27 research outputs found

    The religious phenomenon of Juche ideology as a political tool

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    This study aims to determine the motive that led to the establishment of Juche by Kim Il Sung amidst the influence of communism and its transformation into religion in North Korea. North Korea is a communist country dictated by Kim Jong-Un of the Kim dynasty and known for its cruelty. The country underwent several changes from Marxism-Leninism to familism to determine its strength in Juche. This ideology that acts as a religion was influenced and strengthened Kim Jong Il to Kim Jong-Un and built by shifting the concept of marxism-Leninism to construct a new understanding of Juche. It will be demonstrated that this ideology was influenced by Confucianism, Christianity, Nationalism, Chinese Communism, and Russian Communism. In the modern era, imperialism was used as an ideological tool to restrict backwardness. This theory allegedly helped Kim Il-Sung establish a unitary, one-person rule over North Korea. ‘It will be examined whether Juche ideology is a tool the state has used to convince people of their government. Pronouncements, an intentional religion in which the people were to believe that their Ruler (Kim Il Sung) was a supreme human or an ideology that morphed into a religion’. It will be demonstrated that, when they started honoring Kim as their god, no other religion was permitted. Contribution: This research offers readers an understanding of the value of humanity in the binding ideology of Juche. However, the Juche Ideology can serve as a missiological bridge towards mission goals, which require the experience of spiritual, physical, and social liberation

    Supervision of The Prevention of Narcotics Distribution In Class IIa Bengkalis Penitentiary

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    This study aims to analyze and explain as well as identify obstacles in the supervision of prevention of narcotics distribution in Bengkalis Class IIA Penitentiary. In this study, an empirical juridical approach is applied which remains based on normative premises where the operational definition is taken from laws and regulations to then look at the reality on the ground. Primary data were obtained from observations and interviews with leaders, officers and prisoners of Class IIA Bengkalis Penitentiary. Secondary data was obtained from documentation owned by the Bengkalis Class IIA Penitentiary and from literature studies.The conclusion of the study is that supervision in preventing drug trafficking in the Bengkalis Class IIA Penitentiary has followed the Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) in the Decree of the Director General of Corrections of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number: PAS-416.PK.01.04.01. 2015 and Decree of the Director General of Corrections of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number: PAS-36.OT.02.02 of 2020. The results of the evaluation show that there are several obstacles in supervision, such as: Executing Officers do not yet have the ability to identify types of narcotics and do not have standard expertise as self-reliance coaches; There is no x-ray sensor device for inspection of objects that are prohibited from entering and objects attached to the body; Minimal training facilities and infrastructure.

    Pengaruh E-Govqual Terhadap Kepuasan Peserta Pada Layanan Klaim Jaminan Hari Tua (JHT) di BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Rokan Hulu Riau

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    This research is motivated by the existence of the concept of Electronic -Government Quality (E-Govqual) which is urgently needed to be implemented in public organizations to improve the quality of public services through the use of information technology. The purpose of this study was to find out and analyze how E-Govqual influences participant satisfaction in the Old Age Guarantee Claim (JHT) service at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Rokan Hulu Riau. This study uses a quantitative method, using smart PLS. The population of this study were all participants who submitted JHT claims at the Rokan Hulu Riau Employment BPJS, the total sample being 189 respondents. Data collection techniques using questionnaires. there are 24 attributes in this study which are grouped into 4 Variables (X) Efficiency, Trust, Reliability and Employee Support and 1 Variable (Y) Participant Satisfaction. The results of the study show that there is a positive effect of E-Govqual on participant satisfaction in the JHT claim service at the Rokan Hulu Employment BPJS

    Pengembangan Kapasitas Organisasi Pada Pendidikan Tinggi Teknologi Pulp dan Kertas Universitas Riau

