6,543 research outputs found

    Rib Truncations and Fusions in the Sp2HMouse Reveal a Role for Pax3 in Specification of the Ventro-lateral and Posterior Parts of the Somite

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    AbstractThesplotch (Pax3)mouse mutant serves as a model for developmental defects of several types, including defective migration of dermomyotomal cells to form the limb musculature. Here, we describe abnormalities of the ribs, neural arches, and acromion inSp2Hhomozygous embryos, indicating a widespread dependence of lateral somite development onPax3function. Moreover, the intercostal and body wall muscles, derivatives of the ventrolateral myotome, are also abnormal inSp2Hhomozygotes.Pax3is expressed in the dermomyotome, but not in either the sclerotome or the myotome, raising the possibility thatPax3-dependent inductive influences from the dermomyotome are necessary for early specification of lateral sclerotome and myotome. Support for this idea comes from analysis of gene expression markers of lateral sclerotome (tenascin-Candscleraxis) and myotome (myogenin, MyoD,andMyf5). All exhibit ventrally truncated domains of expression inSp2Hhomozygotes, potentially accounting for the rib and intercostal muscle truncations. In contrast, the medial sclerotomal markerPax1is expressed normally in mutant embryos, arguing thatPax3is not required for development of the medial sclerotome. Most of the somitic markers show ectopic expression in anteroposterior and mediolateral dimensions, suggesting a loss of definition of somite boundaries insplotchand explaining the rib and muscle fusions. An exception isMyf5,which is not ectopically expressed inSp2Hhomozygotes, consistent with the previous suggestion thatPax3andMyf5function in different pathways of skeletal myogenesis. PDGFα and its receptor are candidates for mediating signalling between myotome and sclerotome. We find that both genes are misexpressed inSp2Hembryos, suggesting that PDGFα/PDGFRα may function downstream ofPax3,accounting for the close similarities between thesplotchandPatchmutant phenotypes. Our findings point to additional regulatory functions for the Pax3 transcription factor, apart from those already demonstrated for development of the neural tube, neural crest, and dermomyotome

    Submillimeter observing conditions on Cerro Chajnantor

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    Consistently superb observing conditions are crucial for achieving the scientific objectives of a ground based telescope. For observations at submillimeter wavelengths, choosing a site with very little atmospheric water vapor is paramount. In northern Chile, the high Andes near San Pedro de Atacama are among the highest and driest places on Earth. At the 5000 m Chajnantor plateau, long term measurements have demonstrated observing conditions are excellent for submillimeter astronomy. Even better conditions prevail on higher mountain peaks in the vicinity. For the CCAT, we have selected a candidate site at 5612 m near the summit of Cerro Chajnantor. Radiosonde measurements, meteorological data, and measurements of the 350 Consistently superb observing conditions are crucial for achieving the scientific objectives of a ground based telescope. For observations at submillimeter wavelengths, choosing a site with very little atmospheric water vapor is paramount. In northern Chile, the high Andes near San Pedro de Atacama are among the highest and driest places on Earth. At the 5000 m Chajnantor plateau, long term measurements have demonstrated observing conditions are excellent for submillimeter astronomy. Even better conditions prevail on higher mountain peaks in the vicinity. For the CCAT, we have selected a candidate site at 5612 m near the summit of Cerro Chajnantor. Radiosonde measurements, meteorological data, and measurements of the 350 μm transparency all indicate submillimeter observing conditions are consistently better at the CCAT site than at the plateau. transparency all indicate submillimeter observing conditions are consistently better at the CCAT site than at the plateau

    The SISO CSPI PDG standard for commercial off-the-shelf simulation package interoperability reference models

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    For many years discrete-event simulation has been used to analyze production and logistics problems in manufactur-ing and defense. Commercial-off-the-shelf Simulation Packages (CSPs), visual interactive modelling environ-ments such as Arena, Anylogic, Flexsim, Simul8, Witness, etc., support the development, experimentation and visua-lization of simulation models. There have been various attempts to create distributed simulations with these CSPs and their tools, some with the High Level Architecture (HLA). These are complex and it is quite difficult to assess how a set of models/CSP are actually interoperating. As the first in a series of standards aimed at standardizing how the HLA is used to support CSP distributed simula-tions, the Simulation Interoperability Standards Organiza-tion’s (SISO) CSP Interoperability Product Development Group (CSPI PDG) has developed and standardized a set of Interoperability Reference Models (IRM) that are in-tended to clearly identify the interoperability capabilities of CSP distributed simulations

    Carbonaceous and nitrogenous disinfection by-product formation from algal organic matter

