44 research outputs found

    Qualidade do registro de dados sobre acidentes de trabalho fatais no Brasil

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a qualidade do registro de dados sobre acidentes de trabalho fatais no Brasil nos Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade (SIM) e Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação para acidentes de trabalho grave (Sinan-AT), analisando a distribuição espacial e temporal entre 2007 e 2012. MÉTODOS: Identificaram-se os campos relacionados ao acidente de trabalho fatal, que foram examinados para a completude e uso da opção “ignorado”. Do SIM, foram extraídos os registros de óbitos por causas externas, para os quais é requerido o preenchimento do campo , sobre a relação com o trabalho. Do Sinan, analisou-se o campo , que permite a identificação dos casos fatais dentre os acidentes de trabalho graves. RESULTADOS: No SIM, dos 469.121 registros, o campo foi deixado sem preenchimento ou foi preenchido como ignorado em 84,2%, maior na região Nordeste (79,1%) e, em especial, no estado do Alagoas (94,4%). A tendência foi de queda de 5,5% entre 2007 (86,6%) e 2012 (81,8%). Para os 251.681 registros no Sinan-AT, a falta de preenchimento ou o uso de resposta ignorada no campo representaram, juntos, 28,3%, passando de 39,7% em 2007 para 23,2% em 2012, um declínio de 41,6%. CONCLUSÕES: A qualidade do preenchimento de campos de interesse para o reconhecimento de casos de acidentes de trabalho fatais é ruim no SIM, mas vem gradualmente melhorando. No Sinan-AT, a qualidade dos registros foi melhor do que no SIM e vem melhorando acentuadamente.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the quality of the data on fatal workplace injuries in Brazil, in the Mortality Information System (SIM) and the Information System of Notifiable Diseases (SINAN-AT), analyzing the spatial and temporal distribution between 2007 and 2012. METHODS: We identified fields related to fatal workplace injuries, which were examined for completeness and the use of the “ignored” option. From the SIM, we extracted the records of deaths from external causes, which require the completing of the field about their relation with work. From the SINAN, we analyzed the field, which allows us to identify fatal cases among s severe workplace injuries. RESULTS: In the SIM, from 469,121 records, the field was left unfilled or filled as ignored in 84.2% of them; the Brazilian region with the highest proportion was the Northeast (79.1%), from which the state of Alagoas (94.4%) had the highest amount. There was a 5.5% decreasing trend between 2007 (86.6%) and 2012 (81.8%). Among the 251,681 records found in the SINAN-AT, 28.3% had unfilled or ignored responses for , varying from 39.7% in 2007 to 23.2% in 2012, a 41.6% decrease. CONCLUSIONS: The quality of the records on the fields of interest needed to identify fatal workplace injuries is poor in the SIM, but gradually improving. Recording quality was better for SINAN-AT, which has also been strongly getting better lately

    Validade da perda auditiva auto-referida em adultos: desempenho de três perguntas únicas

