197 research outputs found

    Ultrasound assisted low-temperature drying of kiwifruit: Effects on drying kinetics, bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity

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    "This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Vallespir, Francisca, Óscar Rodríguez, Juan A Cárcel, Carmen Rosselló, and Susana Simal. 2019. Ultrasound Assisted Low-temperature Drying of Kiwifruit: Effects on Drying Kinetics, Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activity. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 99 (6). Wiley: 2901 9. doi:10.1002/jsfa.9503, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.9503. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving."[EN] Background: Low-temperature drying is considered to be a promising technique for food processing. It preserves thermolabile compounds and might be intensified by acoustic assistance. The effect of acoustic assistance (20.5 kW m(-3)) during low-temperature drying of kiwifruit (at 5, 10 and 15 degrees C, and 1 m s(-1)) on drying kinetics, bioactive compounds (such as ascorbic acid, vitamin E, and total polyphenols), and antioxidant activity was studied. Results: Drying time was shortened by 55-65% when using power ultrasound. A diffusion model was used to evaluate the drying kinetics. The effective diffusion coefficient increased by 154 +/- 30% and the external mass transfer coefficient increased by 158 +/- 66% when ultrasound was applied during drying, compared with drying without ultrasound application. With regard to bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity, although samples dried at 15 degrees C presented significantly higher (P < 0.05) losses (39-54% and 57-69%, respectively) than samples dried at 5 degrees C (14-43% and 23-50%, respectively) when ultrasound was not applied, the application of ultrasound during drying at 15 degrees C significantly reduced (P < 0.05) those losses in all quality parameters (15-47% and 47-58%, respectively). Conclusion: Overall, low-temperature drying of kiwifruit was enhanced by acoustic assistance preserving bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity, especially at 15 degrees C. (c) 2018 Society of Chemical IndustryThe authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of the National Institute of Research and Agro-Food Technology (INIA) and co-financed with ERDF funds (RTA2015-00060-C04-03 and RTA2015-00060-C04-02 projects) and the Spanish Government (MINECO) for the BES-2013-064131 fellowship.Vallespir, F.; Rodríguez, O.; Carcel, JA.; Rosselló, C.; Simal, S. (2019). Ultrasound assisted low-temperature drying of kiwifruit: Effects on drying kinetics, bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 99(6):2901-2909. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.9503S29012909996Soquetta, M. B., Stefanello, F. S., Huerta, K. da M., Monteiro, S. S., da Rosa, C. S., & Terra, N. N. (2016). Characterization of physiochemical and microbiological properties, and bioactive compounds, of flour made from the skin and bagasse of kiwi fruit ( Actinidia deliciosa ). 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    Quick scan to assess the prevalence of dermal parasites among coral reef fishes of Bonaire

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    On Bonaire visual surveys were conducted at 17 different sites between 7 and 16 March 2015. The selection of sites was largely based on the water quality study of Slijkerman et al. (2014), resulting in a selection of sites known to vary in water quality (e.g. City-Salt locations versus northern locations). Some sites were added to the ‘quick scan’ as a reference based on assumed good water quality (e.g. east coast with minimal human influence) or as additional sites potential eutrophic sites based on the presence of deep-water cyanobacterial mats. In total 16040 coral reef fish were visually inspected for the presence of dermal parasites

    Ice cream supplemented with roasted and grilled corn powders: physical properties, rheology, antioxidant activity, color, sensory evaluation, and production cost

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    The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of replacing milk fat with roasted and grilled corn powders on ice cream characteristics. The results revealed that the use of roasted and grilled corn powders (2, 4, and 6%) resulted in significant changes in the physical and rheological properties of ice cream mixtures. The different levels of corn powders caused an increase in the total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity, while a diverse manner was observed with the progress in storage period. Furthermore, the melting resistance of ice cream treatments significantly increased coinciding with the increase in roasted or grilled corn powders addition levels. In addition, roasted corn powder based-ice cream treatments recorded higher sensory evaluation scores compared to other treatments. The production cost and profit of the produced ice cream were also evaluated, and treatments supplemented with corn powders exhibited lower production cost as compared to the control sample.Universidade de Vigo / CISU

    Algunos parámetros físico-químicos de la grasa del polen apícola

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    Refractive index, acid, saponification, ester, and iodine numbers were determinated in lipids from bee-collected pollen commercially purchased samples. Mean values are 1,4799 (1,4777-1,4825), 62 (48- 83), 142 (102-156), 80 (48-102) and 102 (108-134), respectively.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Se determinan los índices de refracción, acidez, saponificación, éster e iodo de la grasa en 35 muestras de polen apícola manufacturadas obteniéndose unos valores promedios de 1,4799 (1,4777-1.4825), 62 (48-83), 142 (102-156), 80 (48-102) y 102 (108-134), respectivamente

