920 research outputs found

    Progressive resistance training and stretching following surgery for breast cancer: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Currently 1 in 11 women over the age of 60 in Australia are diagnosed with breast cancer. Following treatment, most breast cancer patients are left with shoulder and arm impairments which can impact significantly on quality of life and interfere substantially with activities of daily living. The primary aim of the proposed study is to determine whether upper limb impairments can be prevented by undertaking an exercise program of prolonged stretching and resistance training, commencing soon after surgery. METHODS/DESIGN: We will recruit 180 women who have had surgery for early stage breast cancer to a multicenter single-blind randomized controlled trial. At 4 weeks post surgery, women will be randomly assigned to either an exercise group or a usual care (control) group. Women allocated to the exercise group will perform exercises daily, and will be supervised once a week for 8 weeks. At the end of the 8 weeks, women will be given a home-based training program to continue indefinitely. Women in the usual care group will receive the same care as is now typically provided, i.e. a visit by the physiotherapist and occupational therapist while an inpatient, and receipt of pamphlets. All subjects will be assessed at baseline, 8 weeks, and 6 months later. The primary measure is arm symptoms, derived from a breast cancer specific questionnaire (BR23). In addition, range of motion, strength, swelling, pain and quality of life will be assessed. DISCUSSION: This study will determine whether exercise commencing soon after surgery can prevent secondary problems associated with treatment of breast cancer, and will thus provide the basis for successful rehabilitation and reduction in ongoing problems and health care use. Additionally, it will identify whether strengthening exercises reduce the incidence of arm swelling. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The protocol for this study is registered with the Australian Clinical Trials Registry (ACTRN012606000050550)

    What to do about Inequality? Support for the European Union and Further European Integration in the Republic of Ireland

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    This paper investigates individual’s perceptions of inequality and the impact this has on mass public opinion support for the European Union (EU) in the Republic of Ireland. This question is posed in the context of the onset of the economic and financial crisis of 2007/8 as the crisis can be regarded as a critical juncture in Ireland’s relationship with the EU as a result of the economic downturn and the widening of economic disparities individuals have experienced. Ireland is a critical case in examining EU support as since its accession to the EU in 1973 it is often considered an exemplar of what the EU could offer small member states with a strongly pro-integrationist mass public. Using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) multiple regression analysis on 2009 European Election Study (EES) data, this paper shows that individuals’ concerns about inequality lowers support for the EU as it is currently constituted, but increases support for continued European integration. This suggests that individual-levels of support may be in a precarious state, yet they can be salvaged as individuals in Ireland regard the EU as the institutional-driving force to address market-generated inequality

    Increased SIRT3 combined with PARP inhibition rescues motor function of SBMA mice.

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    Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA) is a neuromuscular disease with substantial mitochondrial and metabolic dysfunctions. SBMA is caused by polyglutamine (polyQ) expansion in the androgen receptor (AR). Activating or increasing the NAD+-dependent deacetylase, SIRT3, reduced oxidative stress and death of cells modeling SBMA. However, increasing diminished SIRT3 in AR100Q mice failed to reduce acetylation of the SIRT3 target/antioxidant, SOD2, and had no effect on increased total acetylated peptides in quadriceps. Yet, overexpressing SIRT3 resulted in a trend of motor recovery, and corrected TCA cycle activity by decreasing acetylation of SIRT3 target proteins. We sought to boost blunted SIRT3 activity by replenishing diminished NAD+ with PARP inhibition. Although NAD+ was not affected, overexpressing SIRT3 with PARP inhibition fully restored hexokinase activity, correcting the glycolytic pathway in AR100Q quadriceps, and rescued motor endurance of SBMA mice. These data demonstrate that targeting metabolic anomalies can restore motor function downstream of polyQ-expanded AR

    Indoor residual spraying with a non-pyrethroid insecticide reduces the reservoir of <i>Plasmodium falciparum</i> in a high-transmission area in northern Ghana

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    High-malaria burden countries in sub-Saharan Africa are shifting from malaria control towards elimination. Hence, there is need to gain a contemporary understanding of how indoor residual spraying (IRS) with non-pyrethroid insecticides when combined with long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) impregnated with pyrethroid insecticides, contribute to the efforts of National Malaria Control Programmes to interrupt transmission and reduce the reservoir of Plasmodium falciparum infections across all ages. Using an interrupted time-series study design, four age-stratified malariometric surveys, each of ~2,000 participants, were undertaken pre- and post-IRS in Bongo District, Ghana. Following the application of three-rounds of IRS, P. falciparum transmission intensity declined, as measured by a >90% reduction in the monthly entomological inoculation rate. This decline was accompanied by reductions in parasitological parameters, with participants of all ages being significantly less likely to harbor P. falciparum infections at the end of the wet season post-IRS (aOR = 0.22 [95% CI: 0.19–0.26], p-value < 0.001). In addition, multiplicity of infection (MOIvar) was measured using a parasite fingerprinting tool, designed to capture within-host genome diversity. At the end of the wet season post-IRS, the prevalence of multi-genome infections declined from 75.6% to 54.1%. This study demonstrates that in areas characterized by high seasonal malaria transmission, IRS in combination with LLINs can significantly reduce the reservoir of P. falciparum infection. Nonetheless despite this success, 41.6% of the population, especially older children and adolescents, still harboured multi-genome infections. Given the persistence of this diverse reservoir across all ages, these data highlight the importance of sustaining vector control in combination with targeted chemotherapy to move high-transmission settings towards pre-elimination. This study also points to the benefits of molecular surveillance to ensure that incremental achievements are not lost and that the goals advocated for in the WHO’s High Burden to High Impact strategy are realized

