91 research outputs found

    Microbial Neuro-Immune Interactions and the Pathophysiology of IBD

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), encompassing Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), is a group of debilitating disorders affecting patient’s quality of life and with unknown aetiology. The collected evidence indicates that individuals can develop IBD as a result of genetic susceptibility, a dysregulated immune response and the influence of certain environmental factors. Common symptomatology includes abdominal pain, fever and bowel diarrhoea with blood and/or mucus excretion. The location and extent of disease differ between UC and CD, affecting the mucosal layer in the colon in UC patients, whereas in CD patients, a transmural inflammation is found anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract. Factors associated with IBD pathophysiology include alterations in immune responses, characterized by an atypically T helper (Th)-2 profile in UC, and a Th1/Th17 profile in CD, modifications in epithelial barrier function and alterations in the commensal microbiota composition with blooming of specific pathobionts, for example, adherent-invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC), and with diet. Recent research has uncovered that inflammation, per se, can activate the enteric nervous system inducing neurogenic inflammation and increasing visceral sensitivity, leading to pain. Similarly, alterations in the commensal microbiota composition/ligands have also led to modifications in intestinal nociceptive markers and in visceral pain. In this chapter, we aim to review the mechanisms implicated in microbial neuro-immune axis and its potential contribution to IBD pathophysiology and symptomatology. We focus on the findings identified in animal models and in IBD patients and on the prospective translation of targeting the microbial neuro-immune axis as future therapeutic treatment for intestinal inflammatory conditions

    Modelling of Mouse Experimental Colitis by Global Property Screens: A Holistic Approach to Assess Drug Effects in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Preclinical disease models play an important role in the establishment of new treatment paradigms, identification of biomarkers and assessment of drug efficacy and safety. However, the accuracy of these models in context of the human disease are sometimes questioned, e.g. due to trials failing to confirm efficacy in humans. We suggest that one reason behind this gap in predictability may relate to how the preclinical data is analyzed and interpreted. In the present paper, we introduce a holistic approach to analyze and illustrate data in context of one of the most commonly used colitis models, i.e. the mouse dextran sulphate sodium (DSS) colitis model. Diseased mice were followed over time along disease progression and by use of tool pharmacological compounds activating nuclear hormone receptors, respectively. A new multivariate statistics approach was applied including principal component analysis (PCA) with treatment prediction subsequent to establishing the principal component analysis model. Thus, several studies could be overlaid and compared to each other in a new, comprehensive and holistic way. This method, named mouse colitis global property screening, appears applicable not only to any animal modelling series of studies but also to human clinical studies. The prerequisites for the study set up and calculations are delineated and examples of new learnings from the global property screening will be presented

    Lenguaje oral y conciencia fonológica Estudio empírico en una muestra de preescolares del distrito de Ventanilla–Callao

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    Non-experimental, transversal, descriptive correlational design research. Carried out in a sample of 30 boys and girls of 5 years of age from a state educational institution in the district of Ventanilla, Callao,Peru. The variables oral language and levels of phonological awareness were analyzed. For the purposes of data collection, the Oral Language Assessment - Ramos ELO, Cuadrado and Fernández (2008) and the Metalinguistic Skills Test - THM by Gómez, Valero, Buadas and Pérez (1995) were used. The results reveal significant high correlation in oral language and phonological awareness levels. In turn, there was a strong correlation between the syntactic aspect of oral language and phonological awareness in the first place, consecutively, between the semantic component and phonological awareness. Auditory discrimination was the least correlated in all the analyzes.Investigación de diseño no experimental, transversal, descriptivo correlacional. Realizada en una muestra de 30 niños y niñas de 5 años de edad de una institución educativa estatal del distrito Ventanilla, Callao, Perú. Se analizaron a las variables lenguaje oral y niveles de conciencia fonológica. Para efectos de recojo de datos, se utilizó la Evaluación del Lenguaje Oral – ELO de Ramos, Cuadrado y Fernández (2008) y el Test de Habilidades Metalingüísticas – THM de Gómez, Valero, Buadas y Pérez (1995). Los resultados revelan alta significancia en la correlación del lenguaje oral y los niveles de conciencia fonológica. A su vez, existió una potente correlación entre el aspecto sintáctico del lenguaje oral y la conciencia fonológica en primer lugar, de forma consecutiva, entre el componente semántico y conciencia fonológica. La discriminación auditiva fue la que menos correlacionó en todos los análisis