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    The puprose of this research is to find out and analyze about Organizational Capacity Development in Pulp and Paper Technology Vocational Education University Of Riau as well as other factors that influence  Organizational Capacity Development in Pulp and Paper Technology Vocational Education University Of Riau. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The results of this s tudy indicate that, the capacity development of PSD3-TPK is considered good, because seen from the efforts at the individual level, organizational level, and system level made to maximize the organization.this is also evidenced by the absorption of all 43 PSD3-TPK alumni in the pulp and paper industry. Another support factor identified is the shared commitment, institutional reform, and recognition of strengths and weaknes

    Kualitas Pelayanan Kantor Pertanahan Kota Pekanbaru: Studi Pelayanan Alih Wilayah Sertifikat Tanah Pasca Pemekaran Kecamatan Tampan

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    This research was motivated by the efforts of the Pekanbaru City Land Office in serving Land Certificates that moved areas after the expansion of the Tampan District. Improving the service quality of the Pekanbaru City Land Office is a very important aspect in supporting land certificate area transfer services. The purpose of this research is to find out what are the obstacles faced by the Pekanbaru City Land Office in carrying out its duties in transferring land certificate areas after the division of Tampan District. The method used is qualitative research by conducting observations and in-depth interviews. This research determines research informants as a source of information to obtain the required data. The results of this study indicate that the service quality of the Pekanbaru City Land Office is still not optimal, this can be seen from the 6 main focus concepts of Service Quality according to Lijan Poltak Sinambela namely, Transparency, Accountability, Conditional, Participative, Equal Rights, Balance of Rights and Obligations. There are still a number of obstacles that must be resolved, namely, unclear service time processes, lack of employee response in terms of quality and speed of service, lack of service personnel in completing their duties for the process of transferring land certificates after the division of Tampan Distric

    Refleksi konseptual misi Yesus melalui keramahan gereja di Indonesia

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    Jesus, reflecting on the context of the mission in the Gospels, often touches on various dimensions, both physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual for each person and his environment. Many Gospel narratives show the face of friendliness as well as the social responsibility of Jesus in public spaces. Jesus didn't just stop at the gracious nature of God in His mission of ministry but also inspired his listeners to bring out the same kind of hospitality that Jesus did. This needs to reflect the portrait of church life in Indonesian society, which in general tends to focus on religious formalism. This paper aims to explore the concept of Jesus' mission and to realize it practically in the context of Indonesian society today. The method used is descriptive analysis and a hermeneutic approach to the narratives in the Gospels. This study seeks to offer a contextual concept and model of Jesus' ministry to the community served not only as an object of God's hospitality but also as a subject who actively participates in presenting hospitality in public spaces. In conclusion, the mission that Jesus intended to be carried forward by the church was God's mission which Jesus himself had accomplished during his earthly ministry, namely manifesting God's hospitality for humans through the preaching of the gospel and social care.AbstrakYesus, dalam konteks misi di Injil, kerap menyentuh berbagai dimensi, baik secara fisik, emosi, intelektual, sosial, dan spiritual, setiap orang dengan lingkungannya. Narasi Injil banyak menunjukkan wajah keramahan sekaligus tanggung jawab sosial Yesus di ruang publik. Yesus tidak hanya berhenti pada sifat keramahan Allah dalam misi pelayanan-Nya, namun juga menginspirasi para pendengarnya untuk menghadirkan keramahan yang sama, seperti yang Yesus lakukan. Hal ini perlu menjadi refleksi potret kehidupan bergereja pada masyarakat Indonesia, yang umumnya cenderung terfokus kepada formalisme agawami. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menggali konsep misi Yesus serta merealisasikan secara praktis dalam konteks masyarakat Indonesia di masa ini. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif serta pendekatan yang hermeneutis pada narasi kitab-kitab Injil. Penelitian ini berupaya menawarkan konsep dan model pelayanan Yesus yang kontekstual kepada komunitas yang dilayani, bukan hanya sebagai objek keramahan Allah, namun sekaligus sebagai subjek yang aktif berpartisipasi menghadirkan keramahan pada ruang publik. Kesimpulannya, jelas terlihat bahwa misi yang dimaksudkan Yesus untuk diteruskan oleh gereja adalah misi Allah yang telah dikerjakan Yesus sendiri selama pelayanan-Nya di dunia, yaitu memanifestasikan keramahan Allah bagi manusia melalui pemberitaan Injil dan kepedulian sosial

