234 research outputs found

    A cryptic species of freshwater fishes in Southern Spain is found by way of molecular analysis of the genus Squalius Bonaparte, 1837 (Acanthopterygii, Cyprinidae)

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    Poster presentado en: 16th Conference Young Systematists’ Forum, At Natural History Museum, London, UK, (2014)The taxonomy of the Spanish freshwater fishes was mainly precluded for the monumental work of Lozano Rey (1935). This work considered the same origin to the Iberian and the rest of European fish fauna. Differences in morphology many times were assigned to small local variations and Spanish populations were attributed taxonomically to subspecies of well recognized central and north European species. This vision of Spanish freshwater fishes has changed because of molecular systematics, which found a high diversity and different origins to this fish fauna. The number of species was increasing since 1980 and an endemic cyprinid, Squalius malacitanus (Doadrio and Carmona, 2006), was currently described. As consequence of a phylogeographical approach to all populations of Squalius malacitanus using nuclear and mitochondrial molecular markers, we found two deep divergent groups. These two groups have higher divergences than other Spanish species of same genus.This study was funded by project CGL2010-15231BOS.Peer reviewe

    Effects of Pleistocene marine transgressions on the evolutionary history of the genus Squalius (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae) in Southern Iberia

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    Póster presentado en: V Jornadas Ibéricas de Ictiología (SIBIC), At Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência ( Lisboa, Portugal), 2014[EN] To study the effects that these geological and climatic events could have had above populations of freshwater fishes inhabiting Southern Spain during Cenozoic period in Gibraltar Strait region, we carried out a phylogeographical and demographic approach of two species of primary freshwater fishes (Squalius malacitanus and Squalius pyrenaicus) using nuclear and mitochondrial genes as molecular markers. In the phylogenetic study our results showed four well-differenced groups, divided into two main phylogroups, belonging to each studied species and reflecting an allopatric distribution. The two groups found in the species Squalius malacitanus have higher divergences than S. pyrenaicus . Therefore, we conducted a molecular and morphometric study of Atlantic and Mediterranean populations to characterize the two populations from a taxonomic point of view. In both species, Mediterranean populations showed a lower genetic diversity than Atlantic populations and we observed a correlation between area basin and genetic diversity. Moreover, we carried out a study of endemic and endangered species S. malacitanus.[ES] Primary freshwater fishes, whose dispersion is limited mainly to inside river basins, are commonly used with biogeographical purposes. The Gibraltar Strait area is one of the most complex biogeographical regions during the Cenozoic due to tectonical and climatic processes, which must severely affect to populations of organisms inhabiting this area. To study the effects that these geological and climatic events could have had above populations of freshwater fishes inhabiting Southern Spain, we realized a phylogeographical and demographic approach of two species: Squalius malacitanus and Squalius pyrenaicus, using cytochrome b (mtDNA) and RAG-1 (nDNA) as molecular markers. Both S. malacitanus and S. pyrenaicus are primary fish belonging to Cyprinidae family and endemic from the Iberian Peninsula. The species S malacitanus has a more restricted distribution area, is only present in southern Spain, and has been listed as endangered in (lo saqué de Kottelat). We carried out a study of S. malacitanus habitat availability to predict its future distribution and the most important variables to improve its conservation status. Our results showed four well-differenced groups in the phylogenetic study, grouped into two main phylogroups, belonging to each studied species and reflecting an allopatric distribution. The two groups found in the species Squalius malacitanus have higher divergences than S. pyrenaicus and are distributed one by the Atlantic slope of Gibraltar Strait and the other by the Mediterranean ones. In both species, Mediterranean populations showed a lower genetic diversity than Atlantic populations and we observed a correlation between area basin and genetic diversity. Moreover, we conducted a molecular and morphometric study of Atlantic and Mediterranean populations to characterize the two populations since a taxonomic point of view.This study was funded by project CGL2010-15231BOSPeer reviewe

    Diagnóstico socioecológico y tipificación de agricultura familiar periurbana, con énfasis en producción de durazno (Prunus persica), en El Jarillo, Venezuela

