998 research outputs found

    Enhancement of ferromagnetism by nickel doping in the 112 cobaltite EuBaCo2O5.50

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    The study of the ordered oxygen deficient perovskite EuBaCo2-xNixO5.50 shows that the doping of cobalt sites by nickel induces a strong ferromagnetic component at low temperature in the antiferromagnetic matrix of EuBaCo2O5.50. This system exhibits indeed phase separation, i.e. consists of ferromagnetic domains embedded in the antiferromagnetic matrix of EuBaCo2O5.50. Besides, a magnetic transition is observed for the first time at 40K in the undoped and nickel doped phases, which can be attributed to the ferromagnetic ordering of the Eu3+ moments below this temperature. Moreover sharp ultra magnetization multisteps are observed below 5K, characteristic of motion of domain walls in a strong pinning system and very different from any metamagnetic transition

    Monitoring participatory approaches in Mediterranean waterfront developments (El Mina, Lebanon; Alexandria, Egypt; and Antalya, Turkey)

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    Public participation is an important tool for communities to influence development decisions for public spaces in general and waterfronts in particular. In coastal cities, waterfronts are an important touristic attraction and are affected by social and economic issues. Users’ activities and responsiveness to waterfront projects are affected by the development types and methods. This study is part of ongoing research aiming to evaluate the participatory approach methods in the waterfronts of Mediterranean cities. It examines three coastal cities that have developed differently based on sustainable development studies. This study is a top–down approach that investigates the applied phases and methods of participation and evaluates these involvements after comparison with the preferred phases and methods. This paper uses qualitative and quantitative methods, which are based on analysis of social studies about participation priorities. It uses methods such as documentation, lengthy interviews and questionnaires with visitors. The outcome of this research proves the need for application of participatory approaches in Mediterranean cities


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    The type of buildings and activities along the waterfronts have to stimulate the interactivity between public spaces and their users to reach the desired comfort, enjoyment and appropriate densities. This study is part of a continuing research and it aims to highlight the spatial relationship between the type of buildings and the densities on cities waterfronts of the Mediterranean Sea. It undertakes three case studies with different economic and touristic levels. It is a top-bottom approach that analyzes the existing population densities on waterfronts and the surrounding building functions. This paper uses quantitative analysis based on spatial statistics along each of the three waterfronts. The data collection is made through documentation, direct observations, mapping, Global Positioning System, and Geographic Information System software. The outcome of this research evaluates the relationship between functions and population densities to record how locations of functions increase population on waterfronts by making them attractive and recommends how waterfront zoning laws will consider specific land uses and techniques

    Human C-peptide Dose Dependently Prevents Early Neuropathy in the BB/Wor-rat

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    In order to explore the neuroprotective and crossspecies activities of.C-peptide on type 1 diabetic neuropathy, spontaneously diabetic BB/W-rats were given increasing doses of human recombinant Cpeptide (hrC-peptide). Diabetic rats received 10, 100, 500, or 1000 μg of hrC-peptide/kg body weight/ day from onset of diabetes. After 2 months of hrC-peptide administration, 100 μg and greater doses completely prevented the nerve conduction defect, which was associated with a significant but incomplete prevention of neural Na+/K+-ATPase activity in diabetic rats with 500 μg or greater C-peptide replacement. Increasing doses of hrC-peptide showed increasing prevention of early structural abnormalities such as paranodal swelling and axonal degeneration and an increasing frequency of regenerating sural nerve fibers. We conclude that hrC-peptide exerts a dose dependent protection on type 1 diabetic neuropathy in rats and that this effect is probably mediated by the partially conserved sequence of the active C-terminal pentapeptid

    Origin of resistivity anomaly in p-type leads chalcogenide multiphase compounds

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    The electrical resistivity curves for binary phase compounds of p-type lead chalcogenide (PbTe)(0.9−x)(PbSe)0.1(PbS)x, (x = 0.15, 0.2, 0.25), which contain PbS-rich secondary phases, show different behaviour on heating and cooling between 500-700 K. This is contrast to single phase compounds which exhibit similar behaviour on heating and cooling. We correlate these anomalies in the electrical resistivities of multiphase compounds to the variation in phase composition at high temperatures. The inhomogeneous distribution of dopants between the matrix and secondary phase is found to be crucial in the electronic transport properties of the multiphase compounds. These results can lead to further advances in designing composite Pb-chalcogenides with high thermoelectric performance

