256 research outputs found

    Trayectoria de la territorialidad ganadera campesina y conflictos socioambientales por los servicios ecosistémicos del Chaco Árido (Argentina)

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    Ponencia presentada en el XXIX Congreso ALAS. Santiago, Chile, 30 de septiembre al 4 de octubre de 2013Se analizan desde una perspectiva sociohistórica las estrategias campesinas de apropiación de los servicios ecosistémicos del Chaco Árido en el Oeste de Córdoba (Argentina). Se identifican tres etapas: i) Primero, en la época Colonial, predominó la cría extensiva de caprinos y un aprovechamiento diversificado del ecosistema para la subsistencia campesina; ii) Luego, a finales del siglo XIX, se inicia la explotación forestal para madera, leña y carbón; iii) Finalmente, a fines del siglo XX, avanza la explotación ganadera bovina y empresarial. Las dos últimas etapas implican un uso intensivo del ecosistema por parte de actores empresariales y la conversión del capital natural en capital económico, en detrimento de la capricultura, principal estrategia campesina de supervivencia. Se concluye que las tensiones entre lógicas divergentes de uso y valoración de los SE explican los conflictos socioambientales presentes en el territorio.Fil: Silvetti, Felicitas M. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Departamento de Desarrollo Rural; Argentina

    MoonLight: a lightweight tool for monitoring spatio-temporal properties

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    We present MoonLight, a tool for monitoring temporal and spatio-temporal properties of mobile, spatially distributed, and interacting entities such as biological and cyber-physical systems. In MoonLight the space is represented as a weighted graph describing the topological configuration in which the single entities are arranged. Both nodes and edges have attributes modeling physical quantities and logical states of the system evolving in time. MoonLight is implemented in Java and supports the monitoring of Spatio-Temporal Reach and Escape Logic (STREL). MoonLight can be used as a standalone command line tool, such as Java API, or via MatlabTM and Python interfaces. We provide here the description of the tool, its interfaces, and its scripting language using a sensor network and a bike sharing example. We evaluate the tool performances both by comparing it with other tools specialized in monitoring only temporal properties and by monitoring spatio-temporal requirements considering different sizes of dynamical and spatial graphs

    Construir un diagnóstico agroecológico multidimensional. Un gran desafío para extensionistas

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    En la zona central de la provincia de Córdoba tiene lugar un proceso de transición agroecológica en sistemas de producción de hortalizas desde 2009. Para el equipo extensionista que acompaña el proceso de diálogo horizontal, la capacidad de construcción colectiva de un diagnóstico sociotécnico constituye un gran desafío por la multidimensionalidad que implica el enfoque agroecológico. En este marco se reflexiona sobre las dificultades para desarrollar herramientas conceptuales y metodológicas que cuestionen prácticas y representaciones sociales, tanto en el campo académico como en el saber-hacer cotidiano, incorporando los conflictos de visiones/intereses que ello involucra. A ello se suma la necesidad de un marco institucional para garantizar la continuidad y riqueza del diagnóstico, iniciando en la formación de grado de futuros profesionales.In the central area of the province of Córdoba, an agroecological transition process has taken place in the vegetable production systems since 2009. For the outreach team which accompanies the process of horizontal dialogue, the collective construction capacity of a sociotechnical diagnosis represents a great challenge due to the multidimensionality involved in the agroecological approach. In this framework, we reflect on the difficulties in developing conceptual and methodological tools that question social practices and representations, both in the academic field and in the daily know-how, incorporating the conflicts of visions / interests that this involves. In addition, there exists the need for an institutional framework to guarantee the continuity and richness of the diagnosis, particularly when training undergraduates and future professionals.publishedVersionFil: Silvetti, Felicitas. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; Argentina.Fil: Ferrer, Guillermo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; Argentina

    The sensor-based biomechanical risk assessment at the base of the need for revising of standards for human ergonomics

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    Due to the epochal changes introduced by “Industry 4.0”, it is getting harder to apply the varying approaches for biomechanical risk assessment of manual handling tasks used to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMDs) considered within the International Standards for ergonomics. In fact, the innovative human–robot collaboration (HRC) systems are widening the number of work motor tasks that cannot be assessed. On the other hand, new sensor-based tools for biomechanical risk assessment could be used for both quantitative “direct instrumental evaluations” and “rating of standard methods”, allowing certain improvements over traditional methods. In this light, this Letter aims at detecting the need for revising the standards for human ergonomics and biomechanical risk assessment by analyzing the WMDs prevalence and incidence; additionally, the strengths and weaknesses of traditional methods listed within the International Standards for manual handling activities and the next challenges needed for their revision are considered. As a representative example, the discussion is referred to the lifting of heavy loads where the revision should include the use of sensor-based tools for biomechanical risk assessment during lifting performed with the use of exoskeletons, by more than one person (team lifting) and when the traditional methods cannot be applied. The wearability of sensing and feedback sensors in addition to human augmentation technologies allows for increasing workers’ awareness about possible risks and enhance the effectiveness and safety during the execution of in many manual handling activities

