3,717 research outputs found

    Multifaceted Quadruplet of Low-Lying Spin-Zero States in Ni 66: Emergence of Shape Isomerism in Light Nuclei

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    A search for shape isomers in the Ni66 nucleus was performed, following old suggestions of various mean-field models and recent ones, based on state-of-the-art Monte Carlo shell model (MCSM), all considering Ni66 as the lightest nuclear system with shape isomerism. By employing the two-neutron transfer reaction induced by an O18 beam on a Ni64 target, at the sub-Coulomb barrier energy of 39 MeV, all three lowest-excited 0+ states in Ni66 were populated and their γ decay was observed by γ-coincidence technique. The 0+ states lifetimes were assessed with the plunger method, yielding for the 02+, 03+, and 04+ decay to the 21+ state the B(E2) values of 4.3, 0.1, and 0.2 Weisskopf units (W.u.), respectively. MCSM calculations correctly predict the existence of all three excited 0+ states, pointing to the oblate, spherical, and prolate nature of the consecutive excitations. In addition, they account for the hindrance of the E2 decay from the prolate 04+ to the spherical 21+ state, although overestimating its value. This result makes Ni66 a unique nuclear system, apart from U236,238, in which a retarded γ transition from a 0+ deformed state to a spherical configuration is observed, resembling a shape-isomerlike behavior

    Structural and optical properties of rare-earths doped barium bismuth borate glasses

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    Recently, great importance has been devoted to different glass systems doped with rare-earth ions because of their peculiar properties, in particular in the field of high-energy physics for particle energy measurement. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the optical and physical properties of Dy3 +, Er3 +, Nd3 + doped glasses belonging to the 20BaO-20Bi2O3-60B2O3 system in which several rare-earths oxide concentrations were added to encounter the requirements for particle energy measurement. High density, low refractive index, high emission intensity (or high scintillation yield) are required for this purpose. Moreover, molar volume, glass transition and melting temperatures, X-ray diffraction and Raman spectra were measured and discussed in order to characterize the glass state. All the properties measured have shown a non-linear trend moving from 1 mol% to 10 mol% of rare-earths content. At the same time comparison between the trend derived by samples with same stoichiometry but containing different rare earths highlight different behaviors. In particular the highest density has been reached with the glass where Dy2O3 is at 2,5 mol%

    Role of magnetic resonance imaging in the detection and characterization of solid pancreatic nodules: an update

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is the most common malignant tumor of the pancreas. The remaining pancreatic tumors are a diverse group of pancreatic neoplasms that comprises cystic pancreatic neoplasms, endocrine tumors and other uncommon pancreatic tumors. Due to the excellent soft tissue contrast resolution, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is frequently able to readily separate cystic from noncystic tumors. Cystic tumors are often easy to diagnose with MRI; however, noncystic non-adenocarcinoma tumors may show a wide spectrum of imaging features, which can potentially mimic ductal adenocarcinoma. MRI is a reliable technique for the characterization of pancreatic lesions. The implementation of novel motion-resistant pulse sequences and respiratory gating techniques, as well as the recognized benefits of MR cholangiopancreatography, make MRI a very accurate examination for the evaluation of pancreatic masses. MRI has the distinctive ability of non-invasive assessment of the pancreatic ducts, pancreatic parenchyma, neighbouring soft tissues, and vascular network in one examination. MRI can identify different characteristics of various solid pancreatic lesions, potentially allowing the differentiation of adenocarcinoma from other benign and malignant entities. In this review we describe the MRI protocols and MRI characteristics of various solid pancreatic lesions. Recognition of these characteristics may establish the right diagnosis or at least narrow the differential diagnosis, thus avoiding unnecessary tests or procedures and permitting better management


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    Teachers are the most important component in the world of education and occupy a respectable place in society. Teachers have a very big influence on changes in the behavior of their students. Reading, writing and calculating are skills that must be owned and mastered globally. Based on the results of observations made at SDN Kuta Pasie, information was obtained that there were students who had difficulty reading, writing and calculating. The purpose of this study was to analyze the efforts made by the teacher in overcoming reading, writing and arithmetic difficulties, and to analyze the obstacles faced in efforts to deal with reading, writing and numeracy difficulties at SDN Kuta Pasie. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods with data collection techniques of interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate that (1) Efforts made by teachers in overcoming difficulties in reading, writing and arithmetic are all educators who are graduates, learning programs according to the applicable curriculum, conducting initial tests for new students, conducting class workshops, carrying out activities Ramadan reading at the beginning of the fasting month, learning to read using the phonics method, collaborating with parents of students, and providing motivation to learn and encouragement to study enthusiasm for students. (2) The obstacles experienced by teachers are the lack of support and cooperation from parents of students, students who have difficulty reading, writing and calculating tend to be lazy to study, low student memory, unstable student psychology, and limitations of schools in providing supportive media in the process of learning to read, write and count

