1,847 research outputs found

    Static Magnetic Proximity Effect in Pt Layers on Sputter-Deposited NiFe2O4 and on Fe of Various Thicknesses Investigated by XRMR

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    The longitudinal spin Seebeck effect is detected in sputter-deposited NiFe2O4 films using Pt as a spin detector and compared to previously investigated NiFe2O4 films prepared by chemical vapor deposition. Anomalous Nernst effects induced by the magnetic proximity effect in Pt can be excluded for the sputter-deposited NiFe2O4 films down to a certain limit, since x-ray resonant magnetic reflectivity measurements show no magnetic response down to a limit of 0.04 {\mu}B per Pt atom comparable to the case of the chemicallydeposited NiFe2O4 films. These differently prepared films have various thicknesses. Therefore, we further studied Pt/Fe reference samples with various Fe thicknesses and could confirm that the magnetic proximity effect is only induced by the interface properties of the magnetic material.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum critical Bose gas in the two-dimensional limit in the honeycomb antiferromagnet YbCl3_3 under magnetic fields

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    BEC is a quantum phenomenon, where a macroscopic number of bosons occupy the lowest energy state and acquire coherence at low temperatures. It is realized not only in 4^4He and dilute atomic gases, but also in quantum magnets, where hardcore bosons, introduced by the Matsubara-Matsuda transformation of spins, condense. In 3D antiferromagnets, an XY-type long-range ordering (LRO) occurs near a magnetic-field-induced transition to a fully polarized state (FP) and has been successfully described as a BEC in the last few decades. An attractive extension of the BEC in 3D magnets is to make their 2D analogue. For a strictly 2D system, BEC cannot take place due to the presence of a finite density of states at zero energy, and a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition may instead emerge. In a realistic quasi-2D magnet consisting of stacked 2D magnets, a small but finite interlayer coupling stabilizes marginal LRO and BEC, but such that 2D physics, including BKT fluctuations, is still expected to dominate. A few systems were reported to show such 2D-limit BEC, but at very high magnetic fields that are difficult to access. The honeycomb SS = 1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet YbCl3_3 with an intra-layer coupling JJ\sim 5 K exhibits a transition to a FP state at a low in-plane magnetic field of HsH_{\rm s} = 5.93 T. Here, we demonstrate that the LRO right below HsH_{\rm s} is a BEC in the 2D-limit stabilized by an extremely small interlayer coupling JJ_{\perp} of 105J^{-5}J. At the quantum critical point Hs, we capture 2D-limit quantum fluctuations as the formation of a highly mobile, interacting 2D Bose gas in the dilute limit. A much-reduced effective boson-boson repulsion Ueff as compared with that of a prototypical 3D system indicates the presence of a logarithmic renormalization of interaction unique to 2D.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figure

    Evaluation of the marginal fit of three margin designs of resin composite crowns using CAD/CAM

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    OBJECTIVES: To examine the marginal fit of resin composite crowns manufactured with the CEREC 3 system employing three different margin designs; bevel, chamfer and shoulder, by means of a replica technique and a luting agent. METHODS: Three master casts were fabricated from an impression of a typodont molar tooth and a full-coverage crown prepared with a marginal finish of a bevel, a chamfer and a shoulder. Each cast was replicated 10 times (n = 10). Scanning of the replicas and crown designing was performed using the CEREC ScanTM system. The crowns were milled from Paradigm MZ100TM composite resin blocks. The marginal fit of the crowns was evaluated with a replica technique (AquasilTM LV, Dentsply), and with a resin composite cement (RelyXTM Unicem, AplicapTM) and measured with a travelling microscope. Statistical analysis was performed using two-way ANOVA. RESULTS: For the replica technique the average marginal gaps recorded were: Bevel Group 105±34 mm, Chamfer Group 94±27 mm and Shoulder Group 91±22 mm. For the resin composite cement the average marginal gaps were: Bevel Group 102±28 mm, Chamfer Group 91±11 mm and Shoulder Group 77±8 mm. Two-way ANOVA analysis showed that there was no statistically significant difference between the three groups of finishing lines regardless of the cementation technique used. CONCLUSIONS: The marginal gap of resin composite crowns manufactured with the CEREC 3 system is within the range of clinical acceptance, regardless of the finishing line prepared or the cementation technique used

