577 research outputs found

    Naval Policy of Canada during First World War (1914—1918)

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    The activities of the Navy Ministry of Canada during the First World War are analyzed in the article. For the first time in Russian historiography, the main directions of Canada’s maritime policy are formulated within the framework of the government’s military course during the First World War. The sources for the study were the debates of the House of Commons of the Canadian Parliament, publications in the Canadian press, the military series of historical and statistical collections and journalism of those years. The state of Canadian naval bases and ports, as well as the features of the development of the shipbuilding industry of the dominion during the war years is characterized. It is proved that during the war years, Canada’s maritime policy was determined by the British Admiralty and developed in two directions: imperial and national. The development of the imperial direction of maritime policy was carried out in the interests of Great Britain. It provided for the recruitment of Canadian volunteers for service in the Royal Navy and the development of a shipbuilding industry for the needs of the British Navy. The national direction of maritime policy provided for the protection of Canadian coasts and territorial waters, for which the infrastructure of Canadian naval bases and ports was actively used. To perform patrol and escort functions, state and private vessels were involved not only for military, but also for civilian purposes

    Sam Hughes and Overcoming Recruiting Crisis of Canadian Army at Height of First World War (1915—1916)

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    The process of overcoming crisis phenomena during the recruitment of the Canadian volunteer army at the height of the First World War is analyzed in the context of the activities of the Minister of Militia and Defense Sam Hughes. The chronological framework is due to the beginning of the crisis in the recruitment of the Canadian volunteer army (October 1915) and the completion of S. Hughes’s activities as Minister of Militia and Defense (November 1916) in connection with the forced resignation. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that for the first time in Russian historiography, views are formulated and the mobilization activity of Minister S. Hughes is analyzed during the crisis in the recruitment of the Canadian volunteer army at the height of the First World War. The efforts of S. Hughes to overcome the recruitment crisis and stimulate recruitment into the ranks of the Canadian Volunteer Army are traced. The reaction of the press and the public to the mobilization activity of S. Hughes at the height of the war is studied. The reasons, circumstances and consequences of the resignation of S. Hughes from the post of minister are clarified. It is proved that during the leadership of the War Department, S. Hughes managed to achieve impressive results, however, due to his stormy temperament and personal ambitions, he often went beyond his powers, which ultimately predetermined his resignation

    Canada during the First World War: Conducting a Universal Registration of Labor Resources (based on the Canadian Press)

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    The article is devoted to the study of the Canadian government’s policy in the field of labor mobilization of the population during the First World War. The author limits the presentation of events to 1916, when the concept of compulsory labor service was developed and implemented. The article proved that the universal registration of labor in Canada was the first step towards introducing compulsory labor service and, as a result, became the basis for abandoning the voluntary system of recruitment into the army and the gradual transition to compulsory military service (conscription). The projects of conducting a universal census of labor resources, developed by supporters and opponents of conscription, are being studied. The process of institutionalizing the labor mobilization of the Canadian population is described on the example of the creation and activities of two state bodies: the government Council for labor service and the parliamentary Committee for labor service. The features of the mechanism for the inventory of labor resources, including the structure of registration cards, the conditions for filling them in, as well as the circumstances of its implementation, are investigated. The results of the general census of labor are summarized, the protest movement among Canadian workers who for various reasons refused to participate in the universal registration of labor resources is studied

    Scientometrics: A Tool for Monitoring and Support of Research

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    The origins of scientometrics (research metrics) are discussed. The approaches to research evaluation are reviewed, and the tendency to replacing formal quantitative indicators by expert review based on bibliometric indicators is emphasized. The principles of “Leiden Manifesto of Scientometrics” are set out, providing for transparent monitoring and support of research and encouraging constructive dialog between the scientific community and the public. The methodological framework and the peculiarities of implementation of the information and analytical system “Bibliometryka Ukrayinskoyi Nauky” (“Bibliometrics of the Ukrainian Science”), constructed by the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, are shown. The proposals on creating advisory councils, responsible for formulating conclusions on the research effectiveness of institutions, are given. The feasibility of building a common platform for expert evaluation of research for the Eastern Partnership Countries by launching similar bibliometric projects in these countries and their further convergence is considered.Досліджено витоки наукометрії. Розглянуто підходи до оцінювання результативності наукової діяльності та відмічено тенденцію переходу від формальних кількісних індикаторів до отримання експертного висновку на основі бібліометричних показників. Викладено принципи Лейденського маніфесту наукометрії, дотримання яких забезпечує прозорий моніторинг і підтримку розвитку науки, а також сприяє налагодженню конструктивного діалогу між науковим середовищем та суспільством. Показано концептуальні положення і особливості практичної реалізації інформаційно-аналітичної системи «Бібліометрика української науки», розробленої в Національній бібліотеці України імені В. І. Вернадського. Розглянуто пропозиції щодо формування експертних рад, які ухвалюватимуть висновки про ефективність наукової діяльності установ. Обґрунтовано доцільність побудови загальної платформи для експертного оцінювання наукових досліджень країн Східного партнерства шляхом ініціювання аналогічних бібліометричних проектів у цих країнах та їх подальшої конвергенції.Исследованы истоки наукометрии. Рассмотрены подходы к оцениванию результативности научной деятельности и отмечена тенденция перехода от формальных количественных индикаторов к получению экспертного вывода на основе библиометрических показателей. Изложены принципы Лейденского манифеста наукометрии, соблюдение которых обеспечивает прозрачный мониторинг и поддержку развития науки, а также способствует налаживанию конструктивного диалога между научной средой и обществом. Представлены концептуальные положения и особенности практической реализации информационно-аналитической системы «Библиометрика украинской науки», разработанной в Национальной библиотеке Украины имени В. И. Вернадского. Рассмотрены предложения по формированию экспертных советов, которые будут принимать заключения об эффективности научной деятельности учреждений. Обоснована целесообразность построения общей платформы для экспертного оценивания научных исследований стран Восточного партнерства путем инициирования аналогичных библиометрических проектов в этих странах и их последующей конвергенции