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    OBJETIVO: Estimar la validez de tres preguntas únicas utilizadas para evaluar la pérdida auditiva auto-referida en comparación con la audiometría de sonidos puros en una población adulta. MÉTODOS: Estudio de validez realizado con una sub-muestra aleatoria de 188 individuos, con edad entre 30 y 65 años, seleccionados de la cuarta fase (2006) de un estudio de cohorte de base poblacional conducido en Salvador, noreste de Brasil. Datos fueron colectados en entrevistas domiciliares utilizándose cuestionarios. Fueron utilizadas tres preguntas para evaluar separadamente, la pérdida auditiva auto-referida: Q1, "Siente usted que tiene una pérdida auditiva?"; Q2, "En general, diría usted que su audición es 'excelente', 'muy buena', 'buena', 'regular', 'mala'?"; Q3, "Actualmente, considera usted que 'oye de la misma forma que oía antes', 'sólo el oído derecho escucha menos que antes', 'sólo el oído izquierdo escucha menos que antes', 'los dos oídos escuchan menos que antes'?". Para estimar las medidas de precisión se utilizaron siete medidas, incluyendo el índice de Youden. Las respuestas obtenidas para cada pregunta fueron comparadas a los resultados de la audiometría de sonidos puros. RESULTADOS: Estimaciones de sensibilidad y especificidad fueron, respectivamente, (Q1) 79,6% y 77,4%, (Q2) 66,9% y 85,1%, (Q3) 81,5% y 76,4%. El índice Youden varió de 51,9% (Q2), a 57,0% (Q1) y 57,9% (Q3). CONCLUSIONES: Cada pregunta permite obtener respuestas con precisión suficiente para recomendar el uso de la pérdida auditiva auto-referida en estudios epidemiológicos con adultos cuando la audiometría de sonidos puros no sea factible.OBJETIVO: Estimar a validade de três perguntas únicas utilizadas para avaliar a perda auditiva auto-referida em comparação com a audiometria de tons puros em uma população adulta. MÉTODOS: Estudo de validade realizado com uma sub-amostra aleatória de 188 indivíduos, com idade entre 30 e 65 anos, selecionados da quarta fase (2006) de um estudo de coorte de base populacional conduzido em Salvador, BA. Dados foram coletados em entrevistas domiciliares utilizando-se questionários. Foram utilizadas três perguntas para avaliar, separadamente, a perda auditiva auto-referida: Q1, "Você sente que você tem uma perda auditiva?"; Q2, "Em geral, você diria que sua audição é 'excelente', 'muito boa', 'boa', 'regular', 'ruim'?"; Q3, "Atualmente, você acha que 'ouve da mesma forma que ouvia antes', 'apenas o ouvido direito ouve menos do que antes', 'apenas o ouvido esquerdo ouve menos do que antes', 'os dois ouvidos ouvem menos do que ouviam antes'?". Para estimar as medidas de acurácia foram utilizadas sete medidas, incluindo o índice de Youden. As respostas obtidas para cada pergunta foram comparadas aos resultados da audiometria de tons puros. RESULTADOS: Estimativas de sensibilidade e especificidade foram, respectivamente, (Q1) 79,6% e 77,4%, (Q2) 66,9% e 85,1%, (Q3) 81,5% e 76,4%. O índice Youden variou de 51,9% (Q2), a 57,0% (Q1) e 57,9% (Q3). CONCLUSÕES: Cada pergunta permite obter respostas com acurácia suficiente para recomendar o uso da perda auditiva auto-referida em estudos epidemiológicos com adultos quando a audiometria de tons puros não for factível.OBJECTIVE: To estimate the validity of three single questions used to assess self-reported hearing loss as compared to pure-tone audiometry in an adult population. METHODS: A validity study was performed with a random sub-sample of 188 subjects aged 30 to 65 years, drawn from the fourth wave of a population-based cohort study carried out in Salvador, Northeastern Brazil. Data were collected in household visits using questionnaires. Three questions were used to separately assess self-reported hearing loss: Q1, "Do you feel you have a hearing loss?"; Q2, "In general, would you say your hearing is 'excellent,' 'very good,' 'good,' 'fair,' 'poor'?"; Q3, "Currently, do you think you can hear 'the same as before', 'less than before only in the right ear', 'less than before only in the left ear', 'less than before in both ears'?". Measures of accuracy were estimated through seven measures including Youden index. Responses to each question were compared to the results of pure-tone audiometry to estimate accuracy measures. RESULTS: The estimated sensitivity and specificity were 79.6%, 77.4% for Q1; 66.9%, 85.1% for Q2; and 81.5%, 76.4% for Q3, respectively. The Youden index ranged from 51.9% (Q2) to 57.0% (Q1) and 57.9% (Q3). CONCLUSIONS: Each of all three questions provides responses accurate enough to support their use to assess self-reported hearing loss in epidemiological studies with adult populations when pure-tone audiometry is not feasible

    Gênero e fatores associados ao uso de equipamento de proteção auditiva no trabalho

