17 research outputs found

    State of art surveys of overviews on MCDM/MADM methods

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    Decision-making is primarily a process that involves different actors: people, groups of people, institutions and the state. As a discipline, multi-criteria decision-making has a relatively short history. Since 1950s and 1960s, when foundations of modern multi-criteria decision-making methods have been laid, many researches devoted their time to development of new multi-criteria decision-making models and techniques. In the past decades, researches and development in the field have accelerated and seem to continue growing exponentially. Despite the intensive development worldwide, few attempts have been made to systematically present the theoretical bases and developments of multi-criteria decision-making methods. However, the methodological choices and framework for assessment of decisions are still under discussion. The article describes the situation with reviews of MCDM/MADM methods. Furthermore, there is a need for research to study the strengths and weaknesses of different decision-making methods

    Complex assessment model for advanced technology deployment

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    The construction sector constantly offers new products, more effective technologies and novel solutions aimed at improvement of the quality of human habitats and wider distribution of technologies. Currently, effective technologies that require less time and costs for production, installation and use are gaining greater significance. Among them are construction materials and technologies with increasingly popular sustainability features. Considering the above, the article offers a complex algorithm for assessing the deployment and distribution potential of a new technology/product. For this purpose, a multi-stage model of alternatives and criteria was suggested and an analytical multi-stage evaluation model has been designed. The practical example illustrates the assessment of micro environment using a combination of AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and Permutation methods. The designed multi-criteria assessment model promotes accessibility of users to a technology, new product, a part of the product and a technological process

    Evaluation of light supply in the public underground safe spaces by using of COPRAS-SWARA methods

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    One of the most significant issues in the safe underground spaces is the supply of light during the conditions in which there is no possibility to use national electricity network in crisis. Hence, attention to the source management of light supply possesses worthy importance. Light is one of the important issues in underground safe spaces which must be noticed with particular obligations. In the research, in order to evaluate variety of light supply methods in underground safe spaces, a questionnaire was set in order to weigh affective indexes up and score each method. To determine the best index among different indexes, SWARA method was applied; then COPRAS method was used in order to analyze data of the questionnaire that the best choice among various strategies could be chosen. Results represented that the choice of light supply by the lamp with battery source to provide light for city shelters is the best. According to results gotten from this method, choices of light supply by the fossil fuel light, light supply by the urban power source lamp, light supply by the mirror and light supply by fiber optics have been ranked in second, third, fourth and fifth positions, respectively

    Environmental impact assessment based on group decision-making methods in mining projects

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    Mining operations usually comprise a spread spectrum of environmental challenges, which are often unique to each mine site. This is due to the fact that mining activities, directly or indirectly, have an adverse impact on environment and ecology. For this reason, the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process has been developed for evaluation of the possible impact of mine development and operations on the environment, including the natural, social and economic aspects. In this article, an EIA methodology based on analytic network process and fuzzy simple additive weight (SAW) is proposed to formulate the environmental risks pertaining to mining projects. In the system of the proposed model, the importance weights are calculated by an ANP process. Then, fuzzy SAW is employed to evaluate the preference ratings of the alternatives. The merit of using fuzzy logic is to handle the inherent uncertainty in modelling an EIA problem by simplifying the sophisticated structure of the problem under consideration. The proposed model is utilised to assess the environmental impact generated by zinc and lead mining projects located in Zanjan, Iran to shape the future industrial and mining structure of the region. Finally, the environmental impacts are ranked from the most to the least risky

    The construction sector in twenty European countries during the recession 2008–2009 – country ranking by MULTIMOORA

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    The recession 2008-2009 which influenced the World economy has set new challenges for the development of the European construction sector. In the years 2008–2009 a great number of countries faced serious production and employment breakdowns. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the construction sector from a macroeconomic point of view by comparing construction market variations appeared during the crisis in twenty European countries. Therefore statistical indicators of the construction sector were used and a multiobjective evaluation method under the name of MULTIMOORA was employed. However these traditional indicators of the construction sector deliver an incomplete definition of real situations within the sector as during the recession plenty of constructed buildings remained unsold. Therefore the authors of this article propose a rather complex comparison of construction indicators for different European countries. The case study provides the analysis and calculations performed with the help of the MULTIMOORA method. This method enables the evaluation of European countries in accordance with the investigated objectives and ranges them into different groups according to the objectives set for the construction sector

