840 research outputs found

    Pre‐historic eating patterns in Latin America and protective effects of plant‐based diets on cardiovascular risk factors

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    In this review, we present the contributions to nutrition science from Latin American native peoples and scientists, appreciated from a historic point of view since pre‐historic times to the modern age. Additionally, we present epidemiological and clinical studies on the area of plant‐based diets and their relation with the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases conducted in recent decades, and we discuss challenges and perspectives regarding aspects of nutrition in the region

    Estudio preliminar del proceso fin de vida mediante triangulación de datos en un hospital comarcal

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    Objective: To know the characteristics of the end-of-life process in a Regional Hospital, according to the actors involved, establishing convergence/divergence elements in care process, decision-making, information and knowledge.Method: Observational, cross-sectional, descriptive, convergent of mixed methods and data triangulation study. Carried out on a sample of 63 subjects, of which 25 were health professionals, 19 family caregivers and 19 medical records of patients who died in the course of a year.Results: Data triangulation shows discrepancies between family members and health professionals regarding care quality and the information provided. The lack of documentation in medical records of care aspects related to decision-making or terminal sedation stands out.Conclusion: This study provides an integrated view of end-of-life care provided in a Regional Hospital, identifying priority areas of intervention in order to improve quality of life in this process, such as patient involvement in decision-making, appropriate completion of medical records and health professional training.Objetivo: Conocer las características del proceso de final de vida en un Hospital Comarcal, según los actores implicados, estableciendo los elementos de convergencia/divergencia en el proceso asistencial, toma de decisiones, información y conocimientos. Método: Estudio observacional, transversal, descriptivo, convergente y analítico de métodos mixtos y triangulación de datos. Se realizó sobre una muestra de 63 sujetos, de los que 25 fueron profesionales, 19 familiares cuidadores y 19 historias clínicas de pacientes fallecidos a lo largo de un año.Resultados: La triangulación de datos muestra discrepancias entre familiares y profesionales de salud en cuanto a la calidad de la asistencia y la información facilitada. Destaca la falta de registro en las historias clínicas revisadas sobre aspectos del proceso asistencial relacionados con la toma de decisiones o la sedación terminal.Conclusión: Este estudio proporciona una visión integrada sobre la atención sanitaria en el proceso de final de vida prestada en un Hospital Comarcal. Muestra áreas prioritarias de intervención, para mejorar la calidad de vida en este proceso, como son la implicación del paciente en la toma de decisiones, la cumplimentación adecuada en las historias clínicas y la formación de los profesionales

    Legislação de propriedade industrial do Brasil e México no contexto do Acordo Trips e da epidemia da AIDS: um estudo comparativo

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    Este trabalho teve o objetivo de analisar retrospectivamente o significado da interseção de dois fenômenos sociomodernos. Em primeiro lugar, a epidemia de HIV/AIDS (Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana/Síndrome de Imunodeficiência Adquirida), com suas características históricas pouco usuais e alta letalidade; e, por sua vez, a intrusão de leis de propriedade intelectual na sociedade, como o Acordo Trips (Trade Related Intellectual Property Subjects), com amplas repercussões sobre a saúde pública, sendo aqui tratados especificamente os casos de Brasil e México. Ambos os países modificaram suas leis de propriedade intelectual (LPI) para implementar o Acordo Trips (e, no caso do México, também o Nafta) nas últimas duas décadas, levando a patamares mais elevados de proteção de propriedade intelectual no México, quando comparado ao Brasil. Essas mudanças, porém, podem ter contribuído, no caso do México, para um menor rendimento e eficácia do seu programa de combate à epidemia de AIDS¬HIV já que, para dar uma cobertura mais adequada de tratamento com medicamentos antirretrovirais (ARVs) a sua população, teve que enfrentar maiores dificuldades para sua aquisição. No substrato dos fatores causais dessas divergências, podem ser considerados diversos fatores de natureza econômica e política, dentre eles a maior ou menor magnitude da influência política dos Estados Unidos e interesses econômicos de suas empresas transnacionais sobre ambos os países

    Dinamización de las aulas II. Difusión de conocimientos a través de Redes Sociales y Charlas Educativas. Uniendo presente y pasado para una sexualidad saludable en las distintas etapas del ciclo vital

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    La forma de sociabilizarse, de difundir el conocimiento y de buscar información ha variado en los últimos años a una velocidad vertiginosa. Hasta hace relativamente pocos años, y aún en la actualidad, la formación del alumnado en cuanto a Educación Sanitaria está guiada por la utilización de medios de difusión tradicionales como dípitcos, trípticos y/o carteles. Estos métodos, si bien son un refuerzo para alcanzar las metas de promoción de la salud, actualmente son escasos y no cubren las características de la población. Las nuevas formas de interacción como las redes sociales han producido el cambio. Gran parte de nuestra sociedad las usa en su que hacer diario, siendo fuente de información y medio de interacción social.   Unos de los aspectos a tener en cuenta en la Educación para la Salud es la Salud Sexual, muchas veces olvidadas en las consultas de Enfermería, eslabón primario entre pacientes y especialistas. Capacitar al alumnado de nuevas herramientas y ayudarlos a combinarlas con las tradicionales, conllevará a tener egresados/as capaces de seleccionar el método más adecuado según la población de intervención, además, pueden ser un vínculo ideal para promocionar estas nuevas herramientas entre los profesionales de la Salud.Unidad de Calidad, Innovación Docente y Prospectiva. Universidad de Granad