    Left ventricular (LV) pacing in newborns and infants. Echo assessment of LV systolic function and synchrony at 5-year follow-up

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    Background: Small retrospective studies reported that left ventricular (LV) pacing is likely to preserve LV function in children with isolated congenital complete atrioventricular block (CCAVB). The aim of this study was to prospectively evaluate LV contractility and synchrony in a cohort of neonates/infants at pacemaker implantation and follow-up. Methods: Patients with CCAVB who underwent LV pacing were evaluated with electrocardiogram and echocardiogram in a single-center, prospective study. Data were collected at implantation, at 1-month and every year of follow-up, up to 5 years. LV ventricular dimensions (diameters and volumes), systolic function (ejection fraction [EF] and global longitudinal strain [GLS]), and synchrony were evaluated. Data are reported as median (25th-75th centiles). Results: Twenty consecutive patients with CCAVB underwent pacemaker implantation (12 single-chamber pacemaker [VVIR] and eight dual-chamber pacemaker [DDD]) with epicardial leads: 17 on the LV apex and three on the free wall. Age at implantation was 0.3 months (1 day-4.5 months). Patients showed good clinical status, normal LV dimensions, preserved systolic function, and synchrony at 60 (30-60) months follow-up. EF increased to normal values in patients with preimplantation EF <50%. Presence of antibodies and pacing mode (DDD vs VVIR) had no impact on the outcome. Conclusions: LV pacing preserved LV systolic function and synchrony in neonates and infants with CCAVB at 5-year follow-up. LV EF improved in patients with low preimplantation EF. Pacing mode or the presence of autoantibodies did not demonstrated an impact on LV contractility and synchrony

    Internal heterogeneify and differential vuínerability in peasant communities of North-western Córdoba, Argentina

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    Este trabajo propone analizar, a) la heterogeneidad interna existente en dos comunidades de pequeños productores del Noroeste de Córdoba, Argentina; y b) la relación existente entre la heterogeneidad social y los distintos niveles de vulnerabilidad de los sistemas de producción.Se estudiaron 38 familias campesinas de las pedanías de Copacabana y Toyos (Departamento de Ischilín), relevando la información mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas, a lo largo de 4 visitas individuales a cada familia. Se relevaron 33 variables las que fueron sometidas a técnicas multivariantes de ordenamiento y clasificación. Se concluye que: a) En las comunidades estudiadas, el sector de los pequeños productores es altamente heterogéneo, identificándose dos subtipos: predominan­temente ganaderos (PPG) y predominantemente artesanos (PPA). La heterogeneidad se observa sobre todo a nivel de variables estructurales y estrategias de supervi­vencia: mientras los PPG maximizan el ingreso global, los PPA maximizan el ingreso monetario, b) La dotación de capital de cada subtipo, su inserción en los mercados y su particular estrategia productiva, condicionan diferentes niveles de vulnerabili­dad de los sistemas campesinos ante cambios adversos (internos o externos). Los PPA son más vulnerables que los PPG por su menor control de las variables de las cuales depende su reproducción social.This paper examines: a) the internal heterogeneity of two peasant communities in north-western Córdoba, Argentina, and b) the relationship between social heterogeneity and the vuínerability of their productive systems. Thirty-three variables were studied in thirty-eight peasant families of Copacabana and San Pedro Toyos, Ischilín County, Córdoba. The Information was collected during four individual visits to each farm, using semi-structured questionnaires. Multivariate classification and ordination techmques were used to analyse the data. It is concluded that: a) The smallhoíders sector is highly heterogeneous, and can be divided into íwo subtypes: livestock raisers (PPG), and craftsmen (PPA), This heterogeneity is mainly related to structural variables and livelihood strategies: PPG maximise overall income, whereas PPA maximise cash income, b) The c a p ita l endowment oí each subtype, their articulation with the markets, and their specific productive strategies, determine different levels of vulnerability in the face of adverse changes (either internal or external). PPA are more vulnerable than PPG because of their weaker control over the variables that determine their social reproduction.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Screening high school students in Italy for sudden cardiac death prevention by using a telecardiology device. a retrospective observational study