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    The objective of this work was to typify and describe, from a socioecological perspective, the agricultural activity of the family farming systems in El Jarillo, Venezuela. A transversal descriptive research was carried out from 2009 to 2016 and mixed methods and tools were used, including ethnographic ones. Twenty-seven family farming systems and 44 indicators were measured and analyzed to describe the main characteristics of the systems. Emphasis was placed on peach production. The indicators were grouped in four categories of analysis: Quality of Life (QL), Social Reproduction of the Family (SRF), Energy Efficiency and Conservation of Natural Resources (EECNR) and Autonomy vis-à-vis the Markets (AM). All indicator were weighted on a scale of 0 to 4. Despite being all systems focused on peach production, the differences were sufficient to identify the four types of production systems (A-D). Most of the farms grouped in type A (68%), and only one farm in type D (4%). Types A and D produce only peach, types B produce peach combined with other crops for sale and types C produce items for self-consumption. The average yield of peach was higher than 140 kg plant-1 crop-1 in the period analyzed for all types, except for type D. All types of farms are using agrochemicals to fertilize, fight pests and diseases, and induce flowering, based on techniques of the green revolution. The categories of QL, SRF and AM turned out to be favorable to sustainability, however, the difficulties encountered in the EECNR limit sustainability. The quality of life standards of the farming families are the product of the high rentability and the moderate economic risk, at the expense of the natural resourcesPostprint (published version

    Socioecological diagnosis and peri-urban family agriculture typification, with emphasis in the production of peach (Prunus persica), in El Jarillo, Venezuela

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    The objective of this work was to typify and describe, from a socioecological perspective, the agricultural activity of the family farming systems in El Jarillo, Venezuela. A transversal descriptive research was carried out from 2009 to 2016 and mixed methods and tools were used, including ethnographic ones. Twenty-seven family farming systems and 44 indicators were measured and analyzed to describe the main characteristics of the systems. Emphasis was placed on peach production. The indicators were grouped in four categories of analysis: Quality of Life (QL), Social Reproduction of the Family (SRF), Energy Efficiency and Conservation of Natural Resources (EECNR) and Autonomy vis-à-vis the Markets (AM). All indicator were weighted on a scale of 0 to 4. Despite being all systems focused on peach production, the differences were sufficient to identify the four types of production systems (A-D). Most of the farms grouped in type A (68%), and only one farm in type D (4%). Types A and D produce only peach, types B produce peach combined with other crops for sale and types C produce items for self-consumption. The average yield of peach was higher than 140 kg plant-1 crop-1 in the period analyzed for all types, except for type D. All types of farms are using agrochemicals to fertilize, fight pests and diseases, and induce flowering, based on techniques of the green revolution. The categories of QL, SRF and AM turned out to be favorable to sustainability, however, the difficulties encountered in the EECNR limit sustainability. The quality of life standards of the farming families are the product of the high rentability and the moderate economic risk, at the expense of the natural resources.The objective of this work was to typify and describe, from a socioecological perspective, the agricultural activity of the family farming systems in El Jarillo, Venezuela. A transversal descriptive research was carried out from 2009 to 2016 and mixed methods and tools were used, including ethnographic ones. Twenty-seven family farming systems and 44 indicators were measured and analyzed to describe the main characteristics of the systems. Emphasis was placed on peach production. The indicators were grouped in four categories of analysis: Quality of Life (QL), Social Reproduction of the Family (SRF), Energy Efficiency and Conservation of Natural Resources (EECNR) and Autonomy vis-à-vis the Markets (AM). All indicator were weighted on a scale of 0 to 4. Despite being all systems focused on peach production, the differences were sufficient to identify the four types of production systems (A-D). Most of the farms grouped in type A (68%), and only one farm in type D (4%). Types A and D produce only peach, types B produce peach combined with other crops for sale and types C produce items for self-consumption. The average yield of peach was higher than 140 kg plant-1 crop-1 in the period analyzed for all types, except for type D. All types of farms are using agrochemicals to fertilize, fight pests and diseases, and induce flowering, based on techniques of the green revolution. The categories of QL, SRF and AM turned out to be favorable to sustainability, however, the difficulties encountered in the EECNR limit sustainability. The quality of life standards of the farming families are the product of the high rentability and the moderate economic risk, at the expense of the natural resources

    Comunidades de práctica e innovación: aprender a emprender en el área de Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Documentación

