26 research outputs found

    New data on distribution and ecology of Batrachospermum (Rhodophyta) in Serbia

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    The paper describes the distribution and ecology of populations of the genus Batrachospermum collected in Serbia from 2006 to 2015 at 10 sites, all of which represent new localities of Batrachospermum in Serbia. The records of this genus in the Boračka River and in a spring near Kragujevac (Cerovac) are the first in Central Serbia. Batrachospermum was recorded at altitudes of from 235 to 1600 m at localities mainly in partial or full shade on stone, gravel or concrete substrata in cold water (10.50 - 15.40oC) that was neutral to weakly alkaline (pH 7.2 – 8.65) with conductivity of from 55 to 539 μS/cm. Species of the genus Batrachospermum in Serbia have to date been recorded in clean, well-aerated waters with a low concentration of biogenic salts and in habitats without anthropogenic impact. Any factors altering abiotic parameters of their habitats can lead to changes and the loss of populations of the sensitive species of this genus

    Freshwater algae Cladophora glomerata and Vaucheria sp. from Serbia as sources of bioactive compounds: chemical analysis and biological activities

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    We examined potential biological activities of two taxa of freshwater algae, Cladophora glomerata and Vaucheria sp., from Serbia. The total phenolic and pigment contents, antioxidant potential, antimicrobial, antibiofilm activities, and cytotoxicity of the ethanol and acetone extracts were evaluated. The extracts were also subjected to Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis. The levels of total phenolic compounds, chlorophylls a and b, and carotenoids varied based on both the algal taxa and the type of extracts. FTIR analysis showed the presence of lipids, unsaturated fatty acids, protein, carbohydrates, and phenols in the algal extracts. The extracts had moderate DPPH radical scavenging activity and lower reducing power compared with ascorbic acid. The antimicrobial activity expressed as minimum inhibitory concentrations ranged from 0.31 mg/mL to 10 mg/mL. The strains of Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus isolated from food samples, as well as S. aureus ATCC 25923, were the most sensitive. For the first time, the antibiofilm activity test revealed 98.7% inhibition of S. aureus biofilm formation. The extracts exhibited cytotoxic effects on choriocarcinoma JAR cells but without selectivity on normal fetal lung fibroblast MRC-5 cells. This is the first report on the biological activities of freshwater macroalgae from Serbia

    Phytoaccumulation of metals in three plants species of the Asteraceae family sampled along a highway

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    The aim of this study was to determine the ability of roots and above-ground parts of three plant species of the Asteraceae family (Matricaria inodora L., Achillea millefolium L., Crepis setosa Haller fill.) for bioaccumulation and translocation of eight metals (Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr). Those plants were sampled directly along the lanes of the highway at the entrance into the City of Kragujevac, Republic of Serbia. The investigated metals are emitted into the air from road traffic and are deposited in the surrounding soil. Many of them are toxic to the living organism, and it is, therefore, necessary to apply effective, economical, sustainable methods for their removal from the environment. An example of such a method is as phytoremediation, based on the use of metal hyperaccumulator plants. The results of this research showed the species studied differ in the absorption, translocation and accumulation of investigated metals. They also showed that species M. inodora and A. millefolium (leaves) can be used for the phytoextraction of Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and Cr, species C. setosa (leaves) for Ca, Mg and Cu species M. inodora (stem) for Cr. The results further indicate that all three species absorb Zn from the soil and translocate it to the stems and leaves. All three of the studied species are suitable for phytostabilization of soils loaded with Zn, but only the species M. inodora and C. setosa can be applied in phytoremediation of this metal.&nbsp

    Biochemical and ultrastructural changes in the liver of European perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in response to cyanobacterial bloom in the Gruža reservoir

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    We investigated the biochemical and ultrastructural changes in the liver of the freshwater fish, European perch (Perca fluviatilis), in response to Aphanizomenon flos-aquae bloom in the Gruža Reservoir, Serbia. The activities of total manganese- and copper zinc-containing superoxide dismutase (Tot SOD, Mn-SOD, Cu/Zn-SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), glutathione reductase (GR) and biotransformation phase II enzyme glutathione-S-transferase (GST), as well as concentrations of total glutathione (GSH) and sulfhydryl (-SH) groups were examined before and during the bloom period. Mn-SOD activity was significantly higher, while the activities of Cu/Zn-SOD, CAT and GSH-Px and the concentration of the -SH groups were significantly lower during the bloom. The ultrastructure of the liver revealed necrotic and apoptotic damage to the hepatocytes during the bloom period. Our work represents the first study to report the influences of an Aphanizomenon flos-aquae bloom in the Gruža Reservoir on antioxidant biomarkers and on histopathological alterations in the liver of the freshwater fish European perch (Perca fluviatilis)

    Freshwater algae Cladophora glomerata and Vaucheria sp. from Serbia as sources of bioactive compounds: chemical analysis and biological activities

