17 research outputs found

    Branding ā€œTara La No Ateā€ pada Indonesia Creative Cities Festival (ICCF)

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    The first aspect of the promotion of communication strategies can be concluded as "Tara La No Ateā€ branding at the 2019 Indonesia Creative Cities Festival (ICCF) aiming to revive, promote, and introduce Ternate as a Creative Economy City, and also as tangible evidence of the implementation of the communication promotion strategy and branding ā€œTara La No Ate which becomes the theme and raises local wisdom from the city of Ternate so that the use of the media can be the manifestation of the communication promotion strategy process. The second aspect of the branding elements at the 2019 ICCF in Ternate is to convey a positive image contained in the message in the series of events which becomes part of the local wisdom and history that exists in Ternate and is shown to stakeholders and the wider community to be known directly through the 2019 ICCF performance. The branding elements include brand name, logo, visual appearance, spokesperson, voice, and remarks related to ICCF 2019 in Ternat

    Implementasi Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (GLS) Tingkat SMA di Kota Tidore Kepulauan

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    This study aims to analyze the implementation of the school literacy movement (GLS) program at the high school level in the City of Tidore Islands and describe various factors that influence the implementation of the GLS. With a qualitative descriptive approach, this research is able to explain the implementation of the GLS at the high school level, which focuses on studies at SMA Negeri 1 and SMA Negeri 3. The principal, library manager, and student representatives become research informants as well as primary data sources. Secondary data was obtained through the study of documents about the GLS program. Data analysis was carried out in three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study indicate that SMA Negeri 1 and SMA Negeri 3 have implemented the stages of the GLS program. However, SMA Negeri 3 has only carried out the habituation stage, while the development and learning stages have not been implemented. In contrast to that, SMA Negeri 1 has implemented three stages of GLS. The commitment of teachers, school principals, and the formation of a school literacy team at SMA N 1 are factors that support the implementation of the GLS program. The school literacy team has not yet been formed, the lack of socialization of the GLS program, and the low commitment of teachers are inhibiting factors in the implementation of the GLS program at SMA Negeri 3

    Branding ā€œTara La No Ateā€ pada Indonesia Creative Cities Festival (ICCF)

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    The first aspect of the promotion of communication strategies can be concluded as "Tara La No Ateā€ branding at the 2019 Indonesia Creative Cities Festival (ICCF) aiming to revive, promote, and introduce Ternate as a Creative Economy City, and also as tangible evidence of the implementation of the communication promotion strategy and branding ā€œTara La No Ate which becomes the theme and raises local wisdom from the city of Ternate so that the use of the media can be the manifestation of the communication promotion strategy process. The second aspect of the branding elements at the 2019 ICCF in Ternate is to convey a positive image contained in the message in the series of events which becomes part of the local wisdom and history that exists in Ternate and is shown to stakeholders and the wider community to be known directly through the 2019 ICCF performance. The branding elements include brand name, logo, visual appearance, spokesperson, voice, and remarks related to ICCF 2019 in Ternat

    The Meaning of The Lilian Tradition as Communication of Local Wisdom in Human Civilization

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    Local wisdom in the form of the cooperation tradition is important in human civilization. Communication in the gotong royong can strengthen social relations, build solidarity, and promote togetherness in society. One of the surviving cooperation traditions is Lilian. The Lilian tradition is still maintained and preserved by the people of North Maluku who live in Ternate as a form of cooperation and local wisdom communication in today's human civilization. The research objective is to achieve the meaning of the Lilian tradition as a communication of local wisdom in cooperation in human civilization among the people of the city of Ternate. The research method used is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The results of the research conclusions show that; The meaning of the Lilian Tradition can be interpreted as having the nature of helping each other, a sense of initiative, togetherness, and always maintaining communication when sitting together while carrying out Lilian activities. The Lilian tradition is a tradition that always colors the lives of the people of North Maluku in the city of Ternate in realizing the concept of social interaction. Besides that, Lilian's concept has been known for many years from their ancestors until now. So Lilian is a concept that will resolve the burden borne by people who carry out celebrations or suffer calamities but are borne together and resolved jointly by the local community


