20 research outputs found

    A hydrogen‐oxidizing bacterium enriched from the open ocean resembling a symbiont

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    A new autotrophic hydrogen‐oxidizing Chromatiaceae bacterium, namely bacterium CTD079, was enriched from a water column sample at 1500 m water depth in the southern Pacific Ocean. Based on the phylogeny of 16S rRNA genes it was closely related to a scaly snail endosymbiont (99.2% DNA sequence identity) whose host so far is only known to colonize hydrothermal vents along the Indian ridge. The average nucleotide identity between the genomes of CTD079 and the snail endosymbiont was 91%. The observed differences likely reflect adaptations to their specific habitats. For example, CTD079 encodes additional enzymes like the formate dehydrogenase increasing the organism's spectrum of energy generation pathways. Other additional physiological features of CTD079 included the increase of viral defense strategies, secretion systems and specific transporters for essential elements. These important genome characteristics suggest an adaptation to life in the open ocean

    Evaluation of 16S rRNA Gene Primer Pairs for Monitoring Microbial Community Structures Showed High Reproducibility within and Low Comparability between Datasets Generated with Multiple Archaeal and Bacterial Primer Pairs

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    The application of next-generation sequencing technology in microbial community analysis increased our knowledge and understanding of the complexity and diversity of a variety of ecosystems. In contrast to Bacteria, the archaeal domain was often not particularly addressed in the analysis of microbial communities. Consequently, established primers specifically amplifying the archaeal 16S ribosomal gene region are scarce compared to the variety of primers targeting bacterial sequences. In this study, we aimed to validate archaeal primers suitable for high throughput next generation sequencing. Three archaeal 16S primer pairs as well as two bacterial and one general microbial 16S primer pairs were comprehensively tested by in-silico evaluation and performing an experimental analysis of a complex microbial community of a biogas reactor. The results obtained clearly demonstrate that comparability of community profiles established using different primer pairs is difficult. 16S rRNA gene data derived from a shotgun metagenome of the same reactor sample added an additional perspective on the community structure. Furthermore, in-silico evaluation of primers, especially those for amplification of archaeal 16S rRNA gene regions, does not necessarily reflect the results obtained in experimental approaches. In the latter, archaeal primer pair ArchV34 showed the highest similarity to the archaeal community structure compared to observed by the metagenomic approach and thus appears to be the appropriate for analyzing archaeal communities in biogas reactors. However, a disadvantage of this primer pair was its low specificity for the archaeal domain in the experimental application leading to high amounts of bacterial sequences within the dataset. Overall our results indicate a rather limited comparability between community structures investigated and determined using different primer pairs as well as between metagenome and 16S rRNA gene amplicon based community structure analysis. This finding, previously shown for Bacteria, was as well observed for the archaeal domain

    Microbial community changes correlate with impaired host fitness of Aurelia aurita after environmental challenge

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    Abstract Climate change globally endangers certain marine species, but at the same time, such changes may promote species that can tolerate and adapt to varying environmental conditions. Such acclimatization can be accompanied or possibly even be enabled by a host’s microbiome; however, few studies have so far directly addressed this process. Here we show that acute, individual rises in seawater temperature and salinity to sub-lethal levels diminished host fitness of the benthic Aurelia aurita polyp, demonstrated by up to 34% reduced survival rate, shrinking of the animals, and almost halted asexual reproduction. Changes in the fitness of the polyps to environmental stressors coincided with microbiome changes, mainly within the phyla Proteobacteria and Bacteroidota. The absence of bacteria amplified these effects, pointing to the benefit of a balanced microbiota to cope with a changing environment. In a future ocean scenario, mimicked by a combined but milder rise of temperature and salinity, the fitness of polyps was severely less impaired, together with condition-specific changes in the microbiome composition. Our results show that the effects on host fitness correlate with the strength of environmental stress, while salt-conveyed thermotolerance might be involved. Further, a specific, balanced microbiome of A. aurita polyps supports the host’s acclimatization. Microbiomes may provide a means for acclimatization, and microbiome flexibility can be a fundamental strategy for marine animals to adapt to future ocean scenarios and maintain biodiversity and ecosystem functioning

