93 research outputs found


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    У овој дисертацији представљено је добијање фотокаталитички активних материјала на бази цинк-оксида, титан-диоксида и церијум-диоксида у циљу уклањања штетних текстилних боја из отпадних вода. Главне методе синтезе биле су солво- и хидротермална, а у појединим случајевима је коришћена и преципитациона. Испитана су структурна, морфолошка, термичка, текстурална, оптичка и фотокаталитичка својства добијених наноматеријала: ZnO, ZnO модификованог сребром, TiO2, различитих титаната натријума, CeO2, као и нанокомпозита CeO2/ZnO и TiO2/ZnTiO3. Између наночестица ZnO добијених солвотермалном синтезом и микроштапића ZnO добијених хидротермалним процесом нема значајне разлике у фотокаталитичкој активности. Нанопрахови Ag/ZnO синтетисани преципитационом методом су мање ефикасни у разградњи боје RO16 у односу на солвотермално добијене нанопрахове Аg/ZnО. Девет производа на бази TiO2 је добијено при различитим условима хидротермалног третмана полазног наноанатаса у раствору NaOH. Једнофазни титанат Na0,4H1,6Ti2O5·H2O, који је неактиван за разградњу RО16, добијен је након најинтезивнијег третмана. Испитан је утицај различитих прекурсора, коришћених при хидротермалној синтези, на добијање CeO2 и његова својства. Иако ниједан добијени нанопрах CeO2 није показао значајну фотокаталитичку активност за разградњу RО16, онај добијен из CeCl3·7H2O показао се као одличан адсорбент. Код ZnO прахова са различитим садржајем CeO2 одређен је оптималан удео CeО2 у циљу побољшања фотокаталитичке ефикасности ZnО. Композит који садржи 5 mol.% CеО2 има бољу фотокаталитичку ефикасност приликом разградње RО16 у односу на немодификовани ZnО. Приликом синтезе композита на бази ТiО2 и ZnО добијен је нанокомпозит са 42 mas.% TiO2 и 58 mas.% ZnTiO3 који има већу ефикасност него ТiО2 приликом уклањања боје АG25.The synthesis of photocatalytic materials based on ZnO, TiO2 and CeO2 for textile wastewater treatment is presented in this dissertation. The main synthetic procedures were solvo- and hydrothermal but, the precipitation method was used as well. The structural, morphological, thermal, textural, optical and photocatalytic properties of the obtained nanomaterials: ZnO, Аg modified ZnO, TiO2, various Na titanates, CeO2, CeO2/ZnO and TiO2/ZnTiO3 nanocomposites, were examined. There was no significant difference in photocatalytic activity between the solvothermally obtained ZnO nanoparticles and hydrothermally prepared ZnO microrods. Based on degradation of RO16, all the Ag/ZnO nanopowders obtained by the precipitation method were less efficient than ones synthesized by the solvothermal method. TiO2-based products were obtained by the hydrothermal treatment of starting nanoanatase using NaOH solution under different conditions. The single Na0.4H1.6Ti2O5·H2O, which was inactive for degradation RO16, was obtained after the most intensive treatment. The influence of different precursors used in the hydrothermal synthesis, on the properties of obtained CeO2 nanopowders was investigated. Although none of obtained CeO2 did not show any significant photocatalytic activity to RO16, one synthesized from the CeCl3·7H2O exhibited adsorption property. In order to improve the photocatalytic efficiency of ZnO, the optimal CeO2 content in ZnO powders was determined. The composite containing 5 mol% of CeO2 showed better photocatalytic efficiency in the degradation of RO16 compared to the unmodified ZnO. The nanocrystalline composite containing 42 wt% of TiO2 and 58 wt% of ZnTiO3, was obtained within the try to synthesize TiO2/ZnO composites, was more efficient than the TiO2 in removal of AG25

    Synthesis and characterization of nanostructural materials based on zinc oxide, titanium dioxide and cerium dioxide for application in photocatalysis

