389 research outputs found

    Avaliação preliminar da degradação de celulose por isolados fúngicos do gênero Macrocybe coletados na região Noroeste do Estado do Paraná

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Fábio Rogério RosadoCoorientador: Prof. Dr. Fabiano Bisinella ScheufeleMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor Palotina, Curso de Graduação em Engenharia de Bioprocessos e BiotecnologiaInclui referências: p. 42-45Resumo : A busca por organismos capazes de degradar a celulose de maneira eficiente tem sido objeto de estudo por vários setores da biotecnologia. A celulose constitui o principal polissacarídeo presente nas paredes celulares dos vegetais e o polímero biológico mais abundante no planeta, representando uma fonte energética com potencial para a obtenção de bioprodutos. Os fungos basidiomicetos são conhecidos por sua capacidade de degradar a celulose através de sua potente bateria enzimática, no entanto, esta capacidade varia de espécie para espécie. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de degradação de celulose por isolados do gênero Macrocybe, coletados por bioprospecção na região noroeste do estado do Paraná. As linhagens foram isoladas em meio de cultivo semi-sólido BDA e cultivados em meio Theater e Wood (1989) contendo CMC (carboximetilcelulose) como fonte de carbono, para possíveis aplicações destes isolados na degradação de resíduos celulolíticos. O procedimento experimental baseou-se no condicionamento dos isolados em meio CMC (1 e 0,2%) e posteriormente submetidos a técnica de coloração Vermelho Congo para a visualização da formação de halos de hidrólise enzimática da celulose. Os principais resultados obtidos demonstram que todos os isolados se adaptaram ao meio de celulose, contudo cada um apresenta aspectos particulares em relação a degradação de celulose. Entretanto, o MT1 e P. columbinus em CMC 0,2% demonstram um comportamento semelhante, também ressalto que são capazes de se desenvolver eficientemente em ambos os meios (0,2 e 1%). Dentre os isolados de Macrocybe testados, o com maior potencial de degradação consiste no MT12 em meio CMC 0,2%, apresentando um diâmetro de halo equivalente a 71,91 mm

    Digitale Nachlassverwaltung

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    Das Thema bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen hat in jüngster Zeit durch die Debatte über die Auswirkungen der fortschreitenden Digitalisierung und Automatisierung und die Frage, wie die digitale Dividende angemessen verteilt werden kann, an besonderer Aufmerksamkeit gewonnen

    Quid pro quo?: The benefit of reciprocity, multiplexity, and multireciprocity in early career peer support

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    In the early career phase of higher education, the social relationships with peers are a critical source of developmental support. Peer support relationships tend to be reciprocal and multiplex, such that the actors of the relationships both give and receive multiple facets of developmental support from one another. However, reciprocity and multiplexity alone cannot cover ties that are anti-aligned across the layers of the multiplex network (i.e., one type of support received, and another type of support given in exchange). Therefore, the goal of this study is to integrate reciprocity and multiplexity in order to give consideration to such real-world multilayer relationships. We transferred the approach on multireciprocity introduced by Gemmetto et al. (Phys Rev E 94: 042316, 2016) to weighted network data of 61 university students and explored the possible beneficial effect of reciprocity, multiplexity, and multireciprocity in terms of career outcomes (i.e., objective performance, subjective performance, satisfaction with life). Results revealed no general benefit of mutuality and balance in support relationships. Rather, positive effects emerged for specific constellations of mutuality and support types. Career support in combination with socioemotional support showed to be particularly relevant for early career factors

    The health-related quality of life, mental health and mental illnesses of patients with inclusion body myositis (IBM) : results of a mixed methods systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Inclusion body myositis (IBM) is a rare neuromuscular disease (NMD) and effective therapies are not available. Thus, it is relevant to determine the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in IBM patients including aspects of mental health and illnesses. OBJECTIVES: To identify and summarize the assessment of HRQoL, mental health and illnesses in IBM, the major factors that determine and influence them as well as the respective influence of IBM in general and compared to other NMD as a systematic review. METHODS: We performed a mixed methods systematic review according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The search was conducted within the databases PubMed, PsycINFO, LIVIVO and the Cochrane Database. Data were narratively summarized and categorized in the physical, psychological and social HRQoL dimensions. RESULTS: The systematic screening totalled 896 articles. Six studies were finally identified, comprising of 586 IBM patients. The applied patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) varied. Quantitatively, the main physical impairments (e.g. weakness, functioning, role perception) were assessed using the general population or other NMD as comparators. Results on social and psychological HRQoL were frequently inconsistent. Qualitatively, psychological and social limitations accompanied IBM related physical deteriorations. CONCLUSIONS: A research gap exists regarding rigour determinants of HRQoL and mental illness in IBM. In-depth qualitative studies could help to prepare the ground for the assessment of long-term HRQoL data combined with appropriately focussed psychological PROMs advancing the understanding of the HRQoL in IBM throughout the course of the disease from a patient perspective. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13023-022-02382-x

    Frequent and/or Durable? The Predictive Impact of Initial Face-to-Face Contacts on the Formation and Evolution of Students’ Developmental Peer Network Relationships

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    Despite the relevance of relationships to others acting towards advancing a person’s career for individual career development, there is little research on how developmental relationships emerge and evolve over time. This two-year longitudinal study analyses the predictive impact of frequency and duration of initial face-to-face social interaction among newcomer students measured via RFID technology. Results from stochastic actor-oriented models suggest that the more frequent and durable initial contacts were at the first encounter, the more likely actors will create a developmental relationship, supporting prox-imity and mere-exposure-effect theory. Moreover, they show long-term effect tendencies of initial contacts’ frequency on the network’s evolution

    Comparative cost of illness analysis and assessment of health care burden of Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies in Germany.

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    Our study aimed to determine the burden of illness in dystrophinopathy type Duchenne (DMD) and Becker (BMD), both leading to progressive disability, reduced working capacity and high health care utilization

    Abschlussbericht zum Modellprojekt des BMA "Beschäftigungs-/Integrationsprojekte (-firmen, -betriebe, -abteilungen)": A. Zusammenfassungen und Empfehlungen; B. Abschlußbericht

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    "Beschäftigungs-/Integrationsprojekte (-firmen, -betriebe, -abteilungen) zur Eingliederung schwerbehinderter Menschen in das Arbeitsleben." Abschlussbericht der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung zur Arbeit der Modellprojekte im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Sozialordnung; Teil A: Zusammenfassungen und Empfehlungen, Teil B: Abschlussbericht (Begleitforschung)


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    A violência sexual é considerada uma violação dos direitos humanos, uma das formas mais graves de agressão inferidas contra as mulheres, um problema social, de saúde pública e de proporções endêmicas. Neste estudo, inicialmente, o objetivo foi estabelecer o perfil de mulheres vítimas de violência sexual no período de 2009 a 2016 em Porto Alegre. Foi feita pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa de cunho exploratório. Os dados foram coletados do Sistema de Vigilância de Violências e Acidentes (VIVA) do SINAN, extraídos em tabela Microsoft Excel e organizados em tabelas demonstrativos.  Porém, os resultados encontrados não permitiram estabelecer um perfil, na medida em que apontam para uma série de lacunas relacionadas ao SINAN e a subnotificação do sistema, a Ficha de Notificação/Investigação Individual de Violência Doméstica, Sexual e/ou Outras Violências Interpessoais (FNIV) e seu correto preenchimento