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    Pola komunikasi Pelayanan di Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara adalah upaya membangun pelayanan yang efektif, Berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya bahwa adanya hubungan antara pandangan negatif dengan efektifitas pesan yang disampaikan oleh pegawai terhadap mahasiswa. Semakin tinggi pandangan negatif mahasiswa terhadap komunikasi pegawai administrasi pada saat melakukan pelayanan, maka semakin rendah pula efektifitas pesan yang disampaikan oleh pegawai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Pola Komunikasi Pegawai dalam pelayanan administrasi kepada mahasiswa dan untuk mengetahui Pola komunikasi Universitas dalam melakukan pembinaan tentang Komunikasi efektif pegawai kepada Mahasiswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, dan analisis data menggunakan pendekatan konsep pola komunikasi sebagai pelayanan public untuk menghasilkan pelayanan yang efektif. Hasil penelitian adalah Pola komunikasi digunakan oleh Universitas dalam bentuk Komunikasi Formal dalam rapat-rapat resmi dan non-formal seperti dalam bentuk Komunikasi antarpribadi dengan maksud merubah dan membentuk komunikasi verbal dan nonverbal yang lebih baik kepada pegawai dalam melakukan pelayanan dan menyelesaikan permasalahan yang terjadi disetiap uni kerja umum dan program studi selain itu terdapat Pola Komunikasi Multi arah, melalui Rapat pengambilan keputusan, pembahasan permasalahan dari setiap unit yang dilakukan dalam bentuk kelompok dengan melibatkan semua pihak yang memiliki kewenangan penyelesaian masalah


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    Pola komunikasi Pelayanan di Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara adalah upaya membangun pelayanan yang efektif, Berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya bahwa adanya hubungan antara pandangan negatif dengan efektifitas pesan yang disampaikan oleh pegawai terhadap mahasiswa. Semakin tinggi pandangan negatif mahasiswa terhadap komunikasi pegawai administrasi pada saat melakukan pelayanan, maka semakin rendah pula efektifitas pesan yang disampaikan oleh pegawai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Pola Komunikasi Pegawai dalam pelayanan administrasi kepada mahasiswa dan untuk mengetahui Pola komunikasi Universitas dalam melakukan pembinaan tentang Komunikasi efektif pegawai kepada Mahasiswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, dan analisis data menggunakan pendekatan konsep pola komunikasi sebagai pelayanan public untuk menghasilkan pelayanan yang efektif. Hasil penelitian adalah Pola komunikasi digunakan oleh Universitas dalam bentuk Komunikasi Formal dalam rapat-rapat resmi dan non-formal seperti dalam bentuk Komunikasi antarpribadi dengan maksud merubah dan membentuk komunikasi verbal dan nonverbal yang lebih baik kepada pegawai dalam melakukan pelayanan dan menyelesaikan permasalahan yang terjadi disetiap uni kerja umum dan program studi selain itu terdapat Pola Komunikasi Multi arah, melalui Rapat pengambilan keputusan, pembahasan permasalahan dari setiap unit yang dilakukan dalam bentuk kelompok dengan melibatkan semua pihak yang memiliki kewenangan penyelesaian masalah

    Implementation of Group Technology Concept on Tourism Information Application at North Maluku Province

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    This study discusses the development of tourism information system in context of asset inventory of tourism destinations at North Maluku Province by implementing the concept of Group Technology. Various data related to tourism will be grouped by using classification and coding. Group Technology has several advantages for identifying the various components which are then grouped into a small group based on common component design and manufacturing. By applying the Group Technology would be associated with standardization of design and minimize duplication of the design. Data stored in the database will be easily managed by administrators, and the planning process will more quickly and efficiently. The process of data grouping due to step: Ā a). selecting a number of sample data, b). identify and construct encoding, c). grouping data based on the similarity of tourism, and d). analysis and code examine, to ensure that the data have been grouped according to its code. The result shows that the integration of web-based tourism information system with the concept of group technology can be used to assist manager in data management and information to tourists or visitors