    Multi-Stage Assessment of Sustainable Building Technologies Deployment

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    Disertacijoje tiriamas statybos technologijų efektyvumas ir plėtra taikant tvaru- mo principus. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas – pasiūlyti technologijų plėtros statybos sektoriuje vertinimo daugiapakopį modelį ir jo praktinio taikymo algoritmą. Daugiapakopiam modeliui pritaikyti daugiatikslius sprendimų priėmimo metodus ir pasiūlyti jų derinius technologijų plėtros veiksniams makro-, mezo- ir mikrolygmenimis vertinti. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, trys skyriai, bendrosios išvados, naudotos literatūros sąrašas, autorės mokslinių publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašas ir priedai. Įvadiniame skyriuje aptariama tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas, aprašomas tyrimų objektas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas ir uždaviniai, aprašomas mokslinis darbo naujumas, ginamieji teiginiai. Įvado pabaigoje pristatomi autorės pranešimai konferencijose ir publikacijos, pateikiama disertacijos struktūra. Pirmajame skyriuje pateikiama literatūros apžvalga nagrinėjama tematika, apžvelgiami tvarumo principai ir naujų technologijų plėtros galimybių vertinimas statybos rinkoje. Analizuojama inovatyvių statybos technologijų diegimo problematika. Apžvelgiami tvarios statybos vertinimo modeliai ir daugiatikslių metodų taikymas nagrinėjamąja tema. Skyriaus pabaigoje formuluojamos išvados ir tikslinami disertacijos užda-viniai. Antrajame skyriuje pateikiama daugiatikslių sprendimo metodų klasifikacija, jų tinkamumo disertacijos uždaviniui spręsti analizė. Pasiūlyti statybos technologijų ir produktų potencialui rinkoje vertinti daugiatikslio vertinimo metodų deriniai. Pristatomas teorinis daugiapakopis modelis. Trečiajame skyriuje pristatomas daugiapakopio vertinimo modelio, sukurto naujos statybos technologijos ar produkto plėtrai rinkoje vertinti, praktinis taikymas. Disertacijos tema paskelbta vienuolika mokslinių straipsnių, iš kurių penki referuojami duomenų bazės Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge (ISI Web of Science) cituojamuose žurnaluose, penki straipsniai pristatyti konferencijų darbų leidiniuose mokslo konferencijose ir vienas straipsnis – kituose Lietuvos recenzuojamuose leidiniuose

    Copras based comparative macroeconomic analysis of the Baltic States construction sector

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    Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas statybos rinkos cikliškumas Baltijos valstybėse. Analizuojamas ekonomikos bei statybos sektorių ryšys ir jų poveikis Baltijos valstybių rinkos vystymuisi. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas – panaudojus entropijos svorių nustatymo metodiką bei COPRAS metodą sugrupuoti Baltijos valstybes pagal prioritetiškumą įvertinus šešis ekonominius bei šešis statybos sektoriaus rinką aprašančius kriterijus. Šiam tikslui įgyvendinti pasirinktas 2009 metų laikotarpis, kai Baltijos valstybių makroekonominis klimatas buvo prasčiausiais, o krizės padariniai akivaizdžiai pastebimi statistinėje ir analitinėje informacijoje. Gauti tyrimų rezultatai rodo, kad vertinant ekonominius ir statybos sektoriaus rodiklius Baltijos valstybės pagal prioritetiškumą išsidėsto taip: Estija, Lietuva, Latvija. Pritaikius entropijos ir COPRAS metodus bei tinkamai atlikus skaičiavimus gaunama naudinga informacija tolimesniems tyrimams. Straipsnyje atlikta analizė reikšminga ateityje tiriant kitus laiko periodus bei lyginant pokyčius valstybių statybos sektoriuose.Santrauka anglų kalba. In this article the cyclicality of the construction market in the Baltic countries is analyzed. Coherence of economic and const-ruction sectors is analyzed, also theirs impact on market deve-lopment in the Baltic countries. The main aim of the work is to group the Baltic countries according to priority of six economic and six construction sectors criteria that reflect market of these sectors. entropy weights determination methodology and COPRAS method. For this purpose, year 2009 period was chosen, when macroeconomic climate in the Baltic countries was the worst and effects of the crisis were clearly noticeable in statistical and analytical infor-mation. The obtained research results demonstrate, that after eva-luation of economic and construction indicators Baltic countries according to priority are ranked as follows: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia. Application of entropy and COPRAS methods and pro-perly carried calculations provide useful information for the further research. Analysis as presented in the current article is important in the future researches analyzing other time periods and comparing changes in the construction sectors of the Baltic countries