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    У овој дисертацији представљено је добијање фотокаталитички активних материјала на бази цинк-оксида, титан-диоксида и церијум-диоксида у циљу уклањања штетних текстилних боја из отпадних вода. Главне методе синтезе биле су солво- и хидротермална, а у појединим случајевима је коришћена и преципитациона. Испитана су структурна, морфолошка, термичка, текстурална, оптичка и фотокаталитичка својства добијених наноматеријала: ZnO, ZnO модификованог сребром, TiO2, различитих титаната натријума, CeO2, као и нанокомпозита CeO2/ZnO и TiO2/ZnTiO3. Између наночестица ZnO добијених солвотермалном синтезом и микроштапића ZnO добијених хидротермалним процесом нема значајне разлике у фотокаталитичкој активности. Нанопрахови Ag/ZnO синтетисани преципитационом методом су мање ефикасни у разградњи боје RO16 у односу на солвотермално добијене нанопрахове Аg/ZnО. Девет производа на бази TiO2 је добијено при различитим условима хидротермалног третмана полазног наноанатаса у раствору NaOH. Једнофазни титанат Na0,4H1,6Ti2O5·H2O, који је неактиван за разградњу RО16, добијен је након најинтезивнијег третмана. Испитан је утицај различитих прекурсора, коришћених при хидротермалној синтези, на добијање CeO2 и његова својства. Иако ниједан добијени нанопрах CeO2 није показао значајну фотокаталитичку активност за разградњу RО16, онај добијен из CeCl3·7H2O показао се као одличан адсорбент. Код ZnO прахова са различитим садржајем CeO2 одређен је оптималан удео CeО2 у циљу побољшања фотокаталитичке ефикасности ZnО. Композит који садржи 5 mol.% CеО2 има бољу фотокаталитичку ефикасност приликом разградње RО16 у односу на немодификовани ZnО. Приликом синтезе композита на бази ТiО2 и ZnО добијен је нанокомпозит са 42 mas.% TiO2 и 58 mas.% ZnTiO3 који има већу ефикасност него ТiО2 приликом уклањања боје АG25.The synthesis of photocatalytic materials based on ZnO, TiO2 and CeO2 for textile wastewater treatment is presented in this dissertation. The main synthetic procedures were solvo- and hydrothermal but, the precipitation method was used as well. The structural, morphological, thermal, textural, optical and photocatalytic properties of the obtained nanomaterials: ZnO, Аg modified ZnO, TiO2, various Na titanates, CeO2, CeO2/ZnO and TiO2/ZnTiO3 nanocomposites, were examined. There was no significant difference in photocatalytic activity between the solvothermally obtained ZnO nanoparticles and hydrothermally prepared ZnO microrods. Based on degradation of RO16, all the Ag/ZnO nanopowders obtained by the precipitation method were less efficient than ones synthesized by the solvothermal method. TiO2-based products were obtained by the hydrothermal treatment of starting nanoanatase using NaOH solution under different conditions. The single Na0.4H1.6Ti2O5·H2O, which was inactive for degradation RO16, was obtained after the most intensive treatment. The influence of different precursors used in the hydrothermal synthesis, on the properties of obtained CeO2 nanopowders was investigated. Although none of obtained CeO2 did not show any significant photocatalytic activity to RO16, one synthesized from the CeCl3·7H2O exhibited adsorption property. In order to improve the photocatalytic efficiency of ZnO, the optimal CeO2 content in ZnO powders was determined. The composite containing 5 mol% of CeO2 showed better photocatalytic efficiency in the degradation of RO16 compared to the unmodified ZnO. The nanocrystalline composite containing 42 wt% of TiO2 and 58 wt% of ZnTiO3, was obtained within the try to synthesize TiO2/ZnO composites, was more efficient than the TiO2 in removal of AG25

