6,783 research outputs found

    Solution phase, solid state, and theoretical investigations on the MacMillan imidazolidinone

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    A combination of soln. phase NMR, X-ray crystallog. studies, and DFT calcns. provide a consistent structural conformation for iminium ions derived from the MacMillan imidazolidinone

    Proximity Effects and Nonequilibrium Superconductivity in Transition-Edge Sensors

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    We have recently shown that normal-metal/superconductor (N/S) bilayer TESs (superconducting Transition-Edge Sensors) exhibit weak-link behavior.1 Here we extend our understanding to include TESs with added noise-mitigating normal-metal structures (N structures). We find TESs with added Au structures also exhibit weak-link behavior as evidenced by exponential temperature dependence of the critical current and Josephson-like oscillations of the critical current with applied magnetic field. We explain our results in terms of an effect converse to the longitudinal proximity effect (LoPE)1, the lateral inverse proximity effect (LaiPE), for which the order parameter in the N/S bilayer is reduced due to the neighboring N structures. Resistance and critical current measurements are presented as a function of temperature and magnetic field taken on square Mo/Au bilayer TESs with lengths ranging from 8 to 130 {\mu}m with and without added N structures. We observe the inverse proximity effect on the bilayer over in-plane distances many tens of microns and find the transition shifts to lower temperatures scale approximately as the inverse square of the in- plane N-structure separation distance, without appreciable broadening of the transition width. We also present evidence for nonequilbrium superconductivity and estimate a quasiparticle lifetime of 1.8 \times 10-10 s for the bilayer. The LoPE model is also used to explain the increased conductivity at temperatures above the bilayer's steep resistive transition.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Strong Coupling Constant from the Photon Structure Function

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    We extract the value of the strong coupling constant alpha_s from a single-parameter pointlike fit to the photon structure function F_2^gamma at large x and Q^2 and from a first five-parameter full (pointlike and hadronic) fit to the complete F_2^gamma data set taken at PETRA, TRISTAN, and LEP. In next-to-leading order and the MSbar renormalization and factorization schemes, we obtain alpha_s(m_Z)=0.1183 +/- 0.0050(exp.)^+0.0029_-0.0028(theor.) [pointlike] and alpha_s(m_Z)=0.1198 +/- 0.0028(exp.)^+0.0034_-0.0046(theor.) [pointlike and hadronic]. We demonstrate that the data taken at LEP have reduced the experimental error by about a factor of two, so that a competitive determination of alpha_s from F_2^gamma is now possible.Comment: 11 pages, 2 tables, 2 figures. Version accepted for publication by Phys. Rev. Let

    Eigenvalue distributions for some correlated complex sample covariance matrices

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    The distributions of the smallest and largest eigenvalues for the matrix product Z†ZZ^\dagger Z, where ZZ is an n×mn \times m complex Gaussian matrix with correlations both along rows and down columns, are expressed as m×mm \times m determinants. In the case of correlation along rows, these expressions are computationally more efficient than those involving sums over partitions and Schur polynomials reported recently for the same distributions.Comment: 11 page

    The effect of sodium species on methanol synthesis and water-gas shift Cu/ZnO catalysts: utilising high purity zincian georgeite

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    The effect of sodium species on the physical and catalytic properties of Cu/ZnO catalysts derived from zincian georgeite has been investigated. Catalysts prepared with <100 ppm to 2.1 wt% Na+, using a supercritical CO2 antisolvent technique, were characterised and tested for the low temperature water–gas shift reaction and also CO2 hydrogenation to methanol. It was found that zincian georgeite catalyst precursor stability was dependent on the Na+ concentration, with the 2.1 wt% Na+-containing sample uncontrollably ageing to malachite and sodium zinc carbonate. Samples with lower Na+ contents (<100–2500 ppm) remained as the amorphous zincian georgeite phase, which on calcination and reduction resulted in similar CuO/Cu particle sizes and Cu surface areas. The aged 2.1 wt% Na+ containing sample, after calcination and reduction, was found to comprise of larger CuO crystallites and a lower Cu surface area. However, calcination of the high Na+ sample immediately after precipitation (before ageing) resulted in a comparable CuO/Cu particle size to the lower (<100–2500 ppm) Na+ containing samples, but with a lower Cu surface area, which indicates that Na+ species block Cu sites. Activity of the catalysts for the water–gas shift reaction and methanol yields in the methanol synthesis reaction correlated with Na+ content, suggesting that Na+ directly poisons the catalyst. In situ XRD analysis showed that the ZnO crystallite size and consequently Cu crystallite size increased dramatically in the presence of water in a syn-gas reaction mixture, showing that stabilisation of nanocrystalline ZnO is required. Sodium species have a moderate effect on ZnO and Cu crystallite growth rate, with lower Na+ content resulting in slightly reduced rates of growth under reaction conditions

    Medication burden in the first 5 years following diagnosis of type 2 diabetes: findings from the ADDITION-UK trial cohort.

