8 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Buah Karamunting (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) Sebagai Pewarna Alami dan Sumber Antioksidan Pada Kue Mangkok

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    Abstrak. Kue mangkok yang beredar di pasar menggunakan pewarna sintetik dan tidak mengandung senyawa aktiv yang berfungsi sebagai antioksidan. Karamunting mempunyai warna ungu yang menarik dan kaya antioksidan. Penelitian dilakukan untuk memanfaatkan ekstrak buah karamunting sebagai pewarna alami, sumber antioksidan dan pengaruhnya terhadap karakteristik mutu kue mangkok. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode ekperimental dengan perlakuan: Konsentrasi ekstrak buah karamunting:  0; 2,5; 5,0; 7,5; dan 10,0% (b/b).  Parameter penelitian: daya antioksidan (IC50) ppm, volume spesifik (mL/g), total padatan terlarut (oBrix), derajat putih (%) dan uji kesukaan terhadap rasa dan warna. Penelitian dilakukan dengan 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan jumlah ekstrak buah karamunting  dapat menurunkan IC50 secara nyata dari 83,935ppm menjadi 66,10ppm. Kesukaan terhadap warna meningkat dari 2,98 (tidak suka) menjadi 4,88 (mendekati sangat suka), sedangkan derajat putih menurun dari 62,5% menjadi 52,34%. Volume spesifik, total padatan terlarut dan kesukaan rasa tidak terpengaruh. Ekstrak buah karamunting dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber antioksidan dan meningkatkan kesukaan warna kue mangkok.Utilization of Karamunting Fruit Extract (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) as a Natural Colorant and Source of Antioxidants in CupcakesAbstract. In the market, many food products such as cupcakes used synthetic food colors and do not obtained active compounds that function as antioxidants. Karamunting fruit has an attractive natural purple color and rich in antioxidants. The objectives of this research were to utilize the extract of karamunting fruit as a natural food colorant which possess potent antioxidant and to determine the effect of karamunting fruit on the quality characteristics of cupcakes. This research was carried out using five concentration of karamunting fruit extract (0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0%). Cupcakes samples were analysed for the IC50 value of antioxidant activity, specific volume (mL/g), total soluble solids (oBrix), whiteness value (%) and consumer preference test (taste and color). All experiments were carried out in triplicate. Karamunting fruit extract was significantly decreased  the IC50 value from 83.935 ppm to 66.10ppm. For cupcake’s color of consumer evaluation, the score increased from 2.98 (dislike a little) to 4.88 (near like a lot), while whiteness value decreased from 62.5% to 52.34%. Generally, specific volume, total soluble solids, and taste of cupcakes were not significantly affected by Karamunting fruit extract. Karamunting fruit extract can be used as a source of antioxidants and increase the cupcake’s color of consumer’s acceptability

    Rancang Bangun Computer Vision System (CVS) Sebagai Instrumen Pengukuran Warna Buah-Buahan

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    Color had a correlation with physical appearance, nutritional and chemical content as well as sensory properties which determine the quality of agricultural products and foods. Conventional color measurements were performed destructively using laboratory equipment. Therefore, color measurement methods of agricultural products were needed more quickly, accurately and non-destructively. This study aimed to develop a Computer Vision System (CVS) that can be used as a tool to measure the color of fruits. The designed CVS consists of a 60x60x60 cm black mini photo studio; a pair 15 watt LED lighting, sony α6000 digital camera, a set of laptop and an image processing software applications. Image processing software was programmed using VB.Net 2008 programming language. The developed CVS was calibrated using 24 color charts Macbeth Colorchecker (Gretag-Macbeth, USA). The calibration results of 24 color chart of Macbeth Colorchecker was resulted in a MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) value of component R / Red = 0%; G / Green = 0% and B / Blue = 0,5%; with 99% accuracy rate. In color measurement, the developed CVS had a 95% accuracy rate

    Saepo Modi and Correlation among Statistical Methods for Measuring of Phenotypic Stability

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    A stabile phenotype is desired. Many statistical methods are available to measure stability. So far, the choice of parameter of stability depended on the perception on the interaction of genotype and environment or ease of counting. The goal of this research was to study correlation among stability parameters. In total of 16 stability parameters were used in this research. Saepo modi (SMsp) as a stability parameter was also used. Branch rust incidence, leaf rust incidence, and leaf rust severity on Arabica coffee were used as variables. This research result showed that none of the parameters of stability correlated significantly with all parameter of stability. It coud be concluded that if someone want to use only one stability parameter, it is preffered to make use of regression and deviation from regression (D2i). In the case a researcher needs to use several of parameters of stability, Saepo modi (SMsp) might be exercised

