245 research outputs found

    Erratum to: Upgrading fuel potentials of waste biomass via hydrothermal carbonization (Hem. Ind. 75 (5) 297ā€“305 (2021))

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    This article has been published under the category Technical paper instead of Original scientific paper by mistake made by the Editorial Office of the journal Hemijska industrija during the proofreading process. Apologies are offered to authors and readers of the journal Hemijska industrija.Related to published version: [https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10170

    Upgrading fuel potentials of waste biomass via hydrothermal carbonization

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    In recent decades, massive exploitation of fossil fuels caused a growing demand for the production of energies from renewable sources. Hydrochar obtained from waste biomass via hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) possesses good potentials as a biofuel. Therefore, we performed HTC of corn cob, paulownia leaves, and olive pomace at different temperatures (180, 220, and 260oC). The main goal of this study was to comparatively evaluate the influence of HTC conditions on the structure and fuel characteristics of the obtained solids. The results showed that the yields of hydrochar decrease significantly with increasing temperature in all samples. The carbon content and higher heating value increased and reached the highest values in hydrochars obtained at 260Ā°C, while the content of volatile matter decreased. Furthermore, the Van Krevelen diagram reveals that the transformation of feedstock to lignite-like products upon HTC was achieved. In this study, the results showed that processes of dehydration and decarboxylation during HTC provoke intensive biomass transformation and that hydrochars obtained at higher temperatures have significantly enhanced fuel properties and fewer volatiles compared to the feedstock.Link to erratum: [https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10171

    Performance assessment methods for boilers and heat pump systems in residential buildings

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    According to the European Commission, 40% of the total energy use belongs to the buildings sector. That corresponds to 36% of CO2 emissions in the European Union alone. Currently, HVAC systems are the major energy users in the building sector. Therefore, there is a necessity to assess the performance of different energy/comfort systems in buildings. However, finding a way to mitigate the performance gap between the calculated and real energy use in dwellings is of great importance. In Flanders, the Energy Performance and indoor climate regulation (EPB) dates back to 2006. Since the building context related to energy demand has changed significantly over the past years, investigation on how to evolve building energy assessment method framework in the EPB regulation in Flanders by dealing with the current issues will be indispensable. In 2017, new EN52000 series of standards have been published, containing extensive methods of assessing the overall energy performance of buildings. The main focus of this article is to analyze the assessment methods for the energy performance of boilers and heat pumps for residential appliance by comparing methodology stated in respected Energy performance and indoor climate regulation in Flanders (EPB), EcoDesign regulations and EN52000 standard series. The aim for future research is to determine the parameters that mostly influence the performance and in a next step compare the predicted performance to real energy use

    Green infrastructure evaluation model : case study of Belgrade

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    In this article, we consider possibilities to apply green infrastructure as an urban planning approach that provides polyvalent space for ecosystem services and human well-being and evaluates their impact on the city (re)generative space of biophilia. Two residential areas in Belgrade (block 45 in New Belgrade and Savamala neighborhood in the old city center) will be used as the focus of the research presented in this article. Even though they are characterized by different ecological, urban, morphological and social characteristics, they share direct contact with Sava River. Therefore, the adaptive potential of these spatial segments will be the subject of the analysis presented in this article, and the emphasis will be on applying and evaluating design within the integrated network of green infrastructure, and the study will determine what impact it has to planning and implementation of elements of green infrastructure


