2,313 research outputs found

    Protocolos para assepsia de meristemas e cultura de tecidos para o gênero Brachiaria (Trin.) Griseb e melhor tratamento para duplicação de número cromossômico.

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    O objetivo neste trabalho é divulgar os protocolos utilizados na Embrapa Gado de Corte para a assepsia e micropropagação in vitro de explantes de braquiária. Estes foram coletados in vivo para a cultura de tecidos, com a finalidade de otimizar a micropropagação e a poliploidização de genótipos diplóides. A metodologia utilizada resultou na duplicação somática efetiva de algumas plantas do gênero. O domínio dessas técnicas contribui extraordinariamente para a economia de tempo e espaço em obter genótipos valiosos ao programa de melhoramento da referida gramínea. Plantas duplicadas permitirão o melhoramento intra-específico nesse gênero, caracterizado por plantas apomíticas tetraplóides de grande importância agronômica.bitstream/CNPGC-2009-09/12404/1/DOC169.pd

    Geometrical Calibration for the Panrover: a Stereo Omnidirectional System for Planetary Rover

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    Abstract. A novel panoramic stereo imaging system is proposed in this paper. The system is able to carry out a 360° stereoscopic vision, useful for rover autonomous-driving, and capture simultaneously a high-resolution stereo scene. The core of the concept is a novel "bifocal panoramic lens" (BPL) based on hyper hemispheric model (Pernechele et al. 2016). This BPL is able to record a panoramic field of view (FoV) and, simultaneously, an area (belonging to the panoramic FoV) with a given degree of magnification by using a unique image sensor. This strategy makes possible to avoid rotational mechanisms. Using two BPLs settled in a vertical baseline (system called PANROVER) allows the monitoring of the surrounding environment in stereoscopic (3D) mode and, simultaneously, capturing an high-resolution stereoscopic images to analyse scientific cases, making it a new paradigm in the planetary rovers framework.Differently from the majority of the Mars systems which are based on rotational mechanisms for the acquisition of the panoramic images (mosaicked on ground), the PANROVER does not contain any moving components and can rescue a hi-rate stereo images of the context panorama.Scope of this work is the geometric calibration of the panoramic acquisition system by the omnidirectional calibration methods (Scaramuzza et al. 2006) based on Zhang calibration grid. The procedures are applied in order to obtain well rectified synchronized stereo images to be available for 3D reconstruction. We applied a Zhang chess boards based approach even during STC/SIMBIO-SYS stereo camera calibration (Simioni et al. 2014, 2017). In this case the target of the calibration will be the stereo heads (the BPLs) of the PANROVER with the scope of extracting the intrinsic parameters of the optical systems. Differently by previous pipelines, using the same data bench the estimate of the extrinsic parameters is performed

    Aging Reduces The Primary Humoral Response And The In Vitro Cytokine Production In Mice.

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    Aging is accompanied by a decrease in several physiological functions that make older individuals less responsive to environmental challenges. In the present study, we analyzed the immune response of female BALB/c mice (N = 6) of different ages (from 2 to 96 weeks) and identified significant age-related alterations. Immunization with hapten-protein (trinitrophenyl-bovine serum albumin) conjugates resulted in lower antibody levels in the primary and secondary responses of old mice (72 weeks old). Moreover, young mice (2, 16, and 32 weeks old) maintained specific antibodies in their sera for longer periods after primary immunization than did old mice. However, a secondary challenge efficiently induced memory in old mice, as shown by the increased antibody levels in their sera. The number of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in the spleen increased until 8 weeks of age but there was no change in the CD4+/CD8+ ratio with aging. Splenic T cells from old mice that had or had not been immunized were less responsive to concanavalin-A and showed reduced cytokine production compared to young mice (IL-2: 57-127 vs 367-1104 pg/mL, IFN-gamma: 2344-12,836 vs 752-23,106 pg/mL and IL-10: 393-2172 vs 105-2869 pg/mL in old and young mice, respectively). These data suggest that there are significant changes in the organization of the immune system throughout life. However, the relevance of these alterations for the functioning of the immune system is unknown.401111-2


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    A novel photogrammetric pipeline has been designed by INAF-Padova for the processing of the recent stereo images of CaSSIS and it will be a starting point for the future procedures that will be applied to Stereo Camera (STC) (Cremonese, 2009; Da Deppo, 2010) images for the BepiColombo mission to Mercury. The large number of stereo pairs being generated has made it necessary that several teams attempt to generate products. The presented procedures are the two strategies (proposed by INAF-PADOVA and by EPFLLausanne) available nowadays in an international attempt to generate 3D products from the CaSSIS images. The comparisons here presented will be the first of several such efforts and are important to make the planetary community aware of the accuracy of the 3D data available. Furthermore, the possibility to consider higher accuracy DTMs as the ones of HiRISE makes the quality assessment of stereo products of CaSSIS robust and important for the assessment of data to be provided to the scientific community. The performance evaluation of the INAF-Padova pipeline (3DPD software) is the main objectives of this work. Additionally, the comparison between the correlation phase of 3DPD and of ASP (Moratto, 2010) that is integrated in the EPFL pipeline has been considered

