24 research outputs found

    “Other Modernities”: Art, Visual Culture and Patrimony Outside the West. An Introduction

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    The notion of modernity as a tabula rasa phenomenon that destroys the present in order to build the future is particularly complicated in the case of non-Western settings, where modernization was often understood as erasing local culture in favor of a template borrowed from the West. Historiographies of non-Western arts have mostly followed such a model, viewing fine arts, associated with modernity, as opposed to “traditional” arts, often commodified in the production of nostalgia or marketed for tourists. This article discusses the complexity of art production in non-Western contexts, beyond such reductive classifications

    ContribuiçÔes do conceito bakhtiniano de gĂȘnero para o ensino de ciĂȘncias humanas na escola / Contributions of the bakhtinian concept of gender to the teaching of human sciences in school

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    O presente artigo aborda algumas discussĂ”es em torno do dialĂ©tico conceito de gĂȘnero em Bakhtin, visando refletir sobre as contribuiçÔes deste conceito para as prĂĄticas de ensino e aprendizagem de CiĂȘncias Humanas na instituição escolar. Neste sentido, tem por objetivo problematizar o papel da linguagem na construção dos sujeitos e suas contribuiçÔes para a ação pedagĂłgica na ĂĄrea em questĂŁo. Ao final, espera-se que esta anĂĄlise possa contribuir para a reflexĂŁo sobre a prĂĄxis docente e sua ação por intermĂ©dio dos gĂȘneros do discurso e da linguagem, entendida como uma construção social.

    Phenotypic and histochemical traits of the interaction between <it>Plasmopara viticola</it> and resistant or susceptible grapevine varieties

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Grapevine downy mildew, caused by <it>Plasmopara viticola</it>, is a very serious disease affecting mainly <it>Vitis vinifera</it> cultivated varieties around the world. Breeding for resistance through the crossing with less susceptible species is one of the possible means to reduce the disease incidence and the application of fungicides. The hybrid Bianca and some of its siblings are considered very promising but their resistance level can vary depending on the pathogen strain. Moreover, virulent strains characterized by high fitness can represent a potential threat to the hybrid cultivation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The host response and the pathogen virulence were quantitatively assessed by artificially inoculating cv Chardonnay, cv Bianca and their siblings with <it>P. viticola</it> isolates derived from single germinating oospores collected in various Italian viticultural areas. The host phenotypes were classified as susceptible, intermediate and resistant, according to the Area Under the Disease Progress Curve caused by the inoculated strain. Host responses in cv Bianca and its siblings significantly varied depending on the <it>P. viticola</it> isolates, which in turn differed in their virulence levels. The fitness of the most virulent strain did not significantly vary on the different hybrids including Bianca in comparison with the susceptible cv Chardonnay, suggesting that no costs are associated with virulence. Among the individual fitness components, only sporangia production was significantly reduced in cv Bianca and in some hybrids. Comparative histological analysis revealed differences between susceptible and resistant plants in the pathogen diffusion and cytology from 48 h after inoculation onwards. Defence mechanisms included callose depositions in the infected stomata, increase in peroxidase activity, synthesis of phenolic compounds and flavonoids and the necrosis of stomata and cells immediately surrounding the point of invasion and determined alterations in the size of the infected areas and in the number of sporangia differentiated.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Some hybrids were able to maintain an intermediate-resistant behaviour even when inoculated with the most virulent strain. Such hybrids should be considered for further field trials.</p

    Octreotide in a Critically Ill Extremely Preterm Infant With Perforated Necrotizing Enterocolitis

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    Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is the most severe gastrointestinal complication of prematurity. Surgery, either peritoneal drainage placement or laparotomy with resection of the intestinal necrotic tracts, is the definitive treatment of perforated NEC; however, when clinical conditions contraindicate surgical approaches, little is known about medical treatments adjuvant or alternative to surgery. Octreotide is a synthetic somatostatin analog that inhibits pancreatic secretion and leads to splanchnic vasoconstriction. In preterm neonates, it is mainly used off-label for chylothorax and congenital hyperinsulinism, whereas gastrointestinal indications are limited. We describe the case of a critically ill extremely low birth weight infant with perforated NEC, who had unsuccessfully undergone peritoneal drainage placement and laparotomy. Her unstable condition contraindicated a further laparotomy, thus off-label treatment with octreotide was attempted. No adverse events occurred. The infant’s condition gradually improved and progressive reduction of peritoneal outputs and successful resolution of pneumoperitoneum were achieved, with no relapse after octreotide discontinuation

