53 research outputs found

    Reproductive plasticity of a Procambarus clarkii population living 10\ub0C below its thermal optimum

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    In this study the annual reproductive biology of a Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852) population living in an atypical habitat with cold spring waters is investigated by monitoring Gonado-Somatic and Hepato-Somatic Indexes (GSI and HSI) and by performing cytology on ovaries. Despite its known preference for habitats with water temperature from 21 to 30 \ub0C, our results clearly confirm the adaptation of this population to the atypical thermal habitat, characterised by an annual mean water temperature value of 13.32 \ub10.08 \ub0C. Maximum gonadal development was reached in August, with maximum GSI median value of 0.64 (instead of reported values even 10 times higher for other populations), and ovigerous females were found in autumn, with mean realized fecundity of 35 \ub17 compared to 285\u2013995 reported from other habitats. Histological analysis was consistent with other studies and allowed us to follow ovarian development at cytological level. The importance of all these results is not to be underestimated: to our knowledge these findings are the first report of the coolest habitat successfully colonized by this species at the present time and so they have to be taken as a warning about the possible range expansion of P. clarkii also to northern and colder habitats that have few things in common with the native habitat of the species and, up to now, were considered \u201csafe\u201d from the invasion of the red swamp crayfish

    Osteoporose: imperativos diagnósticos e terapêuticos

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    Osteoporose constitui uma desordem metabólica do osso muito mais do que uma doença estabelecida. Leva a enfraquecimento da estrutura mineral óssea, com predisposição para fraturas do osso trabecular e cortical principalmente dos corpos vertebrais, punhos e fêmur. Pacientes com predisposição ao desenvolvimento de osteoporose devem ser identificados precocemente nos consultórios dos diversos especialistas e orientados precocemente para garantir uma massa óssea de ótima densidade mineral ao longo de toda vida. O objetivo deste trabalho é reunir o que existe de mais novo em diagnóstico e tratamento de osteoporose.Osteoporosis consists more in a metabolic disorder of the bone than in an estabilished disease. There is a weakness of the bone mineral structure, predisposing to should be done an early identification of the population at risk of development of osteoporosis by the different medicai specialists. This population should receive early orientation in order to guarantee an optimal bone mineral density throughout their lives. We review the aspects of osteoporosis diagnosis and treatment

    Apis mellifera ligustica, Spinola 1806 as bioindicator for detecting environmental contamination: a preliminary study of heavy metal pollution in Trieste, Italy

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    Honeybees have become important tools for the ecotoxicological assessment of soil, water and air metal contamination due to their extraordinary capacity to bioaccumulate toxic metals from the environment. The level of heavy metal pollution in the Trieste city was monitored using foraging bees of Apis mellifera ligustica from hives owned by beekeepers in two sites strategically located in the suburban industrial area and urban ones chosen as control. The metal concentration in foraging bees was determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The chemical analysis has identified and quantified 11 trace elements accumulated in two different rank orders: Zn> Cu > Sr > Bi > Ni > Cr > Pb = Co > V > Cd > As in foraging bees from the suburban site and Zn > Cu > Sr > Cr > Ni > Bi > Co = V > Pb > As > Cd in bees from urban site. Data revealed concentrations of Cr and Cu significantly higher and concentration of Cd significantly lower in bees from urban sites. The spatial difference and magnitude order in heavy metal accumulation along the urban-suburban gradient are mainly related to the different anthropogenic activity within sampled sites and represent a risk for the human health of people living in the city. We discussed and compared results with the range of values reported in literature

    Fitness, PA, Perceived Competence, Parental Support, and Literacy Outcomes in the REACH After-School Sports Program

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the REACH program in increasing physical activity (PA) levels, cardiorespiratory fitness, perceived competence, self-efficacy, parental support, and literacy across a year-long after-school PA intervention. Participants (N = 78) were students who volunteered from after-school program at either one of the two intervention schools or the control schools. Data are presented from two time points: Baseline (Aug/Sep 2017), and Post (end of the school year in May 2018). Data consisted of PA levels measured by PAC-Q, PACER test, Harter’s Perceived Competence questionnaire, parental support, and literacy tests. School differences in post-intervention scores were found in three (parental support, literacy, PACER) of seven intervention-related measures. Most notably parental support was higher in intervention schools over the control and PACER scores were higher in one intervention school than the control. The results demonstrate that data collection methods may need to be reconsidered in diverse low-income schools. The dramatic amount of missing data and lack of student effort points to students perhaps being overwhelmed with standardized tests and performing tasks for researchers. This leads to a dilemma in data collection in after-school programs in low-income schools: researchers need data to understand what is happening but how are students being served by the data collection process? Researchers should consider new approaches to collect data in low-income urban after-school programs to limit loss of data and to make the data collection meaningful to student participants

