447 research outputs found

    Agroforestry Systems in Cuba: Some Aspects of Animal Production

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    The silvopastoral systems, that nowadays constitute scientific achievements of the Grasses and Forages Research Station Indio Hatuey , have been developed from the results of investigations that were carried out since the 1980s, to improve the productivity of natural pastures through the introduction of valuable herbaceous species and tree legumes. Those investigations also determined the essential elements of pasture management such as the optimal stocking rates for low input systems and suitable methods of grazing to obtain sustainability of grasslands

    Agroforestry Systems in Cuba: Some Aspects of Animal Production

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    The silvopastoral systems, that nowadays constitute scientific achievements of the Grasses and Forages Research Station “Indio Hatuey , have been developed from the results of investigations that were carried out since the 1980s, to improve the productivity of natural pastures through the introduction of valuable herbaceous species and tree legumes. Those investigations also determined the essential elements of pasture management such as the optimal stocking rates for low input systems and suitable methods of grazing to obtain sustainability of grasslands

    Arte paleolítico en Gorham's Cave (Gibraltar)

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    En este trabajo presentamos las novedades sobre el arte paleolítico de la cueva de Gorham. En el apartado mobiliar, abordamos una aproximación multidisciplinar en la que se analizan los datos petrográficos, deposicionales, diagenéticos, tafonómicos y antrópicos (técnicos o iconográficos) identificados en dos plaquetas de arte mueble. El arte parietal de Gorham se amplía con las manifestaciones localizadas en una Galería ubicada al final del cavernamiento. En ambos casos, la procedencia estratigráfica o los rasgos estilísticos permiten su atribución al Magdaleniense.We present the news on Palaeolithic art of Gorham’s cave. In paragraph of mobiliary art, we discuss a multidisciplinary approach in analyzing the petrographic, depositional, diagenetic, taphonomic and anthropic (technical or iconographic) data identified of two plaquettes of portable art. The Gorham’s cave art expands with the paintings located in the gallery located at the end of the cave. In both cases, the stratigraphic provenance or stylistic features allow its attribution to the Magdalenian

    Monitoring and environmental risk assessment of pesticide residues and some of their degradation products in natural waters of the Spanish vineyard region included in the Denomination of Origin Jumilla

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    [EN] Water pollution by pesticides used in agriculture is currently a major concern both in Spain and in Europe as a whole, prompting the need to evaluate water quality and ecological risk in areas of intensive agriculture. This study involved monitoring pesticide residues and certain degradation products in surface and ground waters of the Denomination of Origin (DO) Jumilla vineyard area in Spain. Sixty-nine pesticides were selected and evaluated at twenty-one sampling points using a multi-residue analytical method, based on solid-phase extraction (SPE) and analysis by liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS), providing reliable results. Twenty-six compounds from those selected were detected in the samples analyzed (eleven insecticides including one degradation product, nine herbicides, and six fungicides) and fifteen of them were found in concentrations over 0.1 μg L−1 (upper threshold established by the EU for pesticides detected in waters for human consumption). Indoxacarb was present in more than 70% of the samples, being the most frequently detected compound in water samples. Some pesticides were ubiquitous in all the water samples. Ecotoxicological risk indicators, toxic units (TUs) and risk quotients (RQs), for algae, Daphnia magna and fish were calculated to estimate the environmental risk of the presence of pesticides in waters. The compounds with the highest risk were the herbicides pendimethalin, with RQ values > 1 for the three aquatic organisms, and diflufenican, posing a high risk for algae and fish, and the insecticide chlorpyrifos, with a high risk for Daphnia magna and fish. The ∑TUi determined for water at each sampling point posed only a high risk for the three aquatic organisms in a sample. These results are important for considering the selection of pesticides with less environmental risk in intensive agricultural areas

