1,592 research outputs found

    The puzzle of non-participation in continuing training : an empirical study of chronic vs. temporary non-participation

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    "Although participation in continuing vocational training is often found to be associated with considerable individual benefits, a puzzlingly large number of people still do not take part in training. In order to solve the puzzle we distinguish between temporary and chronic non-participants. Previous studies have shown that training participants and non-participants differ in unobservable characteristics and therefore self-select into training or not. We show that even non-participants cannot be treated as a homogeneous group: there are those who never take part in training (chronic non-participants) and those who are not currently taking part (temporary (non-)participants). Using a unique data set of non-participants commissioned by the German 'Expert Commission on Financing Lifelong Learning' and covering a very large number of individuals not taking part in training, we separate and compare chronic and temporary non-participants. By estimating a sample selection model using maximum likelihood estimation we take potential selection effects into account: temporary (non-)participants may be more motivated or may have different inherent skills than chronic nonparticipants. We find that chronic non-participants would have higher costs than temporary (non-)participants and their short-term benefits associated with their current jobs would be lower. However, in the long run even chronic non-participants would benefit similarly from participation due to improved prospects on the labor market. The results indicate that chronic non-participants either misperceive future developments or suffer from an exceptionally high discount rate, which in turn leads in their view to a negative cost-benefit ratio for training." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) Additional Information Kurzfassung (deutsch) Executive summary (English)Weiterbildung, Teilnehmer, Bildungsbeteiligung, Bildungsinvestitionen, Bildungsertrag, Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse, Bildungsökonomie

    Federal universities of Rio Grande do Sul and local economic growth : an exploratory analysis

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    O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a correlação das universidades federais do Rio Grande do Sul com o crescimento econômico local no período de 2011 a 2020. A estratégia empírica utilizada foi a realização de exercício econométrico em dados em painel linear com o objetivo de verificar, ao longo do período de análise, a hipótese de efeito positivo do aumento do orçamento do Ministério da Educação e do incremento de variáveis que possam indicar qualidade do ensino superior sobre o Produto Interno Bruto per capita dos Municípios sede das Universidade Federais. Os resultados indicaram efeitos estatisticamente significativos das variáveis vagas, número de docentes e impostos sobre a variável dependente PIB per capita dos Municípios. Todavia, variáveis que indicam o número de cursos, técnicos, ingressante e concluintes, ou o aumento efetivo do orçamento empenhado ao longo do período de análise não apresentaram resultado significativo.The objective of this study is to analyze the correlation of the federal universities of Rio Grande do Sul with the local economic growth in the period from 2011 to 2020. The empirical strategy used was to carry out an econometric exercise on linear panel data, with the objective of verifying, by over the period of analysis, the hypothesis of a positive effect of the increase in the budget of the Ministry of Education and the increase in higher education quality variables on the Gross Domestic Product per capita of the Municipalities where the Federal Universities are located. The results indicated statistically significant effects of the variables vacancies, number of professors and taxes on the dependent variable GDP per capita of the Municipalities. However, variables that indicate the number of courses, technicians, freshmen and graduates, or the effective increase in the budget committed over the period of analysis did not show a significant result

    Reverse Educational Spillovers at the Firm Level / 2011 + 2016

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine spillover effects across differently educated workers. For the first time, the authors consider “reverse” spillover effects, i.e. spillover effects from secondary-educated workers with dual vocational education and training (VET) to tertiary-educated workers with academic education. The authors argue that, due to structural differences in training methodology and content, secondary-educated workers with VET degrees have knowledge that tertiary academically educated workers do not have. Design/methodology/approach The authors use data from a large employer-employee data set: the Swiss Earnings Structure Survey. The authors estimate ordinary least squares and fixed effects panel-data models to identify such “reverse” spillover effects. Moreover, the authors consider the endogenous workforce composition. Findings The authors find that tertiary-educated workers have higher productivity when working together with secondary-educated workers with VET degrees. The instrumental variable estimations support this finding. The functional form of the reverse spillover effect is inverted-U-shaped. This means that at first the reverse spillover effect from an additional secondary-educated worker is positive but diminishing. Research limitations/implications The results imply that firms need to combine different types of workers because their different kinds of knowledge produce spillover effects and thereby lead to overall higher productivity

    Bruno Schulz’s image as resistance and existence : childhood, memory, absence and erasure

