667 research outputs found

    Handwriting : an instrument of understanding and empathy

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    Relationships between teacher and student can be improved by a new way of approaching the world of teenagers by using graphological techniques which allow a better comprehension of the teenagers’ psychological points of view. Through the science of graphology which examines handwritten texts, the characteristics of the personality and the attitudes of the writer can be recognized. This method is essentially based on a psychological rule which says that every unconscious or conscious psychological content becomes manifest through some kind of expression. It provides useful tools for improving the teachers’ abilities to listen and to understand their students properly.peer-reviewe

    Relazioni di coppia e scrittura : uno studio grafologico comparato sulla compatibilita e sulle modalita d'integrazione tra partner

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    La grafologia è una scienza che, prendendo in esame le caratteristiche tecniche della scrittura a mano di un individuo, può ricostruirne la personalità e tracciarne il ritratto psicologico. Essa è uno strumento particolarmente utile, perché non soltanto è in grado di mettere in luce gli aspetti razionali del carattere di colui che scrive, ma anche quelli più profondi e intimi di cui egli spesso non è consapevole. Per tale motivo uno degli ambiti più interessanti in cui viene applicata la grafologia è quello della grafologia comparata che, analizzando scritture appartenenti ad individui che hanno una relazione di coppia, può rintracciare le motivazioni che hanno condotto a tale scelta e comprenderne gli elementi di compatibilità e le reciproche modalità d’integrazione. = Graphology is a science that, through the analysis of technical features of people’s handwriting, can evaluate their personality and develop a psychological portrait. It is a very useful tool to highlight aspects of the writers’ nature, not only their rational, but also their inner and deep aspects, they are not always aware of. This is possible because the expert graphologist examines handwriting by using circa 300 features and their mutual interactions. Among the many areas Graphology can be applied to, this paper will focus on a graphological comparative study of partner handwritings, in order to understand their compatibility and integration modalities. After observing the handwriting of both partners and developing the individual portrait, the graphologist can consider the compatibility level of their partnership, in order to point out what strong and weak elements shape a couple’s relation. In fact sometimes after the phase of falling in love, when the intimacy level grows and both partners show the way they are, it happens that they discover they approach life with different behaviours or aims. These relationship modes can be recognized in their handwriting through graphological techniques and it is possible to help a couple cope with and integrate into their diversities. For having a view as complete as possible and lighting up on a lot of features and details that otherwise would be unknown, it is also necessary to attentively consider the unconscious element which is involved in choosing partners. In a comparative graphological analysis this can be clearly seen. In fact, partners in a rather unaware way, sometimes choose one another in order to compose some inner conflict still unsolved. In that case, their written texts will show how the integration modalities lay on this kind of choice. In this study, two kinds of these particular relationships, based on a complementary bond, will be analyzed. The first one resembles a mother-child interaction, providing comfort and protection to a partner by means of an unconditional love from the other partner that does not want anything back. The second kind of relationship belongs to the couples with a partner who looks for and somehow requests gratification or admiration from the other person. Therefore, they will choose as a partner someone with an insecure personality who can show abnegation in return. This study will also provide examples of handwritten texts with appropriate notes in order to explain some graphological practices, contents and describe what kind of bond really connects partners.peer-reviewe

    Malaria Risk and Civil Violence

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    Using high-resolution data from Africa over the period 1998-2012, this paper investigates the hypothesis that a higher exposure to malaria increases the incidence of civil violence. The analysis uses panel data at the 1° grid cell level at monthly frequency. The econometric identification exploits exogenous monthly within-grid-cell variation in weather conditions that are particularly suitable for malaria transmission. The analysis compares the effect across cells with different malaria exposure, which affects the resistance and immunity of the population to malaria outbreaks. The results document a robust effect of the occurrence of suitable conditions for malaria on civil violence. The effect is highest in areas with low levels of immunities to malaria. Malaria shocks mostly affect unorganized violence in terms of riots, protests, and confrontations between militias and civilians, rather than geo-strategic violence, and the effect spikes during short, labor-intensive harvesting periods of staple crops that are particularly important for the subsistence of the population. The paper ends with an evaluation of anti-malaria interventions

    Earthquake‐induced landslide scenarios for seismic microzonation. Application to the Accumoli area (Rieti, Italy)

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    Scenarios of earthquake-induced landslides are necessary for seismic microzonation (SM) studies since they must be integrated with the mapping of instability areas. The PARSIFAL (Probabilistic Approach to pRovide Scenarios of earthquake‐Induced slope FAiLures) approach provides extensive analyses, over tens to thousands of square kilometers, and is designed as a fully comprehensive methodology to output expected scenarios which depend on seismic input and saturation conditions. This allows to attribute a rating, in terms of severity level, to the landslide-prone slope areas in view of future engineering studies and designs. PARSIFAL takes into account first-time rock- and earth-slides as well as re-activations of existing landslides performing slope stability analyses of different failure mechanisms. The results consist of mapping earthquake-induced landslide scenarios in terms of exceedance probability of critical threshold values of co-seismic displacements (P[D≥Dc|a(t),ay]). PARSIFAL was applied in the framework of level 3 SM studies over the municipality area of Accumoli (Rieti, Italy), strongly struck by the 2016 seismic sequence of Central Apennines. The use of the PARSIFAL was tested for the first time to screen the Susceptibility Zones (ZSFR) from the Attention Zones (ZAFR) in the category of the unstable areas, according to the guidelines by Italian Civil Protection. The results obtained were in a GIS-based mapping representing the possibility for a landslide to be induced by an earthquake (with a return period of 475 years) in three different saturation scenarios (i.e. dry, average, full). Only 41% of the landslide-prone areas in the Municipality of Accumoli are existing events, while the remaining 59% is characterized by first-time earth- or rock-slides. In dry conditions, unstable conditions or P[D≥Dc|a(t),ay]>0 were for 54% of existing landslides, 17% of first-time rock-slides and 1% of first-time earth- slides. In full saturation conditions, the findings are much more severe since unstable conditions or P[D≥Dc|a(t),ay]>0 were found for 58% of the existing landslides and for more than 80% of first-time rock- and earth-slides. Moreover, comparison of the total area of the ZAFR versus ZSFR, resulted in PARSIFAL screening reducing of 22% of the mapped ZAFR