    Spinodal decomposition, nuclear fog and two characteristic volumes in thermal multifragmentation

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    Thermal multifragmentation of hot nuclei is interpreted as the nuclear liquid-fog phase transition inside the spinodal region. The experimental data for p(8.1GeV) + Au collisions are analyzed within the framework of the statistical multifragmentation model (SMM) for the events with emission of at least two IMFs. It is found that the partition of hot nuclei is specified after expansion to a volume equal to Vt = (2.6+-0.3) Vo, with Vo as the volume at normal density. However, the freeze-out volume is found to be twice as large: Vf = (5+-1) Vo.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, to be published in Nucl.Phys.

    Изучение функциональных свойств кисломолочного продукта на основе кобыльего молока

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    In the last few years, there has been a growing interest in the use of mare’s milk for human nutrition as well as in the use of this product for treatment and prevention of diseases such as hepatitis, chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, tuberculosis and others. The beneficial properties of mare’s milk are determined first of all by its significant differences from ubiquitous cow’s milk. Many studies show that consumption of fermented milk products offers various advantages for health and the use of probiotic cultures in the composition of starters for fermented milk products allows imparting several functional properties to a product. However, kumis is the only available fermented milk product from mare’s milk on the market. Therefore, the development of new fermented milk products based on mare’s milk is topical and highly demanded. Fermented milk products were developed based on mare’s milk and mare’s milk with addition of cow’s milk using the association consisted of the starter for yogurt and the probiotic strain L. rhamnosus F. The aim of the work was to determine functional properties of fermented milk products based on mare’s milk and mare’s milk with addition of cow’s milk by in vitro methods. It was proved that the products had the high total antioxidant capacity, antiradical and antimicrobial activities as well as the low value of atherogenicity (1.22); the ratio of hypocholesterolemic fatty acids to hypercholesterolemic fatty acids is 1.40.В последние годы заметно возрос интерес к использованию кобыльего молока в питании человека, а также к применению этого продукта для лечения и профилактики таких заболеваний, как, например, гепатит, хронические патологии желудочно-кишечного тракта, туберкулез и  пр. Полезные свойства молока кобыл обусловлены в первую очередь его существенными отличиями от повсеместно распространенного коровьего молока. Многочисленные исследования свидетельствуют о том, что потребление кисломолочных продуктов обеспечивает различные преимущества для здоровья, а использование пробиотических культур в составе заквасок для кисломолочных продуктов позволяет добавить продукту ряд функциональных свойств. Однако единственный доступный на рынке кисломолочный продукт из кобыльего молока — это кумыс. В связи с  этим создание новых кисломолочных продуктов на основе кобыльего молока является актуальным и востребованным. Были разработаны кисломолочные продукты на основе кобыльего молока и кобыльего молока с добавлением коровьего с использованием ассоциации, состоящей из закваски для йогурта и пробиотического штамма L. rhamnosus F. Целью работы являлось определение функциональных свойств кисломолочных продуктов на основе кобыльего молока и кобыльего молока с добавлением коровьего методами in  vitro. Доказано, что продукты обладают высокой общей антиоксидантной емкостью, антирадикальной и антимикробной активностями, а также низким значением атерогенности (1,22); отношение общего содержания гипохолестеринемических к гиперхолестеринемическим жирным кислотам составляет 1,40

    Reading Practices of Students of the Metropolitan Metropolis: “Amateurs” and “Pragmatists”

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    Modern social processes (globalization, urbanization, digitalization, succession of generations and others) actualize public and scientific attention to students’ reading culture, reading practices and their various aspects (gender, social, economic, and others). The issue of culture of reading, reading practices, their features and structure is a topical and relatively under-developed topic of interdisciplinary analysis. These phenomena are considered in sociology within the framework of some concepts: as a separate type of practice in the process of personal literacy formation, through the connection of cultural heritage and social class, through the analysis of subjective and existential meanings of the reading experience, and others. It is interesting to study the reading practices of students due to the specificity of the subject-object role of this social group in the process of cultural intergenerational continuity. The article highlights the results of an empirical study conducted among students of Moscow universities. Two types of students’ attitudes to works of fiction are revealed: pragmatic and value-reflective. The characteristics of these two groups are given, compared with other indicators (love of reading, reading as pleasure, volume of reading, genres of fiction, and others). The main conclusions and results presented in the publication will be of interest to teachers, scientists, representatives of state and public organizations and specifically to students