    ā€˜Talk Me : Aplikasi Pendukung Media Komunikasi Nonverbal Penyandang Tunarungu Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berinteraksi Sosial Di Kota Ternate

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    Communication which is an important requirement in human life is not limited to certain groups. This need is needed by every human being from the time he is born until the end of time. Deaf people prefer to form groups and gather together to get comfort when meeting and chatting with each other. The research was conducted by applying a qualitative research method based on a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques in the form of interviews and observations to obtain relative and objective information. Interviews were conducted with four informants, namely: the head of the Ternate City Deaf Association, two Teachers who implement the SIBI language in the field of Education (Ternate City Special School) and one member of the General Public. The data analysis techniques used are literature study, data collection, drawing conclusions from FGD data), needs analysis, system design, implementation, and testing. Based on the results of the research, the main problem that occurs is the lack of interest and digital-based communication tools which are quite a big problem in helping the listening community in carrying out social interactions. And the results of making an application by applying the CNN analysis method to the Talk me application obtained quite good results and were close to the maximum results, the application sensitivity feasibility trials obtained quite good results and were close to the maximum value, the average score for 50 trials was 0, 913793, where the data will be said to be very good if the trial value is close to 1, and for the loss value (not sensitive) the average is 0.0426


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    This study aims to determine the level of student satisfaction in the islands regarding distance education services. The population in this study are all UTĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢Ć¢ā‚¬ā„¢s students spreaded across various regions in the province of North Maluku. The sampling method uses simple random sampling, as many as 74 students. Data collection is carried out through interviews with respondents with questionnaire aids whose questions relate to UT's level of expectation and service quality. The results show that: (1) of all aspects of distance education services organized by UPBJJ-UT Ternate, all of them had been categorized as very satisfying, where the highest level of satisfaction was that of general information services by 101.28% or in other words had exceeded student expectations. While teaching material services, although still in the category of very satisfying for students, the percentage of satisfaction level is lower than other service aspects which is 95.76%. (2) From all aspects of distance education services organized by UPBJJ-UT Ternate, teaching material services still have a level of gap between expectations and valuations conducted by students

    Peran Moderasi Religiusitas Terhadap Hubungan Antara Dimensi Fraud Pentagon Dengan Kecurangan Akademik

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    This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of the Pentagon dimension of fraud on academic fraud. The sample in this study was UPBJJ-UT Ternate students who were conducting lectures during the Covid-19 period as many as 134 respondents. The sampling technique in this study used a saturated sample. Methods of data collection using a questionnaire (questionnaire). Data analysis using path coefficient analysis with the help of the Smart PLS program. Based on the results of the research above, it can be concluded that 1) academic pressure affects academic fraud behavior; 2) opportunity does not affect academic fraud behavior; 3) rationalization affects academic fraud behavior; 4) the ability to influence academic fraud behavior; 5) personal ethics affect academic fraud behavior; Meanwhile, religiosity as a moderator does not affect the relationship between pressure, opportunity, rationalization, ability and personal ethics with academic fraud behavior. Although not large, based on the results of multi-group analysis, religiosity is proven to be moderate which will reduce the level of academic fraud. Religious students are more likely not to commit academic fraud, even though they are under pressure, have opportunities, rationalization, have abilities, and their ethics are still low. Efforts to prevent academic fraud that can be carried out at UPBJJ-UT Ternate include socialization activities that are classified as fraud and the sanctions, convincing students that fraud will be caught and will be announced, ensuring students are not in a situation where they work by fraud, showing evidence that all fraud is proven will be penalized, train students to be able to write without fraud and encourage students to have pride when acting under ethical teachings. &nbsp