    A correlation between clinical severity and functional state with nerve conduction studies findings in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome: a systematic review

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    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is the most common compressive neuropathy in the general population, and it may lead to disabling symptoms and significant functional limitation. This systematic review covered Pubmed, Medline, Embase, Cochrane, CINAHL, LILACS, and SCIELO databases, with no time or language delimitations. The PICO strategy defined the search strategy with keywords extracted from the Medical Subjects Headings, and the quality of the studies was evaluated by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) scale. Overall, 857 studies were identified, of which only 10 fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Despite the good results shown, a noticeable heterogeneity was observed among the studies included, associated with methodological discrepancy and to limited sample size in a few of them. Four studies showed no correlation between electrophysiological findings and clinical symptoms and signs, whereas three could demonstrate such association and other three studies had equivocal results. Other studies are necessary, with better methodological standards and more homogeneous and precise evaluations, so as to improve the level of scientific evidence.A síndrome do Túnel do Carpo é a neuropatia compressiva mais frequente na população geral que pode levar a sintomas incapacitantes e significativa limitação funcional. Uma revisão sistemática foi realizada nas bases de dados Pubmed, Medline, Embase, Cochrane, CINAHL, LILACS e SCIELO, sem delimitação de tempo ou idioma. Utilizou-se da estratégia PICO para a pesquisa, palavras-chave extraídas dos Descritores de Ciências da Saúde (Decs) e a qualidade dos estudos foi avaliada através da escala Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Identificaram-se 857 estudos dos quais, somente 10 obedeceram aos critérios de inclusão. Apesar dos bons resultados apresentados, verificou-se uma expressiva heterogeneidade existente entre os estudos incluídos, associado à discrepância metodológica, e um limitado tamanho amostral em alguns deles. São necessários estudos com melhor padrão metodológico, bem como avaliações mais homogêneas e precisas, a fim de melhorar o nível de evidência científica

    QuaderniCIRD n. 17

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    Il numero 17 (2018) della rivista QuaderniCIRD, particolarmente corposo, spazia su varie discipline: dalla Linguistica alla Psicologia dell\u2019apprendimento, dalla Didattica della Matematica alla Didattica delle Scienze (in particolare, Astronomia e Geoscienze), dalla Letteratura italiana all\u2019Economia. La prima parte del numero contiene sei contributi. Nel primo di questi, Francisco Marcos Mar\uedn, pur partendo dal contesto della Linguistica, offre un vivido esempio di come l\u2019affrontare un problema con un approccio multidisciplinare possa essere molto fruttuoso per la produzione di nuove ipotesi e di nuovi risultati scientifici. Nel secondo, Chiara De Vita, Sandra Pellizzoni e Maria Chiara Passolunghi presentano le possibilit\ue0 offerte dalla Psicologia cognitiva per riconoscere e stimolare le abilit\ue0 matematiche fin dalla prima infanzia. I due successivi contributi sono dedicati alla Scuola secondaria di primo grado. L\u2019articolo di Marina Rocco riguarda la Didattica della Matematica: vi si illustra un percorso che, mediante la piegatura della carta, prevede lo svolgimento di attivit\ue0 concrete atte a motivare alcuni concetti di geometria euclidea. Valentina Bologna e Stefano Minussi descrivono, invece, un\u2019esperienza di peer-teaching per l\u2019insegnamento dell\u2019Astronomia. Nel quinto contributo, Costanza Geddes da Filicaia, dopo aver sinteticamente delineato la biografia e le opere di Giani Stuparich, propone una serie di itinerari nella realt\ue0 di Trieste, riferendosi alle parole stesse di tale autore. Nel sesto contributo, Patrizia de Luca, Girolamo Piccolo, Adele Intini e Francesco Venier illustrano un\u2019esperienza triennale riguardante l\u2019Economia e la Gestione aziendale, svolta nell\u2019ambito dei Moduli Formativi, un\u2019attivit\ue0 dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Trieste che si propone di avvicinare il mondo accademico a quello della Scuola secondaria di secondo grado. La seconda parte del numero contiene due recensioni, una delle quali riguarda un libro e l\u2019altra software, e quattro notizie. Michele Stoppa, nel contesto delle Scienze geologiche, recensisce il testo UNESCOGeoparke in 6sterreich, Natur- und Kulturerlebnisf\ufchrer der Universit\ue4t Salzburg \u2013 Band 5, a cura di E. Hejl, H. Ibetsberger e H. Steyrer. Daniel Doz ed Eleonora Doz, nel contesto della Didattica della Matematica, recensiscono l\u2019app per tablet e smartphone Photomath, della Photomath Inc. Ester Colizza presenta un resoconto della conferenza \u201cDa Trieste ai Poli: i viaggi che hanno portato la ricerca triestina agli estremi del pianeta\u201d, svoltasi a Trieste nell\u2019ambito della mostra interattiva e multimediale \u201cTrieste e la Scienza\u201d. Verena Zudini segnala lo svolgimento a Trieste del XVII Congresso SISM - Societ\ue0 Italiana di Storia delle Matematiche. Dolores Ross relaziona sul Dutch Friday, evento con il quale la Sezione di Neerlandistica del Corso di Studi di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Trieste ha festeggiato il suo cinquantacinquesimo anniversario. Francesco Princivalle, nell\u2019esporre lo svolgimento della cerimonia di presentazione di un tronco fossilizzato di \u201caraucaria\u201d, recentemente messo a disposizione del Museo di Mineralogia e Petrografia dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Trieste, illustra le caratteristiche di questo reperto unico, dal valore scientifico inestimabile. LUCIANA ZUCCHERI, Direttore della rivista QuaderniCIRD CIRD - Universit\ue0 di Triest