    The Absence of the N-acyl-homoserine-lactone Autoinducer Synthase Genes tral and ngrl Increases the Copy Number of the Symbiotic Plasmid in Sinorhizobium fredii NGR234

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    Plant-released flavonoids induce the transcription of symbiotic genes in rhizobia and one of the first bacterial responses is the synthesis of so called Nod factors. They are responsible for the initial root hair curling during onset of root nodule development. This signal exchange is believed to be essential for initiating the plant symbiosis with rhizobia affiliated with the Alphaproteobacteria. Here, we provide evidence that in the broad host range strain Sinorhizobium fredii NGR234 the complete lack of quorum sensing molecules results in an elevated copy number of its symbiotic plasmid (pNGR234a). This in turn triggers the expression of symbiotic genes and the production of Nod factors in the absence of plant signals. Therefore, increasing the copy number of specific plasmids could be a widespread mechanism of specialized bacterial populations to bridge gaps in signaling cascades

    Sequence-based Screening for Rare Enzymes: New Insights into the World of AMDases Reveal a Conserved Motif and 58 Novel Enzymes Clustering in Eight Distinct Families.

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    Arylmalonate-Decarboxylases (AMDases, EC are very rare and mostly underexplored enzymes. Currently only four known and biochemically characterized representatives exist. However, their ability to decarboxylate α-disubstituted malonic acid derivatives to optically pure products without cofactors makes them attractive and promising candidates for the use as biocatalysts in industrial processes. Until now, AMDases could not be separated from other members of the aspartate/glutamate racemase superfamily based on their gene sequences. Within this work, a search algorithm was developed that enables a reliable prediction of AMDase activity for potential candidates. Based on specific sequence patterns and screening methods 58 novel AMDase candidate genes could be identified in this work. Thereby, AMDases with the conserved sequence pattern of Bordetella bronchiseptica’s prototype appeared to be limited to the classes of Alpha-, Beta- and Gammaproteobacteria. Amino acid homologies and comparison of gene surrounding sequences enabled the classification of eight enzyme clusters. Particularly striking is the accumulation of genes coding for different transporters of the TTT family, TRAP transporters and ABC transporters as well as genes coding for mandelate racemases/muconate lactonizing enzymes that might be involved in substrate uptake or degradation of AMDase products. Further, three novel AMDases were characterized which showed a high enantiomeric excess (>99%) of the (R)-enantiomer of flurbiprofen. These are the recombinant AmdA and AmdV from Variovorax sp. strains HH01 and HH02, originated from soil, and AmdP from Polymorphum gilvum found by a data base search. Altogether our findings give new insights into the class of AMDases and reveal many previously unknown enzyme candidates with high potential for bioindustrial processes

    Evaluation of 16S rRNA gene primer pairs for monitoring microbial community structures showed high reproducibility within and low comparability between datasets generated with multiple archaeal and bacterial primer pairs

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    The application of next-generation sequencing technology in microbial community analysis increased our knowledge and understanding of the complexity and diversity of a variety of ecosystems. In contrast to Bacteria, the archaeal domain was often not particularly addressed in the analysis of microbial communities. Consequently, established primers specifically amplifying the archaeal 16S ribosomal gene region are scarce compared to the variety of primers targeting bacterial sequences. In this study, we aimed to validate archaeal primers suitable for high throughput next generation sequencing. Three archaeal 16S primer pairs as well as two bacterial and one general microbial 16S primer pairs were comprehensively tested by in-silico evaluation and performing an experimental analysis of a complex microbial community of a biogas reactor. The results obtained clearly demonstrate that comparability of community profiles established using different primer pairs is difficult. 16S rRNA gene data derived from a shotgun metagenome of the same reactor sample added an additional perspective on the community structure. Furthermore, in-silico evaluation of primers, especially those for amplification of archaeal 16S rRNA gene regions, does not necessarily reflect the results obtained in experimental approaches. In the latter, archaeal primer pair ArchV34 showed the highest similarity to the archaeal community structure compared to observed by the metagenomic approach and thus appears to be the appropriate for analyzing archaeal communities in biogas reactors. However, a disadvantage of this primer pair was its low specificity for the archaeal domain in the experimental application leading to high amounts of bacterial sequences within the dataset. Overall our results indicate a rather limited comparability between community structures investigated and determined using different primer pairs as well as between metagenome and 16S rRNA gene amplicon based community structure analysis. This finding, previously shown for Bacteria, was as well observed for the archaeal domain