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é salientar a relação existente entre a narrativa do escritor polonês Bruno Schulz e a produção audiovisual Finding Pictures(2012), realizada a partir de sua vida e obra no que tangem às relações que se estabelecem entre infância, memória, ausência e apagamento. Para tanto, busca suporte na teoria de Walter Benjamin e também na teoria psicanalítica de Freud e Lacan. Bruno Schulz faz parte de um rol de escritores dentre eles Ítalo Svevo, Robert Walser, Joseph Roth, Sándor Márai, Robert Musil e Walter Benjamin, que nasceram no na Europa no final do século XIX e vivenciaram na juventude, ou já no final da vida, o horror da Primeira Guerra Mundial, tendo alguns deles ainda atravessado a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Quando os alemães cercaram Drohobycz em 1941, Schulz com medo de perder sua obra, empacotou-a a entregou para que amigos não-judeus a guardassem. De tudo, perdeu-se a maior parte. Em novembro de 1942 Bruno Schulz foi assassinado por um oficial da gestapo com um tiro nas costas. Antes de morrer, havia feito, por encomenda do oficial alemão que o protegeu por determinado tempo, desenhos na parede do quarto de seus filhos. O documentário Finding Pictures retrata a busca feita por estes desenhos por uma equipe de filmagem quarenta anos após a sua morte. Destacamos o momento em tempo real no qual os documentaristas encontram os desenhos abaixo de camadas de tinta. Neste trabalho, falamos do processo de busca, tanto na escrita quanto no documentário, que é uma espécie de jogo da memória contra o esquecimento, tal qual nos lembra Walter Benjamin, ao dizer que a busca, mesmo que em vão, é tão importante quanto o achado feliz.This work aims to highlight the relationship between the narrative of Polish writer Bruno Schulz and the audiovisual production Finding Pictures (2012), made from his life and work in terms of the relationships established between childhood, memory, absence and erasure. To this end, it seeks support in the theory of Walter Benjamin and also in the psychoanalytic theory of Freud and Lacan. Bruno Schulz is part of a list of writers, among them Ítalo Svevo, Robert Walser, Joseph Roth, Sándor Márai, Robert Musil and Walter Benjamin, who were born in Europe at the end of the 19th century and experienced, in their youths or at the end of their lives, the horror of the First World War, with some of them even going through the Second World War. When the Germans surrounded Drohobycz in 1941, Schulz, afraid of losing his work, packed it up and handed it over to non-Jewish friends for safekeeping. Most of it was lost. In November 1942 Bruno Schulz was assassinated by a Gestapo officer with a shot in the back. Before he died, he had made drawings, on the order of the German officer who protected him for a certain time, on the wall of his children’s room. The documentary Finding Pictures portrays the search made for these drawings by a film crew forty years after his death. We highlight the moment in real time in which the filmmakers find drawings below layers of paint. In this work, we talk about the search process, both in writing and in the documentary, which is a kind of memory game against oblivion, as Walter Benjamin reminds us, when saying that the search, even in vain, is as important as the happy finding

    The impossible and the poetics of extraction in tree of codes : an expanded field exercise

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir a noção de poética da extração como um operar que decanta efeitos de criação do trabalho de subtração/perda. Para tanto, parte da articulação entre os estudos de Rosalind Krauss (1979), em que a autora deriva a proposição de campo expandido do delineamento de uma noção de escultura que se ergue a partir da composição de negativos, e o trabalho do escritor norte-americano Jonathan Safran Foer, que escreve o livro Tree of codes operando uma verdadeira exumação da obra de Bruno Schulz, A Rua dos Crocodilos. A articulação desses trabalhos permite delinear condições de localização de um impossível que resta indicado, sem ser apreendido, e que acaba por fazer incidir efeitos de expansão sobre campos, como os da literatura, da arte e os estudos da memória, bem como por ver surgir o que nos permitimos chamar de um livro-objeto-escultura-obra-de-arte.The present study aims to discuss the poetics of extraction notion as an operation that decants effects of creation due to the work of subtraction/loss. Therefore, part of the interrelation between the studies of Rosalind Krauss (1979), in which the author elaborates from the expanded field proposition the delineation of a sculpture notion that rises from the composition of negatives, and the work of American writer Jonathan Safran Foer, who has written the book Tree of codes while performing a true exhumation of Bruno Schulz´s The Street of Crocodiles. The articulation of these works makes it possible to outline conditions of location of an impossible that remains indicated , without being apprehended, and that ends up focusing on effects of expansion on fields such as literature, art and memory studies, as well as seeing the emergence of what we allow ourselves to call a book-object-sculpture-work-of-art