150 research outputs found

    NGC 6302: high-ionization permitted lines. Applying X-SSN synthesis to VLT-UVES spectra

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    A preliminary VLT-UVES spectrum of NGC 6302 (Casassus et al. 2002, MN), which hosts one of the hottest PN nuclei known (Teff ~ 220000 K; Wright et al. 2011, MN), has been recently analysed by means of X-SSN, a spectrum synthesis code for nebulae (Morisset and P\'equignot). Permitted recombination lines from highly-ionized species are detected/identified for the first time in a PN, and some of them probably for the first time in (Astro)Physics. The need for a homogeneous, high signal-to-noise UVES spectrum for NGC 6302 is advocated.Comment: Poster contribution (2 pages, 1 figure) to IAU Symposium 283: "Planetary Nebulae: An Eye to the Future" held in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain in July 25th-29th 201

    Cooling in the shade of warped transition disks

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    The mass of the gaseous reservoir in young circumstellar disks is a crucial initial condition for the formation of planetary systems, but estimates vary by orders of magnitude. In some disks with resolvable cavities, sharp inner disk warps cast two-sided shadows on the outer rings; can the cooling of the gas as it crosses the shadows bring constraints on its mass? The finite cooling timescale should result in dust temperature decrements shifted ahead of the optical/IR shadows in the direction of rotation. However, some systems show temperature drops, while others do not. The depth of the drops and the amplitude of the shift depend on the outer disk surface density Sigma through the extent of cooling during the shadow crossing time, and also on the efficiency of radiative diffusion. These phenomena may bear observational counterparts, which we describe with a simple one-dimensional model. An application to the HD142527 disk suggests an asymmetry in its shadows, and predicts a >~10deg shift for a massive gaseous disk, with peak Sigma > 8.3 g/cm2. Another application to the DoAr44 disk limits the peak surface density to Sigma < 13g/cm2Comment: accepted to MNRAS Letter

    Protoplanetary disks including radiative feedback from accreting planets

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    While recent observational progress is converging on the detection of compact regions of thermal emission due to embedded protoplanets, further theoretical predictions are needed to understand the response of a protoplanetary disk to the planet formation radiative feedback. This is particularly important to make predictions for the observability of circumplanetary regions. In this work we use 2D hydrodynamical simulations to examine the evolution of a viscous protoplanetary disk in which a luminous Jupiter-mass planet is embedded. We use an energy equation which includes the radiative heating of the planet as an additional mechanism for planet formation feedback. Several models are computed for planet luminosities ranging from 10−510^{-5} to 10−310^{-3} Solar luminosities. We find that the planet radiative feedback enhances the disk's accretion rate at the planet's orbital radius, producing a hotter and more luminous environement around the planet, independently of the prescription used to model the disk's turbulent viscosity. We also estimate the thermal signature of the planet feedback for our range of planet luminosities, finding that the emitted spectrum of a purely active disk, without passive heating, is appreciably modified in the infrared. We simulate the protoplanetary disk around HD 100546 where a planet companion is located at about 68 au from the star. Assuming the planet mass is 5 Jupiter masses and its luminosity is ∼2.5×10−4 L⊙\sim 2.5 \times 10^{-4} \, L_\odot, we find that the radiative feedback of the planet increases the luminosity of its ∼5\sim 5 au circumplanetary disk from 10−5 L⊙10^{-5} \, \rm L_\odot (without feedback) to 10−3 L⊙10^{-3} \, \rm L_\odot, corresponding to an emission of ∼1 mJy\sim 1 \, \rm mJy in L′L^\prime band after radiative transfer calculations, a value that is in good agreement with HD 100546b observations.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Spiral waves triggered by shadows in transition disks

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    Circumstellar asymmetries such as central warps have recently been shown to cast shadows on outer disks. We investigate the hydrodynamical consequences of such variable illumination on the outer regions of a transition disk, and the development of spiral arms. Using 2D simulations, we follow the evolution of a gaseous disk passively heated by the central star, under the periodic forcing of shadows with an opening angle of ∼\sim28∘^\circ. With a lower pressure under the shadows, each crossing results in a variable azimuthal acceleration, which in time develops into spiral density waves. Their pitch angles evolve from Π∼15∘−22∘\Pi \sim 15^\circ-22^\circ at the onset, to ∼\sim11∘^\circ-14∘^\circ, over ∼\sim65~AU to 150~AU. Self-gravity enhances the density contrast of the spiral waves, as also reported previously for spirals launched by planets. Our control simulations with unshadowed irradiation do not develop structures, except for a different form of spiral waves seen at later times only in the gravitationally unstable control case. Scattered light predictions in the HH-band show that such illumination spirals should be observable. We suggest that spiral arms in the case-study transition disk HD~142527 could be explained as a result of shadowing from the tilted inner disk.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Modelling the spinning dust emission from LDN 1780

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    We study the anomalous microwave emission (AME) in the Lynds Dark Nebula (LDN) 1780 on two angular scales. Using available ancillary data at an angular resolution of 1 degree, we construct an SED between 0.408 GHz to 2997 GHz. We show that there is a significant amount of AME at these angular scales and the excess is compatible with a physical spinning dust model. We find that LDN 1780 is one of the clearest examples of AME on 1 degree scales. We detected AME with a significance > 20σ\sigma. We also find at these angular scales that the location of the peak of the emission at frequencies between 23-70 GHz differs from the one on the 90-3000 GHz map. In order to investigate the origin of the AME in this cloud, we use data obtained with the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy (CARMA) that provides 2 arcmin resolution at 30 GHz. We study the connection between the radio and IR emissions using morphological correlations. The best correlation is found to be with MIPS 70μ\mum, which traces warm dust (T∼\sim50K). Finally, we study the difference in radio emissivity between two locations within the cloud. We measured a factor ≈6\approx 6 of difference in 30 GHz emissivity. We show that this variation can be explained, using the spinning dust model, by a variation on the dust grain size distribution across the cloud, particularly changing the carbon fraction and hence the amount of PAHs.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Observability of planet-disc interactions in CO kinematics

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    Empirical evidence of planets in gas-rich circumstellar discs is required to constrain giant planet formation theories. Here we study the kinematic patterns which arise from planet-disc interactions and their observability in CO rotational emission lines. We perform three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of single giant planets, and predict the emergent intensity field with radiative transfer. Pressure gradients at planet-carved gaps, spiral wakes and vortices bear strong kinematic counterparts. The iso-velocity contours in the CO(2-1) line centroids v∘v_\circ reveal large-scale perturbations, corresponding to abrupt transitions from below sub-Keplerian to super-Keplerian rotation along with radial and vertical flows. The increase in line optical depth at the edge of the gap also modulates v∘v_\circ, but this is a mild effect compared to the dynamical imprint of the planet-disc interaction. The large-scale deviations from the Keplerian rotation thus allow the planets to be indirectly detected via the first moment maps of molecular gas tracers, at ALMA angular resolutions. The strength of these deviations depends on the mass of the perturber. This initial study paves the way to eventually determine the mass of the planet by comparison with more detailed models.Comment: 6 pages, 3 color figures. 1 animation (Figure 3, Adobe Reader recommended). Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter
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