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    Introduction: Many children and adolescents have mental problems that undermine their normal development and functioning. It is estimated that about 10% of children and adolescents suffer from mental disorders at a sufficiently severe level to cause some degree of damage and require treatment. Aim: The aim of this paper is to determine whether there have been changes in the diagnostic categories in developmental psychiatry in children and adolescents treated at the Department for Children and Adolescent Psychiatry for the last fifteen years. Subjects and methods: The survey includes 844 patients treated at the Department for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of University Clinical Center of the Republic of Srpska in the period from April 2002 to September 2017, involving only children and adolescents who were hospitalized for the first time. The sample consisted of 453 female subjects (54, 67%) and 391 male subjects (46, 33%). Subjects were divided into three groups: group 1 - hospitalization in the period from 2002 to 2007; group 2 - hospitalization in the period from 2008 to 2012; group 3 - hospitalization in the period from 2013 to September 2017. Results: Female subjects accounted for more than half of the subjects within each group, with a mild increase in the number of patients in the last 4 years. In the overall sample, adolescents, aged 13 to 18 (51.66%) were the most frequent, with the lowest number of subjects under 6 years of age (3.91%). In the overall sample, the most frequent are: psychotic disorders in 18.60% of subjects; behavioral disorders and emotions in 17, 42% of subjects; suicide attempt, in 14.34% of subjects. By comparing data by groups, there has been a decline in psychotic disorders, and since 2008, adapting disorders and behavioral and emotional disorders have been most frequently diagnosed. There is an increase in the number of respondents who come from incomplete families in the last few years. About one-third of the sample (33.89%) were exposed to one or more types of abuse. 43.13% of children and adolescents with poor socio-economic status. Comorbid diseases are present in 5.92% of children and adolescents. In 26.18% of the sample, psychiatric disorders are present in the family history. The abuse of psychoactive substances was observed in 2.61% of adolescents, and this number has been increasing for the last five years. Family dysfunction is present in 57.35% of children and adolescents. Conclusion: In our study, there was an increase in the number of children and adolescents with behavioral disorders and adjustment disorders, as well as an increase in family dysfunctionality and psychoactive substances abuse in adolescents

    Integrated shopping centre as a component of the compact city

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    In this paper we will present compact city planning and design concept, which compared to other concepts of the sustainable urban form, most fully incorporates all relevant topics and urban policies, such as increasing the density of development, ensuring a mix of uses, containing urban 'sprawl' and achieving social and economic diversity and vitality. We will examine integrated shopping centre as a component of the compact city, and establish its realtionship with the concept of the compact city and its characteristics. The shopping centre concept in historical city core areas is not originally a sustainable concept. Instead, the concept of adaptive reuse of old industrial buildings located in the vicinity of city centre into retail functions is considered more sustainable and can be considered as a component of the compact city planning. The aim of this study is to examine the importance of integrated pedestrian environment for urban realm within the framework of the compact city concept. In order to determine the level of compatibility between the principles of sustainable urban form and the integrated shopping centre (ISC) principles of design, we will examine several case of shopping malls in the Czech Republic and Poland which are designed with the ISC principles in mind

    Oblici i izvori ugrožavanja ekoloŔke bezbednosti

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    Degradation of both living and working environment is in the focus of interest of not only the professionals and scientists but also of an ordinary man, because the man witnesses the ecological balance disturbance. The safety of individuals, global and partial social groups is conditioned by the relationship between the threats and challenges and the capability to respond to them. The safety under the contemporary circumstances and conditions implies that vitally important interests of individuals, societies and states are protected from both internal and external threats which may be economic, social, military, technological, ecological, informational and other. In addition to local conflicts, organized crime and terrorism, ecological problems, climatic changes, and infectious diseases also represent serious risks to safety today. They influence the health of population, economic stability, demographic movements, as well as population migrations.Degradacija životne i radne sredine predstavlja fokus interesovanja ne samo struke i nauke već i običnog čoveka, jer je upravo čovek svedok naruÅ”avanje ekoloÅ”ke ravnoteže. Bezbednost pojedinca, globalnih druÅ”tvenih i parcijalnih druÅ”tvenih grupa, uslovljena je odnosom između pretnji i izazova i pitanja sposobnosti da se na iste odgovori. Bezbednost u danaÅ”njim okolnostima i uslovima podrazumeva da su zaÅ”tićeni životno važni interesi ličnosti, druÅ”tva i države, od unutraÅ”njih i spoljaÅ”njih pretnji ekonomskog, socijalnog, vojnog, tehnoloÅ”kog, ekoloÅ”kog, informativnog karaktera i dr. Pored lokalnih sukoba, organizovanog kriminala i terorizma, ozbiljan rizik za bezbednost danas predstavljaju i ekoloÅ”ki problemi, klimatske promene, zarazne bolesti itd. Oni utiču nazdravlje stanovniÅ”tva, ekonomsku stabilnost, demografska kretanja kao i migracije stanovniÅ”tva