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    BACKGROUND: In 2010, an Italian project was launched aimed at using a telecardiology device in order to perform early diagnosis of young students at risk of sudden cardiac death. METHODS: Our retrospective observational study was conducted on a population of 13,016 students, aged between 16 and 19 years, in different Italian regions. It consisted of analysis of data recorded during a telecardiology pilot study. The recorded data were electrocardiograms and data concerning lifestyle habits and family history of cardiovascular diseases. In total, 14 alterations in the electrocardiogram signal have been considered in this study. Some of these alterations are as follows: ventricular ectopic beats, atrioventricular block, Brugada-like electrocardiogram pattern, left anterior/posterior fascicular block, left/right ventricular hypertrophy, long/short QT interval, left atrial enlargement, right atrial enlargement, short PQ interval, and ventricular pre-excitation Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. On the basis of the collected data, we implemented this retrospective observational study. RESULTS: The analysed data showed that 13.60% of students had a family history for cardiovascular diseases, 22.43% reported smoking habits, 26.23% reported alcohol consumption, and 7.24% reported abuse of drugs. A total of 24% of students had at least one of the 14 electrocardiogram pathological alterations considered in our study and 32% had electrocardiogram values within the normal range. CONCLUSIONS: This retrospective observational study analysed data registered during our telecardiology activity. This activity permitted to maximise data collection and minimise the costs for collecting such data. This activity of screening is being continued and in the next few years it will allow us to have a greater mass of data

    Proteolytic Activity and Production of γ-Aminobutyric Acid by Streptococcus thermophilus Cultivated in Microfiltered Pasteurized Milk

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    A set of 191 strains of Streptococcus thermophilus were preliminarily screened for the presence of the genes codifying for cell envelope-associated proteinase (prtS) and for glutamate decarboxylase (gadB) responsible for \u3b3-aminobutyric acid (GABA) production. The growth and proteolytic activity of the gadB-positive strains (9 presenting the prtS gene and 11 lacking it) were studied in microfiltered pasteurized milk. Degradation of both caseins (capillary electrophoresis) and soluble nitrogen fractions (HPLC) and changes in the profile of free amino acids (FAAs; ion-exchange chromatography) were evaluated at inoculation and after 6 and 24 h of incubation at 41 \ub0C. None of the strains was capable of hydrolyzing caseins and \u3b2-lactoglobulin, and only two hydrolyzed part of \u3b1-lactalbumin, these proteins being present in their native states in pasteurized milk. Contrarily, most strains were able to hydrolyze peptones and peptides. For initial growth, most strains relied on the FAAs present in milk, whereas, after 6 h, prtS+ strains released variable amounts of FAA. One prtS+ strain expressed a PrtS- phenotype, and two prtS- strains showed a rather intense proteolytic activity. Only five strains (all prtS+) produced GABA, in variable quantities (up to 100 mg/L) and at different rates, depending on the acidification strength. Addition of glutamate did not induce production of GABA in nonproducing strains that, however, unexpectedly were shown to adopt the degradation of arginine into citrulline and ornithine as an alternative acid resistance system and likely as a source of ATP

    Evaluation of microbial consortia and chemical changes in spontaneous maize bran fermentation

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    Sustainable exploitation of agro-industrial by-products has attracted great interest in cereal bran valorization. In this research, a polyphasic approach has been carried out to characterize maize bran at microbiological and chemical level during a sourdough like fermentation process, in order to enhance its technological and nutritional properties. Autochthonous microbiota was isolated at different refreshment steps and subjected to identification and molecular characterization. Fermentation was characterized by a rapid increase in lactic acid bacteria and yeasts, with a co-dominance, at the initial stage, of Weissella spp., Pediococcus spp. and Wickerhamomyces anomalus. At the end of the fermentation, a natural selection was produced, with the prevalence of Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus brevis and Kazachstania unispora. This is the first time that a specific association between LAB and yeasts is reported, during the maize bran fermentation process. Enzymatic activities related to this microbial consortium promoted a \u201cdestructuration\u201d of the fiber fraction, an increase in soluble dietary fiber and a reduction of phytic acid content. Our data also evidenced a noticeable increment in ferulic acid. The results obtained indicate that fermentation processes represent an efficient biotechnological approach to increase nutritional and functional potential of maize bran. Moreover, the characterization of microbiota involved in natural fermentation process will allow the selection of specific biotypes, with appropriate metabolic and enzymatic activities, to conduct \u201ctailored\u201d fermentation processes and improve brans or whole-meal flours from both nutritional and technological points of view