    Surgical and Interventional Management of Complications Caused by Pancreatitis

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    Acute pancreatitis has a broad clinical spectrum: from mild, self-limited disease to fulminant illness resulting in multi-organ failure leading to a prolonged clinical course with up to 30% mortality in case of infected necrosis. Management of local complications such as pseudocysts and walled-off necrosis may vary from clinical observation to interventional treatment procedures. Gram negative bacteria infection may develop in up to one-third of patients with pancreatic necrosis leading to a clinical deterioration with the onset of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome and organ failure. When feasible, an interventional treatment is indicated. Percutaneous or endoscopic drainage approach are the first choices. A combination of minimally invasive techniques (step-up approach) is possible in patients with large or multiple collections. Open surgical treatment has been revised both in the timing and in the operating modalities in the last decades. Since 1990s, the surgical treatment of infected necrosis shifted to a more conservative approach. Disruption of the main pancreatic duct is present in up to 50% of patients with pancreatic fluid collections. According to the location along the Wirsung, treatment may vary from percutaneous drainage, endoscopic retrograde pancreatography with sphincterectomy or stenting to traditional surgical procedures. Patients may suffer from vascular complications in up to 23% of cases. Tissue disruption provoked by lipolytic and proteolytic enzymes, iatrogenic complications during operative procedures, splenic vein thrombosis, and pseudoaneurysms are the pathophysiological determinants of bleeding. Interventional radiology is the first line treatment and when it fails or is not possible, an urgent surgical approach should be adopted. Chylous ascites, biliary strictures and duodenal stenosis are complications that, although uncommon and transient, may have different treatment modalities from non-operative, endoscopic to open surgery

    Neuropathies - Guillain-Barré syndrome: rehabilitation

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    Foram revisados artigos nas bases de dados do MedLine (PubMed) e outras fontes de pesquisa, sem limite de tempo. A estratégia de busca utilizada baseou-se em perguntas estruturadas na forma P.I.C.O. (das iniciais "Paciente", "Intervençao", "Controle", "Outcome"). Articles in the MedLine (PubMed) database and other research sources were reviewed, with no age limit. The search strategy used was based on structured questions in the P.I.C.O. format (from the initials: Patient, Intervention, Control and Outcome).&nbsp


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    Ao longo dos anos, o Brasil, passou por reformas administrativas, e com isso, novas ferramentas e práticas de gestão foram introduzidas nas organizações públicas a fim de melhorar a eficiência e reduzir custos, como é o caso das práticas sustentáveis. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar as práticas de gestão ambiental e sustentabilidade adotadas pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM com base nos Relatórios de Gestão (RG), no período 2014-2016. Quanto aos procedimentos metodológicos, realizou-se um estudo de natureza qualitativa, do tipo descritivo por meio de análise documental e de conteúdo. Foram analisados os aspectos de gestão ambiental e sustentabilidade nos Relatórios de Gestão da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), no período 2014-2016. Os resultados apontaram que, apesar da Instituição não participar da Agenda Ambiental da Administração Pública (A3P), a UFSM realiza a separação e a destinação de resíduos recicláveis a associações e/ou cooperativas de catadores. Além disso, possui um Plano de Gestão Logística Sustentável (PLS) e as contratações e compras seguem as orientações de decretos e normas voltados para compras públicas sustentáveis e logísticas reversa