    Excuse me, whose leisure time?! Perceptions of family leisure amongst families with children with developmental disabilities

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati iskustvo slobodnog vremena obitelji djeteta s teÅ”koćama u razvoju iz roditeljske perspektive, a koje je u okvirima hrvatske znanstvene zajednice, ali i zemljama regije, dosad tek marginalno tematizirano. KoriÅ”tena je kvalitativna metodologija te su podaci prikupljeni intervjuiranjem devet majki djece s teÅ”koćama u razvoju. Rezultati pokazuju da majke djece s teÅ”koćama u razvoju slobodno vrijeme obitelji ostvaruju kroz Å”irok spektar aktivnosti te kako prilikom njegova provođenja pridaju važnost interakciji. Pri provođenju slobodnog vremena obitelji majke se susreću s izazovima poput svakodnevnih obveza, stresa, umora te s teÅ”koćama u pronalaženju aktivnosti koje odgovaraju interesima i mogućnostima različitih članova obitelji. Pri ostvarivanju slobodnog vremena obitelji majke koriste strategije poput pomnog planiranja, nabavljanja materijala i pomagala te konzultiranja s drugim roditeljima i stručnjacima s ciljem osiguravanja uspjeÅ”nijeg slobodnog vremena obitelji. Kao dobrobiti slobodnog vremena obitelji majke prepoznaju povezivanje članova obitelji, razvoj, odmor i zabavu djeteta s teÅ”koćama u razvoju te zrelost i empatiju djeteta tipična razvoja. Kod pitanja mogu li slobodno vrijeme obitelji doživjeti kao slobodno vrijeme, majke daju podvojene odgovore, a od dobrobiti slobodnog vremena obitelji za njih same najviÅ”e navode odmor.The purpose of the paper was to research leisure in families with children with developmental disabilities from the parents\u27 point of view, a topic that has been marginally researched in Croatia as well as in the region. Qualitative methodology was used, and information was gathered by interviewing nine mothers of children with developmental disabilities. The results show that mothers achieve family leisure through a large spectrum of activities, during which they assign great importance to interaction. To organise family leisure, they face numerous challenges (e.g. stress, fatigue, difficulties in finding suitable activities) and use various strategies (e.g. planning carefully, obtaining materials, consulting other parents/experts). As benefits of family leisure, they report family member bonding, relaxation and fun for the child with developmental disability as well as maturity and empathy in the siblings of typical development. However, when asked whether they can use the family leisure as their own leisure, answers were contradictory

    Viola odorata: Influence of supercritical fluid extraction on the efficiency of ultrasound- and microwave-assisted extraction of bioactive compounds

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    This study aimed at examining the effect of supercritical carbon dioxide (ScCO2) extraction on the subsequent extraction of the Viola odorata polar bioactive components. The raw material was firs submitted to ScCO2 extraction for the extraction of the lipophilic fraction. Then the exhausted raw material was subjected to ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) and microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) in order to extract the polar components. ScCO2 extraction was performed under the pressure of 300 bar and at a temperature of 40 Ā°C for 4 hours. In order to see the effect of ScCO2, the UAE and MAE (50% aqueous ethanol solution as solvent) were conducted on both exhausted (residue-after the ScCO2) and unexploited raw materials. Also, the impact of the various UAE and MAE conditions was tested. The UAE was conducted on two different temperatures (40 and 50 Ā°C) at the constant extraction time (40 and 20 min). MAE was conducted on two different extraction powers (470 and 800 W) and at the constant extraction time (10 min). The results were focused on the content of total phenols, total flavonoids and antioxidant activity of the obtained extracts. The yield during the ScCO2 process was 1.43% (w/w). It was noted that the extracts obtained by applying UAE and MAE after the ScCO2 were noticeably richer in the content of total phenols. UAE conditions of 40 Ā°C and 20 min showed the highest yield of total phenols, recording 70.38 mg GAE/g DE, while the MAE at the power of 470 W achieved 11.89% higher yield of polyphenols in residue extracts. The antioxidant activity has also been in correlation with the concentration of polyphenols

