1,095 research outputs found

    Stopped and stationary light at the single-photon level inside a hollow-core fiber

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    An experimental platform operating at the level of individual quanta and providing strong light-matter coupling is a key requirement for quantum information processing. We report on narrowband light storage and retrieval as well as stationary light, based on electromagnetically induced transparency, for weak coherent light pulses down to the single-photon level with a signal-to-noise ratio of 59. The experiments were carried out with laser-cooled atoms loaded into a hollow-core photonic crystal fiber to provide strong light-matter coupling, thereby demonstrating the prospects for future quantum networks of such a platform

    Tactics of treatment of acute left colon cancer obstruction

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    Back ground: Advanced colorectal cancer is commonly associated with colon obstruction/between 15-20% of patients with colonic cancer/ or/and tumor infiltration to adjacent organs. We set out to study in-hospital morbidity and mortality after operations of acute left colon cancer obstruction.Methods: From 2000 to 2010 the medical records of 204 cases /15.1%/ of acute left colon cancer obstruction were reviewed from total of 1351 patients who were operated from colorectal cancer. Results: The types of operations were a Hartmann procedure in 78 patients /38.2%/, colostomy in 58 patients /29.4%%, a type of colectomy with ileo-coloanastomosis in 54 patients /26.5%/ and a standard resection in 14 patients /6.8%/. The following early complications were occurred: anastomotic leakage in 4 patients, wound infections in 5 patients, dehiscence of operative wound in 2 patients. The in-hospital mortality rate was 11.3%.Conclusions: The emergency management of acute left-sided colonic obstruction remains controversial. The one-stage resection anastomosis which could be subtotal colectomy or segmental resection is useful and the preferred choice for low risk patients. Simple colostomy or Hartmann procedure should be re served for high risk patients. Colonic stenting is the best option either for palliation or as a bridge to surgery

    Sexually Transmitted Infections Management Legal Regulation in Bulgaria: Present Situation and Challenges

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    Introduction: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) continue to be a significant public health problem with numerous health social, ethical and economic dimensions. The goal of this study is to present and discuss the Bulgarian legal framework dimensions related to the management of the spectrum of STIs, and associated public health challenges. An analysis of Bulgarian legislation normative documents connected with the presented problematic was applied. Results: For the effective STIs-spectrum management, the presented normative acts envisage a number of rules and requirements for conducting preventive, diagnostic and treatment activities. These rules are not sufficient and cannot cover all cases in the practical work of medical professionals most of them serve as general guides. The main problem that is emerging is the lack of financial resources and sources of funding. Conclusion: Despite the large legal framework, most documents are only a framework, without specifics in the organization and lack of funding for regulated activities

    Cotton fabric: a natural matrix suitable for controlled release systems

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    The possibility to use cotton as a matrix for controlled release systems was studied by covalently attaching a model compound, specifically the reactive dye Remazol Brilliant Blue R to its surface. Afterwards the fabric was coated with a commercial cellulase. The release of the dye, obtained by the hydrolysis of cotton fibres in sweat buffer, was monitored. The reducing sugars concentration increased for both fabrics (with and without the dye covalently fixed) while the increase in the absorbance was only attained for the dyed cotton, as expected. These results confirm the viability of using cotton as a natural matrix for controlled released systems while presenting a promising approach to immobilize covalently other substances in cotton garments, like fragrances, which could be released by the action of human sweat

    Estimates for the Cauchy matrix of perturbed linear impulsive equation

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    Estimates for the Cauchy matrix of a perturbed linear impulsive equation are obtained for given estimates for the Cauchy matrix of the corresponding unperturbed linear impulsive equation

    Simultaneous measurement of atmospheric temperature, humidity, and aerosol extinction and backscatter coefficients by a combined vibrational-pure-rotational Raman lidar

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    Implementation of the pure-rotational Raman (PRR) lidar method for simultaneous measurement of atmospheric temperature, humidity, and aerosol extinction and backscatter coefficients is reported. The isolation of two wavelength domains of the PRR spectrum and the suppression of the elastically scattered light is carried out by a double-grating polychromator. Experiments involving elastic backscatter from dense clouds and a solid target confirm the high level of suppression of the elastic light in the corresponding acquisition channels of the two selected PRR domains. Calibration of the temperature channel was done both by comparison with an experimentally verified atmospheric temperature model profile and by inter-comparison with radiosondes. Night-time temperature profiles with high vertical resolution were obtained up to the lower stratosphere. The PRR temperature profile combined with the water vapor mixing ratio obtained from the ro-vibrational Raman channel is used to estimate the relative humidit

    Firefly luciferase in chemical biology: A compendium of inhibitors, mechanistic evaluation of chemotypes, and suggested use as a reporter

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    Firefly luciferase (FLuc) is frequently used as a reporter in high-throughput screening assays owing to the exceptional sensitivity, dynamic range, and rapid measurement that bioluminescence affords. However, interaction of small molecules with FLuc has, to some extent, confounded its use in chemical biology and drug discovery. To identify and characterize chemotypes interacting with FLuc, we determined potency values for 360,864 compounds, found in the NIH Molecular Libraries Small Molecule Repository, available in PubChem. FLuc inhibitory activity was observed for 12% of this library with discernible SAR. Characterization of 151 inhibitors demonstrated a variety of inhibition modes including FLuc-catalyzed formation of multisubstrate-adduct enzyme inhibitor complexes. As in some cell-based FLuc reporter assays compounds acting as FLuc inhibitors yield paradoxical luminescence increases, data on compounds acquired from FLuc-dependent assays requires careful analysis as described in this report