    Galectin-3 in experimental model of acute colitis

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    Galektin 3 (engl. Galectin-3, Gal-3) je lektin koji ima važnu ulogu u inflamaciji i malignim bolestima, ali je njegov značaj u patogenezi ulceroznog kolitisa nepoznat. U ovom istraživanju ispitivan je uticaj delecije gena za Gal-3 i farmakološke inhibicije Gal-3 na patogenezu akutnog kolitisa izazvanog dekstran natrijum sulfatom (engl. Dextran sulphate sodium, DSS). U istraživanju su korišćeni C57BL/6 wild type (WT) i knockout miševi (Gal-3-/- na C57BL/6 podlozi). Akutni kolitis je izazvan sedmodnevnom primenom 3% vodenog rastvora DSS-a (molekulska težina 40kDa, per os). Davanat (100μg), antagonist Gal-3 je davan WT miševima intraperitonealno svakog drugog dana. Analiziran je klinički tok bolesti, patohistološke promene, određivana je koncentracija citokina u serumima i izolatima tkiva kolona kao i fenotip inflamacijskih ćelija u tkivu kolona. Delecija gena za Gal-3 kao i primena Davanat-a je značajno smanjila oštećenje kolona DSS-tretiranih životinja. U poređenju sa WT miševima, u tkivu kolona DSS-tretiranih Gal-3-/- životinja bila je niža koncentracija inflamacijskih citokina (IL-1β, TNF-α i IL-6) uz manje prisustvo inflamacijskih ćelija. Broj F4/80+CD11b+ makrofaga koji produkuju IL-1β i IL-6 kao i broj F4/80+CD11b+SinglecF- colonic makrofaga, CD11c+ inflamacijskih dendritskih ćelija koje eksprimiraju CD80 i I-A i produkuju inflamacijske citokine (TNF-α i IL-6), CD45+CD11c-Ly6G+ neutrofila koji produkuju TNF-α i IL-1β je bio značajno manji u tkivu kolona DSS-tretiranih Gal-3-/- miševa. Uz to, broj alternativno aktiviranih F4/80+CD206+ makrofaga i CD11c+CD8+ dendritskih ćelija koje produkuju IL-10 je bio značajno veći u tkivu kolona DSS-tretiranih Gal-3-/- životinja. In vitro lipopolisaharidom i DSS-om aktivisani makrofagi, izolovani iz peritoneuma zdravih Gal-3-/- miševa, produkovali su značajno manje TNF-α i IL-1β u poređenju sa WT makrofagima. Adoptivni transfer peritonealnih makrofaga izolovanih iz zdravih WT životinja značajno je pogoršao oštećenje kolona DSS-tretiranih Gal-3-/- miševa. Najvažniji zaključak ove disertacije je da Gal-3 ima proinflamacijsku ulogu u patogenezi akutnog kolitisa, jer aktivacijom inflamazoma u makrofagima uzrokuje snažan inflamacijski odgovor, migraciju i aktivaciju makrofaga, neutrofila i dendritskih ćelija.Galectin-3 (Gal-3) is an endogenous lectin with a broad spectrum of immunoregulatory effects: it plays an important role in autoimmune/inflammatory and malignant diseases, but the precise role of Gal-3 in pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis is still unknown. We used a model of Dextran Sulphate Sodium (DSS)-induced colitis, that has a high degree of uniformity and reproducibility to human colitis, to test susceptibility of wild-type C57BL/6 and Gal-3-deficient mice (Gal-3-/-) to this disease. DSS (3%, molecular weight 40kDa) was dissolved in water and given to C57Bl/6 and Gal-3-/- mice in place of normal drinking water (ad libitum) for 7 days. Disease Activity Index (DAI: weight loss, stool consistency, visible blood in feces), was used to assess the clinical signs of colitis. The cellular make up of colon and phenotype of colon-infiltrated immune cells were determined by flow cytometry. Genetic deletion of Gal-3 significantly reduces the damage of colon tissue of DSS-treated mice. Level of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, TNF-α и IL-6) was significantly lower in sera and colons of DSS-treated Gal-3-/- mice when compared to WT DSS-treated mice. The total number of CD11c+ inflammatory dendritic cells (DC) which expressed CD80 and I-A and produce pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α and IL-6) as well as TNF-α and IL-1β producing CD45+CD11c-Ly6G+ neutrophils were significantly lower in colons of Gal-3-/- DSS-treated mice. In addition, the total number of inflammatory colonic (F4/80+CD11b+SiglecF-, F4/80+CD11b+I-A+, IL-1, IL-6 and IL-12 producing) macrophages were significantly lower in Gal-3-/- mice compared with WT DSS-treated mice. On contrary, there was significantly higher number of IL-10 producing regulatory DCs and alternatively activated M2 macrophages in colon tissue of Gal3-/- DSS-treated mice. In vitro lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and DSS-stimulated peritoneal macrophages isolated from untreated Gal-3-/- mice produce lower amounts of TNF-α and IL-1β when compared to WT cells. Adoptive transfer of WT macrophages managed to significantly enhance the severity of DSS-induced colitis of Gal-3-/- mice. Gal-3 expression promotes acute DSS-induced colitis and plays an important pro-inflammatory role in the induction phase of colitis by promoting the activation of NLRP3 inflammasome and production of IL-1β in macrophages