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    We examined potential biological activities of two taxa of freshwater algae, Cladophora glomerata and Vaucheria sp., from Serbia. The total phenolic and pigment contents, antioxidant potential, antimicrobial, antibiofilm activities, and cytotoxicity of the ethanol and acetone extracts were evaluated. The extracts were also subjected to Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis. The levels of total phenolic compounds, chlorophylls a and b, and carotenoids varied based on both the algal taxa and the type of extracts. FTIR analysis showed the presence of lipids, unsaturated fatty acids, protein, carbohydrates, and phenols in the algal extracts. The extracts had moderate DPPH radical scavenging activity and lower reducing power compared with ascorbic acid. The antimicrobial activity expressed as minimum inhibitory concentrations ranged from 0.31 mg/mL to 10 mg/mL. The strains of Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus isolated from food samples, as well as S. aureus ATCC 25923, were the most sensitive. For the first time, the antibiofilm activity test revealed 98.7% inhibition of S. aureus biofilm formation. The extracts exhibited cytotoxic effects on choriocarcinoma JAR cells but without selectivity on normal fetal lung fibroblast MRC-5 cells. This is the first report on the biological activities of freshwater macroalgae from Serbia

    Biochemical and ultrastructural changes in the liver of European perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in response to cyanobacterial bloom in the Gruža reservoir

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    We investigated the biochemical and ultrastructural changes in the liver of the freshwater fish, European perch (Perca fluviatilis), in response to Aphanizomenon flos-aquae bloom in the Gruža Reservoir, Serbia. The activities of total manganese- and copper zinc-containing superoxide dismutase (Tot SOD, Mn-SOD, Cu/Zn-SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), glutathione reductase (GR) and biotransformation phase II enzyme glutathione-S-transferase (GST), as well as concentrations of total glutathione (GSH) and sulfhydryl (-SH) groups were examined before and during the bloom period. Mn-SOD activity was significantly higher, while the activities of Cu/Zn-SOD, CAT and GSH-Px and the concentration of the -SH groups were significantly lower during the bloom. The ultrastructure of the liver revealed necrotic and apoptotic damage to the hepatocytes during the bloom period. Our work represents the first study to report the influences of an Aphanizomenon flos-aquae bloom in the Gruža Reservoir on antioxidant biomarkers and on histopathological alterations in the liver of the freshwater fish European perch (Perca fluviatilis).Projekat ministarstva br. 173041 i br. III 4300

    Aktivnost superoksid-dismutaze tokom maturacije kulture ćelija b-16 melanoma miša

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    The C3 clone of B-16 mouse melanoma was cultured for 1, 6 and 9 days and analyzed. The changes which are not directly linked to melanogenesis in the B-16 / C3 cultures during their maturation were characterized. Early (1 day) confluent (6 days) and old (9 days) cell cultures are distinguished by their leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) and α-naphthyl acetate esterase (ANAE) isoenzyme patterns. Both quantitative and qualitative changes in LAP and ANAE isoenzyme can be observed during culture maturation. There is an increase in the activity of the enzyme copper, zinc-containing superoxide-dismutase (CuZn SOD). The increaase in the CuZn SOD enzyme activity might be related to B-16/C3 cell melanogenesis and / or to differentiation.C3 klonovi B-16 melanoma miša su gajeni u kulturi 1, 6 i 9 dana i potom analizirani. Izvršena je karakterizacija promena B-16/C3 ćelijskih kultura tokom njihove maturacije koje nisu direktno povezane sa melanogenezom. Pokazano je da se kulture u početnoj fazi (1 dan), konfluentnoj fazi (6 dana) i kasnoj fazi (9 dana) ćelijskog rasta razlikuju na osnovu izoenzimskih spektara leucin-aminopeptidaze i alfa-naftil-acetat-esteraze. Tokom razvitka ćelijskih kultura B-16/C3 zapažene su kvantitativne i kvalitativne promene leucin-aminopeptidaze i alfa-naftil-acetat-esteraze u njihovim izoenzimskim spektrima. Utvrđeno je da postoji porast aktivnosti bakar-cink superoksid-dismutaze tokom starenja kulture. Porast aktivnosti bakar-cink superoksid-dismutaze može biti povezan sa melanogenezom i/ili diferencijacijom B-16/C3 ćelija

    Biochemical and ultrastructural changes in the liver of European perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in response to cyanobacterial bloom in the Gruža reservoir

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    We investigated the biochemical and ultrastructural changes in the liver of the freshwater fish, European perch (Perca fluviatilis), in response to Aphanizomenon flos-aquae bloom in the Gruža Reservoir, Serbia. The activities of total manganese- and copper zinc-containing superoxide dismutase (Tot SOD, Mn-SOD, Cu/Zn-SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), glutathione reductase (GR) and biotransformation phase II enzyme glutathione-S-transferase (GST), as well as concentrations of total glutathione (GSH) and sulfhydryl (-SH) groups were examined before and during the bloom period. Mn-SOD activity was significantly higher, while the activities of Cu/Zn-SOD, CAT and GSH-Px and the concentration of the -SH groups were significantly lower during the bloom. The ultrastructure of the liver revealed necrotic and apoptotic damage to the hepatocytes during the bloom period. Our work represents the first study to report the influences of an Aphanizomenon flos-aquae bloom in the Gruža Reservoir on antioxidant biomarkers and on histopathological alterations in the liver of the freshwater fish European perch (Perca fluviatilis).Projekat ministarstva br. 173041 i br. III 4300