    The Native Microbiome is Crucial for Offspring Generation and Fitness of Aurelia Aurita

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    All multicellular organisms are associated with microbial communities, ultimately forming a metaorganism. Several studies conducted on well-established model organisms point to immunological, metabolic, and behavioral benefits of the associated microbiota for the host. Consequently, a microbiome can influence the physiology of a host; moreover, microbial community shifts can affect host health and fitness. The present study aimed to evaluate the significance and functional role of the native microbiota for life cycle transitions and fitness of the cnidarian moon jellyfish Aurelia aurita. A comprehensive host fitness experiment was conducted studying the polyp life stage and integrating 12 combinations of treatments with microbiota modification (sterile conditions, foreign food bacteria, and potential pathogens). Asexual reproduction, e.g., generation of daughter polyps, and the formation and release of ephyrae were highly affected in the absence of the native microbiota, ultimately resulting in a halt of strobilation and ephyra release. Assessment of further fitness traits showed that health, growth, and feeding rate were decreased in the absence and upon community changes of the native microbiota, e.g., when challenged with selected bacteria. Moreover, changes in microbial community patterns were detected by 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing during the course of the experiment. This demonstrated that six operational taxonomic units (OTUs) significantly correlated and explained up to 97% of fitness data variability, strongly supporting the association of impaired fitness with the absence/presence of specific bacteria. Conclusively, our study provides new insights into the importance and function of the microbiome for asexual reproduction, health, and fitness of the basal metazoan A. aurita

    A Comparative Metagenome Survey of the Fecal Microbiota of a Breast- and a Plant-Fed Asian Elephant Reveals an Unexpectedly High Diversity of Glycoside Hydrolase Family Enzymes

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    <div><p>A phylogenetic and metagenomic study of elephant feces samples (derived from a three-weeks-old and a six-years-old Asian elephant) was conducted in order to describe the microbiota inhabiting this large land-living animal. The microbial diversity was examined via 16S rRNA gene analysis. We generated more than 44,000 GS-FLX+454 reads for each animal. For the baby elephant, 380 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were identified at 97% sequence identity level; in the six-years-old animal, close to 3,000 OTUs were identified, suggesting high microbial diversity in the older animal. In both animals most OTUs belonged to Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes. Additionally, for the baby elephant a high number of Proteobacteria was detected. A metagenomic sequencing approach using Illumina technology resulted in the generation of 1.1 Gbp assembled DNA in contigs with a maximum size of 0.6 Mbp. A KEGG pathway analysis suggested high metabolic diversity regarding the use of polymers and aromatic and non-aromatic compounds. In line with the high phylogenetic diversity, a surprising and not previously described biodiversity of glycoside hydrolase (GH) genes was found. Enzymes of 84 GH families were detected. Polysaccharide utilization loci (PULs), which are found in Bacteroidetes, were highly abundant in the dataset; some of these comprised cellulase genes. Furthermore the highest coverage for GH5 and GH9 family enzymes was detected for Bacteroidetes, suggesting that bacteria of this phylum are mainly responsible for the degradation of cellulose in the Asian elephant. Altogether, this study delivers insight into the biomass conversion by one of the largest plant-fed and land-living animals.</p></div