    Preserved decision making ability in early multiple sclerosis

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    Background : The purpose of this study was to assess decision making in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) at the earliest clinically detectable time point of the disease. Methods : Patients with definite MS (n = 109) or with clinically isolated syndrome (CIS, n = 56), a disease duration of 3 months to 5 years, and no or only minor neurological impairment (Expanded Disability Status Scale [EDSS] score 0-2.5) were compared to 50 healthy controls using the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). Results : The performance of definite MS, CIS patients, and controls was comparable for the two main outcomes of the IGT (learning index: p = 0.7; total score: p = 0.6). The IGT learning index was influenced by the educational level and the co-occurrence of minor depression. CIS and MS patients developing a relapse during an observation period of 15 months dated from IGT testing demonstrated a lower learning index in the IGT than patients who had no exacerbation (p = 0.02). When controlling for age, gender and education, the difference between relapsing and non-relapsing patients was at the limit of significance (p = 0.06). Conclusion : Decision making in a task mimicking real life decisions is generally preserved in early MS patients as compared to controls. A possible consequence of MS relapsing activity in the impairment of decision making ability is also suspected in the early phase of M

    The Pharmacological Effect Of Bothrops Neuwiedii Pauloensis (jararaca-pintada) Snake Venom On Avian Neuromuscular Transmission.

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    The neuromuscular effects of Bothrops neuwiedii pauloensis (jararaca-pintada) venom were studied on isolated chick biventer cervicis nerve-muscle preparations. Venom concentrations of 5-50 micro g/ml produced an initial inhibition and a secondary increase of indirectly evoked twitches followed by a progressive concentration-dependent and irreversible neuromuscular blockade. At venom concentrations of 1-20 micro g/ml, the responses to 13.4 mM KCl were inhibited whereas those to 110 micro M acetylcholine alone and cumulative concentrations of 1 micro M to 10 mM were unaffected. At venom concentrations higher than 50 micro g/ml, there was pronounced muscle contracture with inhibition of the responses to acetylcholine, KCl and direct stimulation. At 20-24 degrees C, the venom (50 g/ml) produced only partial neuromuscular blockade (30.7 +/- 8.0%, N = 3) after 120 min and the initial inhibition and the secondary increase of the twitch responses caused by the venom were prolonged and pronounced and the response to KCl was unchanged. These results indicate that B.n. pauloensis venom is neurotoxic, acting primarily at presynaptic sites, and that enzyme activity may be involved in this pharmacological action.36617-2

    Small inner marsh area delimitation using remote sensing spectral indexes and decision tree method in southern Brazil

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    Revista oficial de la Asociación Española de Teledetección[EN] Vast small inner marsh (SIM) areas have been lost in the past few decades through the conversion to agricultural, urban and industrial lands. The remaining marshes face several threats such as drainage for agriculture, construction of roads and port facilities, waste disposal, among others. This study integrates 17 remote sensing spectral indexes and decision tree (DT) method to map SIM areas using Sentinel 2A images from Summer and Winter seasons. Our results showed that remote sensing indexes, although not developed specifically for wetland delimitation, presented satisfactory results in order to classify these ecosystems. The indexes that showed to be more useful for marshes classification by DT techniques in the study area were NDTI, BI, NDPI and BI_2, with 25.9%, 17.7%, 11.1% and 0.8%, respectively. In general, the Proportion Correct (PC) found was 95.9% and 77.9% for the Summer and Winter images respectively. We hypothetize that this significant PC variation is related to the rice-planting period in the Summer and/or to the water level oscillation period in the Winter. For future studies, we recommend the use of active remote sensors (e.g., radar) and soil maps in addition to the remote sensing spectral indexes in order to obtain better results in the delimitation of small inner marsh areas.[ES] En las últimas décadas se han perdido grandes áreas de pequeñas marismas interiores (SIM) a través de la conversión a tierras agrícolas, urbanas e industriales. Las marismas restantes enfrentan varias amenazas, como el drenaje para la agricultura, la construcción de carreteras e instalaciones portuarias, la eliminación de residuos, entre otras. Este estudio integra 17 índices espectrales de teledetección y un método basado en árboles de decisión (DT) para cartografiar áreas de pequeñas marismas interiores utilizando imágenes del satélite Sentinel 2A de verano e invierno. Los resultados muestran que los índices de teledetección, aunque no han sido desarrollados específicamente para la delimitación de marismas, presentan resultados satisfactorios para clasificar estos ecosistemas. Los índices que demostraron ser más útiles para la clasificación de marismas mediante técnicas de DT en el área de estudio fueron el NDTI, BI, NDPI y BI_2, con 25.9%, 17.7%, 11.1% y 0.8%, respectivamente. En general, la proporción correcta encontrada fue de 95.9% y 77.9% para las imágenes de verano e invierno, respectivamente. Nuestra hipótesis es que esta variación significativa de la proporción correcta está relacionada con el período de siembra del arroz en verano y/o con el período de oscilación del nivel del agua en invierno. Para futuras investigaciones, recomendamos el uso de sensores remotos activos (por ejemplo, radar) y mapas de suelo además de los índices espectrales de teledetección para obtener mejores resultados en la delimitación de pequeñas áreas de marismas interiores.João Paulo Delapasse Simioni thanks the CAPES agency for providing a doctoral fellowship. The au-thors acknowledge the Center for Remote Sensing and Meteorology (CEPSRM) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) for the support provided for this research.Simioni, JPD.; Guasselli, LA.; Ruiz, LFC.; Nascimento, VF.; De Oliveira, G. (2018). Delimitación de pequeñas marismas interiores mediante índices espectrales y árboles de decisión en el sur de Brasil. Revista de Teledetección. (52):55-66. doi:10.4995/raet.2018.10366SWORD556652Artigas, F. J., Yang, J. 2006. Spectral discrimination of marsh vegetation types in the New Jersey Meadowlands, USA. 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    Análise de viabilidade econômica de um sistema de produção modal de eucalipto para lenha na região de Itapeva, SP.

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