    Uloga regionalne anestezije u postoperativnoj analgeziji pedijatrijskih bolesnika

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    Introduction/Objective Pain is a disturbing experience associated with existing or potential tissue damage, with a sensory, emotional, cognitive, and social component. The aim of this study was to show the efficiency of regional anesthetic techniques in postoperative pain in children. Methods The retrospective cohort study was conducted on a group of 564 pediatric patients during the period from 2013 to 2016. Types of regional anesthesia were classified into the following six groups: caudal, epidural, spinal block, upper limb blocks, lower limb blocks, and truncal nerve block. From statistical methods, we used descriptive statistical methods of absolute and relative numbers, measurements of variability, central tendencies for numerical features, and methods of inferential statistics. We used the ch2 test for the attributive features of observations. Results In relation to the postoperative time when an analgesic was required, a statistically significant difference was observed in the age of children (p = 0.000), disease diagnosis (p = 0.000), type of block (p = 0.000), type of local anesthetic (p = 0.000), and type of anesthesia or sedation preoperatively (p = 0.005). Conclusion Postoperative analgesia was most needed by older children and children who were awake during surgery. Children with injuries and tumors need postoperative analgesia the earliest. The longest postoperative analgesia was recorded in patients who received caudal block. The longest postoperative analgesia can be seen in patients who received levobupivacaine, bupivacaine or levobupivacaine combined with lidocaine to perform the block.Uvod/Cilj Bol predstavlja uznemirujuće iskustvo koje je povezano sa postojećim ili mogućim oÅ”tećenjem tkiva, sa senzornom, emocionalnom, kognitivnom i socijalnom komponentom. Cilj ove studije je prikaz efikasnosti tehnika regionalne anestezije na postoperativni bol kod dece. Metode Retrospektivna kohortna studija je sprovedena na grupi od 564 pedijatrijskih bolesnika u periodu od 2013. do 2016. godine. Vrste regionalne anestezije su klasifikovane u Å”est grupa: kaudalna, epiduralna, spinalna, blokovi gornjih ekstremiteta, donjih ekstremiteta i blok trupa. Od statističkih metoda koristili smo deskriptivne statističke metode apsolutnih i relativnih brojeva za atributivna obeležja posmatranja, mere varijabiliteta, centralne tendencije za numerička obeležja i metode inferencijalne statistike. Izbor testova za numerička obeležja posmatranja zavisiće od raspodele podataka. Za atributivna obeležja posmatranja koristili smo ch2 test. Rezultati U odnosu na postoperativno vreme kada je bio potreban analgetik, statistički značajna razlika uočena je u uzrastu dece (p = 0,000), dijagnozi bolesti (p = 0,000), vrsti bloka (p = 0,000), vrsti koriŔćenog lokalnog anestetika (p = 0,000), kao i vrsti perioperativne anestezije ili sedacije (p = 0,005). Zaključak Postoperativna analgezija je najpotrebnija starijoj deci i deci koja su bila budna tokom hirurÅ”ke intervencije. Najranija postoperativna analgezija je potrebna deci sa povredama i tumorima. Najduža postoperativna analgezija je zabeležena kod bolesnika koji su dobili kaudalni blok, kao i bolesnika koji su primili levobupivakain, bupivakain ili levobupivakain u kombinaciji sa bupivakainom za izvođenje bloka
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