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    ResumenEl propósito del trabajo es ofrecer directrices teóricas y metodológicas para diseñar, crear y desarrollar Comunidades de Práctica (CoP) en el área de la Bibliotecología y las Ciencias de la Documentación. Las CoP presentan la posibilidad de integrar en un mismo entorno o comunidad a miembros con objetivos comunes que buscan beneficiarse de la generación de conocimientos compartidos. En este contexto de desarrollo se presenta un caso real, circunscrito en el marco de un proyecto de innovación educativa, con alumnos del Máster en Gestión de la Documentación, Bibliotecas y Archivos de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Documentación de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España). Dicho caso ofrece una perspectiva de uso efectivo de una CoP aportando un escenario o red de intercambio de conocimiento común, que sirve de apoyo al aprendizaje educativo y cuya finalidad principal es fomentar la cultura innovadora y emprendedora entre todos sus participantes.AbstractThis study aims to provide guidelines for designing, creating and developing a Community of Practice (CoP) in the area Library and Documentation Science. Such a CoP offers the potential of bringing together persons with shared interests and objectives who can reap real benefits through the generation of shared knowledge. The paper presents a case study involving an educational project with master degree candidates in the Documentation, Libraries and Archives Management of the Faculty of the Documentary Science of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain). This case provides a view of the effective use of CoP, which constitutes a scenario or network for exchange of shared knowledge, while underpinning educational learning and promoting the culture of innovation and enterprise among the members of the community

    Propuesta de intervención: aplicación de metodologías activas en formación profesional sanitaria

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    La pandemia de la COVID-19 ha generado un punto de inflexión en la formación relacionada con las ciencias de la salud, aumentando visiblemente la valoración y el reconocimiento de las mismas. La FP sanitaria está orientada a la adquisición de conocimientos, habilidades y aptitudes que permitirán el correcto desarrollo de los diferentes procedimientos en el ámbito de la salud, así como la potenciación del lado humano del alumnado. A través del presente TFM, se plantea una propuesta de intervención docente dirigida a los estudiantes de cuidados auxiliares de enfermería, cuya finalidad es ofrecer una educación especializada, continuada y de calidad, que permita al alumnado alcanzar los objetivos didácticos establecidos fomentando la participación y la motivación mediante el uso de diferentes metodologías activas. Para ello, se han elaborado diferentes tareas y actividades, combinando varias metodologías activas, como son el método expositivo, la gamificación, la visualización de vídeos explicativos o la realización de simulacros mediante talleres teórico-prácticos. Tras la puesta en práctica de la intervención desarrollada en este TFM, se puede concluir con que la aplicación de las diferentes metodologías activas expuestas, facilitan el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje creando un clima ameno y dinámico en el que la motivación y la participación se ven incrementadas. Además, resulta oportuno destacar que la experiencia como docente ha resultado muy positiva y gratificante, marcando el inicio de un camino dirigido a la docencia, en el que la vocación, la constancia y el esfuerzo serán claves en un entorno en continuo cambio. Palabras clave: formación profesional sanitaria, cuidados auxiliares de enfermería, metodologías activas, trabajo de fin de máster, motivación.<br /

    Actúa, la realidad está fuera del aula

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    El objetivo principal del máster es proporcionar formación pedagógica y didáctica para el ejercicio de la profesión docente. Los docentes no solo somos meros trasmisores de conocimiento sino que tenemos que convertirnos en profesionales adaptados a la sociedad actual que formen a las personas para que tengan aptitud y actitud. Un alumno licenciado, cuando termina su especialidad esta dotado de conocimientos académicos específicos sobre una materia, pero es una realidad, que cuando terminamos nuestros estudios universitarios carecemos de formación pedagógica y didáctica para enfrentarnos a las futuras generaciones de alumnos en el aula si queremos ser docentes, necesitamos desarrollar competencias, destrezas y habilidades sociales para manejar esas situaciones. Debemos estar preparados para resolver los problemas que se nos presenten, plantear actividades innovadoras y nuevas metodologías, percibir que es necesaria una formación continua para adaptarnos por adelantado a los futuros cambios que se produzcan en la sociedad. El profesor debe adaptarse al contexto educativo que se le presente, a cada alumno, a cada aula, todos los institutos no son iguales. El máster ha sido un ejemplo de adaptación con la orden EC/3858/2007 DE 27 de diciembre, quizás ha llegado un poco tarde, pero el resultado ha sido positivo. Han sido necesarias unas cifras muy elevadas de fracaso escolar, que han puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de un cambio. Me he integrado en la profesión docente, conociendo su marco legal e institucional, a través de su pasado, presente y perspectivas de futuro. No existe un modelo único de profesor, este debe adaptarse al contexto que demanda la situación actual, aplicando la normativa del sistema educativo y ajustándose a la organización de cada centro. Tiene que participar en la concreción del currículo y analizar y valorar el proyecto educativo del centro, el cual debe ser creado por todos los docentes del centro, atendiendo a criterios de mejora de calidad, atención a la diversidad, prevención de problemas de aprendizaje y convivencia y promover acciones de educación emocional, en valores y formación ciudadana