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    OBJECTIVE To analyze whether sociodemographic, occupational, and health-related data are associated with the use of hearing protection devices at work, according to gender. METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2006, using a random sample of 2,429 workers, aged between 18 and 65 years old, from residential sub-areas in Salvador, BA, Northeastern Brazil. Questionnaires were used to obtain sociodemographic, occupational, and health-related data. Workers who reported that they worked in places where they needed to shout in order to be heard were considered to be exposed to noise. Exposed workers were asked whether they used hearing protection devices, and if so, how frequently. Analyses were conducted according to gender, with estimates made about prevalence of the use of hearing protection devices, prevalence ratios, and their respective 95% confidence intervals. RESULTS Twelve percent (12.3%) of study subjects reported that they were exposed to noise while working. Prevalence of the use of hearing protection devices was 59.3% for men and 21.4% for women. Men from higher socioeconomic levels (PR = 1.47; 95%CI 1.14;1.90) and who had previous audiometric tests (PR = 1.47; 95%CI 1.15;1.88) were more likely to use hearing protection devices. For women, greater perceived safety was associated with the use of protection devices (PR = 2.92; 95%CI 1.34;6.34). This perception was specifically related to the presence of supervisors committed to safety (PR = 2.09; 95%CI 1.04;4.21), the existence of clear rules to prevent workplace injuries (PR = 2.81; 95%CI 1.41;5.59), and whether they were informed about workplace safety (PR = 2.42; 95%CI 1.23;4.76). CONCLUSIONS There is a gender bias regarding the use of hearing protection devices that is less favorable to women. The use of such devices among women is positively influenced by their perception of a safe workplace, suggesting that gender should be considered as a factor in hearing conservation programs.OBJETIVO Analisar se dados sociodemográficos, ocupacionais e de saúde estão associados ao uso de equipamento de proteção auditiva no trabalho, segundo gênero. MÉTODOS Estudo transversal com amostra aleatória de 2.429 trabalhadores de 18 a 65 anos de subáreas de base domiciliar em Salvador, BA, no ano de 2006. Foram aplicados questionários para obtenção de dados sociodemográficos, ocupacionais e de saúde. Foram considerados expostos ao ruído aqueles que relataram trabalhar em local onde era necessário gritar para ser ouvido. Os trabalhadores expostos foram questionados sobre uso e regularidade do uso de equipamento de proteção auditiva. A análise foi conduzida por gênero, estimando-se a prevalência do uso do equipamento de proteção auditiva, razões de prevalência e os respectivos intervalos de 95% de confiança. RESULTADOS Entre os participantes do estudo, 12,3% referiram trabalhar expostos ao ruído. A prevalência do uso do equipamento de proteção auditiva foi 59,3% e 21,4%, para homens e mulheres, respectivamente. Entre os homens, maior nível socioeconômico (RP = 1,47; IC95% 1,14;1,90) e ter realizado audiometria (RP = 1,47; IC95% 1,15;1,88) foram fatores associados ao uso do equipamento. Entre as mulheres, a percepção de maior segurança associou-se ao uso do equipamento (RP = 2,92; IC95% 1,34;6,34). Essa percepção deveu-se, especialmente, à presença de supervisores comprometidos com a segurança (RP = 2,09; IC95% 1,04;4,21), à existência de regras claras para evitar acidentes de trabalho (RP = 2,81; IC95% 1,41;5,59) e ao recebimento de informações sobre segurança no trabalho (RP = 2,42; IC95% 1,23;4,76). CONCLUSÕES Há um viés de gênero em relação ao uso do equipamento de proteção auditiva menos favorável às mulheres em comparação com os homens. O uso do equipamento entre mulheres é influenciado positivamente pela percepção de um ambiente de trabalho seguro, sugerindo que o gênero precisa ser considerado nos programas de conservação auditiva

    Fatores associados à notificação de perda auditiva induzida por ruído no Brasil, 2013-2015: estudo ecológico