    Mreža: Istovremeni tokovi

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    The installation is questioning the phenomenon of simultaneous presence and absence in space and its material and non-material duality. Therefore, the context of former industry, functionally abandoned, consists of constant virtual, informational, emotional, ephemeral flows and processes occurring within their interaction. Accordingly, the idea of the spatial installation is to materialize and catch non-material flows occurring on a daily basis in the contemporary networked context and everydayness

    Network - Simultaneous flows: Model of the simultaneous presence and absence in urban space

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    This paper focuses on the research developed through the spatial installation at Art festival Dev9t, which deals with the contemporary urban issues including the phenomenon of fluidity and transformations of urban forms, meanings, experiences based on the notion of constant movements, flows and transitions. This research is based on the results of the installation and questioning the phenomenon of simultaneous presence and absence in urban space through material and non-material duality. Therefore, the contemporary urban context, former industrial character, functionally abandoned, consists of constant virtual, informational, emotional, ephemeral flows and processes occurring within their interaction. Accordingly, the idea of the spatial installation was to materialize and catch non-material flows occurring on a daily basis in the contemporary networked context and everydayness with the idea of presenting the new possible forms, patterns and models of contemporary urban and architectural forms

    Network: Simultaneous flows [Exhibition: STRAND 2019]

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    The installation is questioning the phenomenon of simultaneous presence and absence in space and its material and non-material duality. Therefore, the context of former industry, functionally abandoned, consists of constant virtual, informational, emotional, ephemeral flows and processes occurring within their interaction. Accordingly, the idea of the spatial installation is to materialize and catch non-material flows occurring on a daily basis in the contemporary networked context and everydayness

    Bioinspired NEMS-Prospective of Collaboration with Nature

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    The fields of micro- and nanomechanics are strongly interconnected with the development of micro-electro-mechanical (MEMS) and nano-electro-mechanical (NEMS) devices, their fabrication and applications. This article highlights the biomimetic concept of designing new nanodevices for advanced materials and sensing applications


