80 research outputs found

    Gut microbiota alterations associated with obesity and impact of a weight-loss intervention based on a hypocaloric balanced diet

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    In the present study, the gut microbiota (GM) from overweight/obese patients (OB) of Sardinian origin, was characterized and compared to normal-weight controls from the same geographical area (NW), matched for sex, age and smoking status. Fecal samples were analyzed by Illumina MiSeq sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. The gut microbial community of OB patients exhibited a significant decrease in the relative abundance of several Bacteroidetes taxa (i.e. Flavobacteriaceae, Porphyromonadaceae, Sphingobacteriaceae, Flavobacterium, Bacteroides spp.) when compared to NW; instead several Firmicutes taxa were significantly increased in the same subjects (Lachnospiraceae, Gemellaceae, Streptococcaceae, Gemella, Megamonas, Mitsuokella, Streptococcus, Eubacterium spp., Ruminococcus spp., Megamonas spp., Megasphaera spp. and Veillonella spp.). Correlation analysis indicated that body fatness and waist circumference negatively correlated with Bacteroidetes taxa, while Firmicutes taxa positively correlated with body fat and negatively correlated with muscle mass and/or physical activity level. Furthermore, the relative abundance of several bacterial taxa belonging to Enterobacteriaceae family, known to exhibit endotoxic activity, was increased in the OB group compared to NW. A secondary aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of a moderately hypocaloric Mediterranean diet, lasted three months, on the GM of OB patients. After nutritional intervention, patients presented a reduction in body weight and fat mass, along with changes in the relative abundance of many microbial patterns. In fact, an increase in the abundance of several Bacteroidetes taxa (i.e., Sphingobacteriaceae, Sphingobacterium, Bacteroides spp.) and a depletion of many Firmicutes taxa (i.e., Lachnospiraceae members, Ruminococcaceae, Veillonellaceae, Megamonas, Ruminococcus) were observed. In addition, the genus Sutterella, within Proteobacteria, decreased after the intervention. The present study extends our knowledge of the GM profiles in OB, highlighting the potential benefit of moderate caloric restriction in counteracting the gut dysbiosis

    Scuole nelle reti: un’indagine esplorativa su struttura e funzionamento delle reti territoriali di scuole

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    The main purpose of this paper is the description of the structure and internal relations of local networks of schools and other non-school nodes, designed to improve the quality of some schooling behaviours such as special educational needs,interculturalism, guidance, etc. Using a questionnaire and a sociometric test, and a series of follow-up focus-groups, five regional networks are analysed according to the Social Network Analysis approach (SNA); all of them belong to the Province ofTrento, which represent almost all the networks in an area where schools are active partners. Results indicate that networks differ more in terms of composition, and less in terms of functioning—despite peculiarities in their internal features. The presence of public and private non-schools nodes was taken into account to describe some structural and functional characteristics. The cases presented indicate that higher levels of network cohesion are obtained by increasing levels of heterogeneity, and by working among nodes in different areas of interest.La finalità principale del presente lavoro è la descrizione delle strutture e delle relazioni interne di reti territoriali tra scuole e altri soggetti non scolastici attivate per affrontare, in maniera più efficace ed efficiente, differenti tematiche di interesse perla popolazione scolastica, come i bisogni educativi speciali, l’intercultura, l’orientamento, ecc. Attraverso l’approccio della Social Network Analysis (SNA), con l’utilizzo di un questionario e di un test sociometrico, e di una serie di focus-group di follow-up, sono state analizzate cinque reti territoriali della Provincia di Trento, che rappresentano la quasi totalità delle reti con scuole attive in questo territorio. Gli esiti indicano come le reti analizzate si differenzino sul territorio in termini di composizione, e meno in termini di funzionamento, pur con delle peculiarità al proprio interno.La presenza di soggetti non scolastici privati e pubblici è stata presa in considerazione per descrivere alcune peculiarità strutturali e funzionali. . I casi presentati indicano come i maggiori livelli di coesione della rete si ottengono aumentando i livelli di eterogeneità, lavorando, tra i nodi, su diversi ambiti di interesse