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran IPS Terhadap Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Kelas 6 di SD

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi hasil pengamatan dan pengalaman peneliti, bahwa pembelajaran di sekolah masih cenderung sangat teoritis dan terkait dengan kehidupan yang ada lingkungan nyata. Permasalahan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh pembelajaran IPS dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis pada siswa di Sekolah Dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskrtiptif kualitatif dengan pengambilan data menggunakan studi pustaka juga wawancara kepada para narasumber yakni guru-guru yang bertugas mengajar di SD Arcamanik 02 kelas 6. Berdasarkan hasil observasi di Sekolah Dasar Arcamanik 02, peneliti telah melakukan wawancara pada guru kelas 6 dan menemukan hal alternatif yang dilakukan oleh guru dalam meningkatkan daya berpikir kritis yaitu denganmenerapkan metode diskusi tipe think pair and share, dimana guru memberikan serangkaian pertanyaan untuk membangkitkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa baik secara lisan maupun tertulis dan juga dikaitkan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Namun masih banyak kelemahan dalam penerapan metodetersebut, kurang aktifnya siswa di dalam kelas, belum mampunya siswa menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh guru dengan menggunakan analisisnya sendiri, siswa terpaku pada buku teks dan pertanyaan yang diajukan siswa hanya sebatas pada tataran ingatan. Hal itu dapat dipengaruhi dari kelemahan penggunaannya media sosial, yang mana anak cenderung memanfaatkan teknologi atau browsing daripada berpikir secara kritis dan kreatif. Kata kunci : pembelajaran IPS, berpikir kritis, media sosia

    Comparative Analysis of Musculoskeletal Disorder Between Female and Male Mechanical Pickers in Gambung Tea Plantation, West Java

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    Previous research has shown that musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are one of the barriers for women to adopting tea-picking mechanization technology. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are defined as a group of injuries that affect the musculoskeletal system including nerves, tendons, muscles, and supporting structures. MSDs are also referred to as injuries due to overactivity or from using a device excessively. Some research results significantly show that gender greatly affects the level of risk of autonomic complaints and that women are more likely to show musculoskeletal symptoms than men. This study examines the comparison of musculoskeletal disorders due to the use of tea picking machines for male and female pickers.  Data collection on musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) complaints was carried out using the Nordic Body Map instrument, in the form of an open questionnaire by interviewing mechanical tea pickers directly. From the data obtained, the average difference in scores for male mechanical tea pickers is 5.3 while the average difference in scores for female mechanical tea pickers is 9. This means that the average female mechanical tea pickers experience musculoskeletal complaints 70% more height than male mechanical tea pickers. MSDs complaints comparison between male and female tea pickers with NBM measurement is 5:9. In conclusion, female mechanical tea pickers suffer from MSDs almost twice as much as males. Considering that the majority of tea pickers are women, gender-responsive machine design interventions are needed

    Comparative Analysis of Musculoskeletal Disorder Between Female and Male Mechanical Pickers in Gambung Tea Plantation, West Java

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    Previous research has shown that musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are one of the barriers for women to adopting tea-picking mechanization technology. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are defined as a group of injuries that affect the musculoskeletal system including nerves, tendons, muscles, and supporting structures. MSDs are also referred to as injuries due to overactivity or from using a device excessively. Some research results significantly show that gender greatly affects the level of risk of autonomic complaints and that women are more likely to show musculoskeletal symptoms than men. This study examines the comparison of musculoskeletal disorders due to the use of tea picking machines for male and female pickers.  Data collection on musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) complaints was carried out using the Nordic Body Map instrument, in the form of an open questionnaire by interviewing mechanical tea pickers directly. From the data obtained, the average difference in scores for male mechanical tea pickers is 5.3 while the average difference in scores for female mechanical tea pickers is 9. This means that the average female mechanical tea pickers experience musculoskeletal complaints 70% more height than male mechanical tea pickers. MSDs complaints comparison between male and female tea pickers with NBM measurement is 5:9. In conclusion, female mechanical tea pickers suffer from MSDs almost twice as much as males. Considering that the majority of tea pickers are women, gender-responsive machine design interventions are needed