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    Cink-oksid je poznati fotokatalizator koji se uglavnom koristi za razgradnju organskih zagađujućih suspstanci u vodi uz pomoć veštačke ili sunčeve svetlosti [1, 2]. S druge strane, modifikovanje poluprovodnog fotokatalizatora drugim oksidima može poboljšati fotokatalitičku aktivnost usled sinergijskog efekta pojedinačnih oksida u smislu povećanja adsorpcije i širenja oblasti mogućih talasnih dužina za apsorpciju svetlosti. Da bi se odredio optimalan sadržaj CeO2 za najbolju fotokatalitičku aktivnost ZnO, vodeni rastvor Zn(NO3)2 sa različitim sadržajem Ce(NO3)3 (0; 2,5; 5 i 10 mol.%) tretiran je hidrotermalnim postupkom na 180 °C tokom 18 h u prisustvu NH3(aq). Dobijeni uzorci ispirani su destilovanom vodom i etanolom, centrifugirani i sušeni na 105 °C tokom 3 h. Strukturna, mikrostrukturna, optička i fotokatalitička svojstva dobijenih prahova ispitana su rendgenskom difrakcijom praha (XRPD), skenirajućom elektronskom mikroskopijom (FESEM), transmisionom elektronskom mikroskopijom (TEM) i UV-Vis spektroskopijom. Fotokatalitička aktivnost dobijenih kompozita ispitana je na tekstilnoj azo-boji reaktivno narandžasta 16 (RO16, od engl. Reactive Orange 16) i upoređena je sa jednofaznim ZnO. XRPD rezultati su pokazali da je jednofazni ZnO (heksagonalna struktura vircita, prostorna grupa P63mc) dobijen u sintezi bez Ce(NO3)3. Ako je sadržaj Ce(NO3)3 bio 2,5; 5 ili 10 mol.%, dobijeni uzorci sadržali su smešu ZnO i CeO2 (struktura fluorita, prostorna grupa Fm m). Izračunati fazni sastavi proizvoda dobro odgovaraju polaznim sastavima, čime je potvrđeno nastajanje kompozita CeO2/ZnO sa različitim molarnim odnosima. Kako se sadržaj CeO2 povećavao primećeno je blago smanjenje zapremine jedinične ćelije ZnO, sa 47,950(4) Å3 za jednofazni ZnO na 47,726(4) Å3 za 10% CeO2/ZnO, zbog blagog smanjenja parametara jedinične ćelije: a od 3,2566(1) do 3,2519(1) Å i c od 5,2206(4) do 5,2114(4) Å, redom. Krajnji fazni sastav, kao i nenarušena vircitna struktura ZnO ukazali su da je CeO2 raspoređen po površini ZnO, što su potvrdili FESEM i TEM. Mikroskopski rezultati su pokazali da je veličina sfernih kristalita CeO2 bila 5 ± 1 nm, dok je ZnO imao bimodalnu raspodelu veličine kristalita od 5 nm do 4 µm. Stoga morfologija ZnO praha varira od izduženih nanozrna do mikroštapića koji dalje grade 3-D morfologiju nalik mašnama. Kompozit 5%CeO2/ZnO je pokazao najbolju fotokatalitičku aktivnost razgradivši RO16 za 180 minuta. Nanokompoziti CeO2/ZnO sa 2,5 i 10 mol.% CeO2 pokazali su sličnu fotoaktivnost kao nemodifikovani ZnO. Može se zaključiti da optimalan sadržaj CeO2 iznosi 5 mol.