factors and weather conditions such as rain and dry season. The side effect on the TSS distribution pattern in Sibolga Waters causes the TSS value at high tide to be higher than at low tide. Sentinel-2 TOA Reflectance Data imagery can be used to map the TSS distribution pattern in the Sibolga Waters area

    TSS Analysis (Total Suspended Soil) Using GEE (Google Earth Engine) Cloud Technology in Belawan Waters

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    The TSS research using GEE Cloud Technology in Belawan Waters was carried out from January to May 2021. The analysis was carried out using the Sentinel-2 Satellite. TSS results obtained that the amount is 0,011010879-53,74369064 mg/liter. The content of TSS is spread evenly around the outskirts of Belawan Waters to the Middle of Belawan Waters and has passed the quality standard limit according to the Minister of Environment of Republic Indonesia that means the Harbour area is polluted and improper for drinking water as well as for fish cultivation


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    Pendidikan merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam kehidupan manusia yang juga telah menjadi suatu kebutuhan dasar. Seiring dengan perkembangan Pendidikan dan teknologi perlu perhatian yang lebih intens berbagai pihak baik orang tua, guru, masyarakat, dan akademisi dalam berkontribusi untuk membantu mengatasi permasalahan tentang keterampilan ber-Bahasa Inggris.Tim telah melaksanakan Pengabdian Kepada Masayarakat (PKM)di Desa Hutanamora Kec. Rianiate Pangururan Kab. Samosir. Kegiatan PKM ini dilaksanakan selama kurang lebih sebulan yang mencakup kegiatan mengajar di sekolah, memberikan les tambahan berupa kerampilan Bahasa Asing untuk tingkat SD dan SMP, dan juga kegiatan PKM tambahan berupa membersihkan lingkungan Desa Hutanamora termasuk pembersihan sumur sumber air bersih warga secara gotongroyong. Kegiatan PKM ini diterima baik oleh masyarakat Desa Hutanamora terlebih pemberian fasilitas yang memadai saat pelaksanaan PKM