    Aldehydes as photoremovable directing groups: synthesis of pyrazoles by a photocatalyzed [3+2] cycloaddition/norrish type fragmentation sequence

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    A straightforward methodology for the regioselective synthesis of pyrazoles has been developed by a domino sequence based on a photoclick cycloaddition followed by a photocatalyzed oxidative deformylation reaction. Distinguishing features of this protocol include an unprecedented photoredox-catalyzed Norrish type fragmentation under green-light irradiation and the use of α,β-unsaturated aldehydes as synthetic equivalents of alkynes, where the aldehyde is acting as a novel photoremovable directing groupThis work was supported by the MINECO (CTQ2014-53894-R and CTQ2017-85454-C2-2-P) and FEDER/MICIU (PGC2018-098660-B-I00) of Spain. L.O.-R. thanks MINECO for a FPI fellowship, and A.P.-E. thanks CAM for a postdoctoral fellowshi

    Efecto de las transgresiones marinas en la ictiofauna continental: el caso del género Squalius (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) (Bonaparte, 1837) en el Sur de España

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    Presentación en las V Jornadas del Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiva. At Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC), Madrid, 2012Con objeto de deducir los efectos que han tenido las transgresiones marinas a lo largo del Plio-Pleistoceno en el Golfo de Cádiz, causados tanto por el último fenómeno glacial como por la acción de los Tsunamis ocurridos en esta área, se ha realizado un estudio filogeográfico de las especies del género Squalius que habitan en el sur de España. Para ello, inicialmente se secuenció el gen del citocromo b, a partir del cual se ha estudiado la estructura y la variabilidad genética de las especies del género Squalius. Mediante métodos de coalescencia se ha estimado el tamaño y los tiempos de expansión de las poblaciones, y el flujo génico entre ellas. De este modo, se ha determinado la importancia de las trasgresiones marinas y de la laguna de la Janda en la evolución de las poblaciones de peces primarios de agua dulce, concretamente en el género Squalius.Peer reviewe

    Hacer el estado: carreteras, conflicto y órdenes locales en los territorios de las FARC

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    En agosto de 2017, como parte de los acuerdos de paz con el gobierno colombiano, las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) hicieron entrega de una extensa lista de bienes destinados a reparar a las víctimas del conflicto armado. Entre estos se incluyeron cerca de 3.700 kilómetros de carreteras, la mayoría localizadas en zonas de influencia de esta guerrilla. En este artículo indagamos el tipo de actores, colaboraciones, relaciones de poder y tecnologías que hicieron posible la construcción de carreteras en Puerto Guzmán, un municipio amazónico con presencia prolongada de las FARC. En este sentido, argumentamos que la construcción y transformación en el tiempo de estas infraestructuras permiten entender al estado como una coproducción que involucra dinámicas y actores distintos, algunos antagónicos al orden estatal.In August of 2017, as part of the Peace Accords with the Colombian government, the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) presented an extensive list of assets to be destined toward the victims of the armed conflict. It included approximately 3,700 kilometers of roads, most of them located in areas of influence of this guerrilla group. In this article, we investigate the type of actors, collaborations, power relations and technologies that made the construction of roads possible in Puerto Guzmán, an Amazonian municipality with a prolonged FARC presence. We argue that the construction and transformation of these infrastructures over time enables us to understand the state as a co-production involving different dynamics and actors, including some antagonistic to the state order.Em agosto de 2017, como parte dos acordos de paz com o governo colombiano, as Forças Armadas Revolucionárias da Colômbia (FARC), houve a entrega de uma extensa lista de bens destinados a reparar as vítimas do conflito armado. Entre esses bens, foram incluídos aproximadamente 3.700 quilômetros de estrada, a maioria localizada em áreas de influência dessa guerrilha. Neste artigo, questionamos o tipo de atores, colaborações, relações de poder e tecnologias que tornaram possível a construção de rodovias em Puerto Guzmán, um município amazônico com presença prolongada das FARC. Nesse sentido, argumentamos que a construção e a transformação no tempo dessas infraestruturas permitem entender o estado como uma coprodução que envolve dinâmicas e atores diferentes, alguns antagônicos à ordem estatal