%. [1] B. Simović, A. Golubović, I. Veljković, D. Poleti, J. Zdravković, D. Mijin, A. Bjelajac, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 79 (2014) 1433–1443. [2] B. Simović, D. Poleti, A. Golubović, A. Matković, M. Šćepanović, B. Babić, G. Branković, Processing and Application of Ceramics, 11 (2017) 27–38.Zinc oxide is a well-known photocatalyst mainly used to degrade organic water pollutants using artificial or sunlight [1, 2]. On the other hand, the modification of semiconductor photocatalysts by other oxides can improve their photocatalytic activity regarding synergistic effect of single oxides in the sense of increasing the adsorption and broadening region of possible wavelengths for light absorption. In order to find the optimal CeO2 content for the best photocatalytic activity of ZnO, the aqueous solution of Zn(NO3)2 with different Ce(NO3)3 content (0, 2.5, 5 and 10 mole%) was hydrothermally treated at 180 °C for 18 h in the presence of NH3(aq). The obtained samples were rinsed out with distilled water and ethanol, centrifuged and dried at 105 °C for 3h. The structural, microstructural, optical and photocatalytic properties of resulting powders have been investigated by the XRPD, FESEM, TEM and UV-vis techniques. The photocatalytic activity of obtained composites was tested on the Reactive Orange 16 (RO16) textile azo dye and compared to the single-phase ZnO. Based on XRPD results, the single-phase ZnO (hexagonal wurtzite structure, space group P63mc) was obtained without addition of Ce(NO3)3. If Ce(NO3)3 content was 2.5, 5 or 10 mole.%, the obtained samples consisted of ZnO and CeO2 (fluorite structure, space group Fm m) mixed phases. The calculated final phase compositions corresponded well with starting compositions, which confirmed the formation of CeO2/ZnO composites with different molar ratios. As CeO2 content increased, the slight decrease in ZnO unit cell volume, from 47.950(4) Å3 for single-phase ZnO to 47.726(4) Å3 for 10% CeO2/ZnO, was noticed due to negligible decrease in unit cell parameters: a from 3.2566(1) to 3.2519(1) Å and c from 5.2206(4) to 5.2114(4) Å, respectively. The final phase compositions as well as preserved ZnO wurzite structure indicated that CeO2 was distributed onto ZnO surface, which was confirmed by FESEM and TEM. The microscopic results showed that the size of spherical CeO2 crystallites was 5 ± 1 nm, while ZnO had a bimodal distribution of the crystallite size from 5 nm to 4 µm. Hence the morphology of ZnO varies from elongated nanograins to microrods that further build a 3-D tie-like morphology. The 5% CeO2/ZnO composite demonstrated the best photocatalytic activity by degrading RO16 for 180 minutes. CeO2/ZnO composites with 2.5 and 10 mole.% CeO2 showed similar photoactivity as unmodified ZnO. It could be concluded that the optimal CeO2 content is 5 mole.%. [1] B. Simović, A. Golubović, I. Veljković, D. Poleti, J. Zdravković, D. Mijin, A. Bjelajac, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 79 (2014) 1433–1443. [2] B. Simović, D. Poleti, A. Golubović, A. Matković, M. Šćepanović, B. Babić, G. Branković, Processing and Application of Ceramics, 11 (2017) 27–38

