2,182 research outputs found

    Impact of ConcanavalinA affinity in the intracellular fate of Protein Corona on Glucosamine Au nanoparticles

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    Biological fate and toxicity of nanoparticles (NPs) are connected to the interaction between NPs and the protein corona (PC) spontaneously forming around NPs in biological matrixes. PC is a dynamic entity that confers biological identity to NPs. In this work, fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS) is used to study the impact of specific interactions between the NP surface and proteins on the intracellular fate of PC. The stability of the PC formed around glucosamide-functionalized Au-NPs from ConcanavalinA (ConA) or Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) is characterized by FCCS. The NPs show higher affinity for ConA and competitive assays show that ConA easily exchanges BSA. A549 cells are exposed to glucosamide-functionalized Au-NPs with preformed ConA and BSA PCs. Intracellularly the frequency of cross-correlation for Au NPs with ConA PC remains constant to a 70% value until 24 h while for BSA it decreases to a 15% during the same period. FCCS measurements in several locations in the cell point out a different level of aggregation for the NPs with either ConA or BSA PCs. Our results show that the affinity of NPs functionalized with a ligand with affinity for a specific protein in bulk is retained intracellularly influencing NP fate and translocation

    Ceramiche di Roccacolonnalta. Indagini preliminari

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    Inventario e analisi dei reperti ceramici (XIII-XVI secc.) emersi nel corso degli scavi archeologici condotti da P.F. Pistilli nel castello di Roccacolonnalta, presso il comune di Sanginesio (Macerata). Gli scavi del sito fortificato, appartenuto in origine alla locale casata dei Brunforte, sono stati effettuati nelle campagne estive 2007, 2008 e 2009 con l'ausilio degli studenti della Scuola di Specializzazione in beni storico-artistici dell'Università di Roma La Sapienza

    Proteins Are Solitary! Pathways of Protein Folding and Aggregation in Protein Mixtures

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    We present a computational and experimental study on the folding and aggregation in solutions of multiple protein mixtures at different concentrations. We show how in protein mixtures, each component is capable of maintaining its folded state at desensitises higher then the one at which they would precipitate in single species solutions. We demonstrate the generality of our observation over many different proteins using computer simulations capable of fully characterising the cross-aggregation phase diagram of all the mixtures. Dynamic light Scattering experiments were performed to evaluate the aggregation of two proteins, the bovine serum albumin (BSA) and the consensus tetratricopeptide repeat (CTPR), in solutions of one or both proteins. The experiment confirm our hypothesis and the simulations. These findings elucidate critical aspects on the cross-regulation of expression and aggregation of proteins exerted by the cell and on the evolutionary selection of folding and not-aggregating protein sequences, paving the way for new experimental tests


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    Osteoporosis and ageing affects the migration of stem cells and this is ameliorated by transfection with CXCR4

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    OBJECTIVES: Cellular movement and relocalisation are important for many physiologic properties. Local mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from injured tissues and circulating MSCs aid in fracture healing. Cytokines and chemokines such as Stromal cell-derived factor 1(SDF-1) and its receptor chemokine receptor type 4 (CXCR4) play important roles in maintaining mobilisation, trafficking and homing of stem cells from bone marrow to the site of injury. We investigated the differences in migration of MSCs from the femurs of young, adult and ovariectomised (OVX) rats and the effect of CXCR4 over-expression on their migration. METHODS: MSCs from young, adult and OVX rats were put in a Boyden chamber to establish their migration towards SDF-1. This was compared with MSCs transfected with CXCR4, as well as MSCs differentiated to osteoblasts. RESULTS: MSCs from OVX rats migrate significantly (p < 0.05) less towards SDF-1 (9%, sd 5%) compared with MSCs from adult (15%, sd 3%) and young rats (25%, sd 4%). Cells transfected with CXCR4 migrated significantly more towards SDF-1 compared with non-transfected cells, irrespective of whether these cells were from OVX (26.5%, sd 4%), young (47%, sd 17%) or adult (21%, sd 4%) rats. Transfected MSCs differentiated to osteoblasts express CXCR4 but do not migrate towards SDF-1. CONCLUSIONS: MSC migration is impaired by age and osteoporosis in rats, and this may be associated with a significant reduction in bone formation in osteoporotic patients. The migration of stem cells can be ameliorated by upregulating CXCR4 levels which could possibly enhance fracture healing in osteoporotic patients

    Selective laser sintering of hydroxyapatite reinforced polyethylene composites for bioactive implants and tissue scaffold development