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    Objective: To investigate factors associated with the notification of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) in Brazil’s Notifiable Diseases Information System. Methods: Ecological study to estimate the proportion of municipalities that notified NIHL. Logistic regression models were conducted to identify associated factors. Results: Between 2013-2015, 277 (5.0%) municipalities notified NIHL. This notification was more common among municipalities with coverage by a Worker Health Referral Centre (CEREST) (OR=1.62 – 95%CI 1.02;2.59) or that hosted a CEREST in their territory (OR=4.37 – 95CI% 2.75;6.93), within a shorter distance to the state capital (OR=1.43 – 95%IC 1.06;1.92) and having a high human development index (OR=2.35 – 95%CI 1.16;4.75). Among the municipalities located in a Cerest coverage area, notification was more common when there was a Speech-Language-Hearing professional in the team (OR=1.96 – 95%CI – 1.47;2.63) and a low turnover of professionals (OR=1.88 – 95%CI 1.40;2.52). Conclusion: Contextual factors influence NIHL notification, particularly the existence and qualification of CEREST. Objetivo: Investigar fatores associados à notificação de perda auditiva induzida por ruído (Pair) no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação no Brasil. Métodos: Estudo ecológico para estimar a proporção de municípios notificantes de Pair. Foram empregados modelos de regressão logística para identificar fatores associados. Resultados: Entre 2013 e 2015, 277 (5,0%) municípios notificaram Pair. A notificação foi mais comum entre municípios com cobertura por Cerest (OR=1,62 – IC95% 1,02;2,59) ou que sediavam unidade de Cerest em seu território (OR=4,37 – IC95% 2,75;6,93), a menor distância da capital do estado (OR=1,43 – IC95% 1,06;1,92) e com alto índice de desenvolvimento humano (OR=2,35 – IC95% 1,16;4,75). Entre os municípios situados em área com cobertura de Cerest, a notificação foi mais comum quando na equipe havia fonoaudiólogo (OR=1,96 – IC95% 1,47;2,63) e era baixa a rotatividade de profissionais (OR=1,88 – IC95% 1,40;2,52). Conclusão: Fatores contextuais influenciam na notificação de Pair, notadamente a existência e qualificação dos Cerest

    Prevalence and causes of hearing impairment in Fundong Health District, North-West Cameroon.

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence and causes of hearing impairment in Fundong Health District, North-West Cameroon. METHODS: We selected 51 clusters of 80 people (all ages) through probability proportionate to size sampling. Initial hearing screening was undertaken through an otoacoustic emission (OAE) test. Participants aged 4+ years who failed this test in both ears or for whom an OAE reading could not be taken underwent a manual pure-tone audiometry (PTA) screening. Cases of hearing impairment were defined as those with pure-tone average ≥41 dBHL in adults and ≥35 dBHL in children in the better ear, or children under age 4 who failed the OAE test in both ears. Each case with hearing loss was examined by an ear, nose and throat nurse who indicated the main likely cause. RESULTS: We examined 3567 (86.9%) of 4104 eligible people. The overall prevalence of hearing impairment was 3.6% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.8-4.6). The prevalence was low in people aged 0-17 (1.1%, 0.7-1.8%) and 18-49 (1.1%, 0.5-2.6%) and then rose sharply in people aged 50+ (14.8%, 11.7-19.1%). Among cases, the majority were classified as moderate (76%), followed by severe (15%) and profound (9%). More than one-third of cases of hearing impairment were classified as unknown (37%) or conductive (37%) causes, while sensorineural causes were less common (26%). CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of hearing impairment in North-West Cameroon is in line with the WHO estimate for sub-Saharan Africa. The majority of cases with known causes are treatable, with impacted wax playing a major role

    Mothers as facilitators for a parent group intervention for children with Congenital Zika Syndrome: Qualitative findings from a feasibility study in Brazil.

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    BACKGROUND: The Zika virus outbreak in Brazil (2015-2016) affected thousands of children who were born with Congenital Zika Syndrome (CZS). Families play an important role in their care of children with complex needs, yet their knowledge, experience and skills are rarely harnessed in existing interventions to best support these families. OBJECTIVE: This study explores the use of mothers as facilitators for a community-based group intervention for children with CZS and their caregivers in Brazil. METHODS: Four facilitators were trained to deliver the 10-week intervention called "Juntos". Two were mothers of a child with CZS ("expert mothers") and two were therapists (speech therapist and physiotherapist). The intervention was delivered to three groups, generally including 8-10 caregivers. Two researchers, who were psychologists, observed the groups and held focus group discussions at the end of each session. They undertook semi-structured interviews post intervention with a purposive sample of caregivers, and with the facilitators. Observation notes were collated and summarised. Transcripts were transcribed and thematically analysed using five elements to assess feasibility: acceptability, demand, implementation, practicality and adaptation. RESULTS: The use of expert mothers as facilitators was considered to be acceptable and there was demand for their role. Their experiential knowledge was viewed as important for sharing and learning, and supporting and encouraging the group. The intervention was delivered with fidelity by the expert mothers. The practicality of the intervention was facilitated by holding the group sessions in the community, providing transport costs to facilitators and participants, paying expert mothers and therapist facilitators equally and supporting the expert mothers through a mentorship programme. Equal payment with the therapist enabled the expert mothers to better facilitate the groups, through increased confidence in the value of their role. Adaptation of the intervention included development of video resources and mentoring guidelines. CONCLUSION: The use of expert mothers as facilitators of caregiver groups provides a unique approach to harness the knowledge, experience, and skills of families to provide care, and is likely to be feasible in similar contexts

    Congenital Zika Syndrome-Assessing the Need for a Family Support Programme in Brazil.