    Cultural adaptation and validation of the Family Nursing Practice Scale (FNPS) for use with Spanish-speaking Nursing Degree students

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    Aim. The task proposed was to conduct a cultural adaptation of the Family Nursing Practice Scale and to assess the psychometric properties of the resulting instrument. Background. Nursing students must obtain sufficient personal competence and confidence to act with patients and their families. For this purpose, an assessment scale is needed to inform teachers of the student’s progress and to determine whether further training or changes in teaching methods are required. Design. A cross-sectional study design was used. Methods. The researchers conducted this study with 202 students of nursing at two Spanish universities. In the cultural adaptation, the following steps were followed: definition of concepts, translation, back translation, expert group review and implementation by a pilot group with a subsequent cognitive interview. Internal consistency was determined by Cronbach’s alpha. Reliability was verified by an initial application of the scale, followed by a repetition after seven days, analysing the results obtained in terms of the intraclass correlation coefficient, the construct validity (by Spearman’s non-parametric correlation test) and confirmatory factor analysis (using JASP 0.16.4 statistical software). Results. Cronbach’s alpha resulted in 0.95. Spearman's correlation coefficient Family Nursing Practice Scale total with the course year was –0.26 < 0.001. The intraclass correlation coefficient for the total score of the scale was 0.91. The confirmatory factor analysis was performed on a model in which the total score for the scale was considered in relation to the two subscales, and each subscale in relation to its constituent ítems […] Conclusions. These results indicate that the Spanish version presents good internal consistency, construct validity and reliability. Moreover, the confirmatory factor analysis confirms that it presents a good fit to the model initially proposed for this scale for Nursing Degree students.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU


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    Durante as últimas duas décadas, a sociedade testemunhou dois fenômenos sociaisque a afetaram substancialmente: a epidemia de HIV/AIDS com suas características poucousuais e alta letalidade; e a intrusão de leis de propriedade intelectual na vida cotidiana,como o Acordo TRIPS com amplas repercussões sobre a saúde pública. O objetivo destetrabalho foi analisar retrospectivamente como foi a política de saúde de combate à epidemiado HIV/AIDS de Brasil e México. Comparativamente, o impacto da epidemia do HIVsobre a população foi maior no Brasil que no México, gerando no primeiro uma maiorpreocupação da sociedade civil, levando a classe política a tomar medidas inovadoras

    Unhealthy Lifestyle and Nutritional Habits Are Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Diseases Regardless of Professed Religion in University Students

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    To date, few studies have evaluated the possible association between religion and nutritional habits, lifestyle and cardiovascular risk in the university population. This study identified differences in the eating habits of Christian and Muslim university students and determined a possible association between the impact of religion on their lifestyles and the parameters related to cardiovascular risk. A cross-sectional study was performed with a sample population of 257 students (22.4 4.76 year) at the campus of the University of Granada in Melilla (Spain). An anthropometric evaluation and a dietary assessment were performed. Blood pressure was also measured. There was a higher prevalence of overweight (29.1%) among Christian university students. The prevalence of pre-hypertension was similar between Christians and Muslims (48.3%) but was higher among Christian males (74.5%). Christian students presented higher levels of visceral fat. Students of both religions ingested carbohydrates, saturated fatty acids and total cholesterol, proteins, sodium and alcohol in excess. Significant positive correlations were found between food energy, sweets, snacks, soft drinks and body mass index (BMI) in both sexes and between the consumption of sausages-fatty meats and the systolic blood pressure (SBP) and body adiposity index (BAI) variables. Muslim students were less likely to consume alcohol (odds ratio [OR] = 7.88, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 4.27, 14.54). Christian and Muslim students presented improvable lifestyles and intake patterns. The high intake of saturated fatty acids, total cholesterol, sodium and alcohol in Christian students could lead to the early development of cardiovascular disease

    Young Nursing Student’s Knowledge and Attitudes about Contraceptive Methods

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    Purpose: Adolescence is considered a period in which individuals are particularly at risk of negative consequences related to sexual health. Increased knowledge levels have traditionally been used as an indicator of the effectiveness of educational programs, but attitudes are not addressed and are a key element for the success of such programs. The aim of this study is to determine the level of knowledge and attitudes toward the use of contraceptive methods among nursing students. A multicenter cross-sectional study was carried out. In total, 2914 university students (aged 18–25 years) enrolled in the study. Participants completed two validated scales to measure knowledge level and attitudes toward contraceptive use. Nursing degree students who received training about contraceptives obtained a success rate of over 70%, compared to 15.3% among students who had not received such training (p < 0.001). The mean attitude score was 43.45 points (10–50), but there were no significant differences in terms of student training (p = 0.435), although they were significantly higher among students who used contraceptives at first or last sexual intercourse (p < 0.001). There was a significant weak correlation between the level of knowledge and attitudes toward the use of contraceptives. An adequate level of knowledge about sexuality and contraceptive methods does not correspond to positive attitudes toward their use, although having an excellent attitude toward contraceptive use is related to their use during youth and adolescence