    Sarcomas de partes blandas. Análisis de 42 casos

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    El objetivo de este estudio es valorar el pronóstico a largo plazo de una serie de pacientes tratados en nuestro hospital en relación con diversos factores clínicos, diagnósticos y terapéuticos que podrían condicionarlo. Se revisaron 123 pacientes tratado por tumores malignos de partes blandas entre los años 1979 y 1999, de estos solo 42 cumplieron las características para incluirles en nuestro estudio. Se valoró su evolución teniendo en cuenta las variables pronosticas identificadas en trabajos previamente publicados y nuestra propia experiencia y se realizó el estudio estadístico de las mismas. En el análisis estadístico del estudio se utilizó el programa SPSS versión 8.0WIN y se realizó el análisis de supervivencia mediante el método de Kaplan-Meier. El tiempo de supervivencia total descrito según este método para el total de los casos estudiados presenta una mediana de 33 meses con un error estándar de 8 y un intervalo de confianza del 95% de (17,49), el tiempo libre de enfermedad presenta una mediana de 9 meses con un error estándar de 2 y un intervalo de confianza del 95% de (6,12) y el tiempo de aparición de metástasis presenta una mediana de 26 meses con un error estándar de 5 y un intervalo de confianza del 95% de (17,35). A su vez se realizó el análisis bivariante de las múltiples variables pronosticas. El gran número de variables y la dispersión de la muestra hacen aconsejable estudios multicéntricos prospectivos más numerosos para obtener conclusiones definitivas sobre este tipo de tumores.The aim of this study is to evaluate the long-term prognosis of a series of patients treated in our hospital with regard to various clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic factors. A total of 123 patients who had been treated for malignant soft tissue tumours between 1979 and 1999 were reviewed. Of these, only 42 fulfilled the requirements to be included in our study. The outcome was evaluated taking into account prognostic variables identified in previously published studies and our own experience, and a statistical study of these factors as carried out with the Kaplan-Meier survival analysis method. The total survival time for all the cases studied was 33+8 (median + SE) months with a 95% confidence interval of 17.49 months. The time free of illness was 9+2 (median + SE) months with a 95% confidence interval of 6.12 months. The time-period until metastasis appeared was 26+5 (median + SE) months with a 95% confidence interval of 17.35 months. At the same time, the bivariant analysis of the many prognostic variables was performed. The high number of variables and the dispersion of the sample group suggest that it would be advisable to carry out more prospective, multicentric studies to reach definitive conclusions about this type of tumour

    Differential cytogenetic profile in advanced chronic myeloid leukemia with sequential lymphoblastic and myeloblastic blast crisis

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    Frequency of additional chromosomal abnormalities in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is estimated to be 7% in chronic phase and increases to 40–70% in advanced disease. Progression of CML from chronic phase to accelerated phase or blast crisis is often associated with secondary chromosomal aberrations. We report an exceptional case of CML as debut in lymphoblastic blast crisis and a subsequent progression in myeloblastic blast crisis with rare cytogenetic abnormalities

    Neolithic in ‘La Pileta’ Cave (Benaoján, Málaga)

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    Cueva de la Pileta es uno de los enclaves clásicos en la historiografía de la Prehistoria del sur de Iberia, sobre todo por las representaciones de arte rupestre. No obstante, el yacimiento también dispone de una amplia secuencia estratigráfica del Cuaternario reciente (p. ej., 7 m de potencia en la sala de los Murciélagos) que apenas ha recibido atención bibliográfica. Este trabajo se centra en la historiografía de los trabajos en el yacimiento y en el estudio de los materiales neolíticos. La colección cerámica y sus paralelos técnicos y estilísticos en el contexto del Mediterráneo y sur ibérico permiten integrar La Pileta dentro del primer Neolítico en Andalucía con una edad encuadrada en la segunda mitad del 8º milenio cal BP.Cave of La Pileta is a key site in southern Iberia prehistoric historiography. It’s mainly known for its rock art paintings, but the archaeological site also has a wide stratigraphic sequence of Recent Quaternary period (e.g. 7 meters in ‘Murciélagos’ Room) that has scarcely been studied. This paper focuses on historiographical analysis of worked areas and Neolithic materials. Ceramics and its stylistic and technical parallels in the Mediterranean and southern Iberian context allow us to classify Pileta in the first Neolithic period of Andalusia, second half of 8th millenium cal BP