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    The Zika outbreak in Brazil caused congenital impairments and developmental delays, or Congenital Zika Syndrome (CZS). We sought to ascertain whether a family support programme was needed and, if so, could be adapted from the Getting to Know Cerebral Palsy programme (GTKCP) designed for children with cerebral palsy (CP). We conducted a systematic review of the needs of families of children with CZS or CP in low- and middle-income countries and reviewed the findings of the Social and Economic Impact of Zika study. We undertook a scoping visit to three facilities offering services to children with CZS in Brazil to understand potential utility and adaptability of GTKCP. The literature review showed that caregivers of children with CZS experience challenges in mental health, healthcare access, and quality of life, consistent with the CP literature. The scoping visits demonstrated that most support provided to families was medically orientated and while informal support networks were established, these lacked structure. Caregivers and practitioners expressed an eagerness for more structure community-based family support programmes. A support programme for families of children with CZS in Brazil appeared relevant and needed, and may fill an important gap in the Zika response

    Physical therapist’s performance in Cerests: indicators of notification of work-related musculoskeletal disorders

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    This study described the role of physical therapists in Cerests (Occupational Health Reference Centers in Brazil) and estimated the number of notifications of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in the country. This study was conducted with primary dada obtained from an electronic questionnaire to verify the insertion and actions performed by physical therapists in Cerests in Brazil, and with secondary data related to the notifications to SINAN between 2009 and 2013. Results: in Cerests, 71.1% had at least one physical therapist in the health team in 2015. Most physical therapists were allocated in the Southeast (37.6%) and Northeast (31.6%) regions, which were also the geographical origins of most notifications (62.3% and 26.7%, respectively). The national average insertion of these professionals in Cerests was 1.02 physical therapists per health unit. Physical therapists are present in most Cerests, and their geographical concentration corresponds to the regions with the highest proportion of cases of work-related musculoskeletal disorders. Despite the preponderance of surveillance actions in occupational health, rehabilitative actions conducted by physical therapists still coexist.En este trabajo, se describió la actuación de fisioterapeutas en Centros de Referência em Saúde do Trabalhador (Cerest) de Brasil y fue estimado el volumen de notificaciones de disturbios osteomusculares relacionados al trabajo (Dort) en el país. Este estudio fue conducido con datos primarios obtenidos por cuestionario electrónico para levantamiento de inserción y de acciones realizadas por fisioterapeutas en Cerest del país y datos secundarios relativos a la casuística de las notificaciones de Dort en Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Sinan) entre 2009 a 2013. Fue constatado que 71,1% de los Cerest tenían por lo menos un fisioterapeuta en el equipo en 2015. La mayor parte de eses profisionales estuvo alocada en las regiones Sudeste (37,6%) y Nordeste (31,6%), que también se caracterizan como el orígen geográfico de la mayoria de las notificaciones de Dort (62,3% e 26,7 %, respectivamente). La media nacional de inserción de profisionales en Cerest fue de 1,02 fisioterapeutas por unidad. Los profisionales de fisioterapia están presentes en la mayoría de los Cerest y su concentración geográfica corresponde a las regiones con mayor proporción de casos de Dort. Además la preponderancia de las acciones de vigilancia en salud del trabajador, aun coexisten acciones rehabilitadoras ejercidas por fisioterapeutas.Neste trabalho, descreveu-se a atuação de fisioterapeutas nos Centros de Referência em Saúde do Trabalhador (Cerest) do Brasil e foi estimado o volume de notificações de distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho (Dort) no país. Este estudo foi conduzido com dados primários obtidos por questionário eletrônico para levantamento de inserção e de ações realizadas por fisioterapeutas nos Cerest do país e dados secundários relativos à casuística das notificações de Dort no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Sinan), entre 2009 a 2013. Foi constatado que 71,1% dos Cerest tinham pelo menos um fisioterapeuta na equipe em 2015. A maior parte desses profissionais estava alocada nas regiões Sudeste (37,6%) e Nordeste (31,6%), que também caracterizam-se como a origem geográfica da maioria das notificações de Dort (62,3% e 26,7 %, respectivamente). A média nacional de inserção de profissionais nos Cerest foi de 1,02 fisioterapeutas por unidade. Os profissionais de fisioterapia estão presentes na maioria dos Cerest, e sua concentração geográfica corresponde às regiões com maior proporção de casos de Dort. Apesar da preponderância das ações de vigilância em saúde do trabalhador, ainda coexistem ações reabilitadoras exercidas por fisioterapeutas