    Spatial and isotopic niche partitioning during winter in chinstrap and Adélie penguins from the South Shetland Islands

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    © The Author(s), 2015. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Ecosphere 6 (2015): art125, doi:10.1890/ES14-00287.1.Closely related species with similar ecological requirements should exhibit segregation along spatial, temporal, or trophic niche axes to limit the degree of competitive overlap. For migratory marine organisms like seabirds, assessing such overlap during the non-breeding period is difficult because of long-distance dispersal to potentially diffuse foraging habitats. Miniaturization of geolocation devices and advances in stable isotope analysis (SIA), however, provide a robust toolset to quantitatively track the movements and foraging niches of wide ranging marine animals throughout much of their annual cycle. We used light-based geolocation tags and analyzed stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes from tail feathers to simultaneously characterize winter movements, habitat utilization, and overlap of spatial and isotopic niches of migratory chinstrap (Pygoscelis antarctica) and Adélie (P. adeliae) penguins during the austral winter of 2012. Chinstrap penguins exhibited a higher diversity of movements and occupied portions of the Southern Ocean from 138° W to 30° W within a narrow latitudinal band centered on 60° S. In contrast, all tracked Adélie penguins exhibited smaller-scale movements into the Weddell Sea and then generally along a counter-clockwise path as winter advanced. Inter-specific overlap during the non-breeding season was low except during the months immediately adjacent to the summer breeding season. Intra-specific overlap by chinstraps from adjacent breeding colonies was higher throughout the winter. Spatial segregation appears to be the primary mechanism to maintain inter- and intra-specific niche separation during the non-breeding season for chinstrap and Adélie penguins. Despite low spatial overlap, however, the data do suggest that a narrow pelagic corridor in the southern Scotia Sea hosted both chinstrap and Adélie penguins for most months of the year. Shared occupancy and similar isotopic signatures of the penguins in that region suggests that the potential for inter-specific competition persists during the winter months. Finally, we note that SIA was able to discriminate eastward versus westward migrations in penguins, suggesting that SIA of tail feathers may provide useful information on population-level distribution patterns for future studies.Funds for the GLS tags were provided by the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation. Additional support for this project was provided by a Woods Hole Oceanographic Devonshire Scholarship as well as funding from the Ocean Life Institute and SeaWorld Bush Gardens Conservation Fund to MJP

    Quantitative Disentanglement of the Spin Seebeck, Proximity-Induced, and Ferromagnetic-Induced Anomalous Nernst Effect in Normal-Metal-Ferromagnet Bilayers

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    We identify and investigate thermal spin transport phenomena in sputter-deposited Pt/NiFe2_2O4-x_{\textrm{4-x}} (4x04\geq x \geq 0) bilayers. We separate the voltage generated by the spin Seebeck effect from the anomalous Nernst effect contributions and even disentangle the intrinsic anomalous Nernst effect (ANE) in the ferromagnet (FM) from the ANE produced by the Pt that is spin polarized due to its proximity to the FM. Further, we probe the dependence of these effects on the electrical conductivity and the band gap energy of the FM film varying from nearly insulating NiFe2_2O4_4 to metallic Ni33_{33}Fe67_{67}. A proximity-induced ANE could only be identified in the metallic Pt/Ni33_{33}Fe67_{67} bilayer in contrast to Pt/NiFe2_2Ox_{\rm x} (x>0x>0) samples. This is verified by the investigation of static magnetic proximity effects via x-ray resonant magnetic reflectivity

    The Lantern Vol. 40, No. 2, Spring 1974

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    • Response • Roads • Ghost Dance • Natator • Make Believe • An English Sonnet • A Cinquain • Icarus • Alchemy • Pain • Love • Scramblen\u27 Zone • In the Gathering Wind • The Circus • Streams • The Showdown on the Corner of Main Street and Koscuisko Drive!!! • Fandango • Ode to an Orange Orangutan • Nauseahttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/1104/thumbnail.jp