    Abstract Book of the LXXIV Student Research Conference

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    Europos valstybių gebėjimo valdyti statybos sektorių krizės laikotarpiu palyginamoji analizė taikant COPRAS metodą

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    Įvairiose šalyse buvo atlikti statybos šakos ir jos vaidmens nacionalinėje ekonomikoje tyrimai. Pažymėtina, kad dažniausiai konkrečios šalies statybos šaka vystosi pagal panašias tendencijas, kaip ir visa šalies ekonomika. Statybos ir nekilnojamojo turto šakos efektyvumo lygis priklauso nuo tam tikro skaičiaus kintamųjų mikro-, mezo- ir makro- lygmenimis. Nors makrolygmens veiksniai veikia visos šalies pramonės efektyvumo lygį, šiame tyrime analizuojamas tik poveikis statybos šakos efektyvumui. Statybos šakos veiklos efektyvumas priklauso nuo ją kompleksiškai veikiančių makrolygmens kintamųjų veiksnių, tokių kaip šalies ekonominis, politinis ir kultūrinis išsivystymo lygis, statybos šakos veiklą reglamentuojantys dokumentai, rinka, mokesčių sistema, kreditų gavimo galimybės ir sąlygos, infl iacija, vietiniai ištekliai ir t. t. (Kaklauskas et al. 2011). Priklausomai nuo šių makrolygmens veiksnių poveikio visumos kinta statybos šakos plėtros galimybės. Įsisiūbavusi ekonominė krizė 2008–2009 m. skirtingai palietė Europos Sąjungos šalių statybos sektorių rinkas. Daugelyje valstybių sumažėjo gamybos apimtys, nekilnojamojo turto sandorių skaičius, pastebimai sumažėjo gyventojų užimtumas bei statybos įmonių skaičius. Nepalankios sąlygos krizės metu bei didelės permainos skatina analizuoti situaciją statybos sektoriuje ne tik savo šalyje, bet ir kitose, nes tarptautinio patyrimo analizė suteikia galimybę plačiau pažvelgti į statybos sektoriaus problemas bei rasti jų sprendimo būdus. Straipsnyje pateikta metodika leidžia nustatyti efektyviausiai statybos sektoriaus rinką pagal parinktus kriterijus, vystančią šalį tarp 23 Europos valstybių. Šalys vertinamos daugiakriteriniu COPRAS metodu (Zavadskas, Kaklauskas 1996), o vertinimo kriterijų reikšmingumai nustatomi entropijos metodu. Entropijos sąvoka apibrėžiama kaip atsitiktinio dydžio neapibrėžtumo matas, suteikiantis jam svorio palyginti prieš kitus rodiklius. Taigi pagrindinis darbo tikslas – COPRAS metodu sugrupuoti tiriamas Europos valstybes pagal prioritetiškumą, įvertinus šešis statybos sektorių apibūdinančius kriterijus. Šiam tikslui įgyvendinti analizuojama šalių ekonomika ir statybos sektoriai, renkami Europos Sąjungos šalių statistiniai ekonominiai duomenys, nustatomi jų reikšmingumai, pritaikius entropijos metodą, bei Europos šalių statybos sektorių prioritetiškumas taikant COPRAS metodą[...] Crisis, spin up in 2008–2009, had differently affected the construction industry markets of the European Union countries. The general part of countries had faced the decrease of outputs, real estate transactions, and predictable reduction in employment of population and quantity of construction companies. Adverse conditions and huge deviations that had arisen due to the crisis encourage analysing the situation of the construction sector not only in the particular country but in other ones, it happens because of possibility to analyse the international experience and get the broader view of the construction sector issues and solve them correctly. Procedure, presented in the issue, provide the possibility to detect the one of 23 European countries which possesses the most effective construction sector market development according to the criteria set. Countries undergo the multi-criteria evaluation applying COPRAS methods (Zavadskas and Kaklauskas 1996), evaluation criteria relevance is determined via entropy method. The first time using the entropy concept (Shannon and Weaver 1947; Shannon 1948) for maximizing the quantity of information contained in the dataset. The entropy is described as the casual value of the uncertainty which makes it more valuable in comparison with other factors. Thus, the main goal of the work is to group investigated European countries applying the COPRAS method and evaluating six criteria, describing the construction sector. In order to implement this goal, economy of the European Union countries, construction sectors, statistical economic data, valuables set according to the entropy method and priority of the European country construction sectors set by COPRAS method will be evaluate