    A mutation affecting the sodium/proton exchanger, SLC9A6, causes mental retardation with tau deposition

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    We have studied a family with severe mental retardation characterized by the virtual absence of speech, autism spectrum disorder, epilepsy, late-onset ataxia, weakness and dystonia. Post-mortem examination of two males revealed widespread neuronal loss, with the most striking finding being neuronal and glial tau deposition in a pattern reminiscent of corticobasal degeneration. Electron microscopic examination of isolated tau filaments demonstrated paired helical filaments and ribbon-like structures. Biochemical studies of tau demonstrated a preponderance of 4R tau isoforms. The phenotype was linked to Xq26.3, and further analysis identified an in-frame 9 base pair deletion in the solute carrier family 9, isoform A6 (SLC9A6 gene), which encodes sodium/hydrogen exchanger-6 localized to endosomal vesicles. Sodium/hydrogen exchanger-6 is thought to participate in the targeting of intracellular vesicles and may be involved in recycling synaptic vesicles. The striking tau deposition in our subjects reveals a probable interaction between sodium/proton exchangers and cytoskeletal elements involved in vesicular transport, and raises the possibility that abnormalities of vesicular targeting may play an important role in more common disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and autism spectrum disorder

    hArtes: Hardware-Software Codesign for Heterogeneous Multicore Platforms

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    Developing heterogeneous multicore platforms requires choosing the best hardware configuration for mapping the application, and modifying that application so that different parts execute on the most appropriate hardware component. The hArtes toolchain provides the option of automatic or semi-automatic support for this mapping. During test and validation on several computation-intensive applications, hArtes achieved substantial speedups and drastically reduced development times

    Self-esteem in students of 3th to 8th grade: A review by school grade and gender

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    La autoestima es una de las áreas más significativas para el bienestar emocional, la adaptación social y la productividad. Se reportan resultados de un estudio cuyo objetivo fue evaluar la autoestima de estudiantes de enseñanza básica (3º a 8º), a través del instrumento estandarizado en Chile TAE-Alumno (Marchant, Haeussler y Torretti, 2002) y profundizar en las diferencias por nivel de escolaridad y género. Participaron 5161 niños chilenos de 3º a 8º básico, pertenecientes a 10 colegios particulares subvencionados de la Región Metropolitana. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en los niveles de autoestima entre los nivel de escolaridad evaluados, observándose una baja a medida que aumenta la escolaridad. También se encontraron diferencias significativas por género, apareciendo en 6º básico y acentuándose en 7º y 8º básico a favor de los hombres. Se reconoce la necesidad de que las comunidades educativas estén atentas a las diferencias por nivel de escolaridad y por género haciendo intervenciones en los períodos que resultan más críticos en la construcción de la identidad. Se argumenta que los colegios, desde su influencia en la socialización de los estudiantes, están en una posición privilegiada para favorecer el desarrollo de una autoestima positivaSelf-esteem is one of the most significant areas for emotional well-being, social adaptation and productivity in life. The results of this study, whose goal was to evaluate the self-esteem of elementary and middle school students, with a standarized test of self-esteem TAE-Alumno (Marchant, Haeussler y Torretti, 2002) and to analize the sample stratified by school grade and gender, are reported. Participants were 5161 Chilean children of 3th to 8th grade, who belong to 10 schools in the Metropolitan Region. Significant differences of self-esteem in the different school grades evaluated were found. A drop in self-esteem as school grades increase, was recorded. Gender differences were also significative from 6th grade and became more significant in 7th and 8th grade, on behalf of boys. The study recognizes the need for schools to be aware of the differences by school grade and gender, in order to intervene in critical periods of the construction of personal identity. Schools are a source of influence on student’s socialization, so they are in a unique position to promote the development of positive self-estee

    Citizen-led assessment of achieve literacy and numeracy and performance factors analysis in Yucatán, Mexico