    Emerging applications of upconverting nanoparticles in intestinal infection and colorectal cancer

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    Colorectal cancer is the abnormal growth of cells in colon or rectum. Recent findings have acknowledged the role of bacterial infection and chronic inflammation in colorectal cancer initiation and progression. In order to detect and treat precancerous lesions, new tools are required, which may help to prevent or identify colorectal cancer at an early stage. To date, several different screening tests are available, including endoscopy, stool-based blood tests, and radiology-based tests. However, these analyses either lack sensitivity or are of an invasive nature. The use of fluorescently labeled probes can increase the detection sensitivity. However, autofluorescence, photobleaching, and photodamage are commonly encountered problems with fluorescence imaging. Upconverting nanoparticles (UCNPs) are recently developed lanthanide-doped nanocrystals that can be used as light-triggered luminescent probes and in drug delivery systems. In this review, we comprehensively summarize the recent developments and address future prospects of UCNP-based applications for diagnostics and therapeutic approaches associated with intestinal infection and colorectal cancer

    El modelo Escuelas Felices e Integrales en la mejora de la calidad en una RED Educativa de Ventanilla

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    Study of hypothetical deductive explanatory, whose objective was to demonstrate how the Model Happy and Integrated Schools - Model (EFI) contributed to the improvement of the quality of a NETWORK of four Educational Institutions of the district of Ventanilla, for which observation cards were applied of classroom, institutional climate surveys; and scale of observation of student treatment; 623 children participated in the study, 38 teachers; 4 directors and 151 parents; the conclusion refers to an improvement of 47% in the criteria of equity and inclusivity in these institutions, 25% in the improvement of multidisciplinary management, 17% in the improvement of the institutional climate; and in 50% of the improvement of the participation and agreement of the educational community of these schools.Estudio de tipo hipotético deductivo explicativo, cuyo objetivo fue demostrar cómo el modelo Escuelas Felices e Integrales - Modelo (EFI) contribuyó en la mejora de la calidad de una RED3 de cuatro Instituciones Educativas del distrito de Ventanilla, para lo cual se aplicaron fichas de observación de aula, encuestas de clima institucional; y escala de observación del trato estudiantil; participaron en el estudio 623 niños y niñas, 38 docentes; 4 directores y 151 padres de familia; la conclusión remite una mejora del 47 % de los criterios de equidad e inclusividad en estas instituciones, 25 % en la mejora de la gestión multidisciplinaria, 17 % en la mejora del clima institucional; y en el 50 % de la mejora de la participación y concertación de la comunidad educativa de estas escuelas

    Caracterización física de los residuos sólidos de la Facultad Multidisciplinaria Oriental, Universidad de El Salvador, 2012.

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    El estudio de la caracterización física de los residuos sólidos de la Facultad Multidisciplinaria Oriental (F.M.O), está enmarcado dentro de los Fines de la Universidad de El Salvador que establecen su compromiso en conservar, fomentar y difundir la ciencia, promoviendo la sustentabilidad y la protección de los recursos naturales y el medio ambiente. Así también, el manejo integral de los residuos sólidos se ha vuelto una necesidad para todas las autoridades municipales en el país al entrar en vigencia la Ley del Medio Ambiente que manifiesta la obligación de presentar diagnósticos ambientales de los sitios de disposición final de los residuos sólidos, además, el Reglamento especial de manejo integral de desechos sólidos señala la obligación de contar con sistemas integrales para la gestión de los mismos. La metodología descriptiva, utilizada en la investigación, permitió especificar las propiedades importantes de la caracterización física de residuos sólidos en la F.M.O. Para ello, se incluyeron las variables cualitativas (componentes de los residuos sólidos) y cuantitativas (peso, volumen y densidad); se incluyó la metodología exploratoria, que fue de utilidad porque la temática estudiada no ha sido investigada por otros autores de forma exhaustiva. Los resultados obtenidos según análisis de varianza, muestran que hay diferencia significativa entre al menos uno de los componentes de los residuos sólidos, estableciéndose diferencia significativa entre el plástico con un promedio de 71.98 kgs. y los residuos de comida con un promedio de 81.74 kgs. tienen diferencia significativa con todos los demás componentes de los residuos sólidos de la F.M.O., siendo por tanto planteadas en esta investigación alternativas de tratamiento para los residuos de comida y plástico