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    Seasonal algal blooms in drinking water sources release intracellular and extracellular algal organic matter (AOM) in significant concentrations into the water. This organic matter provides precursors for disinfection by-products (DBPs) formed when the water is subsequently chlorinated at the final disinfection stage of the potable water treatment process. This paper presents results of AOM characterisation from five algal species (three cyanobacteria, one diatom and one green) alongside the measurement of the DBP formation potential from the AOM of six algal species (an additional diatom). The character was explored in terms of hydrophilicity, charge and protein and carbohydrate content. 18 DBPs were measured following chlorination of the AOM samples: the four trihalomethanes (THMs), nine haloacetic acids (HAAs), four haloacetonitriles (HANs) and one halonitromethane (HNM). The AOM was found to be mainly hydrophilic (52 and 81%) in nature. Yields of up to 92.4 μg mg−1 C carbonaceous DBPs were measured, with few consistent trends between DBP formation propensity and either the specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA) or the chemical characteristics. The AOM from diatomaceous algae formed significant amounts of nitrogenous DBPs (up to 1.7 μg mg−1 C). The weak trends in DBPFP may be attributable to the hydrophilic nature of AOM, which also makes it more challenging to remove by conventional water treatment processes

    Skin colour changes during experimentally-induced sickness

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    This project was supported by Swedish foundation for humanities and social sciences and a British Academy Wolfson Foundation Research Professorship grant. AH is supported by a studentship from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council.Skin colour may be an important cue to detect sickness in humans but how skin colour changes with acute sickness is currently unknown. To determine possible colour changes, 22 healthy Caucasian participants were injected twice, once with lipopolysaccharide (LPS, at a dose of 2 ng/kg body weight) and once with placebo (saline), in a randomised cross-over design study. Skin colour across 3 arm and 3 face locations was recorded spectrophotometrically over a period of 8 hours in terms of lightness (L∗), redness (a∗) and yellowness (b∗) in a manner that is consistent with human colour perception. In addition, carotenoid status was assessed as we predicted that a decrease it skin yellowness would reflect a drop in skin carotenoids. We found an early change in skin colouration 1-3 hours post LPS injection with facial skin becoming lighter and less red whilst arm skin become darker but also less red and less yellow. The LPS injection also caused a drop in plasma carotenoids from 3 hours onwards. However, the timing of the carotenoid changes was not consistent with the skin colour changes suggesting that other mechanisms, such as a reduction of blood perfusion, oxygenation or composition. This is the first experimental study characterising skin colour associated with acute illness, and shows that changes occur early in the development of the sickness response. Colour changes may serve as a cue to health, prompting actions from others in terms of care-giving or disease avoidance. Specific mechanisms underlying these colour changes require further investigation.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Ephrin-B3 controls excitatory synapse density through cell-cell competition for EphBs

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    Cortical networks are characterized by sparse connectivity, with synapses found at only a subset of axo-dendritic contacts. Yet within these networks, neurons can exhibit high connection probabilities, suggesting that cell-intrinsic factors, not proximity, determine connectivity. Here, we identify ephrin-B3 (eB3) as a factor that determines synapse density by mediating a cell-cell competition that requires ephrin-B-EphB signaling. In a microisland culture system designed to isolate cell-cell competition, we find that eB3 determines winning and losing neurons in a contest for synapses. In a Mosaic Analysis with Double Markers (MADM) genetic mouse model system in vivo the relative levels of eB3 control spine density in layer 5 and 6 neurons. MADM cortical neurons in vitro reveal that eB3 controls synapse density independently of action potential-driven activity. Our findings illustrate a new class of competitive mechanism mediated by trans-synaptic organizing proteins which control the number of synapses neurons receive relative to neighboring neurons

    Energy minimization of paired composite fermion wave functions in the spherical geometry

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    We perform the energy minimization of the paired composite fermion (CF) wave functions, proposed by M¨oller and Simon (MS) [PRB 77, 075319 (2008)] and extended by Yutushui and Mross (YM) [PRB 102, 195153 (2020)], where the energy is minimized by varying the CF pairing function, in the case of an approximate model of the Coulomb interaction in the second Landau level for pairing channels ℓ = −1, 3, 1 which are expected to be in the Pfaffian, anti-Pfaffian and particle-hole symmetric (PH) Pfaffian phases respectively. It is found that the energy of the ℓ = −1 MS wave function can be reduced substantially below that of the Moore-Read wave function at small system sizes, however, in the ℓ = 3 case the energy cannot be reduced much below that of the YM trial wave function. Nonetheless, both our optimized and unoptimized wave functions with ℓ = −1, 3 extrapolate to roughly the same energy per particle in the thermodynamic limit. For the ℓ = 1 case, the optimization makes no qualitative difference and these PH-Pfaffian wave functions are still energetically unfavourable. The effective CF pairing is analyzed in the resulting wave functions, where the effective pairing for the ℓ = −1, 3 channels is found to be well approximated by a weak-pairing BCS ansatz and the ℓ = 1 wave functions show no sign of emergent CF pairing