11 research outputs found

    Modern features of the anamnesis of patients from preeklampsia varying severity : Современные особенности анамнеза пациенток с преэклампсией различной степени тяжести

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    Objective of this research was studying of modern risk factors on development of a preeklampsia of vary-ing severity on the basis of the anamnesis of patients. Results of the conducted research showed that the preeklampsia most often develops at first pregnant woman "fertile" age, brainwork, with the burdened heredity and the somatic anamnesis, inflammatory diseases of a female genital and violation of a men-strual cycle. Among the burdening factors is heredity and the somatic anamnesis it is necessary to carry diseases of vascular and kidney genesis and an endokrinopatiya (pyelonephritis, a hypertensive illness, violation of a fatty exchange

    Modern features of the anamnesis of patients from preeklampsia varying severity : Современные особенности анамнеза пациенток с преэклампсией различной степени тяжести

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    Objective of this research was studying of modern risk factors on development of a preeklampsia of vary-ing severity on the basis of the anamnesis of patients. Results of the conducted research showed that the preeklampsia most often develops at first pregnant woman "fertile" age, brainwork, with the burdened heredity and the somatic anamnesis, inflammatory diseases of a female genital and violation of a men-strual cycle. Among the burdening factors is heredity and the somatic anamnesis it is necessary to carry diseases of vascular and kidney genesis and an endokrinopatiya (pyelonephritis, a hypertensive illness, violation of a fatty exchange

    Urban infant mortality and religion at the end of the nineteenth and in the early twentieth century: the case of Ekaterinburg, Russia

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    Modern demographers analyse regional and other infant mortality differentials as important factors behind the current life expectancy of Russian citizens. Historically, however, the Russian Empire is simply displayed as one block with high infant mortality rates. Also with respect to cultural background factors, Russia is often perceived as religiously homogeneous with the Orthodox Church dominating the country. In reality, Russia has a long history of coexisting religious traditions. This includes both provinces with a majority of Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists or shamanistic populations as well as territories characterized by religious diversity and significant minority religions. Our project studies minority religious groups in the Urals, a province by the Ural Mountains stretching into Asia. While no territory can claim to be truly representative of this mega-country, we believe that this centrally located province is well suited to show some of the Russian variety, including differential infant mortality among the followers of minority religions, which is the topic of this article. We employ church record microdata to study Catholics, Jews and Old Believers in the main metal-producing city of Ekaterinburg