    Studija projekta 'Optimizacija i standardizacija autohtone tehnologije sjeničkog sira sa zaštitom oznake porekla'

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    Investigations are based on use of natural potentials on the wide region of Sjenica-Pešter highlands. Certain parameters on selected locations are recorded (soil, vegetation, livestock production, technology of milk and cheese production). On selected locations, farms and processing capacities detail researches are carried out relating to soil, artificial and natural grasslands, reproductive and production potential of cattle and sheep, determination of genetic and non-genetic factors affecting milk traits, quantity and quality of milk, proteins, milk fat, lactose, etc., technological and microbiological traits of milk and cheese. Main objectives of this research and development project is to realize scientific -technological solutions in primary livestock production using our own scientific potentials in order to provide increased productivity, increased number of market farmers capable for competitive economy and production on domestic and foreign market with recognized final product with protected geographical origin, in other words - optimization and standardization of native technology of white cheese from Sjenica with protected brand and origin.Istraživanja su zasnovana na korišćenju prirodnih potencijala šireg regiona Sjeničko-pešterske visoravni. U okviru ovih istraživanja obavlja se snimanje i proučavanje određenih parametara na odabranim lokalitetima ( zemljište, vegetacija, stočarstvo, tehnologija mleka i sira). Na odabranim lokalitetima, farmama i preradjivačkim kapacitetima obavljaju se detaljna istraživanja, zemljišta, prirodnih i veštačkih travnjaka i livada, reproduktivnih i proizvodnih potencijala goveda i ovaca, determinacija genetskih i negenetskih faktora na svojstva mlečnosti, kvantitet i kvalitet mleka, proteini, mlečna mast, laktoza i dr.,tehnološka i mikrobiološka svojstva mleka i sira. Osnovni ciljevi ovog istraživačko-razvojnog projekta je da se korišćenjem sopstvenih naučnih potencijala dođe do naučno-tehnoloških rešenja u primarnoj stočarskoj proizvodnji, koja će obezbediti porast produktivnosti, povećanje robnih proizvođača osposobljenih za konkurentnu proizvodnju na domaćem i stranom tržištu sa prepoznatljivim finalnim proizvodom zaštićenog geografskog porekla, odnosno optimizaciju i standardizaciju autohtone tehnologije Sjeničkog sira sa zaštitom oznake porekla

    Evaluation of the universality of NMR metabolic fingerprints of schizophrenia

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    Schizophrenia (SCZ) is a very disabling mental disorder whose molecular basis is a combination of many factors still not completely understood, with a diagnosis based on observed behavior, the person's reported experiences and reports of others that are familiar with the person, with no objective test. Also, up to date, there are no reliable markers for monitoring the SCZ. NMR-metabolomics [1] reported in 2017 bring some of the possible markers from blood serum of SCZ individuals linked strongly with known dopamine, glutamate and GABA dysfunction in SCZ. As to verify if these findings are universal, we have compared the SCZ patients from geographically different environments and cited interesting SCZ characteristics. The first set of samples was collected in Belgrade, Serbia. 14 mental health patients (50% male) with 52.86 ± 7.27 years of age had a confirmed diagnosis of SCZ. The control group of 13 healthy individuals (69% male) had none of psychotic disorders, and individuals were 23.07 ± 2.79 years of age. Blood serum samples were collected and prepared for the analysis following the published methodology [1, 2]. NMR spectra were measured on a Bruker AVANCE III spectrometer (500.26 MHz for 1H). The spectra were acquired at 298 K with 128 scans and 32 k. The serum samples were prepared and measured as triplicates. On the other side, the group of individuals from Brazil that was matched in number, age, gender and history of mental illness with individuals from Serbia was previously described [1]. 1H NMR spectra were phase and baseline corrected using MestreNova and the lactate doublet was used as the chemical shift reference. The data were binned (0.005 ppm) in a spectral range 0.50 - 9.00 ppm, while the residual HDO peak (4.50-5.00 ppm) was excluded. Then, the data were normalized by the sum equal to 1000, the variables were mean centered and PCA and PLS-DA were performed using MATLAB. It was shown that the mental health patients have clearly different blood serum metabolites when compared to the healthy ones independently from where the samples were obtained with almost identical marker set. Also, it was shown that the samples are different metabolically when Brazilian and Serbian samples were compared. 1] L. Tasic et al., Schizophrenia Research 2017, 185, 182. [2] J. Pontes et al., Analytical Methods 2017, 9, 1078