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    INTRODUCTION: Individuals with screen-detected diabetes are likely to receive intensified pharmacotherapy to improve glycaemic control and general cardiometabolic health. Individuals are often asymptomatic, and little is known about the degree to which polypharmacy is present both before, and after diagnosis. We aimed to describe and characterize the pharmacotherapy burden of individuals with screen-detected diabetes at diagnosis, 1 and 5 years post-diagnosis. METHODS: The prescription histories of 1026 individuals with screen-detected diabetes enrolled in the ADDITION-UK trial of the promotion of intensive treatment were coded into general medication types at diagnosis, 1 and 5 years post-diagnosis. The association between change in the count of several medication types and age, baseline 10-year UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) cardiovascular disease (CVD risk), sex, intensive treatment group and number of medications was explored. RESULTS: Just under half of individuals were on drugs unrelated to cardioprotection before diagnosis (42%), and this increased along with a rise in the number of prescribed diabetes-related and cardioprotective drugs. The medication profile over the first 5 years suggests multimorbidity and polypharmacy is present in individuals with screen-detected diabetes. Higher modeled CVD risk at baseline was associated with a greater increase in cardioprotective and diabetes-related medication, but not an increase in other medications. CONCLUSION: As recommended in national guidelines, our results suggest that treatment of diabetes was influenced by the underlying risk of CVD. While many individuals did not start glucose lowering and cardioprotective therapies in the first 5 years after diagnosis, more information is required to understand whether this represents unmet need, or patient-centered care. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: CNT00237549.This study was supported by the Welcome Trust (grant number G061895), the Medical Research Council (Grant numbers G0001164 and MC_UU_12015/4) and the National Institute for Health Research (Grant number RP-PG-0606-1259).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from BMJ via http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjdrc-2014-00007

    Plasticity in nest site choice behavior in response to hydric conditions in a reptile

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    Natural selection is expected to select for and maintain maternal behaviors associated with choosing a nest site that promotes successful hatching of offspring, especially in animals that do not exhibit parental care such as reptiles. In contrast to temperature effects, we know little about how soil moisture contributes to successful hatching and particularly how it shapes nest site choice behavior in nature. The recent revelation of exceptionally deep nesting in lizards under extreme dry conditions underscored the potential for the hydric environment in shaping the evolution of nest site choice. But if deep nesting is an adaptation to dry conditions, is there a plastic component such that mothers would excavate deeper nests in drier years? We tested this hypothesis by excavating communal warrens of a large, deep-nesting monitor lizard (Varanus panoptes), taking advantage of four wet seasons with contrasting rainfall amounts. We found 75 nests during two excavations, including 45 nests after a 4-year period with larger wet season rainfall and 30 nests after a 4-year period with smaller wet season rainfall. Mothers nested significantly deeper in years associated with drier nesting seasons, a finding best explained as a plastic response to soil moisture, because differences in both the mean and variance in soil temperatures between 1 and 4 m deep are negligible. Our data are novel for reptiles in demonstrating plasticity in maternal behavior in response to hydric conditions during the time of nesting. The absence of evidence for other ground-nesting reptile mothers adjusting nest depth in response to a hydric-depth gradient is likely due to the tradeoff between moisture and temperature with changing depth; most ground-nesting reptile eggs are deposited at depths of ~ 2–25 cm—nesting deeper within or outside of that range of depths to achieve higher soil moisture would also generally create cooler conditions for embryos that need adequate heat for successful development. In contrast, extreme deep nesting in V. panoptes allowed us to disentangle temperature and moisture. Broadly, our data suggest that ground-nesting reptiles can assess soil moisture and respond by adjusting the depth of the nest, but may not, due to the cooling effect of nesting deeper. Our results, within the context of previous work, provide a more complete picture of how mothers can promote hatching success through adjustments in nest site choice behavior