    Skrining bakteri asam laktat untuk pengikatan aflatoksin B1

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    Pembuatan Mi Kering Komposit Rumput Laut Labu Kuning Sebagai Pangan Fungsional

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    Pembuatan mi kering komposit bertujuan untuk meningkatkan nilai gizi mi terutama komponen pangan fungsional dengan melakukan subtitusi sebagian tepung terigu dengan tepung rumput laut dan tepung labu kuning.Penelitian dilakukan dengan tiga tahap. Tahap ke 1 pembuatan tepung rumput laut dan tepung labu kuning.Tahap ke 2 pembuatan mi kering komposit, dan tahap ke 3 analisis kimia, dan uji fisik mi kering.Metode percobaan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan perlakuan perbandingan (%)  tepung rumput laut dan tepung labu kuning yang terdiri  atas 4 taraf (t=4): P0= 30:0; P1= 20:10: P2= 10:20; dan P3=0:30. Dilakukan dengan 3 ulangan.Tepung rumput laut dan tepung labu kuning mengandung komponen pangan fungsional (iodium, serat, dan karoten) masing-masing 27,05 ppm, 5,65%, dan 12,32 ppm pada tepung rumput laut dan 0,10 ppm, 9,69%, dan 397,20 ppm pada tepung labu kuning. Iodium dan karotenoid pada tepung terigu tidak terdeteksi, sedangkan serat hanya 0,29%. Komposisi kimia mi kering adalah:  air 6,75-7,99%; protein 7,32-11,24%; iodium 0,03-7,39 ppm; serat 1,01-2,11%; dan karoten 1,69-80,25 ppm. Waktu optimum pemasakan rata-rata 3,50 menit dan KPAP antara 14,42-20,72. Mi yang memenuhi SNI 01-2974-1996 adalah mi kering R10L20 dan R0L30. Mi R10L20 dapat dijadikan makanan fungsional karena sangat potensial sebagai sumber karoten dan sumber iodium.Making Composite Dry Noodles Of Seaweed (E.Cottonii)  Pumpkin Flour (Cucurbita moschata)  as  Functional Food Composite dry noodle-making aims to improve the nutritional value of noodles, particularly functional food components by performing partial substitution of wheat flour with seaweed and wheat flour pumpkin. Research carried out by three stages. The first stage is to manufacture seaweed flour and flour pumpkin. The second stage is to make dry noodle by using seaweed flour and flour pumpkin as the wheat substituer and third stage is to analyze the component of dry noodle. Methods of experimental research with completely randomized design with treatment ratio (%) for seaweed flour and flour pumpkin which consisting of 4 levels (t = 4).  R30L0 = 30: 0; R20L10 = 20:10: R10L20 = 10:20; and R0L30 = 0: 30. It is done with three time repetitions.Flour seaweed and flour pumpkin contain functional food components (iodine, fiber, and carotenoids) respectively 27.05 ppm, 5.65%, and 12.32 ppm in flour seaweed and 0.10 ppm, 9.69%, and 397.20 ppm in flour pumpkin. Iodine and carotenoid of rice flour undetected, and the fiber was only 0.29%.The chemical compositions of dry noodles are:,6.75-7.99% moisture content; protein content of 7,32-11,24%; 0.03 -7.39 ppm iodine content; 1.01-2.11% crude fiber; and 1.69-80.25 ppm carotene.The optimum cooking time is average of 3.50 minutes and KPAP between 14.42-20.72%. Noodles that meet SNI 01-2974-1996 are R10L20 and R0L30 dry noodles. The noodles  R10L20 is very potential as a source of carotene and iodine. 

    Variability of organoleptic quality of Arabica coffe

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    Beverage quality of coffee is the most important for consumers. The objective of this research was to determine the genotypic and phenotypic variability of Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.). Nested design with three factors was used. The organoleptic quality of 28 genotypes was analyzed. This research revealed that most of the organoleptic qualities had low genotypic and phenotypic variations. Fragrance/aroma, flavor, aftertaste, acidity, body, uniformity, balance, sweetness, overall and total score showed low heritability and low genetic advance