310 research outputs found

    Behavioral Phenotyping of Juvenile Long-Evans and Sprague-Dawley Rats: Implications for Preclinical Models of Autism Spectrum Disorders.

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    The laboratory rat is emerging as an attractive preclinical animal model of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), allowing investigators to explore genetic, environmental and pharmacological manipulations in a species exhibiting complex, reciprocal social behavior. The present study was carried out to compare two commonly used strains of laboratory rats, Sprague-Dawley (SD) and Long-Evans (LE), between the ages of postnatal day (PND) 26-56 using high-throughput behavioral phenotyping tools commonly used in mouse models of ASD that we have adapted for use in rats. We detected few differences between young SD and LE strains on standard assays of exploration, sensorimotor gating, anxiety, repetitive behaviors, and learning. Both SD and LE strains also demonstrated sociability in the 3-chamber social approach test as indexed by spending more time in the social chamber with a constrained age/strain/sex matched novel partner than in an identical chamber without a partner. Pronounced differences between the two strains were, however, detected when the rats were allowed to freely interact with a novel partner in the social dyad paradigm. The SD rats in this particular testing paradigm engaged in play more frequently and for longer durations than the LE rats at both juvenile and young adult developmental time points. Results from this study that are particularly relevant for developing preclinical ASD models in rats are threefold: (i) commonly utilized strains exhibit unique patterns of social interactions, including strain-specific play behaviors, (ii) the testing environment may profoundly influence the expression of strain-specific social behavior and (iii) simple, automated measures of sociability may not capture the complexities of rat social interactions

    Twitter takeover: an examination of the United States Women's National Soccer Team twitter during the 2011 World Cup and recommendations for the 2012 Olympics

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    This project looks at how social media can be beneficial to women's sports through examining the context of tweets from the United States Women's National Soccer Team's (USWNT) tweets during the 2011 FIFA Women's World Cup. By creating best practices lists for social media, this project also proposes a Twitter campaign for the 2012 London Olympics for the USWNT

    Suicidal students' use of and attitudes to primary care prevention services

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    Aim The aims of this study were to improve responses to students in distress and who are feeling suicidal, to help practitioners to increase their responsiveness to those at high risk of suicide and to develop effective responses to those affected by their deaths. The study sought to build a detailed picture of students’ patterns of service use. Background National suicide prevention strategies emphasise that suicide prevention requires the collaboration of a wide range of organisations. Among these, primary care services play a key role in relation to suicide prevention for young people in crisis. Methods This study, undertaken between 2004 and 2007, focused on 20 case studies of student suicide that took place in the United Kingdom between May 2000 and June 2005. It adopted a psychological autopsy approach to learn from a wide range of informants, including parents, friends, university staff and the records of coroners or procurator fiscals. Twenty families gave permission for their son’s or daughter’s death to be included in the study and agreed to participate in the study. Informants were interviewed in person and the data were analysed thematically. Analysis of the case study data suggested that in a number of cases students had failed to engage with services sufficiently early or in sufficient depth. Primary care practitioners need to be proactive in communicating concerns about vulnerable students to student support services. At local levels, collaboration between student support and National Health Service practitioners varied considerably and channels of communication need to be developed

    Transcript secure signatures based on modular lattices

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    We introduce a class of lattice-based digital signature schemes based on modular properties of the coordinates of lattice vectors. We also suggest a method of making such schemes transcript secure via a rejection sampling technique of Lyubashevsky (2009). A particular instantiation of this approach is given, using NTRU lattices. Although the scheme is not supported by a formal security reduction, we present arguments for its security and derive concrete parameters (first version) based on the performance of state-of-the-art lattice reduction and enumeration tech- niques. In the revision, we re-evaluate the security of first version of the parameter sets, under the hybrid approach of lattice reduction attack the meet-in-the-middle attack. We present new sets of parameters that are robust against this attack, as well as all previous known attacks

    Choosing Parameters for NTRUEncrypt

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    We describe a methods for generating parameter sets and calculating security estimates for NTRUEncrypt. Analyses are provided for the standardized product-form parameter sets from IEEE 1363.1-2008 and for the NTRU Challenge parameter sets

    DA-Encrypt: Homomorphic Encryption via Non-Archimedean Diophantine Approximation --- Preliminary Report

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    We give a theoretical description of a new homomorphic encryption scheme DA-Encrypt that is based on (non-archimedean) Diophantine Approximation

    Effects of early life exposure to traffic-related air pollution on brain development in juvenile Sprague-Dawley rats

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    Epidemiological studies link traffic-related air pollution (TRAP) to increased risk for various neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs); however, there are limited preclinical data demonstrating a causal relationship between TRAP and adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes. Moreover, much of the preclinical literature reports effects of concentrated ambient particles or diesel exhaust that do not recapitulate the complexity of real-world TRAP exposures. To assess the developmental neurotoxicity of more realistic TRAP exposures, we exposed male and female rats during gestation and early postnatal development to TRAP drawn directly from a traffic tunnel in Northern California and delivered to animals in real-time. We compared NDD-relevant neuropathological outcomes at postnatal days 51-55 in TRAP-exposed animals versus control subjects exposed to filtered air. As indicated by immunohistochemical analyses, TRAP significantly increased microglial infiltration in the CA1 hippocampus, but decreased astrogliosis in the dentate gyrus. TRAP exposure had no persistent effect on pro-inflammatory cytokine levels in the male or female brain, but did significantly elevate the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 in females. In male rats, TRAP significantly increased hippocampal neurogenesis, while in females, TRAP increased granule cell layer width. TRAP had no effect on apoptosis in either sex. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed that TRAP-exposed females, but not males, also exhibited decreased lateral ventricular volume, which was correlated with increased granule cell layer width in the hippocampus in females. Collectively, these data indicate that exposure to real-world levels of TRAP during gestation and early postnatal development modulate neurodevelopment, corroborating epidemiological evidence of an association between TRAP exposure and increased risk of NDDs

    Fully Homomorphic Encryption from the Finite Field Isomorphism Problem

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    If qq is a prime and nn is a positive integer then any two finite fields of order qnq^n are isomorphic. Elements of these fields can be thought of as polynomials with coefficients chosen modulo qq, and a notion of length can be associated to these polynomials. A non-trivial isomorphism between the fields, in general, does not preserve this length, and a short element in one field will usually have an image in the other field with coefficients appearing to be randomly and uniformly distributed modulo qq. This key feature allows us to create a new family of cryptographic constructions based on the difficulty of recovering a secret isomorphism between two finite fields. In this paper we describe a fully homomorphic encryption scheme based on this new hard problem
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