9 research outputs found

    Imaginary chemical potentials and the phase of the fermionic determinant

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    A numerical technique is proposed for an efficient numerical determination of the average phase factor of the fermionic determinant continued to imaginary values of the chemical potential. The method is tested in QCD with eight flavors of dynamical staggered fermions. A direct check of the validity of analytic continuation is made on small lattices and a study of the scaling with the lattice volume is performed.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Confining properties of QCD at finite temperature and density

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    A disorder parameter detecting dual superconductivty of the vacuum is used as a probe to characterize the confining properties of the phase diagram of two color QCD at finite temperature and density. We obtain evidence for the disappearing of dual superconductivity (deconfinement) induced by a finite density of baryonic matter, as well as for a coincidence of this phenomenon with the restoration of chiral symmetry both at zero and finite density. The saturation transition induced by Pauli blocking is studied as well, and a general warning is given about the possible effects that this unphysical transition could have on the study of the QCD phase diagram at strong values of the gauge coupling.Comment: 13 pages, 23 figure

    Conhecimento e prática de médicos e enfermeiros da atenção primária sobre orientação de atividade física na gestação

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva, Florianópolis, 2021.A prática de atividade física durante a gestação é recomendada e gera inúmeros benefícios, como a redução no risco de desenvolvimento das síndromes hipertensivas. A presente pesquisa objetivou analisar o conhecimento e a prática dos profissionais da atenção primária à saúde que realizam assistência pré-natal sobre a orientação da atividade física durante a gestação. Tratase de um estudo de natureza descritiva exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa. Os dados foram coletados por meio de uma entrevista semiestruturada. Os participantes foram 16 médicos e 16 enfermeiros atuantes em centros de saúde do município de Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Os dados foram analisados através da análise de conteúdo temática categorial, surgindo após a análise, codificação e categorização das falas e identificação dos temas quatro categorias: orientação da atividade física nas atividades coletivas com as gestantes; orientação da atividade física nas consultas individuais com as gestantes; conhecimentos de médicos e enfermeiros acerca da atividade física na gestação; perspectivas de médicos e enfermeiros acerca da prática de atividade física pelas gestantes. Os resultados mostraram que os profissionais participantes, em sua maioria, não oferecem de forma constante e regular essa orientação para as gestantes, mas apresentam um nível alto de conhecimento sobre a importância desta prática durante a gestação e de como orientá-la adequadamente, mas observou-se que esses mostram-se dispostos a promover mudanças em sua prática, e aqueles que acreditam ter pouco conhecimento a buscá-lo, para que esta orientação esteja de forma mais regular nas consultas. Observou-se também que as atividades coletivas voltadas às gestantes estavam em declínio na atenção primária à saúde local antes da pandemia, e que os protocolos municipais são genéricos sobre o tema. Os participantes referiram que o seu conhecimento deriva na maior parte de vivências com os colegas da atenção primária à saúde, e que as dificuldades para a efetividade da orientação estão ligadas a problemas de desigualdades e iniquidades sociais, o que exige grande sensibilidade, dialogicidade e criatividade na prática assistencial para incentivar as gestantes a realizarem atividade física durante e após a gestação.Abstract: The practice of physical activity during pregnancy is recommended and generates numerous benefits, such as a reduction in the risk of developing hypertensive syndromes. This research aimed to analyze the knowledge and practice of primary health care professionals who provide prenatal care on physical activity guidance during pregnancy. This is a descriptive exploratory study with a qualitative approach. Data were collected through a semi-structured interview. Participants were 16 doctors and 16 nurses working in health centers in the city of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Data were analyzed through categorical thematic content analysis, emerging after the analysis, coding and categorization of the speeches and identification of four categories themes: orientation of physical activity in collective activities with pregnant women; guidance on physical activity in individual consultations with pregnant women; knowledge of doctors and nurses about physical activity during pregnancy; perspectives of doctors and nurses about the practice of physical activity by pregnant women. The results showed that the participating professionals, for the most part, do not constantly and regularly offer this guidance to pregnant women, but have a high level of knowledge about the importance of this practice during pregnancy and how to properly guide it, but observed It should be noted that these are willing to promote changes in their practice, and those who believe they have little knowledge to seek it, so that this guidance is more regular in the consultations. It was also observed that collective activities aimed at pregnant women were declining in local primary health care before the pandemic, and that municipal protocols are generic on the subject. Participants reported that their knowledge derives mostly from experiences with colleagues in primary health care, and that the difficulties for the effectiveness of the guidance are linked to problems of social inequalities and inequities, which requires great sensitivity, dialogicity and creativity in care practice to encourage pregnant women to perform physical activity during and after pregnancy

    A philosophy to fit “the character of this historical period”? Responses to Jean-Paul Sartre in some British and American philosophy departments, c. 1945 - 1970.

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    Anglophone philosophers are often associated with rejecting philosophy’s moral guidance function after 1945. This article builds on existing work on Jean-Paul Sartre’s reception in universities to show that, actually, many British and American philosophers embraced moral guidance roles by engaging with his work and that they promoted creativity and choice in society as a result. Sartre first came to philosophers’ attention in the context of post-war Francophilia, but interest in him quickly went beyond the fact that he was French and expanded to include the wider existentialist movement that he was a part of. Sartre had enduring popularity among English speaking philosophers because his philosophy resonated with the older British and American philosophies idealism and pragmatism that, like his, were inspired by Hegel. Sartre’s respondents also valued existentialism because, to them, it made certain Judeo-Christian principles relevant, thus protecting religion at a time when they believed it was threatened with decline, and by the advance of specialisation. Anglophone philosophers who were interested in Sartre spread their responses to him through teaching an expanding student population, but also reached the wider public through activism, journalism, broadcasting, and government advisory roles. In doing so, philosophers integrated existential ideas into several aspects of culture in post-war Britain and America