521 research outputs found

    See How They Grow: Business Development Services for Women's Business Growth

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    This document presents a study which focuses on lessons learned in the provision of business development services (BDS) that assist business growth for women-owned enterprises. The study consists of two parts. The first chapter is a review of the existing literature on the international experience in BDS and the major findings of research on lessons learned in BDS as they apply to women clientele and growth in their enterprises. The second part concentrates on deriving lessons from two local BDS initiatives, Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) Sericulture Program and Independent Business Enrichment Center (IBEC) Enterprise Training Program in South Africa

    Making It Work: Linking Youth Reproductive Health and Livelihoods

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    Assesses the challenges and effectiveness of programs that integrate adolescent reproductive health with options that improve economic capabilities, assets, and activities. Highlights innovative approaches, and defines gaps in existing interventions

    Pathogenesis of Hirschsprung's disease

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    Thesis (M.D.)--Boston Universit

    Rediscovering worker cooperatives in a changing world

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    Fulfilling the Beijing Commitment: Reducing Poverty, Enhancing Women's Economic Options

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    Provides a guide for policy action and offers recommendations for two pivotal areas -- poverty reduction and enhanced economic opportunities for women and adolescent girls -- as goals for implementing the Beijing Platform for Action


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    Problem je rada neformalno obrazovanje odraslih u Osijeku i Rijeci. Istraživanje obuhvaća upoznatost, uključenost i zadovoljstvo građana neformalnim programima. Korištenjem ankete kao instrumenta istraživanja na slučajnom uzorku od 100 građana Osijeka i 100 građana Rijeke, rezultati su pokazali da su ispitanici iz Rijeke više upoznati s ponudom neformalnog obrazovanja od ispitanika iz Osijeka, koji su najvećim dijelom tek djelomično upoznati s ponudom. Isto tako, upoznati ispitanici Osijeka i Rijeke tek su djelomično zadovoljni raznolikošću navedene ponude. U skladu s tim, ispitanici se iz Rijeke više uključuju u neformalne programe od ispitanika iz Osijeka. Usprkos tome, dobiveni su podatci pokazali da su ispitanici iz Osijeka zadovoljniji programima u kojima su sudjelovali, dok određeni broj građana Rijeke izriče svoje nezadovoljstvo. Ostali su rezultati prikazani kao potkrepa dobivenim podatcima. Istraživanje je dalo jednu uopćenu sliku „pozicije“ neformalnoga obrazovanja u gradovima Osijeku i Rijeci.The subject of research is non-formal adult education in Osijek and Rijeka. The research covers a part of awareness, involvement and satisfaction of citizens with nonformal programs. Using the survey as an instrument of research on a random sample of 100 citizens of Osijek and 100 citizens of Rijeka, the results showed that respondents from Rijeka are more familiar with the offer of non-formal education than respondents in Osijek, which are mostly only partially familiar with the offer. Similarly, respondents who are familiar with the offer are only partially satisfied with the diversity of these offerings. Accordingly, respondents from Rijeka involve more in non-formal programs than respondents from Osijek. Nevertheless, the data obtained showed that the respondents from Osijek were satisfied with programs in which they took part, while the number of citizens of Rijeka expresses their displeasure. Other results are presented as corroboration to the data. Research has given a generalized image of "position" of non-formal education in the cities of Osijek and Rijeka

    Positive orientation in education in pedagogical journals

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    Psihologijskim je istraživanjima utvrđeno da, ako želimo sretne učenike, ne trebamo im pomoći samo u rješavanju potencijalnih poteškoća, već se trebamo usmjeriti i na ono pozitivno što kod njih postoji, njihove potencijale i talente. Potrebno je i iz pedagogijske perspektive istražiti na što se najčešće usmjeravamo kod učenika. Stoga, svrha je ovog rada utvrditi zastupljenost pozitivne orijentacije u odgoju u hrvatskim znanstvenim pedagoškim časopisima, odnosno koliko se u pedagoškim istraživanjima posvećuje pozornosti učenikovim potencijalima i talentima te uvjetima za njihovo ostvarivanje, u odnosu na čestoću bavljenja odgojnim problemima i neutralno usmjerena istraživanja. Rezultati analize ukazuju na manjak istraživanja i teorijskih radova iz perspektive pozitivne orijentacije u odgoju te na potrebu za dubljim teorijskim i praktičnim promišljanjem samog pojma “pozitivna orijentacija u odgoju”, koji ne ostaje više samo na razini odgojno-obrazovnog načela. Takvo promišljanje pojma s obzirom na pedagogijske pojmove može pridonijeti teorijskim spoznajama, ali i unaprijediti pedagošku praksu, što bi u konačnici moglo rezultirati češćim istraživanjem ovog, u pedagogiji, još uvijek zanemarenog područja.Psychological research determined that if we want happy students, we should not only help them solve potential difficulties. We should also focus ourselves on the positive in them, their potentials and talents. It is necessary to investigate our main focus in educationfrom a pedagogical perspective as well. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to determine the representation of the positive orientation in education in relevant Croatian pedagogical journals, i.e. how much attention is paid to student’s potentials and talents, and his/her selfactualization in research of pedagogical reality, and how much attention is paid to dealing with educational problems and neutral topics. Results from an analysis of this issue indicate there is a lack of research and theoretical papers from the perspective of positive orientation in education, and that there is a need for a more in-depth theoretical and practical rethinking of the notion of “positive orientation in education”, which is no longer just at the level of an educational principle. This kind of deliberation of notions with regard to fundamental pedagogical notions can contribute to theoretical knowledge, but also promote pedagogical practice, which could result in more frequent research of this field that has thus far been neglected in pedagogy

    Neformalno zapošljavanje žena u gospodarstvima u tranziciji

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    Članak govori o zapošljavanju žena u neslužbenom gospodarstvu u zemljama u tranziciji (ZUT). Od početka tranzicije pojačani su trendovi fleksibilnoga i neslužbenog zapošljavanja, te rastućeg osiromašenja kućanstava. U središtu razmatranja je zapošljavanje žena, a ne pojedini gospodarski sektori ili tvrtke. Siromaštvo i nezaposlenost u ZUT-u su sve izraženiji pa u neformalnim oblicima zapošljavanja sudjeluju ljudi različitih profila, uključujući i visoko-obrazovane osobe. U radu se analizira neformalno zapošljavanje siromašnih osoba, a ne ilegalne aktivnosti poput krijumčarenja oružja, droge i ljudi. Ujedno se daje okvir za analizu načina preživljavanja siromašnih ljudi uključenih u neformalno zapošljavanje u ZUT-u. Razlog tako širokog okvira jest odnos siromaštva i neslužbenog zapošljavanja jer se te pojave u ZUT-u i u mnogim zemljama svijeta preklapaju. Osobe koje rade u neslužbenom gospodarstvu obično su siromašnije od onih koji rade u službenome, a to je pogotovo naglašeno među ženama