451 research outputs found

    Alignment charts and some applications to problems of physical chemistry

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University, 1929. This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    Alien Registration- Boone, Simond L. (Stacyville, Penobscot County)

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    Port safety: an operational approach

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    This paper, Port Safety; An Occupational Approach , aims to enhance port safety and consequently efficiency and production in the ports of Liberia. It attempts to achieve this through the establishment of a soundly-based safety policy common to all of the Liberian ports. The paper discusses the role of various national and international organizations in achieving port safety; the influences on safety and port development, especially with the increasing quantities of dangerous substances being handled in ports today; it considers means whereby high safety investments directed to ports can be substituted by considering an occupational approach to achieve an acceptable level of port safety. The general conclusion of the paper, which is discussed in its entirety, states that by establishing a well-balanced and practical occupational safety policy, the ports of Liberia can substitute expensive sophistication by a highly safety conscious staff who will be in the position to use basic safety rules coupled with common sense to enhance port safety. This the paper concludes, will ensure port efficiency and subsequent economic advantages for the Liberian nation

    Vehicle Trajectory from an Uncalibrated Stereo-Rig with Super-Homography

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    International audienceWe present in this article an original manner to estimate the trajectory of a vehicle running in urban-like areas. The method consists in extracting then tracking features (points, lines) with an uncalibrated stereo-rig from the road assumed as a plane to compute homographies relative to the camera(s) motions. The purposed method copes with the dense traffic conditions: the free space required (first ten meters in front of the vehicle) is slightly equivalent to the security distance between two vehicles. Experimental issues from real data are presented and discussed

    What can be done with an embedded stereo-rig in urban environments?

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    International audienceThe development of the Autonomous Guided Vehicles (AGVs) with urban applications are now possible due to the recent solutions (DARPA Grand Challenge) developed to solve the Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) problem: perception, path planning and control. For the last decade, the introduction of GPS systems and vision have been allowed the transposition of SLAM methods dedicated to indoor environments to outdoor ones. When the GPS data are unavailable, the current position of the mobile robot can be estimated by the fusion of data from odometer and/or Inertial Navigation System (INS). We detail in this article what can be done with an uncalibrated stereo-rig, when it is embedded in a vehicle which is going through urban roads. The methodology is based on features extracted on planes: we mainly assume the road at the foreground as the plane common to all the urban scenes but other planes like vertical frontages of buildings can be used if the features extracted on the road are not enough relevant. The relative motions of the coplanar features tracked with both cameras allow us to stimate the vehicle ego-motion with a high precision. Futhermore, the features which don't check the relative motion of the considered plane can be assumed as obstacles

    Fabienne Costa, Devenir corps. Passages de l’oeuvre de Fellini

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    Dans le champ cinématographique, Fabienne Costa tente de penser les devenirs de l’ouvrage de Gilles Deleuze et de Félix Guattari, Mille plateaux (Paris, Éd. de Minuit, 1980) en déployant les aperçus deleuziens de L’image-temps sur le corps au cinéma. Ici, le concept de devenir, largement utilisé par tout un pan de la critique universitaire, est associé au problème du corps. Si l’association n’est pas sans un effet de redondance, elle a l’avantage de circonscrire le propos car, en matière de s..

    David Martin-Jones, Deleuze, Cinema and National Identity. Narrative Time in National Contexts

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    David Martin-Jones propose d’articuler les concepts deleuziens d’image-mouvement et d’image-temps avec la question de l’identité nationale. Comment une telle articulation est-elle légitimée ? Gilles Deleuze n’a jamais travaillé sur l’identité nationale, mais le partage des deux types d’image repose sur un fait historique : la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Prenant acte de l’importance de celle-ci, l’auteur en signale l’impact au regard des nations. L’image-temps témoigne, alors, de la remise en cau..

    Service-learning in tourism

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    Service-Learning as a teaching methodology is categorized as experiential education, or learning by doing. Projects aid the development of local community infrastructure and/or conservation. By involving a diverse range of people in experiential education, knowledge, skills and motivation needed to understand culture differences and foster environmental and community awareness are gained. Structured opportunities are created to evaluate the service experience, allowing participants to be constantly aware of the impact of their work. The presentation includes Odyssey’s Service-Learning Guidelines and features the following examples: Seniors – Research & Service Projects Intergenerational – Lingnan University Students & Seniors USA Fulbright / Hayes Scholars USA University Student Groups eg. Nurse
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