6,332 research outputs found

    Integration of biophysical connectivity in the spatial optimization of coastal ecosystem services

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    Ecological connectivity in coastal oceanic waters is mediated by dispersion of the early life stages of marine organisms and conditions the structure of biological communities and the provision of ecosystem services. Integrated management strategies aimed at ensuring long-term service provision to society do not currently consider the importance of dispersal and larval connectivity. A spatial optimization model is introduced to maximise the potential provision of ecosystem services in coastal areas by accounting for the role of dispersal and larval connectivity. The approach combines a validated coastal circulation model that reproduces realistic patterns of larval transport along the coast, which ultimately conditions the biological connectivity and productivity of an area, with additional spatial layers describing potential ecosystem services. The spatial optimization exercise was tested along the coast of Central Chile, a highly productive area dominated by the Humboldt Current. Results show it is unnecessary to relocate existing management areas, as increasing no-take areas by 10% could maximise ecosystem service provision, while improving the spatial representativeness of protected areas and minimizing social conflicts. The location of protected areas was underrepresented in some sections of the study domain, principally due to the restriction of the model to rocky subtidal habitats. Future model developments should encompass the diversity of coastal ecosystems and human activities to inform integrative spatial management. Nevertheless, the spatial optimization model is innovative not only for its integrated ecosystem perspective, but also because it demonstrates that it is possible to incorporate time-varying biophysical connectivity within the optimization problem, thereby linking the dynamics of exploited populations produced by the spatial management regime.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables; 1 graphical abstract. In this version: numbering of figures corrected, updated figure 2, typos corrected and references fixe

    "Inglorious Basterds" And The Glorious Aestheticization Of Gore.

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    Este trabajo se centra en la idea del disfrute de películas violentas, en cómo se perciben y, a veces, glorifican. Con “Malditos Bastardos” (Quentin Tarantino, 2009) ejemplifico la idea de que nos sentimos atraídos a las películas violentas por su estética atractiva, hasta el punto de que argumento que estamos siendo “manipulados” para que nos guste. También y respondo preguntas tales como: “¿Por qué nos atrae la violencia?”, “¿a través de qué elementos mediáticos estamos más expuestos a ella?”, “¿está mal que disfrutemos de ella?”, “¿somos hipócritas por hacerlo?” y “¿cómo afecta a la sociedad esta situación?” Al final concluyo que no hay nada malo en disfrutar la violencia ficticia, pero que ciertamente estamos siendo manipulados para que nos guste mediante muchos factores. Es más, deberíamos pensar de forma crítica y separar la violencia ficticia de la real<br /

    Polymer chain dynamics: Evidence of nonexponential mode relaxation using thermally stimulated depolarization current techniques

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    The slowest (p=1) mode relaxation of several polyisoprenes has been experimentally isolated by thermally stimulated depolarization current techniques. Close to the glass transition the p=1 mode deviates from the exponential behavior assumed by Rouse and tube-reptation theories. This effect is found to be a consequence of the closeness of τp=1 and α-relaxation time scales. The scenario resembles that of broadened fast component dynamics in polymer blends with high dynamic asymmetry and suggests a possible general interpretation in terms of the effect of local density fluctuations (α relaxation) on chain dynamics.We acknowledge the support from the following research projects: MAT2012-31088, supported by the Spanish Ministry “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad,” and IT-654-13, supported by the Basque Government.Peer Reviewe

    Chain dynamics on crossing the glass transition: Nonequilibrium effects and recovery of the temperature dependence of the structural relaxation

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    In this paper we report thermally stimulated depolarization current results on the chain and segmental dynamics of two monodisperse polyisoprenes accessing both dynamics at ultralow frequency range and exploring the relationship between segmental and chain time scales when crossing the glass transition. In this range, we have recorded experimental evidence of nonequilibrium effects on the slowest chain mode dynamics. The nonequilibrium effects seem to occur simultaneously for both chain and α-relaxation. Moreover, detailed analysis strongly indicates the recovery of an even T-dependence for the chain and α-relaxation dynamics on crossing glass transition and in the glassy state. The obtained results can be understood taking into account the different temperature dependences of the length scales involved in the segmental and chain relaxations.We acknowledge the support of the following research projects MAT2012-31088 supported by the Spanish Ministry "Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad" and IT-654-13 supported by the Basque Government.Peer Reviewe

    Dielectric relaxation of 2-ethyl-1-hexanol around the glass transition by thermally stimulated depolarization currents

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    We explore new routes for characterizing the Debye-like and α relaxation in 2-ethyl-1-hexanol (2E1H) monoalcohol by using low frequency dielectric techniques including thermally stimulated depolarization current (TSDC) techniques and isothermal depolarization current methods. In this way, we have improved the resolution of the overlapped processes making it possible the analysis of the data in terms of a mode composition as expected for a chain-like response. Furthermore the explored ultralow frequencies enabled to study dynamics at relatively low temperatures close to the glass transition (Tg ). Results show, on the one hand, that Debye-like and α relaxation timescales dramatically approach to each other upon decreasing temperature to Tg . On the other hand, the analysis of partial polarization TSDC data confirms the single exponential character of the Debye-like relaxation in 2E1H and rules out the presence of Rouse type modes in the scenario of a chain-like response. Finally, on crossing the glass transition, the Debye-like relaxation shows non-equilibrium effects which are further emphasized by aging treatment and would presumably emerge as a result of the arrest of the structural relaxation below Tg.We acknowledge the support of the following research projects MAT2012-31088 supported by the Spanish Ministry “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” and IT-654-13 supported by the Basque Government.Peer Reviewe

    MRI Tracking of Macrophages Labeled with Glucan Particles Entrapping a Water Insoluble Paramagnetic Gd-Based Agent.

