3,504 research outputs found

    Fish farm health evaluation: interpretation of site mortality records

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    In aquaculture worldwide, diseases are a significant constraint to economic expansion. The Scottish salmonid industry has experienced many cycles of development, with episodes of little or negative profitability caused by excess of production, and times of crisis due to different disease problems. In Scotland, the early implementation of regulation largely contributed to the control of infectious disease outbreaks. The recent Chilean outbreak of infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) illustrated the threats and the impacts of disease in the aquaculture industry and the importance of implementing good regulation and husbandry practices to reduce the impact of the spread of infectious disease. Databases of site production data have an important role to play in the investigation and understanding of diseases. They store valuable data collected during the time of production, which are essential for the identification of potential health and production problems during the production cycle of farmed fish. Mortality records are one of the most important sources of information on a farm, especially if it includes the cause of death as deformities, predators and diseases. Any deviation from the expected levels of mortality may indicate production problems, infectious diseases, or inadequate welfare. The investigation of increased rates of mortality must include examining farm records, determining the influence of death rate on production and the potential risk factors of diseases in a farm. This project demonstrated the importance of mortality records for setting industry standards of “expected” mortality losses and for investigating the value of recorded mortalities as a tool for aiding in surveillance and control of infectious diseases. It also aimed to determine the utility of reported mortality in supporting and assisting management-strategy decisions at the farm and industry level. In this project, we developed a baseline benchmark curve for expected mortality losses for Atlantic salmon in seawater. This novel approach constitutes a first attempt to establish a baseline curve for normal mortality, which allows detection of potential production problems based on deviations of mortality from the baseline curve of normal mortality. The results of this study also indicated that mortality levels may vary across production cycles, which can again be identified by using the baseline. We found that site was the factor with the highest contribution to variance in mortality. This site-to-site variation in mortality may have resulted from epidemics and environmental incidents, or other local event/effects. Temperature, and/or geographical area were also characteristics that contribute to variation in mortality. The regulator, Marine Scotland Science, with the backing and support of the salmonid industry has suggested potential mortality thresholds as an indicator of presence of infectious diseases, which could be used as alerts for inspection by the official authority. In this study, high mortality rates on fish farms were investigated as an indicator of the presence of infectious disease. The analysis was performed using several analytical approaches: receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis, measures of sensitivity and specificity, and bootstrap methods. The study was performed by splitting the production cycle into small fish with mean weight below 750 g and large fish with mean weight over 750 g. In the small fish, the results did not suggest reported mortality as a strong indicator of the presence of infectious disease, which may be caused by the lack of records of infectious disease at this stage of the production cycle. In the larger fish, high mortality rates were found to be a strong potential indicator of the presence of infectious diseases, including the suggested mortality threshold. In a survey, the role of traditional diagnosis in the prevention and control of disease outbreaks was assessed. For that, key informant interviews were performed with open questions to the health or farm manager of several trout and Atlantic salmon farms and we also used the diagnostic reports of the Veterinary Diagnostic Services (VDS) from Stirling University to triangulate the data. We showed that disease diagnoses are of great importance for disease identification and control of actual diseases. Farmer’s experience was also indicated as essential in the identification of the first signs of disease, which was principally through the daily monitoring of fish. This study suggested that disease diagnosis starts at the farm level with the daily monitoring of fish and the records of different parameters by the farmer, including mortality. Those records were showed to be vital to identify problems within the production. This thesis illustrated a novel approach to investigate and interpret recorded mortality at the farm level. The results presented in this thesis indicated reported mortality as a vital on-farm tool for identification of diseases and production problems. This thesis suggested priority areas where further investigation is required

    Getting Access Into the EU Market: A Coordination Challenge for the Brazilian Beef Chain

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    Brazil is the world beef export leader since 2004, when he Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) crisis in the United States and the severe draught in Australia dropped those countries beef exports and gave Brazilian beef chain a unique opportunity to enter in new markets. Brazil is facing now a major challenge in terms of aggregating value, since its export volume is already stabilizing. The European Union (EU) represents the most demanding market in terms of quality and one in which Brazil can get a better remuneration for its products, as long as the country beef chain can develop new relationship strategies to provide such a specific product. This study aims to present some trends in the European market as well as to discuss them as opportunities for the Brazilian beef chain, especially in terms of coordination forms, following New Institutional Economy principles. It shows that new forms of relationship within the network are emerging (like alliances and associations) and that new strategies should be focused on the consumer desires.Beef chain, Brazil, Relationship strategies, Coordination forms, International Relations/Trade, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Memory: I Think, Take a Selfie, Post it on Facebook, Therefore, I am.