    Percepción local sobre los impactos turísticos en la Cordillera de la Viuda, Provincia de Canta, Lima, 2021

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la percepción local sobre los impactos turísticos en la cordillera de la Viuda, Provincia de Canta, Lima, 2021. Fue de enfoque cualitativo, de tipo básica y diseño fenomenológico, los instrumentos utilizados fueron la guía de entrevista compuesta por 15 preguntas, que se aplicaron a 20 pobladores locales; y la guía de observación fue utilizada para obtener mayor información de los impactos turísticos del recurso. Los resultados; en el ámbito ambiental, evidenciaron que el turismo genera contaminación al recurso turístico a través de los residuos que se generan por las visitas y las autoridades no establecen condiciones para su cuidado. En el ámbito social, el turismo ha creado oportunidades laborales para mejorar la calidad de vida de la población a través de ferias gastronómicas y venta de artesanía. En el ámbito económico, ha generado mayores fuentes de ingresos económicos a través de la venta de productos y servicios turísticos. Se concluyó que la actividad turística en la Provincia de Canta genera beneficios económicos y sociales para la población local, sin embargo, hace falta una adecuada planificación, gestión y organización turística para evitar los impactos negativos a la cordillera de la Viuda

    The Tetrahymena metallothionein gene family: twenty-one new cDNAs, molecular characterization, phylogenetic study and comparative analysis of the gene expression under different abiotic stressors

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    Background: Ciliate metallothioneins (MTs) are included in family 7 of the MT superfamily. This family has been divided into two main subfamilies: 7a or CdMTs and 7b or CuMTs. All ciliate MTs reported have been isolated from different Tetrahymena species and present unique features with regard to standard MTs. Likewise, an expression analysis has been carried out on some of MT genes under metal stress, corroborating their classification into two subfamilies. Results: We isolated 21 new cDNAs from different Tetrahymena species to obtain a wider view of the biodiversity of these conserved genes. Structural analysis (cysteine patterns) and an updated phylogenetic study both corroborated the previous classification into two subfamilies. A new CuMT from a Tetrahymena-related species Ichthyophthirius multifiliis was also included in this general analysis. We detected a certain tendency towards the presentation of a CdMT tri-modular structure in Borealis group species with respect to Australis group. We report for the first time a semi-complete paralog duplication of a CdMT gene originating a new CdMT gene isoform in T. malaccensis. An asymmetry of the codon usage for glutamine residues was detected between Cd- and CuMTs, and the phylogenetic implications are discussed. A comparative gene expression analysis of several MT genes by qRTPCR revealed differential behavior among them under different abiotic stressors in the same Tetrahymena species. Conclusions: The Tetrahymena metallothionein family represents a quite conserved proteinstructure group with unique features with respect to standard MTs. Both Cd- and CuMT subfamilies present very defined and differentiated characteristics at several levels: cysteine patterns, modular structure, glutamine codon usage and gene expression under metal stress, among others. Gene duplication through evolution seems to be the major genetic mechanism for creating new MT gene isoforms and increasing their functional diversity

    Visualizing the colonization dynamics of pathogenic bacteria labelled by upconverting nanoparticles inside the gut

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    This study intends to show the use of upconversion photoluminescence imaging to investigate the colonization and infection dynamics of a natural murine intestinal pathogen, Citrobacter rodentium (C. rodentium), which induces inflammation in mice
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