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    PURPOSE: This study is aimed at demonstrating the in vivo potential of Gd(III)-loaded glucan particles (Gd-GPs) as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-positive agents for labeling and tracking phagocytic cells. PROCEDURE: GPs were obtained from Saccharomyces cerevisae and loaded with the water-insoluble complex Gd-DOTAMA(C18)2. The uptake kinetics of Gd-GPs by murine macrophages was studied in vitro and the internalization mechanism was assessed by competition assays. The in vivo performance of Gd-GPs was tested at 7.05 T on a mouse model of acute liver inflammation. RESULTS: The minimum number of Gd-GPs-labeled J774.A1 macrophages detected in vitro by MRI was ca. 300 cells/μl of agar, which is the lowest number ever reported for cells labeled with a positive T1 agent. Intravenous injection of macrophages labeled with Gd-GPs in a mouse model of liver inflammation enabled the MRI visualization of the cellular infiltration in the diseased area. CONCLUSIONS: Gd-GPs represent a promising platform for tracking macrophages by MRI as a T1 alternative to the golden standard T2-based iron oxide particles

    Comunidades de microfouling de los plásticos pelágicos y bentónicos muestreados en aguas costeras mediterráneas

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    The present study used scanning electron microscopy to characterize the organisms colonizing marine plastic debris collected from pelagic and benthic habitats across Mediterranean coastal waters of Greece, Italy and Spain. A total of 42 fragments of plastic were collected during the COMSOM experimental cruise, 16 from the seafloor and 26 from surface waters. The results showed that diatoms were the most abundant organisms on both pelagic and benthic plastics. The diatom Ceratoneis closterium, frequently observed on surface plastics (73%), is a harmful microalgae associated with mucilage events in the Mediterranean. The abundance of marine plastic in coastal and oceanic waters may provide new habitats that offer an easy substrate for these invasive organisms. Furthermore, the colonization of these new environments might reduce the success of life strategies, or drive the organisms out of their essential habitat by dispersion and rafting phenomena. The results of the present work highlight the need to increase our knowledge of the consequences of colonization of plastics introduced into the marine environment, and the need to raise awareness of the potential impacts of debris accumulation on biodiversity of marine ecosystems.El presente estudio utilizó el microscopio electrónico de barrido para caracterizar los organismos colonizadores de los plásticos de hábitats pelágicos y bentónicos de las aguas costeras mediterráneas de Grecia, Italia y España. Durante la campaña COMSOM se muestrearon un total de 42 fragmentos de plásticos, 16 de fondo y 26 de superficie. Los resultados evidenciaron que las diatomeas fueron los organismos más abundantes tanto en los plásticos pelágicos como en los bentónicos. Cabe mencionar que la diatomea Ceratoneis closterium, observada frecuentemente en plásticos de superficie (73%), es una especie de alga nociva asociada a fenómenos de mucílago en el Mediterráneo. La abundancia de los plásticos marinos en aguas costeras y oceánicas puede proporcionar nuevos hábitats que ofrecen un substrato fácil para los organismos invasores. Además, la colonización de estos nuevos ambientes puede reducir el éxito de las estrategias de vida, o alejar a los organismos de sus hábitats esenciales mediante fenómenos de dispersión o de transporte mediante “rafting”. Los resultados de este trabajo ponen de relieve la necesidad de aumentar nuestro conocimiento sobre las consecuencias de la colonización de los plásticos introducidos en el medio marino y, al mismo tiempo, la necesidad de concienciar sobre sus impactos potenciales en la biodiversidad de los ecosistemas marinos

    Coaches’ controlling interpersonal style and frustration of basic psychological needs in adolescent judokas

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    The aim of the study was to analyse the relationships established between the different factors that make up coaches’ controlling interpersonal style and frustration of basic psychological needs, as well as to identify the differences that may exist in terms of gender and training hours, and whether the latter may trigger these variables in adolescent judokas. A socio-demographic questionnaire, the Controlling Coach Behaviors Scale (CCBS) (Bartholomew, Ntoumanis & Thøgersen-Ntoumani, 2010), in its Spanish version (Castillo et al., 2014), was administered, as well as the Psychological Need Thwarting Scale (PNTS) (Bartholomew, Ntoumanis, Ryan & Thøgersen-Ntoumani, 2011), also in its Spanish version (Sicilia, Ferriz & Sáenz-Álvarez, 2013). The sample comprised 86 adolescent judokas, who had a federation licence and participated in regional competitions (M = 14.13; SD = 1.38). Descriptive and correlation analyses of all variables were performed. The Mann-Whitney U-test and the Kruskal-Wallis test were carried out, respectively, to analyse the differences in gender and training hours. The results showed a positive and significant correlation between all study variables. In addition, significant differences were found between genders in the control variable of use of rewards, and in the frustration variable of the basic psychological need of competence, depending on the judokas’ training hours. These results suggest that controlling interpersonal styles influence the frustration of basic psychological needs of adolescent judokas, according to their gender or training hours. Keywords: Interpersonal control; Psychological need thwarting; Jud