    Assessment of the feasibility of Juntos: A support programme for families of children affected by Congenital Zika Syndrome.

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    Background: The 2015-16 Zika epidemic resulted in thousands of children born with congenital Zika syndrome (CZS). In Brazil, gaps in the health system often caused parents to be left with insufficient information and support. Consequently, we developed and piloted Juntos - a participatory support programme which aims to improve knowledge, capacities and build support networks for caregivers of children with CZS.   Methods: Six caregiver groups received the programme between August 2017 and June 2018: three in Rio de Janeiro and three in Bahia. We assessed the feasibility of Juntos against six of the eight areas of a feasibility framework described by Bowen et al. to consider whether Juntos 'could work'. These areas were: acceptability, demand, implementation, practicality, adaptation and limited efficacy. We used mixed methods including: 1) baseline and end-line questionnaires completed by all group participants; 2) in-depth interviews with 18 participants, seven facilitators and three key stakeholders; 3) participant focus group discussions after each session; 4) researchers session observation; and 5) recording programme costs.  Results: 37/48 (77%) enrolled families completed both questionnaires. Acceptability and demand were noted as high, based on participant responses to interview questions, focus group feedback and satisfaction scores. Potential for implementation and practicality were also demonstrated through interviews with facilitators and key stakeholders and analysis of project documents. Two groups included caregivers of children with non-Zika related developmental disabilities, showing potential for adaptability. Self-reported quality of life scores increased in caregivers between baseline and end-line, as did the dimensions of family relationships and daily activities in the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PEDS QL) Family Impact Module, showing limited efficacy.   Conclusions: The programme showed feasibility according to Bowen's framework. However, further research of scale up, particularly in the areas of integration, expansion and limited efficacy are needed to ascertain if the programme is effective

    Juntos: A Support Program for Families Impacted by Congenital Zika Syndrome in Brazil.

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    BACKGROUND: The 2015-2016 Zika virus outbreak in Brazil was unprecedented and resulted in the birth of more than 3,000 children with congenital Zika syndrome (CZS). These children experience multiple complex health conditions and have limited services to support them and their family's needs. PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT AND PILOTING: An existing family support program for children with cerebral palsy (Getting to Know Cerebral Palsy) was adapted to the Zika context in Brazil through expert consultation. The program was pilot tested at 2 sites among 6 groups of caregivers (total of 48 families) from August 2017 to June 2018. Group observation and focus group discussions with facilitators and participants at the end of each session informed fast-track learning, which was used to tailor the program for future groups. Fast-track learning-adjusting the intervention in real time based on gathered feedback-was found to be a helpful process to inform and hone the program from its initial concept. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The intervention, Juntos, is a facilitated participatory group program for caregivers of children who have CZS. The group sessions are cofacilitated by a parent of a child who has CZS and an allied health professional. The group meets for 10 sessions that last 4 hours. Each session includes an icebreaker, activities, and group discussions. Content covers practical information on caring for a child with a developmental disability including that caused by Zika. Psychosocial support forms an important component, and families are guided from the first week to define and develop their own communities of support. Six pilot groups were successfully run in Rio de Janeiro and Greater Salvador, Bahia. The groups gave positive feedback on acceptability and demand. CONCLUSIONS: The program has the potential to be an important tool for community health and social support services in South America in response to Zika. The program can also be applied to children with neurodevelopmental disabilities other than those caused by the Zika virus, which could be important in ensuring families of children with CZS are less isolated