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    This research aims to discuss how a selfie produces meaning for and through subjects It is already known that the selfie is an image and not an oral or written production but we comprehend that according to the Discourse Analysis theoretical field it seeks to comprehend the workings and the production of meaning considering the constitutive relationship between language subject and history Just as with words do not originate in us since we just reproduce and re-signify them it is no different with the selfie s discursive gesture There is a discursive memory in looking at oneself in order to capture one s image be it on screen or through their smartphone The ritual of the self-portrait is sustained by and in this memory A process of resignificance of the practice of self-registry determines the selfie s productions of meaning which relates to the ideological conjuncture of the production conditions of the digital discourse Furthermore we present how the social networks call on the subjects for massive productions of selfies in order to maintain their profiles in the limelight through the ideological notion of consumption and circulatio

    Written narrative practices in elementary school students

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    TEMA: promoção de um programa de narrativas escritas na terceira série do ensino fundamental. OBJETIVO: analisar duas propostas de trabalho com práticas de narrativas escritas com a finalidade de verificar quais recursos seriam mais eficientes para beneficiar estudantes de terceira série do Ensino Fundamental na elaboração da produção de textos. MÉTODO: foram selecionados 60 escolares de duas classes da terceira série de uma escola estadual da cidade de São Paulo. Para fins de análise, os escolares foram divididos em dois grupos (Grupo A e Grupo B); foram utilizados 14 livros de histórias infantis. No Grupo A, a história era contada oralmente de modo coloquial pelos pesquisadores, mantendo-se o papel de narrador e a estrutura original do autor. No Grupo B, a história era lida na íntegra. O livro era projetado numa tela por meio de recurso de retroprojeção e lido em voz alta para que os estudantes acompanhassem a leitura e observassem as ilustrações correspondentes. Recursos de mudança de voz nos diálogos dos personagens foram utilizados. RESULTADOS: na comparação geral, encontraram-se resultados estatisticamente significantes para o momento (inicial e final) e para interação entre grupos. Observou-se que em ambos os grupos houve um crescimento substancial entre início e final. CONCLUSÃO: o Programa de Promoção de Narrativas Escritas com base na leitura compartilhada dos livros infantis constitui-se em uma estratégia mais eficiente do que contar das histórias por meio de uma linguagem única.BACKGROUND: promotion of a written narratives production program in the third grade of an Elementary School. AIM: to analyze two written narrative practice proposals in order to verify which resources are more efficient in benefitting the textual productions of third grade Elementary School students. METHOD: sixty students were selected from two third grade groups of a public Elementary School in São Paulo (Brazil). For the analysis, students were divided into two groups (Group A and Group B). Fourteen children's storybooks were used. In Group A, the story was orally told by the researchers in a colloquial manner, keeping the narrator role and the original structure proposed by the author. In Group B, the story was fully read. The book was projected onto a screen and read aloud so the students could follow the reading and observe the corresponding illustrations. Voice changing resources in the characters' dialogues were used. RESULTS: in the overall comparison, statistically significant results were found for moment (initial and final assessments) and for interaction between groups. It was observed that both groups presented substantial development from initial to final assessment. CONCLUSION: the Written Narratives Promotion Program based on the shared reading of children's storybooks constituted a more effective strategy than telling the stories using a single reader