    Repositioning Mission in Postmodern Culture

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    Postmodernism is a worldview culture entering Asian society lately. It provides the impression of values such as spirituality, pluralism, relativism, altruism, which causes significant shifts. It consists of the decline in religious spirituality, disorientation from pluralism, the power to provide information through visuals due to blurred reality and imagination, the emptiness at the core of culture, and a shift in power to a newer state. The Church needs to capture and understand how Culture works. It required to reach a cultural paradigm with the gospel message as well as challenges presently faced by the Churc

    The Third Pentecostal Phenomenon in Indonesia

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    his article examines the Holy Spirit’s outpouring phenomenon in Indonesia, named as the ‘third Pentecost’ by Indonesian Pastor Niko Njotorahardjo from Gereja Bethel Church. Njotorahardjo suggests that the first Pentecost was reported in Acts 2, the second Pentecost occurred at the Azusa Street revival, and the third Pentecost is being poured out now. This research uses discourse analysis to study discourse collected from literature, sermons, conferences, and media recordings. While the analysis of the data used in this research is descriptive, this article is expected to provide constructive input to the global church in general and to the Pentecostal–Charismatic movement in particular

    The religious phenomenon of Juche ideology as a political tool

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    This study aims to determine the motive that led to the establishment of Juche by Kim Il Sung amidst the influence of communism and its transformation into religion in North Korea. North Korea is a communist country dictated by Kim Jong-Un of the Kim dynasty and known for its cruelty. The country underwent several changes from Marxism-Leninism to familism to determine its strength in Juche. This ideology that acts as a religion was influenced and strengthened Kim Jong Il to Kim Jong-Un and built by shifting the concept of marxism-Leninism to construct a new understanding of Juche. It will be demonstrated that this ideology was influenced by Confucianism, Christianity, Nationalism, Chinese Communism, and Russian Communism. In the modern era, imperialism was used as an ideological tool to restrict backwardness. This theory allegedly helped Kim Il-Sung establish a unitary, one-person rule over North Korea. 'It will be examined whether Juche ideology is a tool the state has used to convince people of their government. Pronouncements, an intentional religion in which the people were to believe that their Ruler (Kim Il Sung) was a supreme human or an ideology that morphed into a religion'. It will be demonstrated that, when they started honoring Kim as their god, no other religion was permitted. CONTRIBUTION: This research offers readers an understanding of the value of humanity in the binding ideology of Juche. However, the Juche Ideology can serve as a missiological bridge towards mission goals, which require the experience of spiritual, physical, and social liberation Keywords: ideology; Juche; North Korea; religion; political

    Mengajarkan Pendidikan Karakter Melalui Matius 5:6-12

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    Latar belakang dari masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah terjadinya perubahan pada generasi saat ini karena media massa yang mengubah pola pikir, perilaku, dan kebiasaan pemuda saat ini, disertai dengan pendidikan yang cenderung didasarkan pada pengetahuan atau kognitif. Semua ini akan meng-akibatkan manusia tidak manusia. Dengan demikian, pendidikan karakter yang diajarkan Yesus melalui khotbah ucapan bahagia di bukit merupakan pengajaran berbasis karakter yang berpusat pada meniru Kristus, yang mengikuti jejak atau langkah Kristus dalam kehidupan siswa Kristen Indonesia. Kerangka pemikiran atau pandangan dunia ini adalah apa yang pendidikan karakter Kristen. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini akan menggunakan metode asynchronous yaitu untuk penafsir apa yang dikatakan dalam teks Matius 5:6-12