    Herramientas telemáticas en la formación a distancia: eficacia en la interactividad y la comunicación

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    El desarrollo de la sociedad , en gran medida viene motivado por las herramientas que el hombre ha generado. No podemos pensar en el desarrollo de la sociedad sin pensar en el entorno educativo. Por ello el reto que afrontamos lo hacemos desde un proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje a distancia, a través de las herramientas telemáticas que facilitan la comunicación y la interactividad alumno-profesor (correo electrónico, chat, tablón de noticias, foros de discusión, ejercicios interactivos…), aprovechando las ventajas de Internet, ya que Internet está promoviendo una nueva visión del conocimiento, está creando nuevos escenarios y también nuevos roles en la sociedad.The development of the human society is mostly a consequence of the tools people generate continuosly. In the development is of greatest interest the educational environment, our aim with this work is to generate a distance learnin process based on telematic tools (e-mail, chat, news, virtual board, interactive test…) to provide interactive-communication between students and teachers taking advantege of Internet possibilities

    Orbital and physical properties of the sigma Ori Aa, Ab, B triple system

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    We provide a complete characterization of the astrophysical properties of the sigma Ori Aa, Ab, B hierarchical triple system and an improved set of orbital parameters for the highly eccentric sigma Ori Aa, Ab spectroscopic binary. We compiled a spectroscopic data set comprising 90 high-resolution spectra covering a total time span of 1963 days. We applied the Lehman-Filhes method for a detailed orbital analysis of the radial velocity curves and performed a combined quantitative spectroscopic analysis of the sigma Ori Aa, Ab, B system by means of the stellar atmosphere code FASTWIND. We used our own plus other available information on photometry and distance to the system for measuring the radii, luminosities, and spectroscopic masses of the three components. We also inferred evolutionary masses and stellar ages using the Bayesian code BONNSAI. The orbital analysis of the new radial velocity curves led to a very accurate orbital solution of the sigma Ori Aa, Ab pair. We provided indirect arguments indicating that sigma Ori B is a fast-rotating early B dwarf. The FASTWIND+BONNSAI analysis showed that the Aa, Ab pair contains the hottest and most massive components of the triple system while sigma Ori B is a bit cooler and less massive. The derived stellar ages of the inner pair are intriguingly younger than the one widely accepted for the sigma Orionis cluster, at 3 +/- 1 Ma. The outcome of this study will be of key importance for a precise determination of the distance to the s Orionis cluster, the interpretation of the strong X-ray emission detected for sigma Ori Aa, Ab, B, and the investigation of the formation and evolution of multiple massive stellar systems and substellar objects

    Integral field spectroscopy of selected areas of the Bright Bar and Orion-S cloud in the Orion Nebula

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    We present integral field spectroscopy of two selected zones in the Orion Nebula obtained with the Potsdam Multi-Aperture Spectrophotometer (PMAS), covering the optical spectral range from 3500 to 7200 A and with a spatial resolution of 1". The observed zones are located on the prominent Bright Bar and on the brightest area at the northeast of the Orion South cloud, both containing remarkable ionization fronts. We obtain maps of emission line fluxes and ratios, electron density and temperatures, and chemical abundances. We study the ionization structure and morphology of both fields, which ionization fronts show different inclination angles with respect to the plane of the sky. We find that the maps of electron density, O+/H+ and O/H ratios show a rather similar structure. We interpret this as produced by the strong dependence on density of the [OII] lines used to derive the O+ abundance, and that our nominal values of electron density-derived from the [SII] line ratio-may be slightly higher than the appropriate value for the O+ zone. We measure the faint recombination lines of OII in the field at the northeast of the Orion South cloud allowing us to explore the so-called abundance discrepancy problem. We find a rather constant abundance discrepancy across the field and a mean value similar to that determined in other areas of the Orion Nebula, indicating that the particular physical conditions of this ionization front do not contribute to this discrepancy.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA
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