    Algunos parámetros físico-químicos de la grasa del polen apícola

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    Refractive index, acid, saponification, ester, and iodine numbers were determinated in lipids from bee-collected pollen commercially purchased samples. Mean values are 1,4799 (1,4777-1,4825), 62 (48- 83), 142 (102-156), 80 (48-102) and 102 (108-134), respectively.Se determinan los índices de refracción, acidez, saponificación, éster e iodo de la grasa en 35 muestras de polen apícola manufacturadas obteniéndose unos valores promedios de 1,4799 (1,4777-1.4825), 62 (48-83), 142 (102-156), 80 (48-102) y 102 (108-134), respectivamente

    Separación de las clases de lípidos neutros de polen apícola mediante cromatografía líquida de alta resolución (HPLC)

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    A fast method for the separation of neutral lipid classes of bee-collected pollen by isocratic HPLC is described using ultraviolet detection at 206 nm and direct injection of the sample into a silica column. The mobile phase was n-hexane-2-propanolacetic acid (100:0.5:0.1). Three fractions of neutral lipids were isolated from 35 samples: Sterol esters and other nonpolar compounds such as carotenoids and waxes; triglycerides; and fatty acids.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Se describe un método rápido mediante HPLC para la separación de las diferentes clases de lípidos neutros del polen apícola en condiciones isocráticas, con detección UV a 206 nm e inyección directa de la muestra en columna de sílica. Como fase móvil se usa n-hexano-2-propanol-ácido acético (100:0,5:0,1). Se aislaron 3 fracciones de lípidos neutros en las 35 muestras analizadas: Esteres de esteroles y otros componentes no polares tales como carotenoides y ceras; triglicéridos y ácidos grasos

    Separación de las clases de lípidos neutros de polen apícola mediante cromatografía líquida de alta resolución (HPLC)

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    A fast method for the separation of neutral lipid classes of bee-collected pollen by isocratic HPLC is described using ultraviolet detection at 206 nm and direct injection of the sample into a silica column. The mobile phase was n-hexane-2-propanolacetic acid (100:0.5:0.1). Three fractions of neutral lipids were isolated from 35 samples: Sterol esters and other nonpolar compounds such as carotenoids and waxes; triglycerides; and fatty acids.Se describe un método rápido mediante HPLC para la separación de las diferentes clases de lípidos neutros del polen apícola en condiciones isocráticas, con detección UV a 206 nm e inyección directa de la muestra en columna de sílica. Como fase móvil se usa n-hexano-2-propanol-ácido acético (100:0,5:0,1). Se aislaron 3 fracciones de lípidos neutros en las 35 muestras analizadas: Esteres de esteroles y otros componentes no polares tales como carotenoides y ceras; triglicéridos y ácidos grasos

    The Influence of In Vitro Gastrointestinal Digestion on the Anticancer Activity of Manuka Honey

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    Manuka honey (MH) is a natural food with many beneficial properties to human health, thanks to its high variety of bioactive compounds; however, little is known about its bioaccessibility. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the polyphenol compounds, the antioxidant capacity and the anticancer activity of MH subjected to an in vitro gastrointestinal digestion in human HCT-116 colon cancer cells. Raw MH and digested MH (DMH) were assessed for total polyphenols and flavonoids by spectrophotometric and HPLC-ESI-MS/MS analysis, and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) using different methods. Cell viability, intracellular ROS production, apoptosis, cell cycle and colony formation capacity were tested after treatment with MH or DMH. Results showed that total polyphenols, total flavonoids and TAC were significantly (p < 0.05) reduced after in vitro digestion. In addition, MH and DMH at 8, 16 and 24 mg/mL had similar effects in inducing intracellular ROS production and in inhibiting the colon formation ability; MH induced a more marked apoptosis compared to DMH, while cell cycle was blocked in S phase by MH and in Sub G1 phase by DMH. Our results increase knowledge of the effect of gastrointestinal digestion on the biological effect of honey against colorectal cancer

    Preliminary inventory of key terrestrial nature values of Bonaire

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    Based on a helpdesk question from the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation (EL&I) a preliminary inventory is given of key terrestrial nature values of Bonaire in order to determine their occurrence in relation to areas designated as “nature” and “open landscape”, according to the Spatial development plan of Bonaire. This was based on a literature study and supplemented by expert advice