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    Introducción: No se cuenta con suficiente información respecto del nivel de competencias básicas de lectura y aritmética en el estado de Yucatán, a pesar del desarrollo de las evaluaciones de logro educativo en México. Tampoco existen análisis sobre factores individuales, familiares y sociales asociados a la adquisición de estas competencias en esa entidad. Método: se entrevistaron 1397 sujetos entre 5 y 16 años en una muestra representativa de hogares en Yucatán (N=1009). Se aplicó el instrumento Medición Independiente de Aprendizajes y una encuesta sobre variables asociadas con tres apartados: 1) datos socioeconómicos y capital cultural educativo; 2) discapacidad y síntomas de salud mental; 3) datos generales y escolares de niños, niñas, adolescentes y preguntas sobre motivación. Resultados: existe alta cobertura escolar, pero se encuentra un porcentaje importante de sujetos con problemas de comprensión inferencial, dificultades en la resolución de problemas matemáticos básicos y uso de operaciones como la resta y la división. Condiciones de discapacidad, motivación escolar, la lengua materna, el capital cultural escolar y acceso a bibliotecas públicas se asocian con estos resultados. Discusión y conclusiones: es necesario implementar políticas específicas para fortalecer las competencias básicas de lectura y aritmética en Yucatán, así como fomentar la medición de estas competencias usando evaluaciones alternativas y ciudadanas como las presentadas aquíIntroduction: We do not have specific information about the level of literacy and numeracy in the state of Yucatan, despite the development of educational evaluation in Mexico and analysis of individual, family and social factors that influence these results in these State were not found. Method: 1397 subjects between 5 and 16 years were interviewed in a representative sample of households in Yucatan (N=1009). We applied the “Independent Learning Measurement” (MIA); a questionnaire related with demographic and socio-economic data and educational cultural capital; and a disability and mental health symptoms survey, a motivation's questions and a survey related with school behavior. Results: High school coverage exists. There is a significant percentage of subjects with inferential comprehension problems, in solving problems and use basic mathematical operations such as subtraction and division. Similarly, there are individual, family, and social influences, such as motivation and different languages influences. Cultural-School capital and access to public libraries associated significantly with results identified. Discussion and conclusions: it is necessary to implement specific policies to strengthen basic skills of literacy and numeracy in Yucatan, and promote measurement of these competencies using alternative assessments such as Citizen-Led Assessments presented her

    Evaluation of Hemoglobin A1c Criteria to Assess Preoperative Diabetes Risk in Cardiac Surgery Patients

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    Objective: Hemoglobin A1c (A1C) has recently been recommended for diagnosing diabetes mellitus and diabetes risk (prediabetes). Its performance compared with fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and 2-h post-glucose load (2HPG) is not well delineated. We compared the performance of A1C with that of FPG and 2HPG in preoperative cardiac surgery patients. Methods: Data from 92 patients without a history of diabetes were analyzed. Patients were classified with diabetes or prediabetes using established cutoffs for FPG, 2HPG, and A1C. Sensitivity and specificity of the new A1C criteria were evaluated. Results: All patients diagnosed with diabetes by A1C also had impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, or diabetes by other criteria. Using FPG as the reference, sensitivity and specificity of A1C for diagnosing diabetes were 50% and 96%, and using 2HPG as the reference they were 25% and 95%. Sensitivity and specificity for identifying prediabetes with FPG as the reference were 51% and 51%, respectively, and with 2HPG were 53% and 51%, respectively. One-third each of patients with prediabetes was identified using FPG, A1C, or both. When testing A1C and FPG concurrently, the sensitivity of diagnosing dysglycemia increased to 93% stipulating one or both tests are abnormal; specificity increased to 100% if both tests were required to be abnormal. Conclusions: In patients before cardiac surgery, A1C criteria identified the largest number of patients with diabetes and prediabetes. For diagnosing prediabetes, A1C and FPG were discordant and characterized different groups of patients, therefore altering the distribution of diabetes risk. Simultaneous measurement of FGP and A1C may be a more sensitive and specific tool for identifying high-risk individuals with diabetes and prediabetes.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/90436/1/dia-2E2011-2E0074.pd