    Didattica e successo formativo: i laboratori del fare e del sapere

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    Nel presente lavoro vengono descritti gli esiti di un’indagine condotta nelle scuole secondarie di primo grado della provincia di Trento su particolari ambienti di apprendimento, qui denominati Laboratori del Fare e del Sapere (LFS) che, attraverso strategie di differenziazione della proposta di apprendimento, mirano a contrastare la dispersione scolastica. L’indagine è stata organizzata in due fasi: la prima ha indagato le caratteristiche comuni dei LFS nel contesto scolastico della Provincia di Trento tramite questionario on-line (Computer Assisted Interview, CAI); la seconda, condotta per mezzo di interviste e focus group ad un gruppo di docenti e studenti provenienti da tre Istituti Compresivi, ha avuto l’obiettivo di integrare, confermare e problematizzare la modellizzazione dei LFS basata sugli esiti del questionario

    Association between High Normal TSH Levels and Obesity in Women with Anti-Thyroid Autoantibodies (ATAs)

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    A positive correlation between Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and Body Mass Index (BMI) has been reported in many studies, but data on this topic remain controversial, especially when TSH values are in the normal range. Moreover, few studies have evaluated the co-existence of thyroid autoimmunity. This study investigated the role of thyroid autoimmunity in the interconnection between TSH, BMI, and waist circumference (WC) in euthyroid patients with overweight or obesity. We enrolled 902 patients (213 males; mean age +/- SD: 45 +/- 14 years; mean BMI +/- SD: 35.8 +/- 6.5 kg/m(2)), with normal serum TSH concentration; anti-thyroid autoantibodies (ATAs) were evaluated in 752 patients (186 males). Patients were divided into four BMI classes, based on WHO criteria, and the relationship between BMI, WC, and TSH was evaluated in the whole sample and compared to ATAs positivity, observed in 235 patients (44 males). No significant difference was found between TSH levels in the BMI classes. A statistically significant correlation between TSH and BMI was found only in ATAs-positive females (N = 191, Spearman rho: 0.149; p-value: 0.040). However, this finding was not confirmed when considering the WC. Our study shows a positive correlation only between TSH and BMI in obese women with positive ATAs, suggesting that in these patients, the high normal levels of TSH could be attributed to a mild thyroid failure with a possible worsening obesity-related effect, and both need a careful evaluation

    Testimonies and experiences of patients awaiting transplant and transplanted patients in Italy: a survey aiming to understand their needs

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    Introduction. Yersinia enterocolitica (Ye) species is divided into 6 biotypes (BT), 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5 classified based on biochemical reactions and about 70 serotypes, classified based on the structure of the lipopolysaccharide O-antigen. The BT1A is considered non-pathogenic, while the BT 1B-5 are considered pathogenic. Methods. Evaluate the distribution of eleven chromosomal and plasmid virulence genes, ail, ystA, ystB, myfA, hreP, fes, fepD, ymoA, sat, virF and yadA, in 87 Ye strains isolated from food, animals and humans, using two SYBR Green real-time PCR platforms. Results. The main results showed the presence of the ail and ystA genes in all the pathogenic bioserotypes analyzed. The ystB, on the other hand, was identified in all non-pathogenic  strains biotype 1A. The target fes, fepD, sat and hreP were found in both pathogenic biotypes and in BT1A strains. The myfA gene was found in all pathogenic biotype and in some Ye BT1A strains. The virF and yadA plasmid genes were mainly detected in bioserotype 4/O:3 and 2/O:9, while ymoA was identified in all strains. Conclusions. The two molecular platforms could be used to better define some specific molecular targets for the characterization and rapid detection of Ye in different sources which important implications for food safety and animal and human health

