42 research outputs found

    Sex Steroid Hormones and Tumors in Domestic Animals

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    Sex steroid hormones play a role in the development and control of animal tumours, particularly in those arising in their target organs. Due to their incidence and prevalence, mammary tumours of female dogs and cats are among the most frequently studied with focus on the role of ovarian oestrogen and progesterone. In these tumours, sex steroid hormones have been shown to act during the three steps of the carcinogenesis cascade: initiation, promotion and progression. Experimental data have shown the mutagenic effect of oestrogens [1] while epidemiologic and clinical studies highlighted the role of ovarian hormones as promoters on mammary tumours in both the dog and the cat [2-9]. Finally, oestrogens and progesterone further act during tumour progression. Their role in the last two steps of carcinogenesis makes it possible to control the evolution of the diseas

    2-Dimensional ultra-high performance liquid chromatography and DMT-MM derivatization paired with tandem mass spectrometry for comprehensive serum N-glycome characterization.

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    Glycosylation is a prominent co- and post-translational modification which contributes to a variety of important biological functions. Protein glycosylation characteristics, particularly N-glycosylation, are influenced by changes in one's pathological state, such as through the presence of disease, and as such, there is great interest in N-glycans as potential disease biomarkers. Human serum is an attractive source for N-glycan based biomarker studies as circulatory proteins are representative of one's physiology, with many serum proteins containing N-glycosylation. The difficulty in comprehensively characterizing the serum N-glycome arises from the absence of a biosynthetic template resulting in great structural heterogeneity and complexity. To help overcome these challenges we developed a 2-dimensional liquid chromatography platform which utilizes offline weak anion exchange (WAX) chromatography in the first dimension and hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) in the second dimension to separate N-glycans by charge, corresponding to degree of sialylation, and size, respectively. Performing these separations offline enables subsequent derivatization with 4-(4,6-Dimethoxy-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)-4-methylmorpholinium chloride (DMT-MM) for sialic acid linkage determination and the identification of sialic acid linkage isomers. Subsequent tandem mass spectrometry analysis revealed the identification of 212 complete and partial N-glycan structures including low abundant N-glycans containing acetyl and sulphate modifications. The identifications obtained through this platform were then applied to N-glycans released from a set of stage 3 gastric cancer serum samples obtained from patients before (pre-op) and after (post-op) tumour resection to investigate how the serum N-glycome can facilitate differentiation between the two pathological states

    Ovarian stimulation with FSH reduces phosphorylation of gonadotrope progesterone receptor and LH secretion in the rat

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    Administration of human FSH(hFSH) to cyclic rats during the dioestrous phase attenuates progesterone receptor (PR)-dependent events of the preovulatory LH surge in pro-oestrus. The increased bioactivity of the putative ovarian gonadotropin surge inhibiting/attenuating factor induced by hFSH treatment is not associated with a decrease in PR protein expression, and the possibility of its association at a PR posttranslational effect has been raised. The present experiments aimed to analyse PR phosphorylation status in the gonadotrope of ratswith impaired LH secretion induced by in vivo hFSH injection. Two experimental approaches were used. First, incubated pro-oestrous pituitaries from hFSH-injected cycling and oestrogen-treated ovariectomized (OVX) rats were used to analyze the effect of calyculin, an inhibitor of intracellular phosphatases, on PR-dependent LH release, which was measured in the incubation medium by RIA. Second, pituitaries taken from hFSH-injected intact cycling and OVX rats and later incubated with P or GNRH1 were used to assess the phosphorylation rate of gonadotrope. The latter was analysed in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections by immunohistochemistry using a MAB that recognizes the phosphorylated (p) form of PR at Ser294. Calyculin reduced the ovary-mediated inhibition of hFSH in GNRH1-stimulated LH secretion. In addition, the immunohistochemical expression of pSer294 PR was significantly reduced after ovarian stimulation with hFSH in pituitaries frompro-oestrous rats incubated with PorGNRH1.Altogether, these results suggested that the ovarian-dependent inhibitory effect of FSH injection on the preovulatory LH secretion in the rat may involve an increase in dephosphorylation of PR

    Progesterone receptor isoform A may regulate the effects of neoadjuvant aglepristone in canine mammary carcinoma

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    Background: Progesterone receptors play a key role in the development of canine mammary tumours, and recent research has focussed on their possible value as therapeutic targets using antiprogestins. Cloning and sequencing of the progesterone receptor gene has shown that the receptor has two isoforms, A and B, transcribed from a single gene. Experimental studies in human breast cancer suggest that the differential expression of progesterone receptor isoforms has implications for hormone therapy responsiveness. This study examined the effects of the antiprogestin aglepristone on cell proliferation and mRNA expression of progesterone receptor isoforms A and B in mammary carcinomas in dogs treated with 20 mg/Kg of aglepristone (n = 22) or vehicle (n = 5) twice before surgery. Results: Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples taken before and after treatment were used to analyse total progesterone receptor and both isoforms by RT-qPCR and Ki67 antigen labelling. Both total progesterone receptor and isoform A mRNA expression levels decreased after treatment with aglepristone. Furthermore, a significant decrease in the proliferation index (percentage of Ki67-labelled cells) was observed in progesterone-receptor positive and isoform-A positive tumours in aglepristone-treated dogs. Conclusions: These findings suggest that the antiproliferative effects of aglepristone in canine mammary carcinomas are mediated by progesterone receptor isoform A

    [Montreal 1976] [Material gráfico]

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    Contiene fotografías pertenecientes al archivo fotográfico del diario "Región", publicadas entre 1974 y 1976, aunque la mayoría en 1976Todas las fotografías firmadas por Foto E. Gar (Oviedo), Cifra Gráfica, y EF

    Les depots d'origine animale dans les espaces funeraires de la culture des "Sepulcres de fossa" (Catalogne)

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    [EN] Funerary structures recorded in Catalonia from the end of the 5th to the middle of the 4th millennia most often consist of inhumations of a single individual accompanied by various grave goods. Though animal remains and objects made from them are not especially abundant, the large number of excavated funerary structures has provided vertebrate faunal assemblages that enable us to make updated observations. In this paper, we present a compilation of these elements, employing data from the literature, as well as data obtained by our own studies. These animal materials consist of tools and ornamental objects. Complete animal burials and partial elements of these animals (especially from domestic species) were also recorded. [FR] Les structures funeraires documentees entre Ia fin du v• et le milieu du IV• millenaires cal BC en Catalogne sont caracterisees par le fait de contenir habituellement un individu accompagne de divers elements de mobilier. Les objets et restes d'origine animale ne sont pas specialement abondants, pourtant le nombre eleve de structures fouillees a fourni des ensembles faunistiques de vertebres qui permettent de proposer des donnees renouvelees sur les depots d'origine animale dans les espaces funeraires et plus particulierement dans ceux affilies a Ia culture des «Sepulcres de Fossa».Ce travail a ete partiellement realise grace aux projets CGL2012-38434-C03-03, HAR2011-26193 et SGR2009-01145, 2014SGR-108.Peer Reviewe