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    A publicação de um artigo em um periódico internacional é uma conquista desejada por docentes, alunos, coordenadores de programas de pós-graduação, pela comunidade científica em geral. Este artigo teve por objetivo identificar as características de formação dos autores brasileiros que publicaram em revistas internacionais. Foi delimitado para o estudo, os autores de programas de pós-graduação brasileiros de Administração, Ciências Contábeis e Turismo com conceitos 6 e 7, dois conceitos que indicam inserção internacional. Foi feita uma pesquisa baseada em documentos da Capes e na plataforma de currículos Lattes. Foram utilizadas estatísticas descritivas e testes estatísticos de diferença de médias. Os testes indicam que a diferença de médias de artigos publicados de autores com formação no Brasil ou fora, em nível de graduação, mestrado e pós-doutorado não foram significantes. Detectou-se apenas que a média de publicações de autores com a formação de doutorado integralmente no exterior é estatisticamente superior do que a média de autores que fizeram o doutorado integralmente no Brasil. A média de publicações de doutores que fizeram doutorado sandwich no exterior ficou em uma nebulosa faixa intermediária em que não se diferencia estatisticamente nem da média dos que fizeram doutorado exclusivamente no Brasil, nem dos que fizeram o doutorado integralmente no exterior


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    Constituindo-se em um dos principais quesitos considerados no sistema de avaliação da pós-graduação, a publicação em periódicos e seu impacto, medido pelas citações, tem sido proximamente acompanhada pelos envolvidos no processo. Com esse intuito foi criado o Qualis, sistema de classificação que divide os periódicos por estratos, conforme sua qualidade. Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar o quanto a classificação em estratos dos periódicos brasileiros de Contabilidade reflete o impacto das pesquisas por eles veiculadas. Para atingir este objetivo foram analisados o número de citações recebidas por 3.171 artigos publicados por 38 revistas entre os anos de 2007 e 2012. Encontrou-se que, embora as revistas estejam distribuídas entre os estratos A2 e C, as diferenças das médias das citações dos artigos são estatisticamente significativas apenas entre três grandes agrupamentos A taxa média de citações dos artigos veiculados em revistas dos estratos A2, B1 e B2 são estatisticamente diferentes de todas as taxas médias de outros estratos. No entanto, as taxas médias de citação das revistas dos estratos B3, B4, B5, C e das revistas sem classificação não são estatisticamente diferentes entre si, a um nível de significância de 5%. A média de citações da Revista de Contabilidade e Finanças é estatisticamente maior que todas as demais

    Primeiro registro de madeira de annonaceae para o neógeno da América do Sul, Bacia do Amazonas, Brasil

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    The relief of the regions of Manaus and Itacoatiara,Central Amazon, is supported by Neogene siliciclastic rocks, boundedat the base and top by lateritic paleosols and covered by quaternary sedimentarydeposits from the Solimões-Amazon river system. This unitis informally assigned to the Novo Remanso Formation, consists ofusually reddish and ferruginized sandstones, conglomerates and pelites,with few identified fossil records, a fact that has hindered its stratigraphicposition, and the paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the lastphase of the Amazon Basin settling. This study describes, for the firsttime, the occurrence of fossil wood in outcroppings of the left bank ofthe Amazon River, where anatomical and morphological data has enabledits characterization to the species level. Thus, the data marks therecord of the Annonaceae in South America, as well as the depositionalprocesses related to incorporation of organic material in the sandylayer and the fossilization processes that allowed its preservation. In anunprecedented way, this study has described Duguetiaxylon amazonicumnov. gen and sp. and provided information on the anatomical andsystematic character, as well as data on plant-insect interaction, and abetter understanding of the family.O relevo das regiões de Manaus e Itacoatiara, na Amazônia Central, é suportado por rochas siliciclásticas neogênicas, delimitadas na base e no topo por paleossolos lateríticos e cobertas por depósitos sedimentares quaternários do sistema fluvial Solimões-Amazonas. Essa unidade é informalmente atribuída à Formação Novo Remanso, constituída geralmente de arenitos avermelhados e ferruginizados, conglomerados e pelitos, com poucos registros fósseis identificados, fato que tem impedido sua posição estratigráfica e a reconstrução paleoambiental da última fase do assentamento da Bacia Amazônica. Este estudo descreve, pela primeira vez, a ocorrência de madeira fóssil em afloramentos da margem esquerda do Rio Amazonas, onde dados anatômicos e morfológicos possibilitaram sua caracterização ao nível da espécie. Assim, os dados marcam o registro de Annonaceae na América do Sul, bem como os processos deposicionais relacionados à incorporação de material orgânico na camada arenosa e os processos de fossilização que permitiram sua preservação. De modo sem precedentes, este estudo descreve Duguetiaxylon amazonicum nov. gen e sp. e fornece informações sobre as características anatômicas e sistemáticas, bem como dados sobre a interação planta-inseto e melhor compreensão da família.Fil: Amaral Soares, Emilio Alberto. Universidade Federal Do Amazonas; BrasilFil: Cabral Kloster, Adriana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Gnaedinger, Silvia Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Riker, Silvio Roberto. Serviço Geológico Do Brasil; BrasilFil: Da Cruz Lima, Felipe José. Serviço Geológico Do Brasil ; BrasilFil: Motta, Marcelo Batista. Serviço Geológico Do Brasil; Brasi