    Role of maternal diet in the risk of childhood acute leukemia: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Many studies have investigated the etiology of acute leukemia, one of the most common types of cancer in children; however, there is a lack of clarity regarding preventable risk factors. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to summarize the current evidence regarding the role of maternal dietary factors in the development of childhood leukemia. All epidemiological studies published until July 2022 that evaluated maternal dietary risk factors for childhood acute leukemia were identified in two electronic databases (PubMed and Web of Science) without limits of publication year or language. A total of 38 studies (1 prospective cohort study, 34 case-control studies and 3 studies with pooled analysis) were included. The published risk estimates were combined into a meta-analysis, using the Generic Inverse Variance method. The maternal consumption of fruits (two or more daily servings vs. less) was inversely associated with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (odds ratio = 0.71; 95% CI, 0.59–0.86), whereas maternal coffee intake (higher than two cups per day vs. no consumption) was associated with an increased risk of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (odds ratio = 1.45; 95% CI, 1.12–1.89). Despite these findings, more high-quality research from cohort studies and the identification of causal factors are needed to develop evidence-based and cost-effective prevention strategies applicable at the population level. Review Registration: PROSPERO registration no. CRD42019128937

    Early Life Nutrition Factors and Risk of Acute Leukemia in Children: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Acute leukemia commonly occurs in young children with peak incidence at the age of 2–5 years. However, the etiology is still unclear and many preventable risk factors still deserve to be reviewed. The focus of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to summarize the evidence concerning early life nourishment (breastfeeding, early life diet), neonatal vitamin K administration and the risk of acute leukemia. All epidemiological studies published up to June 2023 and assessing diet-related risk factors for childhood acute leukemia were identified in two electronic databases (PubMed and Web of Science), with no limits on publication year or language. A total of 38 studies (37 case–control studies and 1 study with pooled analysis) were included. The published risk estimates were combined into a meta-analysis using the Generic Inverse Variance method. The current evidence shows that breastfeeding (yes vs. no) has a protective effect against acute lymphoblastic leukemia (odds ratio = 0.85; 95% CI, 0.76–0.94). Evidence related to the role of other studied factors (foods and supplements) is inconclusive. Further research into the potential role of diet in early life and the risk of acute leukemia is needed to develop prevention strategies at population level. Review Registration: PROSPERO registration no. CRD42019128937

    A real-time FFT-KLT implementation for SETI research at the Sardinia Radio Telescope

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    The Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence (SETI) is a project whose goal is to find possible life signatures emitted (intentionally or unintentionally) by possible civilizations from other habitable planets. Historically, the narrow-band FFT approach has been used, since a quasi-monochromatic signal is the most probable signal one would use to send a message to another world, that is in the case of intentionally- transmitted signals. Nevertheless, we could receive an unintentionally-transmitted signal as well. In that case, it would most certainly not be a quasi-monochromatic signal, but would probably be similar (with a wider bandwidth, of the order of MHz) to the signals that we use for conventional communications on Earth. The Kahrunen-Loève Transform (KLT) is a powerful algorithm for such a kind of research. However, a real-time implementation of the KLT has thus far not worked due to a lack of technological resources. We describe a hardware-software infrastructure at the Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT) that, in real-time, makes it possible to perform the KLT in parallel to the FFT

    Exploration of an innovative ranging method for bi-static radar, applied in LEO Space Debris surveying and tracking

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    Space Situational Awareness (SSA) is referred as one of the capacitive areas of strategic interest to be developed/completed in the future in the short and medium term, for any nation with the target of the access to the space. One of the fundamental components is the Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) program, considered as the capability to build a spatial mapping of the objects in orbit, their classification and the exact identification of their orbital characteristics. For this reason, radar measurements are relevant, in particular to observe objects in Low Earth Orbit. The Italian National Institute of Astrophysics together with Vitrociset company and Politecnico di Milano, studied and developed a new and innovative method for the range measure applied to bi-static radars to support the European Union Space Surveillance and Tracking (EUSST) program. Several tests have been carried out using the BIRALES and BIRALET sensors for survey and tracking observations respectively. Finally, the results obtained from observations have been compared with the real positions of the targets in order to validate the system. The ranging method relies on the synchronization of the transmitting and receiving antennas and on the correlation of the echo received from the scattering of the orbiting object. To do that, the transmitting antenna emits simultaneously two different signals: a Chirp signal for range measurement and a second “Continuous Wave” (CW) for Doppler shift measurement and object track reconstruction. Overall, we simultaneously obtain time profiles for range, angular position (azimuth and elevation), and Doppler during the passage of the objects inside the sensor Field of View. By virtue of the above plethora of measurements, this method guarantees also the possibility to produce an Initial Orbital Determination (IOD) for unknown objects