    Kilim [Exhibition: STRAND 2019]

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    Socio-spatial dynamics and diversity of the context initiated the concept based on the notionof kilim, signifying the place of gathering and community. Kilim is in architectural-spatial terms interpreted into the emphasized ambient dynamics. The aim of this project is to create the architecture which forms the space of kilim, as a three-dimensional, stratified texture conceived as contemporary interpretation of the Bauhaus qualities and aesthetics and the local context

    Phase transition from nanostructured titania to layered titanаte

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    The environmental friendly titanium-based nanomaterials such as titania and titanates are often used in industry regarding to their extraordinary properties: biological and chemical stability, photocatalytic activity, cost-effectiveness. Among other procedures, the hydrothermal process became a very important way to synthesize the titania and titanate nanostructures. In this work, nine products were obtained by modifying the experimental conditions (6, 12 and 18 h at 110, 135 and 160 °C) of hydrothermal treatment of starting nanoanatase in alkaline medium (5 mol dm–3 NaOH solution). The possibility to obtain the single titanate phase was investigated as well as the influence of different experimental conditions on structural and microstructural properties of obtained products. As shown by XRPD and TEM, when commercial nanoanatase is hydrothermally treated, the single titanate phase was obtained after energetically the most intensive treatment i.e. 18 h at 160 °C. Among all other eight products, a certain amount of anatase remained, with the decreasing content as the temperature and time of hydrothermal treatment increases. This intensification of hydrothermal treatment significantly increases the solubility of TiO2 promoting the changes in morphology from nearly spherical anatase particles to elongated titanate nanosheets. This is the consequence of Ti−O−Ti bonds breaking and formation of Ti–O–Na or Ti–OH bonds and thus the growth of lamellar structures giving the complete transformation of anatase nanoparticles into titanate nanosheets after 18 h at 160 °C. The calculated unit cell parameters of this titanate phase, a = 18.188(6), b = 3.7669(3), c = 2.9812(6) Å, show the slight elongation along a-axis comparing to H2Ti2O5·H2O (PDF #47-0124). This could be explained by partial Na+ –H+ ion exchange. Based on EDS and TG of obtained pure titanate, the Na0.4H1.6Ti2O5·H2O formula could be assigned to the titanate phase. The FTIR and TG analyses showed the hygroscopic nature of Na0.4H1.6Ti2O5·H2O nanosheets and the consequential surface adsorption of water. However, the HRTEM/SAED revealed the shortening of interplanar distances along a because of the dehydratation due to vacuum and electron radiation during the TEM analysis additionally confirming the layered structure of obtained titanate. This work describes a simple synthetic procedure for production of titanate nanosheets useful for diverse applications but also finally distinguish the titanates from titania in terms of structure and microstructure.Ekološki nanomaterijali kao što su titan-dioksid i titanati često se koriste u industriji zbog njihovih izvanrednih svojstava: biološke i hemijske stabilnosti, fotokatalitičke aktivnosti, ekonomičnosti. Pored drugih postupaka, hidrotermalni proces postao je veoma važan metod za sintezu nanostrukturnih titan-dioksida i titanata. U ovom radu, devet proizvoda dobijeno je variranjem eksperimentalnih uslova (6, 12 i 18 h na 110, 135 i 160 °C) hidrotermalnog tretmana polaznog nanoanatasa u alkalnoj sredini (5 mol dm–3 rastvora NaOH). Ispitana je mogućnost za dobijanje titanatne faze kao i uticaj različitih eksperimentalnih uslova na strukturna i mikrostrukturna svojstva dobijenih proizvoda. Kao što je pokazano XRPD-om i TEM-om, čista titanatna faza nastaje nakon najintenzivnijeg hidrotermalnog tretmana, tačnije nakon 18 h na 160 °C. Kod ostalih osam proizvoda zaostaje određena količina anatasa, pri čemu se ona smanjuje sa porastom temperature i dužine trajanja hidrotermalnog tretmana. Naime, intenziviranje hidrotermalnog tretmana znatno povećava rastvorljivost TiO2 dovodeći do promena u morfologiji od približno sfernih čestica anatasa do izduženih titanatnih nanopločica. Ovo je posledica raskidanja veza Ti−O−Ti i stvaranja novih veza Ti–O–Na ili Ti–OH pa samim tim i rast lamelarnih struktura, čime dolazi do transformacije nanočestica anatasa u titanatne nanopločice.Transformacija je potpuna nakon 18 h na 160 °C. Izračunati parametri jedinične ćelije ove titanatne faze a = 18,188(6), b = 3,7669(3) i c = 2,9812(6) Å pokazuju blago izduženje duž a-ose u poređenju sa H2Ti2O5·H2O (PDF #47-0124). Ovo bi se moglo objasniti delimičnom jonskomizmenom Na+ –H+ . EDS i TG analizama dobijenog čistog titanata utvrđeno je da je njegova najverovatnija formula Na0,4H1,6Ti2O5·H2O. FTIR i TG analize pokazale su da nanopločice Na0,4H1,6Ti2O5·H2O apsorbuju vodu po površini te su potvrdile higroskopnu priroduovog titanata. Međutim, HRTEM/SAED je pokazao smanjenje međuslojnog rastojanja duž a-osezbog dehidratacije usled vakuuma i elektronskog zračenja tokom TEM analize dodatno potvrđujući slojevitu strukturu dobijenog titanata. Ovaj rad opisuje jednostavan sintetski postupak za dobijanje titanatnih nanopločica korisnih za razne primene, a takođe konačno objašnjava razliku između titanata i titandioksida sa stanovišta strukure i mikrostrukture