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    Selective laser sintering (SLS) has been investigated for the production of bioactive implants and tissue scaffolds using composites of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) reinforced with hydroxyapatite (HA) with the aim of achieving the rapid manufacturing of customized implants. Single-layer and multilayer block specimens made of HA-HDPE composites with 30 and 40 vol % HA were sintered successfully using a CO2 laser sintering system. Laser power and scanning speed had a significant effect on the sintering behaviour. The degree of particle fusion and porosity were influenced by the laser processing parameters, hence control can be attained by varying these parameters. Moreover, the SLS processing allowed exposure of HA particles on the surface of the composites and thereby should provide bioactive products. Pores existed in the SLS-fabricated composite parts and at certain processing parameters a significant fraction of the pores were within the optimal sizes for tissue regeneration. The results indicate that the SLS technique has the potential not only to fabricate HA-HDPE composite products but also to produce appropriate features for their application as bioactive implants and tissue scaffolds

    Benign hereditary chorea: clinical and neuroimaging features in an Italian family.

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    Abstract: Benign hereditary chorea is an autosomal domi- nant disorder characterized by early onset nonprogressive chorea, caused by mutations of the thyroid transcription factor-1 (TITF-1) gene. Clinical heterogeneity has been reported and thyroid and respiratory abnormalities may be present. We describe 3 patients of an Italian family carrying the S145X mutation in the TITF-1 gene with mild motor delay, childhood onset dyskinesias, and subtle cognitive impairment. A child in the third generation pre- sented with congenital hypothyroidism and neonatal respi- ratory distress. Imaging studies in 2 patients showed mild ventricular enlargement and empty sella at magnetic reso- nance imaging and hypometabolism of basal ganglia and cortex at 18-Fluoro-2-deoxy-glucose positron emission tomography

    Bringing cultured meat to market: Technical, socio-political, and regulatory challenges in cellular agriculture

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    Background Cultured meat forms part of the emerging field of cellular agriculture. Still an early stage field it seeks to deliver products traditionally made through livestock rearing in novel forms that require no, or significantly reduced, animal involvement. Key examples include cultured meat, milk, egg white and leather. Here, we focus upon cultured meat and its technical, socio-political and regulatory challenges and opportunities. Scope and approach The paper reports the thinking of an interdisciplinary team, all of whom have been active in the field for a number of years. It draws heavily upon the published literature, as well as our own professional experience. This includes ongoing laboratory work to produce cultured meat and over seventy interviews with experts in the area conducted in the social science work. Key findings and conclusions Cultured meat is a promising, but early stage, technology with key technical challenges including cell source, culture media, mimicking the in-vivo myogenesis environment, animal-derived and synthetic materials, and bioprocessing for commercial-scale production. Analysis of the social context has too readily been reduced to ethics and consumer acceptance, and whilst these are key issues, the importance of the political and institutional forms a cultured meat industry might take must also be recognised, and how ambiguities shape any emergent regulatory system

    Influence of surface coating on the intracellular behaviour of gold nanoparticles : a fluorescence correlation spectroscopy study

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    In the biomedical applications of nanoparticles (NPs), the proper choice of surface chemistry is a crucial aspect in their design. The nature of the coating can heavily impact the interaction of NPs with biomolecules, affect the state of aggregation, and ultimately determine their biological fate. As such, protein corona formation and the aggregation behaviour of gold NPs (Au NPs) are studied here. Au NPs are prepared with four distinct surface functionalisations, namely mercaptosuccinic acid (MSA), N-4-thiobutyroil glucosamine, HS-PEG5000 and HS-alkyl-PEG600. Corona formation, aggregation, and the intracellular behaviour of the Au NPs are then investigated by means of Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) in cell culture media and in live cells. To evaluate the state of aggregation and the formation of a protein corona, the Au NPs are incubated in cell media and the diffusion coefficient is determined via FCS. The in vitro behaviour is compared with the level of aggregation of the NPs in cells. Diffusion times of the NPs are estimated at different positions in the cell after a one hour incubation period. It is found that the majority of MSA and glucose-Au NPs are present inside the cell as slowly diffusing species with diffusion times (\u3c4D) greater than 6000 \u3bcs (hydrodynamic diameter >250 nm). PEGylated Au NPs adsorb a small amount of protein and manifest low agglomeration both in media and in living cells. In particular, the HS-alkyl-PEG600 coating shows an excellent correlation between lower protein adsorption, 4-fold lower compared to the MSA coated NPs, and limited intracellular aggregation. In the case of single HS-alkyl-PEG600 coated NPs, it is found that typical intracellular \u3c4D values range from 500 to 1500 \u3bcs, indicating that these particles display reduced aggregation in the intracellular environment
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