Integrated shopping centre as a component of the compact city


In this paper we will present compact city planning and design concept, which compared to other concepts of the sustainable urban form, most fully incorporates all relevant topics and urban policies, such as increasing the density of development, ensuring a mix of uses, containing urban 'sprawl' and achieving social and economic diversity and vitality. We will examine integrated shopping centre as a component of the compact city, and establish its realtionship with the concept of the compact city and its characteristics. The shopping centre concept in historical city core areas is not originally a sustainable concept. Instead, the concept of adaptive reuse of old industrial buildings located in the vicinity of city centre into retail functions is considered more sustainable and can be considered as a component of the compact city planning. The aim of this study is to examine the importance of integrated pedestrian environment for urban realm within the framework of the compact city concept. In order to determine the level of compatibility between the principles of sustainable urban form and the integrated shopping centre (ISC) principles of design, we will examine several case of shopping malls in the Czech Republic and Poland which are designed with the ISC principles in mind

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