1,676 research outputs found

    The individual tree and forest stand level impacts of winter moth defoliation in eastern Massachusetts, USA

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    Winter moth is a non-native invasive defoliator in New England. This thesis related host tree radial growth of individual trees in eastern Massachusetts to winter moth defoliation intensity using tree core analysis. Further, tree core analysis was used to identify winter moth defoliation events in several forest stands in eastern Massachusetts and these events were used to relate winter moth to stand level tree mortality and understory woody plant density. Quercus radial growth from 2005-2010 was negatively related to winter moth defoliation. In addition, Quercus mortality in mixed -- Quercus and Quercus - P. strobus forests in eastern Massachusetts was influenced by site productivity and winter moth defoliation, with mortality negatively associated with site index and positively associated with number of winter moth defoliation events. Understory woody plant density was positively associated with number of winter moth defoliation events

    Invasion of winter moth in New England: Effects of defoliation and site quality on tree mortality.

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    Abstract Widespread and prolonged defoliation by the European winter moth, Operophtera brumata L., has occurred in forests of eastern Massachusetts for more than a decade and populations of winter moth continue to invade new areas of New England. This study characterized the forests of eastern Massachusetts invaded by winter moth and related the duration of winter moth defoliation estimated using dendrochronology to observed levels of tree mortality and understory woody plant density. Quercus basal area mortality in mixed Quercus and mixed Quercus-Pinus strobus forests in eastern Massachusetts ranged from 0-30%; mortality of Quercus in these forests was related to site quality and the number of winter moth defoliation events. In addition, winter moth defoliation events lead to a subsequent increase in understory woody plant density. Our results indicate that winter moth defoliation has been an important disturbance in New England forests that may have lasting impacts

    Tine options for alleviating compaction in wheelings

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    Repeated trafficking and harvesting operations lead to high levels of compaction in inter-row wheelings used in asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) production. This reduces soil porosity and infiltration resulting in water ponding on the soil surface. Even on gently sloping land this can result in runoff generation and an increased risk of soil erosion. A winged tine (WT) is currently used by a leading asparagus grower to loosen compacted inter-row wheelings. In order to test the effectiveness of this tine for alleviating compaction and implications for runoff and soil erosion control, it was evaluated alongside several other tine configurations. These were a narrow tine (NT); a narrow tine with two shallow leading tines (NSLT); a winged tine with two shallow leading tines (WSLT); and a modified para-plough (MPP). Testing was conducted under controlled conditions on a sandy loam soil in the Soil Management Facility at Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, UK. Tine performance was assessed at 3 depths (175, 250 and 300 mm) by draught force; soil disturbance (both above and below ground); specific draught for a given level of soil disturbance; surface roughness; and estimated change in soil bulk density. The effectiveness of tines for compaction alleviation and potential for mitigating runoff and soil erosion varied with depth. The most effective tines were found to be the MPP NSLT and the WSLT at 175 mm, 250 mm and 300 mm depth, respectively

    Cast iron-base alloy for cylinder/regenerator housing

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    NASACC-1 is a castable iron-base alloy designed to replace the costly and strategic cobalt-base X-40 alloy used in the automotive Stirling engine cylinder/generator housing. Over 40 alloy compositions were evaluated using investment cast test bars for stress-rupture testing. Also, hydrogen compatibility and oxygen corrosion resistance tests were used to determine the optimal alloy. NASACC-1 alloy was characterized using elevated and room temperature tensile, creep-rupture, low cycle fatigue, heat capacity, specific heat, and thermal expansion testing. Furthermore, phase analysis was performed on samples with several heat treated conditions. The properties are very encouraging. NASACC-1 alloy shows stress-rupture and low cycle fatigue properties equivalent to X-40. The oxidation resistance surpassed the program goal while maintaining acceptable resistance to hydrogen exposure. The welding, brazing, and casting characteristics are excellent. Finally, the cost of NASACC-1 is significantly lower than that of X-40

    Effect of headlamp area on discomfort glare

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    This laboratory study evaluated the effect of the size of the glare source on discomfort glare. The subjects performed two simultaneous tasks: continuous compensatory tracking, and evaluation of discomfort from glare stimuli presented periodically in the near visual periphery. The glare stimuli were circles of two sizes (approximately 0.3 and 0.6° in diameter), and produced five illuminance levels (from 0.03 to 3.1 lux) at the observer's eye. Subjects used a nine-point response scale to evaluate discomfort glare. The results indicate that there was a small but statistically significant effect of the size of glare source, with the smaller glare stimuli resulting in more discomfort glare. The mean difference over the range of glare illuminances tested was 0.2 points on the nine-point response scale.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68669/2/10.1177_096032719002200105.pd