    Star formation rates in luminous quasars at 2 <z< 3

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    We investigate the relation between star formation rates (M ˙ s M˙s ) and AGN properties in optically selected type 1 quasars at 2 < z < 3 using data from Herschel and the SDSS. We find that M ˙ s M˙s remains approximately constant with redshift, at 300 ± 100 M⊙ yr−1. Conversely, M ˙ s M˙s increases with AGN luminosity, up to a maximum of ∼ 600 M⊙ yr−1, and with C IV FWHM. In context with previous results, this is consistent with a relation between M ˙ s M˙s and black hole accretion rate (M ˙ bh M˙bh ) existing in only parts of the z−M ˙ s −M ˙ bh z−M˙s−M˙bh plane, dependent on the free gas fraction, the trigger for activity, and the processes that may quench star formation. The relations between M ˙ s M˙s and both AGN luminosity and C IV FWHM are consistent with star formation rates in quasars scaling with black hole mass, though we cannot rule out a separate relation with black hole accretion rate. Star formation rates are observed to decline with increasing C IV equivalent width. This decline can be partially explained via the Baldwin effect, but may have an additional contribution from one or more of three factors; Mi is not a linear tracer of L2500, the Baldwin effect changes form at high AGN luminosities, and high C IV EW values signpost a change in the relation between M ˙ s M˙s and M ˙ bh M˙bh . Finally, there is no strong relation between M ˙ s M˙s and Eddington ratio, or the asymmetry of the C IV line. The former suggests that star formation rates do not scale with how efficiently the black hole is accreting, while the latter is consistent with C IV asymmetries arising from orientation effects

    Increased SIRT3 Combined With PARP Inhibition Rescues Motor Function of SBMA Mice

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    Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA) is a neuromuscular disease with substantial mitochondrial and metabolic dysfunctions. SBMA is caused by polyglutamine (polyQ) expansion in the androgen receptor (AR). Activating or increasing the NAD+-dependent deacetylase, SIRT3, reduced oxidative stress and death of cells modeling SBMA. However, increasing diminished SIRT3 in AR100Q mice failed to reduce acetylation of the SIRT3 target/antioxidant, SOD2, and had no effect on increased total acetylated peptides in quadriceps. Yet, overexpressing SIRT3 resulted in a trend of motor recovery, and corrected TCA cycle activity by decreasing acetylation of SIRT3 target proteins. We sought to boost blunted SIRT3 activity by replenishing diminished NAD+ with PARP inhibition. Although NAD+ was not affected, overexpressing SIRT3 with PARP inhibition fully restored hexokinase activity, correcting the glycolytic pathway in AR100Q quadriceps, and rescued motor endurance of SBMA mice. These data demonstrate that targeting metabolic anomalies can restore motor function downstream of polyQ-expanded AR

    Trajectories of childhood immune development and respiratory health relevant to asthma and allergy.

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    Events in early life contribute to subsequent risk of asthma; however, the causes and trajectories of childhood wheeze are heterogeneous and do not always result in asthma. Similarly, not all atopic individuals develop wheeze, and vice versa. The reasons for these differences are unclear. Using unsupervised model-based cluster analysis, we identified latent clusters within a prospective birth cohort with deep immunological and respiratory phenotyping. We characterised each cluster in terms of immunological profile and disease risk, and replicated our results in external cohorts from the UK and USA. We discovered three distinct trajectories, one of which is a high-risk 'atopic' cluster with increased propensity for allergic diseases throughout childhood. Atopy contributes varyingly to later wheeze depending on cluster membership. Our findings demonstrate the utility of unsupervised analysis in elucidating heterogeneity in asthma pathogenesis and provide a foundation for improving management and prevention of childhood asthma

    Common Genetic Variants near the Brittle Cornea Syndrome Locus ZNF469 Influence the Blinding Disease Risk Factor Central Corneal Thickness

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    Central corneal thickness (CCT), one of the most highly heritable human traits (h2 typically>0.9), is important for the diagnosis of glaucoma and a potential risk factor for glaucoma susceptibility. We conducted genome-wide association studies in five cohorts from Australia and the United Kingdom (total N = 5058). Three cohorts were based on individually genotyped twin collections, with the remaining two cohorts genotyped on pooled samples from singletons with extreme trait values. The pooled sample findings were validated by individual genotyping the pooled samples together with additional samples also within extreme quantiles. We describe methods for efficient combined analysis of the results from these different study designs. We have identified and replicated quantitative trait loci on chromosomes 13 and 16 for association with CCT. The locus on chromosome 13 (nearest gene FOXO1) had an overall meta-analysis p-value for all the individually genotyped samples of 4.6×10−10. The locus on chromosome 16 was associated with CCT with p = 8.95×10−11. The nearest gene to the associated chromosome 16 SNPs was ZNF469, a locus recently implicated in Brittle Cornea Syndrome (BCS), a very rare disorder characterized by abnormal thin corneas. Our findings suggest that in addition to rare variants in ZNF469 underlying CCT variation in BCS patients, more common variants near this gene may contribute to CCT variation in the general population
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