    An overview of the Italian forest biodiversity and its conservation level, based on the first outcomes of the 4th Habitat Report ex-Art. 17

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    In 2019 the 4th Report ex-Art. 17 on the conservation status (CS) of Annex I Habitats of the 92/43/EEC Directive was expected by every EU/28 country, with reference to the period 2013-18. In Italy, the process was in charge to the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), on behalf of the Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Protection (MATTM), with the scientific support of the Italian Botanical Society (SBI). A large group of thematic and territorial experts elaborated the available data concerning the 124 types of terrestrial and inland water Habitats present in Italy, 39 of which are represented by Forest Habitats (Group 9),. The main aim of the work was the evaluation of the overall CS of each Habitat by Biogeographic Region (Mediterranean, Continental and Alpine), for a total amount of 294 assessments. A high proportion of these (92, corresponding to 31% of the total) referred to Forest Habitats, including 20 marginal types for which the CS was not requested. The analysis was carried out at different scales: a) administrative territory, through the data contained in the ISPRA database, whose compilation was in charge to the Regions and Autonomous Provinces; b) Natura 2000 site, with the latest updates available (Standard Data Forms updated to 2018); c) national scale, implementing the distribution maps for each Habitat based on the European grid ETRS89-LAEA5210 (10x10 km2 mesh); d) Biogeographic Region, scale of the final assessment. Cartographic outcomes, associated databases and additional data used for the assessments will be available online on the ISPRA Portal as soon as the validation process by the European Commission will be completed. A dedicated archive named "HAB_IT" has been created in the national database "VegItaly" (1), managed by the Italian Society of Vegetation Science, where the phytosociological relevés representative of the various Annex I Habitats in Italy will be archived and freely accessible. An overview of the results regarding the Forest habitats is here provided, including a comparison with the outcomes of the former reporting cycle, the 3rd Report ex-Art. 17 (2). In several cases (e.g. 9120, 91L0), the distribution maps have been remarkably improved due to better knowledge and more fitful interpretation. The conservation status resulted as Favourable (FV) for 6,7%, Inadequate (U1) for 58,7% and Bad (U1) for 32,0% of the 72 assessed forest Habitat types. In no case there was an improvement of the conservation status, while in 6 cases a worsening of the conditions resulted from the data analysis, pointing out the Habitats types with a higher need of action. Similarly to other projects carried out as a team by the network of Annex I Habitat experts of the Italian Botanical Society and the Italian Society for Vegetation Science (e.g. 3, 4), this is another step in the direction of supporting the implementation of the 92/43/EEC "Habitat" Directive in Italy and Europe. On this ground, the high biodiversity of the Italian forest Habitats could be emphasized, however results pointed out that some rare or endemic types (e.g. Alnus cordata or Betula aetnensis-dominated forests) are still scarcely acknowledged by the most prominent EU conservation tools such as the Annex I to the "Habitat" Directive. 1) F. Landucci et al. (2012) Plant Biosyst., 146(4), 756-763 2) P. Genovesi et al. (2014) ISPRA, Serie Rapporti, 194/2014 3) E. Biondi et al. (2009) Società Botanica Italiana, MATTM, D.P.N., http://vnr.unipg.it/habitat/ 4) D. Gigante et al. (2016) Plant Sociology, 53(2), 77-8
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