    Effetto della microstruttura sulla diffusione dell'idrogeno in acciai al carbonio per pipeline

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    The effect of microstructure on hydrogen diffusion in carbon steels was discussed. The weldable carbon steels, obtained by hot rolling, present a microstructural anisotropy connected with the hot plastic deformation. It was shown that Scanning Photoelectrochemical Microscope Technique (SPEM) resulted a good method to evidence the effect of the steels' microstructure on the hydrogen diffusion

    Goal 16, Promuovere societ\ue0 pacifiche e inclusive per uno sviluppo sostenibile

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    Rapporto Lombardia \ue8 un prodotto editoriale realizzato a partire dal 2017 da PoliS-Lombardia ed \ue8 rivolto, in primo luogo, ai policy maker di Regione Lombardia e, pi\uf9 in generale, ai decisori dei settori politici, economici e sociali della Lombardia. Rapporto Lombardia, in particolare, si propone per essere uno strumento di analisi di contesto a supporto delle loro scelte. Per attuare le misure necessarie a raggiungere gli obiettivi di sostenibilit\ue0 economica, sociale e ambientale, l\u2019Agenda ONU 2030 riconosce un ruolo fondamentale alle qualit\ue0 delle istituzioni e alla capacit\ue0 delle stesse di mettere nelle condizioni i cittadini di esercitare i diritti soggettivi civili e politici quali la sicurezza, l\u2019accesso alle informazioni, la libert\ue0 di espressione, la partecipazione ai processi democratici. Molti dei Target del Goal 16 (Promuovere societ\ue0 pacifiche e inclusive per uno sviluppo sostenibile, garantire a tutti l\u2019accesso alla giustizia, e creare istituzioni efficaci, responsabili e inclusive a tutti i livelli) intercettano temi di stretta attualit\ue0 per Regione Lombardia quali, per esempio, il contrasto e la prevenzione ai fenomeni della corruzione che minano la fiducia dei cittadini nelle istituzioni democratiche e la lotta alle infiltrazioni della criminalit\ue0 organizzata nell\u2019economia e nelle societ\ue0 che minacciano il funzionamento di interi settori produttivi e sono in grado di condizionare le scelte degli amministratori locali e in ultima istanza l\u2019efficacia delle politiche pubbliche. Il capitolo 16, in particolare, si sofferma su alcuni fondamentali temi: Target 16.1 - Ridurre significativamente in ogni dove tutte le forme di violenza e i tassi di mortalit\ue0 connessi con un affondo specifico sulla criminalit\ue0 degli stranieri che rappresenta un fenomeno sempre pi\uf9 diffuso anche nel territorio regionale e in qualche modo alimenta la ridotta percezione di sicurezza dei cittadini lombardi; Target 16.2 - Eliminare l\u2019abuso, lo sfruttamento, il traffico e tutte le forme di violenza e tortura contro i bambini viene dato spazio alle esperienze virtuose presenti in regione di assistenza di minori vittime di abuso, un fenomeno che \ue8 ancora poco conosciuto;Target 16.4 - Ridurre in maniera significativa il finanziamento illecito e il traffico di armi, potenziare il recupero e la restituzione dei beni rubati e combattere tutte le forme di crimine organizzato; Target 16.5 - Ridurre sensibilmente la corruzione e gli abusi di potere in tutte le loro forme in considerazione degli allarmi ripetutamente lanciati sulla permeabilit\ue0 della pubblica amministrazione locale e regionale alla corruzione, i cui confini e la cui dimensione sfuggono ancora a una chiara definizione vista anche la difficolt\ue0 a catturare il fenomeno; Target 16.6 - Sviluppare istituzioni efficaci, responsabili e trasparenti a tutti i livelli. Il Goal 16 ha natura trasversale alle tre aree in cui si articola l\u2019Agenda ONU (sociale, economica, ambientale) in quanto riconosce la centralit\ue0 delle qualit\ue0 delle istituzioni e l\u2019importanza del riconoscimento di alcuni diritti politici