    Group Analysis of Self-organizing Maps based on Functional MRI using Restricted Frechet Means

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    Studies of functional MRI data are increasingly concerned with the estimation of differences in spatio-temporal networks across groups of subjects or experimental conditions. Unsupervised clustering and independent component analysis (ICA) have been used to identify such spatio-temporal networks. While these approaches have been useful for estimating these networks at the subject-level, comparisons over groups or experimental conditions require further methodological development. In this paper, we tackle this problem by showing how self-organizing maps (SOMs) can be compared within a Frechean inferential framework. Here, we summarize the mean SOM in each group as a Frechet mean with respect to a metric on the space of SOMs. We consider the use of different metrics, and introduce two extensions of the classical sum of minimum distance (SMD) between two SOMs, which take into account the spatio-temporal pattern of the fMRI data. The validity of these methods is illustrated on synthetic data. Through these simulations, we show that the three metrics of interest behave as expected, in the sense that the ones capturing temporal, spatial and spatio-temporal aspects of the SOMs are more likely to reach significance under simulated scenarios characterized by temporal, spatial and spatio-temporal differences, respectively. In addition, a re-analysis of a classical experiment on visually-triggered emotions demonstrates the usefulness of this methodology. In this study, the multivariate functional patterns typical of the subjects exposed to pleasant and unpleasant stimuli are found to be more similar than the ones of the subjects exposed to emotionally neutral stimuli. Taken together, these results indicate that our proposed methods can cast new light on existing data by adopting a global analytical perspective on functional MRI paradigms.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables. Submitted to Neuroimag

    High accuracy decoding of dynamical motion from a large retinal population

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    Motion tracking is a challenge the visual system has to solve by reading out the retinal population. Here we recorded a large population of ganglion cells in a dense patch of salamander and guinea pig retinas while displaying a bar moving diffusively. We show that the bar position can be reconstructed from retinal activity with a precision in the hyperacuity regime using a linear decoder acting on 100+ cells. The classical view would have suggested that the firing rates of the cells form a moving hill of activity tracking the bar's position. Instead, we found that ganglion cells fired sparsely over an area much larger than predicted by their receptive fields, so that the neural image did not track the bar. This highly redundant organization allows for diverse collections of ganglion cells to represent high-accuracy motion information in a form easily read out by downstream neural circuits.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    Long-term deficits in cortical circuit function after asphyxial cardiac arrest and resuscitation in developing rats

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    AbstractCardiac arrest is a common cause of global hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. Poor neurologic outcome among cardiac arrest survivors results not only from direct cellular injury but also from subsequent long-term dysfunction of neuronal circuits. Here, we investigated the long-term impact of cardiac arrest during development on the function of cortical layer IV (L4) barrel circuits in the rat primary somatosensory cortex. We used multielectrode single-neuron recordings to examine responses of presumed excitatory L4 barrel neurons to controlled whisker stimuli in adult (8 ± 2-mo-old) rats that had undergone 9 min of asphyxial cardiac arrest and resuscitation during the third postnatal week. Results indicate that responses to deflections of the topographically appropriate principal whisker (PW) are smaller in magnitude in cardiac arrest survivors than in control rats. Responses to adjacent whisker (AW) deflections are similar in magnitude between the two groups. Because of a disproportionate decrease in PW-evoked responses, receptive fields of L4 barrel neurons are less spatially focused in cardiac arrest survivors than in control rats. In addition, spiking activity among L4 barrel neurons is more correlated in cardiac arrest survivors than in controls. Computational modeling demonstrates that experimentally observed disruptions in barrel circuit function after cardiac arrest can emerge from a balanced increase in background excitatory and inhibitory conductances in L4 neurons. Experimental and modeling data together suggest that after a hypoxic-ischemic insult, cortical sensory circuits are less responsive and less spatially tuned. Modulation of these deficits may represent a therapeutic approach to improving neurologic outcome after cardiac arrest.</jats:p

    Combinatorial Bounds and Characterizations of Splitting Authentication Codes

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    We present several generalizations of results for splitting authentication codes by studying the aspect of multi-fold security. As the two primary results, we prove a combinatorial lower bound on the number of encoding rules and a combinatorial characterization of optimal splitting authentication codes that are multi-fold secure against spoofing attacks. The characterization is based on a new type of combinatorial designs, which we introduce and for which basic necessary conditions are given regarding their existence.Comment: 13 pages; to appear in "Cryptography and Communications
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