5 research outputs found

    Beyond predator satiation : masting but also the effects of rainfall stochasticity on weevils drive acorn predation

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    Escaping seed predation is a classic "economy of scale" hypotheses (predator satiation hypothesis, Psh) to explain the selection for the synchronous production of massive and nil seed crops (masting) in plants. The Psh postulates that predator satiation occurs through a combination of (1) "functional satiation," as not all seeds can be consumed during a massive crop, and (2) "numerical satiation," as predator populations collapse during poor crop years. Many studies advocate for the Psh, but few have investigated the importance of masting compared to other factors for the control of predation extent. Namely, environmental cues prompting masting could also determine predator's success and, ultimately, influence directly and independently seed predation intensity. We explored this question in Mediterranean oaks, as they exhibit strong masting behavior; acorns are heavily predated upon by weevils; and rainfall stochasticity drives masting and the emergence of adult weevils from the soil. Results of two mid-term studies (4 and 11 yr) showed that acorn production and predation were highly variable across years, while the abundance of adult weevils was positively related to autumn rainfall and to the number of infested acorns the previous years. Ultimately, acorn predation was negatively influenced by inter-annual fluctuation of seed production (masting) yet, mainly and positively, prompted by autumn rainfall and acorn crop size (only in one site). Our results highlight the relevance of masting to reduce seed predation. Yet evidences that rainfall stochasticity directly determines the success of weevils, and it independently influences seed predation extent, indicate that environmental cues prompting masting may also fine-tune the output of this reproductive behavior. Additionally, local differences suggest that the relevance of masting may change with tree characteristics (low vs. high seed production) and landscape structure (isolated vs. dense forests). We also discuss what can be the effects of increasing drought in Mediterranean areas for this antagonistic interaction, triggered by rainfall

    Similaridade genética entre acessos de Bidens pilosa resistentes aos herbicidas inibidores da ALS Genetic similarity among Bidens pilosa accesses resistant to ALS-inhibiting herbicides

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    Herbicidas inibidores da enzima acetolactato sintase (ALS) têm sido amplamente utilizados no controle da planta daninha picão-preto (Bidens pilosa). A pressão de seleção causada pelo uso intensivo desses herbicidas tem selecionado biótipos de picão-preto resistentes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o grau de similaridade genética entre acessos de picão-preto resistentes aos herbicidas inibidores da ALS, bem como a relação entre coeficiente de similaridade genética e distância geográfica desses acessos. Para isso, sementes de dois grupos de acessos de picão-preto, originárias de uma propriedade em Pato Branco, Paraná, resistentes aos herbicidas inibidores da ALS foram colhidas, e plântulas foram cultivadas em casa de vegetação na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre-RS, em outubro de 2004. Por meio do marcador molecular RAPD (polimorfismo de DNA amplificado ao acaso) foi possível avaliar a similaridade genética entre os acessos de picão-preto. Na análise conjunta dos acessos, dos 20 primers utilizados, 17 apresentaram-se polimórficos, amplificando um total de 94 bandas. Houve baixa similaridade genética (38%) entre acessos de picão-preto resistentes aos herbicidas inibidores da ALS originários de uma mesma propriedade. Não foi observada relação entre distância genética e distância geográfica entre os acessos avaliados.<br>Acetolactate synthase (ALS)-inhibiting herbicides have been widely used to control the weed hairy beggarticks (Bidens pilosa). The selection pressure caused by intensive herbicide use has selected hairy beggarticks resistant biotypes. The objectives of this work were to evaluate the degree of genetic similarity among hairy beggarticks accesses (Bidens pilosa) resistant to ALS-inhibiting herbicides, and to evaluate the relation between genetic similarity and geographic distance. Seeds of two groups of hairy beggarticks accesses resistant to ALS-inhibitors were sampled from a farm at Pato Branco, Paraná, and seedlings were grown in the greenhouse at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS, in Ocober/2004. The use of RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) molecular markers allowed evaluating the genetic similarity among hairy beggarticks accesses. In the analysis of both access groups, out of twenty primers assessed, only seventeen displayed polymorphism and amplified a total of 94 bands. There is low genetic similarity (38%) among hairy beggarticks accesses resistant to ALS inhibitors from the same farm. There is no relationship between genetic distance and geographic distance in the evaluated accesses

    Estrutura e composição do estrato de regeneração em um fragmento florestal urbano: implicações para a dinâmica e a conservação da comunidade arbórea Structure and composition of the regeneration layer in an urban forest fragment: implications for the dynamics and conservation of the tree community

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    Este estudo foi realizado em um fragmento de floresta estacional semidecídua, sujeito a longo histórico de perturbação antrópica, localizado no perímetro urbano de Uberlândia, MG. Teve como objetivo avaliar a composição e a estrutura do estrato regenerativo e comparar com a comunidade adulta do dossel, de forma a revelar informações importantes sobre o funcionamento do ambiente e a dinâmica dessa formação vegetal. Para o levantamento do estrato regenerativo, utilizaram-se 30 parcelas de 10&times;10 m, onde todos os indivíduos com altura igual ou superior a um metro tiveram medidos a altura e o diâmetro ao nível do solo. A presença de espécies tardias de grande porte no estrato adulto, sem a correspondência de abundância no estrato regenerativo, sugere que as perturbações atingem diretamente o estrato inferior. O dossel da floresta estacional do Parque do Sabiá é composto de árvores que, provavelmente, possuem dezenas de anos e a formação de clareiras, naturais ou antrópicas, estimula o estabelecimento de espécies pioneiras. De forma geral, as espécies importantes do estrato regenerativo sugerem que a comunidade está sofrendo mudanças na sua composição florística, em um processo de sucessão caracterizado pela presença de grande número de indivíduos regenerantes, de espécies pertencentes aos primeiros estágios sucessionais.<br>This study was carried out in a semideciduous seasonal forest fragment with a long history of manmade disturbance, located in urban Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. The aim was to compare the composition and structure of the regeneration layer with that of the adult canopy layer in order to obtain information on environmental functioning and the dynamics of this plant formation. In 30 plots of 10&times;10 m, plants equal to or taller than one meter were surveyed, recording height and stem diameter at soil level. The presence of large trees of secondary species in the canopy layer, without corresponding abundance in the regeneration layer, suggests that disturbance affects the understory directly. The canopy of the seasonal forest at Parque do Sabiá is composed of trees probably decades old; natural or manmade gap formation stimulates the establishment of pioneer species. In general, the important species of the regeneration layer suggest that the floristic composition of the community is changing in a process of succession characterized by the presence of many young individuals belonging to species of the early successional stages