1,164 research outputs found

    Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA): validation study for vascular dementia

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    The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is a brief instrument developed for the screening of milder forms of cognitive impairment, having surpassed the well-known limitations of the MMSE. The aim of the present study was to validate the MoCA as well as its short version, which was proposed by the NINDS-CSN VCI Harmonization Standards for screening Vascular Dementia (VaD) patients. The results, based on a homogeneous sample of 34 VaD patients, indicate that the MoCA is a psychometrically valid and reliable instrument for cognitive screening in VaD patients, showing excellent discriminant validity. Both the full and short versions of the MoCA had excellent diagnostic accuracy in discriminating VaD patients, exhibiting an area under curve (AUC) higher than the MMSE [AUC(MoCA full version) = .950; 95% IC = .868-.988; AUC(MoCA short version) = .936; 95% IC = .849-.981; AUC(MMSE) = .860; 95% IC = .754-.932]. With a cutoff below 17 on the MoCA full version and 8 on the short version, the results for sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and classification accuracy were superior compared to the MMSE. In conclusion, both versions of the MoCA are valid, reliable, sensitive and accurate screening instruments for VaD patients

    Ovarian Ectopic Pregnancy in Adolescence

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    Ovarian pregnancy is one of the rarest types of extrauterine pregnancy. Its preoperative diagnosis remains a challenge since it presents quite similarly to tubal pregnancy and complicated ovarian cysts. Although in most cases, histology is necessary to confirm the diagnosis, we present an ovarian pregnancy in a teenager, correctly diagnosed during ultrasound examination

    Puerperal Complications Following Elective Cesarean Sections for Twin Pregnancies

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the maternal puerperal morbidity in elective and emergent cesareans in twins. STUDY DESIGN: We evaluated postpartum complications among patients who underwent elective cesarean birth for twin pregnancy. This group was compared to matched singletons and to emergent cesareans in twins. RESULTS: During the period September 1994-March 2006 there were 299 (47.4%) elective and 80 (12.7%) emergent cesarean sections in twin pregnancies, for a total of 379 (60.1%) cesarean births for both twins. Controls included 299 cases of elective cesareans in singletons. The comparison between elective and emergent cesareans and between elective cesareans in twins and in singletons found no significant differences in postpartum fever, scar infection, and postpartum hemorrhage. Venous thromboembolism occurred in two twin pregnancies, one in the elective and one in the emergent cesarean group. Postpartum hysterectomy was required in a singleton pregnancy following an elective cesarean birth. CONCLUSION: At present, no data exist to show a disadvantage for a planned cesarean birth for twins.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Upwelling regime off the Cabo Frio region in Brazil and impact on acoustic propagation

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    This work introduces a description of the complex upwelling regime off the Cabo Frio region in Brazil and shows that ocean modeling, based on the feature-oriented regional modeling system (FORMS) technique, can produce reliable predictions of sound speed fields for the corresponding shallow water environment. This work also shows, through the development of simulations, that the upwelling regime can be responsible for the creation of shadow coastal zones, in which the detection probability is too low for an acoustic source to be detected. The development of the FORMS technique and its validation with real data, for the particular region of coastal upwelling off Cabo Frio, reveals the possibility of a sustainable and reliable forecast system for the corresponding (variable in space and time) underwater acoustic environment. (C) 2018 Acoustical Society of AmericaBrazilian Navy; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)/Ciencias Sem Fronteiras [400671/2014-0]; European Union [OAEX-230855]; Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa (FAPERJ) [E-26/110.327/2012

    O depósito de machados do Bronze Final de Cobidalto, Areosa (Viana do Castelo) : novos dados para a sua contextualização e interpretação

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    Pretende-se com este artigo dar a conhecer os resultados dos trabalhos arqueológicos levados a cabo no monu-mento funerário de Laceiras do Côvo 3, estrutura tumular enquadrável, provavelmente, na Idade do Bronze, localizada na freguesia de Arões, concelho de Vale de Cambra. Este monumento revela-se de particular inte-resse pela policromia intencional na matéria usada na sua construção e pela disposição cuidada dos elementos litológicos do tumulus, em que nada parece estar ao acaso. Tais características sugerem a intenção de manter o espaço dos mortos visível, assim como uma interligação simbólica entre rochas e minerais e as práticas relacio-nadas com a morte. Na linha de Tim Ingold (2000) consideramos, ainda, que a matéria do monumento seria portadora de determinadas propriedades, revelando-se como entidade viva e atuante na construção de sentidos e memórias associadas ao mundo dos mortos.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Abordagem participativa e pluridisciplinar na prevenção de lesões músculo-esqueléticas

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    Este trabalho descreve uma intervenção ergonómica desenvolvida por uma equipa multidisciplinar numa indústria de concepção de transformadores. O processo de intervenção foi desenvolvido num contexto de participação e focou-se na interacção dos trabalhadores com os dispositivos envolvidos na realização da actividade, em particular, nas consequências que derivam do facto destes dispositivos não serem desenvolvidos numa perspectiva centrada no utilizador final. Para além da descrição do contexto particular da intervenção e dos aspectos metodológicos que a conduziram, são discutidos os principais resultados, os quais apontam no sentido da necessidade de uma intervenção de reconcepção do posto de trabalho

    The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) as a screening test for cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis

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    This study investigates the utility of the Portuguese version of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) as a screening-method for identifying cognitive dysfunction (CD) in multiple sclerosis (MS). The 118 participants with comprehensive neuropsychological assessment were divided into two subgroups: (I) MS group (n = 59) and (II) control group (n = 59). The MS patients were classified as cognitively intact (n = 26) or impaired (n = 33, 56%). The results indicated that the MoCA is a psychometrically valid instrument in assessment of MS patients. The Multiple Linear Regression analyses highlighted the significant influence of Modified Fatigue Impact Scale and Irregular Word Reading Test on MoCA performance. The MoCA total score showed a good discriminative capacity between cognitively impaired and cognitively intact subjects. In addition, there were significant differences in MoCA cognitive domain scores between groups. The MoCA total score cut-off point for identifying CD in MS patients was a score below 26 points (AUC = 0.837, CI = 0.736-0.937). A proposed EM-MoCA-Subscore for identifying the MS-related cognitive impairment (max. score = 19 points, cut-off <17 points, AUC = 0.871, CI = 0.784-0.958), can reduce administration time for cognitive screening in clinical settings. The MoCA is a useful and sensitive instrument to identify the MS-related cognitive impairment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Uso da tomografia de ressonância magnética para diagnosticar os efeitos das injúrias mecânicas em figos "roxo de valinhos".

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    A produção de frutas de qualidade visando atender o crescente consumo de produtos frescos para mercados cada vez exigentes, tem sido o grande desafio para a fruticultura brasileira. Os impactos mecânicos a que as frutas estão submetidas durante as operações de manejo na colheita e pós-colheita são responsáveis por perdas fignificativas na produção, distribuição e comercialização. E importante ressaltar que a aparência externa também é um atributo de qualidade do fruto, sendo considerado como o principal fator de rejeição por parte do consumidor. Frutos murchos, amassados, e sem a cor característica, aparentando fruto de baixa qualidade sobram nas prateleiras dos supermercados. A busca de qualidade requer técnicas rápidas e não-destrutivas para a medida de algumas propriedades físicas dos frutos.bitstream/CNPDIA/8721/1/CT52_2003.pd
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