    Análise paramétrica de seções de concreto armado em flexão composta submetidas à ação sísmica

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar, com a variação de diversos parâmetros, o comportamento de uma seção de pilar em concreto armado, pertencente à mesoestrutura de uma ponte rodoviária localizada na região Nordeste do território brasileiro. A ponte, intitulada Potengi, encontra-se em pleno funcionamento. Considerou-se, no presente projeto, os efeitos da não-linearidade física do concreto armado, segundo critérios específicos propostos pelo CALTRANS

    Infection of guava by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Colletotrichum acutatum under different temperatures and wetting periods

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    A antracnose, causada por Colletotrichum gloeosporioides e Colletotrichum acutatum, é uma das principais doenças pós-colheita em goiabas. Este trabalho teve por objetivo determinar a influência de fatores ambientais na germinação e na formação de apressórios de Colletotrichum gloeosporioides e C. acutatum e na infecção de goiabas 'Kumagai' por estes patógenos. A germinação e a formação de apressórios in vitro foram determinadas sob temperaturas de 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 e 40ºC, com períodos de molhamento de 6, 12 e 24 horas. A infecção de goiabas foi determinada sob temperaturas de 15, 20, 25 e 30ºC e período de molhamento de 24 horas. Não houve germinação a 40ºC em nenhuma das duas espécies. A germinação e formação de apressórios foram bastante elevadas no intervalo de 15 a 30ºC para C. gloeosporioides, com máximo a 25ºC. Para a espécie C. acutatum, a germinação e a formação de apressórios foram mais sensíveis a variações da temperatura, com máximo a 20ºC. Os períodos de molhamento testados pouco influenciaram a germinação de C. gloeosporioides, enquanto que em C. acutatum a germinação foi significativamente menor com 6 horas de molhamento em relação a 12 e 24 horas. A infecção de goiabas, pelas duas espécies fúngicas, foi crescente com a temperatura, diferentemente da germinação de conídios e formação de apressórios. Incidências de 100% de frutos doentes ocorreram a 30ºC, para ambas as espécies, aos 10 dias após a inoculação.Anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and C. acutatum, is one of the main post-harvest diseases in guavas. This study aimed to determine the influence of environmental variables on germination and appressorium formation of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and C. acutatum and infection of "Kumagai" guavas by these pathogens. The germination rate and the apressorium formation rate in vitro were determined under temperatures of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40ºC, with wetting periods of 6, 12 and 24 hours. The infection of guavas was determined under temperatures of 15, 20, 25 and 30ºC and wetting period of 24 hours. There was no germination at 40ºC for either species. The germination and apressorium formation rate were rather high in the range of 15 to 30ºC for C. gloeosporioides, with a maximum at 25ºC. For the species C. acutatum, germination and apressorium formation rates were more sensitive to variations in temperature, with a maximum at 20ºC. The wetting periods tested somewhat influenced the germination of C. gloeosporioides, whereas in C. acutatum the germination was significantly lower with 6 hours of wetting than 12 and 24 hours. The infection of guavas, for both fungal species, increased with the temperature, unlike conidium germination and apressorium formation. Incidences of 100% occurred with 30°C, at 10 days after the inoculation.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP